First off, in Balloon Juice pet news…
I don’t care how adorable Pete is, I am totally on Team Badger. Sitting on your housemate’s head is a bridge too far.
And Soprano2 found her kitty! Two doors down, yay!
So… pet strategies.
To wake me up in the morning, the kitties jump on the bed, but I ignore them if it’s too early. Except that Mr. Bear gives me a single lick on my forehead, which I take as a declaration of love, and I say “thank you Mr. Bear, that’s so sweet.” Phase 2 of their strategy is wake up Henry, who then cries in his crate, right on cue, until I get up. Which doesn’t take long because Henry has a skill at sounding desperately pathetic when they kitties have told him that it’s time to get up.
Mealtime strategy is to gaslight me into thinking I haven’t fed them, which can occasionally happen when I’m super busy with work. But I tell them “too early!’ in a chipper tone of voice. Which used to work. The latest, though, is that Henry tells me that he really really really has to go out, right this minute, so I get up and walk toward the porch and then he just stands there by the kitchen. Since I’m already up, there’s a decent chance that they get their way.
My guys can’t be the only ones who stay up late thinking of ways to get what they want.
Moving on to mocking the creeps in the other party.
h/t Jackie for these two pics. And Subaru Diane for the one at the bottom!
I think maybe we should get Almost Retired’s mom to caption this photo.
And I’ll only post this one of Gaetz as a thumbnail. Click to embiggen at your own risk.
Is it possible that some plastic surgeon did this to him on purpose? I bet the 17-year-old girls will love this look!
Anyhoo, (mostly) Open Thread. No discussion of will he or won’t he, should he or shouldn’t he, etc, in this thread. PLEASE. Lots of other threads where you can talk about that.
Oh, and I am baking peach cobbler, and it’s starting to smell really good.
I’ll add a photo once it comes out of the oven.
J. Arthur Crank
Jesus Hussein Christ, that picture of Gaetz. I would usually say “he is just as God left him”, but that would invite a lightening strike for trying to pin the blame on God.
Can haz Bob Newhart memorial thread?
(Yeah, I’m greedy asking for another new thread.)
Dammit, I wish I had some peach cobbler. With a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
And here I didn’t think these guys were in favor of drag.
@NotMax: I wish I had thought of that as I was putting this together!
But because you asked so nicely, I will put one together for the “after” party post later tonight.Ohio Mom
I had a lovely day with an old friend who moved to California a number of years ago and was passing through on her way home (small town in northern Ohio) for a funeral.
There’s something so comforting about being with someone who knows your history and that feeling that you don’t have to explain anything, they already know.
@J. Arthur Crank: re Matty Gaetz, the betting seems to be on botox. Whatever, I would say it counts as a Serious Mistake, except then I look at pix of many of the other, ah, people at that place, and … 😱
I made blackberry cobbler the other day. Bubbly goodness with vanilla ice cream. That’s what I’m taking about.
Standing by for the vicarious enjoyment of cobbler through the magic of electromagnetic particle wave duality.
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: The older I get, the more often I feel like a Bob Newhart character, the only sane and grounded one in a crowd of people with loose screws.
Old Dan and Little Ann
I had 2 young blonde girls wearing Latter Day Saints shirts ring my door bell today and invite me to church on Sunday. They must know something I dont. I was in no mood for snark and simply said, No thanks. Nice day for a walk around, though.
I was baking two strawberry-rhubarb pies for my family who were visiting and I heard a big boom. I went into the kitchen and saw fire in the oven. 😳 I turn it off and the fire went out but the heating element was destroyed. But the pies weren’t done! That is not acceptable. So I turned the broiler on low and finished the pies using the broiler.
I ordered a new range but the important thing is the pies turned out great.
The end. 😉
Cat strategy: cat hat, paws on either side of head. Make biscuits with claws ever so slightly extended. Accept pets as due the queen.
In pet news that surprises nobody, we agreed to take the last 2 cats from a house of 6 whose people were being made homeless.
So now we have 6 cats sharing 3 crates out in our outbuilding…
Wait, you’re saying that’s not a generative A-I picture of Gaetz?
Wish I weren’t about to head to bed, because I think a Bob Newhart post will be epic. I’ve been listening to sketches from The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart (The Most Celebrated Comic Since Attila the Hun) and Lord was that man funny.
