I was off the Internets for most of yesterday, so I checked out some front pages to see if I missed anything.
Here’s the New York Times. Mitt Romney is so fascinating that he gets two stories. He’s beating Obama’s fundraising on Wall Street, if nowhere else, since Obama raised more than 5 times what Mitt did during the last cycle. And did you know he’s a Mormon? Things are also happening in Senegal and Iran, people are climbing mountains faster, and bank fees are going up. That’s it — all the most important news from yesterday, in the judgment of the nation’s paper of record.
I guess if you wanted to know that something else big happened in New York, you’d have to pick up a copy of the Daily News. And even the conservative New York Post gets it.
I’m disconnecting again, but I’ll be back to check comments later. Maybe one of you guys can explain why I’m supposed to pay money to subscribe to a paper with this kind of news judgment.
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