The Trump White House having a *military* band play this *Shaker* Hymn, as reinterpreted by Aaron Copland, a gay Jewish leftist, is a clear sign that irony is dead and buried, and the earth over it has been salted, limed, and scoured with a propane blow torch.
— Seth Cotlar (@SethCotlar) September 21, 2019
The Wikipedia entry is pretty accurate: "They practice a celibate & communal lifestyle, pacifism, uniform charismatic worship, & their model of equality of the sexes…They are also known for their simple living, architecture, technological innovation, & furniture."
— Seth Cotlar (@SethCotlar) September 21, 2019
In addition, President Trump's pal Roy Cohn personally grilled Copland for his alleged Communist sympathies during the McCarthy Red Scare. Here's a great podcast on that.
— Seth Cotlar (@SethCotlar) September 21, 2019
I can't think of a human who more fully embodies the absolute opposite of everything the Shakers and Aaron Copland stood for, than Donald J. Trump.
— Seth Cotlar (@SethCotlar) September 21, 2019
OMG…it was right there for the taking…and I missed it. Nicely done.
— Seth Cotlar (@SethCotlar) September 21, 2019
A bit of icing.
Copeland LOATHED brass timbres.
— Bo Dingus (@ursus086) September 21, 2019
Saturday Morning Open Thread: The (Musical) Tribute Vice Pays to VirtuePost + Comments (176)