Gloria DryGarden
Some people go get an eyeliner tatoo …
I shrieked over the bottom cartoon, “so glad you took it as a compliment.”
good gods!
my cat got switched to evening feedings because of the too early morning wake ups. I think most cats enjoy telling everyone that they’re never fed, and are starving. I’ve certainly seen and heard it from many. It’s charming to be reminded. My cat is long gone.
After work tomorrow, Mr. Mouse and I are going to leave the Little Mouses with the grandparents for our own little excursion.
I need a break from the politics and blog so I will probably be MIA this weekend.
FYI, in advance, in case anyone wonders where I am. I’m not always in threads, so maybe no one would notice.
Self care!
Omnes Omnibus
The college radio station in Madison, WSUM, has a show on Thursday nights called Cleaning Up the Kitchen by DJ Chef. It is about cooking and music. Every week DJ Chef talks about a particular food that she made recently, its history, how to make it, how it turned out this time and plays music that fits the food. This week it happened to be peach cobbler.
@Scout211: That’s amazing that pie worked under the broiler!
Have I ever told you guys about the time the glass on the front of my oven just completely shattered out of nowhere as I was standing in the kitchen, not even touching it?
All the little piece of glass rained down on me like a little glass shower, and the went into the crevices around the oven door. So it wouldn’t open, and my meatloaf was only half baked.
And the oven repair guy couldn’t come for a week! So I had an “aging’ partially cooked meatloaf in the oven for 7 days. Lovely!
VFX Lurker
Glad Soprano2 reunited with her kitty. ❤️
At the end of May, I mailed in my passport for renewal. A week later, my husband filled out the online application to renew his green card.
Hubby received his replacement card 12 days later. I received my new passport a month after my application arrived.
Happy for the swift government service. Hoping our experiences represent the current norm and not lucky exceptions.
@WaterGirl: @NotMax
On second thought, I bet Anne Laurie is putting together a Bob Newhart post, and hers would surely be better than mine. And Bob Newhart deserves the best.
I looked and looked for the “sit, whitey!” clip on YouTube– with no success. If anybody comes across that, please post a link.
@Scout211: I LOVE Rhubarb pie!
My kitty, Sassy, is very good at training me to do what she wants. Isn’t difficult, because she is a cutie- patootie.
Her favorite toy is a bunch of curly ribbons and a fuzzy “worm” on a string wand. Every morning when I go into the living room, she sits next to the toy and stares at me until I play with her. I think the toy is her security blanket, because I’ll find it in the bedroom when I come home from errands; sometimes at night she’ll drag it down the hall into the bedroom (she wants to make sure I don’t forget to play.
She is not a lap cat. At all. She does lay next to me in the recliner, though. She lived in a shelter until I adopted her (she was almost a year old) and I wonder if she never had an opportunity to be a lap cat. I’m okay with it, whatever makes her happy!
She is a very good girl.
Leaving the kids with the grandparents is my favorite time ever! It was great when my kids were little and it’s especially wonderful as a grandparent.
Enjoy your excursion.
@Timill: Fostering or parenting?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: All decent people do.
zhena gogolia
@J. Arthur Crank: I mean, it’s so perfectly Beavis (or is it Butthead?)
And a happy ending it is!
Ehhh, not that kind.
Chet Murthy
@VFX Lurker: It’s possible they were lucky exceptions: my application for passport renewal was stuck in the USPS for nearly a month, even though I paid for some sort of receipt on delivery. Ah, well. took about 2mos overall, and I had paid for expedited processing (didn’t need it — just didn’t feel like trusting to the Gods of Chance).
@WaterGirl: OMG. You won the oven disaster story hands down.
@Mousebumples: Looks like I need to read your email in the morning and respond before you leave town.
Enjoy your weekend getaway!
Is cheap scotch and ginger ale any good?
I’m about to find out…
Jazz of beloved memory had a system to wake me up. First he would lay on my chest, purring very loud. Then he would stand on my chest, using the Variable Gravity method cats have to make each foot heavier than his entire body.
If that didn’t work, he would use the ultimate wake-up-Mommy technique and lick my nose, somehow managing to lick the inside.
Try sleeping through that. Try fake-sleeping through that.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: Report back. Please. If you can.
@Mousebumples: Have fun! Your posts are very inspiring, you do so much with postcards. I’m pretty swamped with quilt commissions, but I keep thinking about making you a “quilted” postcard to honor your work. Now if I could come up with a good design just for you!
Digger used to wake up at the crack of dawn, stand by my side of the bed and stare at me, willing me awake. If an eyelid so much as fluttered, he would poke me with his nose and start to whine. It took weeks of no and training to get him to understand it was too early, but he could come up in the bed between us, cuddle for a bit, and take a nap with us. Casey would wait until Digger was up on the bed, then would curl up behind my knees. Capra our orange tabby would come to bed when we did, and would sleep on top of me, Pablo, out tuxedo, would sleep at the foot of the bed.
Digger was the only one anxious to start the day. It would have been so much worse if he had a day job.
Food was never an issue. The cats had an always full food bowl, they could eat whenever they wanted. Casey and Digger knew that when we ate, they ate. They all got treats, but some foods were an issue.
Pablo would do a drive by and steal from your salad Capra loved canned tuna, so when making a tuna salad sandwich, I had to prep two plates before I opened the can, Digger, mangos, as soon as the knife broke the skin he would start to howl until he got the pit, peas, wild strawberries, raspberries, Casey, watermelon and Nante’s carrots.
About the Gaetz picture – anyone here see Behind the Candelabra? Rob Lowe had a great small part in that as a plastic surgeon who’d obviously overindulged in his own product. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw Gaetz. Seriously, Google Rob Lowe Behind the Candelabra – you’ll see what I mean.
@WaterGirl: Mrs Japa makes a strawberry-rhubarb coffee cake that is, as they say, to die for.
OK Jackals, I need ideas. A “Trump train” of autos is expected to drive through my small progressive college town (the one that Breitbart always visits to make fun of) on Saturday morning. We need to greet them, collectively, with some mayhem and fuckery that is legal and conveys ridicule. Clearly they are doing this just to pwn the libs, so we need some ideas that encompass “point and laugh” rather than “they’re getting to us”. My thoughts so far: mass mooning (I may paint the Dark Brandon glasses on my ass), the circus soundtrack played at high volume on some loudspeaker, or a sudden appearance of high volume bicycle traffic, making a right mess of things. Have at it. No ideas are bad but I only have 36 hours to organize.
Miss Willow is very interested in my cobbler, and she would like some, please.
edit: and Mr. Bear is literally begging.
Vance wears enough eyeliner that he should just get it tattooed on.Maybe he did. Who TF knows.
Why don’t more of these guys just get chin implants? Or orthodontia? White-man’s-overbite is absolutely a thing.
Yes. Yes indeed: if you are in the right mood, cheap scotch and ginger ale is good.
@Argiope: Blast “Never Gonna Give You Up” from the biggest speakers you can get your hands on.
A mousey couplet attributed to Senator Chauncey Depew:
A cube of cheese no larger than a die
May bait the trap to catch a nibbling mie
@Suzanne: I LIKE IT. Thanks! Adding to possible list.
@Scout211: It was, shall we say, fragrant!
@Argiope: The first thing that came to mind is everyone wearing an extra large sanitary napkin on their ear. But that would just be crass, wouldn’t it?
So perfect.
@Scout211: Weirdly, I think they would decide it’s tribute.
Chet Murthy
If this caravan were going thru SF, or some other reliably Blue city, a demo a la Critical Mass might make sense. But unless you’re pretty damn sure the cops are gonna show up to protect you, I wouldn’t risk it. These MAGAts aren’t going to blench at running a few bikers over. Ditto with pedestrians taking their time going thru crosswalks. I’d stick with ridicule that can be launched from sidewalks, myself. It isn’t right, but it is what it is.
@Scout211: I wasn’t trying to one-up you!
@Ohio Mom: I’m not even that old and I feel that way all the damn time.
Sister Golden Bear
@different-church-lady: An AI-generated photo of Gaetz would’ve been far more realistic (aside from the six-finger hands). Seriously, yes it’s real.
Upon further reflection, cheap scotch and ginger ale continues to be good.
I’ve heard about that movie but have never seen it. Who even knew Rob Lowe could look so horrifying!?
usually, all you need is a new element, and they are easy to replace and cheap.
A bunch of different factors can create a hot spot in an element, creates resistance, and that spot, given time goes from being a heating element to an arc welding rod. Thus the bang and dead element.
Unplug the stove, or shut off the breaker, two sheet metal screws secure the element to the back of the oven, two machine screws fasten each of the electrical wires to the element.
Easy peasy.
@Argiope: I fear that bicycles around that crowd would be dangerous. Mooning with dark brandon glasses would be fun, who will be doing the paint job? :-)
On a 1 to 10 scale of movies which grow increasingly strange as they unfold, it’s a 12.
@Chet Murthy: I don’t have a good sense whether the local consensus will be to ignore them completely, give them what they want (angry shouting), or to do something more creative. I’m also wondering if these jerks have a parade permit. I do expect some police presence.
@WaterGirl: I was thinking of a template :). Problem is, it may take the collective asses some time to dry.
You mean in the parade itself, right?
@Argiope: I think clown music blaring would be fabulous!
@Chet Murthy: I’m not concerned about violence from our local constabulary. We have a Saturday day shift cop who was a boy in Bosnia, and he’s quite clear on what the county GOP is trying to do here: intimidate dissent. However, we saw last week that Republicans are impulsive and violent, so we should use caution in our tactics.
The annual basketball tournament, which requires food trucks and other vendors to register and license in advance, is on the route they ‘randomly’ chose. So they will be passing a group of Black families and neighbors who return to our hometown each summer to be together with this ish.
I’m told that the fireworks left in reserve from July 4 are off limits.
Yes, I am aware that the element is replaceable and I seriously considered doing that. But the range is almost 17 years old and we have had other problems with it. It was just the last straw that caused me to finally pull the trigger to order the new one that I had been researching for the past couple of years.
@WaterGirl: The critters speak for me. I love cobbler.
Sister Golden Bear
@JoyceH: Reminds me of Bruce Campbell’s “Surgeon General of Beverly Hills” character in Escape from L.A.
Yackity Sax and Drag Queens dancing.
Upon even further reflection, I’ve decided hating everything except the cheap scotch is a prudent strategy.
@Argiope: The best way to fuck with MAGA assholes is with love. They want hate, they want fear, that enables the violence they want to commit on others. They want to be hurting people.
Joy, kindness, warmth, they have no idea what to do with. Whatever you do, make it a celebration.
@Jay: hang on can we do a montage of Trump videos in which he looks weak and deranged, running to Yakety Sax on a loop, on a projector?
We need to figure out whose front yard is on the route because I didn’t apply for a permit for a food truck or vending.
@different-church-lady: :(
But I’m part of everything!
@Eolirin: So, like, offer them some ice cream.
And then say, “You know, Biden likes ice cream…”
There are groups that will refurb it and donate it to the needy. There might be one in your area.
@Eolirin: Drink enough cheap scotch and you won’t be.
@different-church-lady: Fair.
My peach cobbler.
@Eolirin: Yes, that’s the idea. I’d love drag queens! I wonder if we can find some on short notice. Or maybe we just all line the parade route in drag.
@WaterGirl: Now that is some pie we can all get behind.
I am very jealous.
@Suzanne: They fondly believe that their skimpy beards conceal their weak double chins.
I believe TCFFG is about to take the floor at the RNC, and I find myself idly wondering if the first sentence of his speech will include the phrase “Lend me your ears.”
Ooooooooh. My salivary glands are masquerading as Niagara Falls.
Pet strategies: Yetty (our newest, white husky literally rescued from the street in front of our house last November) first comes up and quite vocally tells us it is dinner time. and if that doesn’t work nibbles our leg like it was a corn cob to get our attention. Fortunately the other two dogs haven’t [icked that up, but she IS teaching our other young dog Chinle (a more or less universal street dog type) to speak with a husky accent. Weirdest damn thing.
@WaterGirl: fantastic!
Sister Golden Bear
@Argiope: Caltrops. Oh wait, you said legal. How about clowns, they’ve been use effectively by counter-protesters at past KKK/Nazi rally. Rationale here.
But we all know they’re the most thin-skinned snowflakes. Let them know you think they’re ridiculous and worthy of mocking.
@different-church-lady: I have heard that Jameson and ginger ale is widely quaffed in southern Spain. Apparently Jameson is very cheap there.
The Lodger
@zhena gogolia: Gaetz is Butt-head. Jim Jordan is Beavis.
Tuning into PBS for a few minutes because someone I follow said Trump looks really bombed this evening. So I’m curious.
Meantime, Johnathan Capehart is talking about the RNC not being a coronation but a reification, and “that scares me.” Glad someone is saying it.
Ugh, now dipwaffle David Brooks is up. Blah blah … mute.
If you can get enough people involved, set the counter protestors up as a defensive barrier where the basketball tourny is happening,
If you can get only a handfull out, sign the hell out of the “route” with the most offensive MAGgoT/Trump/Vance memes you can find, large enough to be easily seen from a vehicle.
Eg 34 Convictions Felon, (so far) Rapist, Pedo’s mug shot with large print “Epstein Pedo”, “Rapist”, “Felon”, etc. You might even find a local print shop willing to do them for free or cheap.
@WaterGirl: Fostering.
Or so Marcia says (one of them is a really gorgeous big ginger).
@Sister Golden Bear: Ha! I love the caltrops idea, but clowns would be GREAT also. Thanks!
@Eolirin: That reminds me of a group a few years back that was counterprotesting some Nazi types. They creatively misunderstood everything the group was chanting. So when they (predictably) heard “white power,” they all held up white flowers. They had an answer for everything, but it was all done with childlike joy. Very effective.
@Jay: Love this, too. We don’t have a lot of time but we do know some printers. Good idea!
Sister Golden Bear
@Jay: @Argiope:
Better yet drag kings, who are awesome at mocking toxic masculinity.
Video interview with Mo B. Dick, Maxxx Pleasure, Sigi Moonlight, Johnny Gentleman, and King Molasses gives you a taste of what they’re like.
You may not be able to find them on short notice, but it’s not hard to have women dress up and get their king on. Don’t forget the exaggerated cod pieces.
Counter Protest, date, time,
everyone welcome to attend.
Drag costumes preferred. Furries welcome.
No, you don’t have to shave your legs or beard.
Garish is appreciated.
At the end a Queen will be chosen.
@Maxim: Joy is how we win. It breaks the cycle.
@Argiope: Kazoos. Lots and lots of kazoos. Maybe while biking. Maybe while mooning.
Playing along with the circus song?
why are there so many weirdos… WHY?
@Argiope: Caltrops was my second thought, after “change out the road signage”.
@different-church-lady: Slowly back away from all the mirrors, okay? It’s going to be alright.
‘Superstar’ Kid Rock is … definitely no longer a kid. The crowd looks a little lifeless. Like very very little movement among the people standing and watching. (Sound is definitely still off).
Sister Golden Bear
@RaflW: Kid Rock looks like one of those “don’t do meth” PSAs.
@BruceJ: Your pets nibbling your legs like an ear of corn, how funny!
Damn about time.
FCC Caps Exorbitant Phone & Video Call Rates for Incarcerated Persons.
@Sister Golden Bear: Oh, so meth is bad now?
@RaflW: Kazoos. While biking. This works.
Does anyone know someone who could edit a 30sec video loop of Trump‘s greatest moments of being a loser (stumbling at West Point, toilet paper on shoe, sleeping at his own trial, etc) so we can set it to Yackety Sax and project onto an inflatable screen?
@Phoenix_Rising: Nope, sorry, we’re all too busy shitting on Biden.
@different-church-lady: Which weirdos do you mean? It’s my considered opinion that weirdos are some of the best people on earth.
@Timill: We could totally Blazing Saddles this thing. Great thought! We have green construction paper. Everything may suddenly become Biden Way, Harris St, Democrat Rd. I love it!
@Lapassionara: It’s Southern Peach Cobbler, recipe from my friend’s mom who lived in Kentucky. Once I tried southern cobbler, i never went back to my old recipe.
@Maxim: There’s pictures up there…
@Timill: Hmmm, we shall see!
Sister Golden Bear
@Sister Golden Bear: BTW, an acquaintance of mine performs as Will X. Uly (“Will Actually”) He’s hysterical.
Sister Golden Bear
@different-church-lady: Classy folks like Don Jr. use cocaine.
@BruceJ: That’s hilarious. Have you seen the video of the cat barking out a window, then realizing it’s being filmed and shifting back to a meow? This was years ago, so I don’t think it was faked, but it’s always possible. Anyway, thinking of animals speaking other animals’ languages reminded me.
My Chaucer kitty would bite me (gently) when he was hungry. My two small puppers come and rest their heads on my shoulder (not both at the same time; they trade off).
randy khan
Peach cobbler!!! Yum!!
That is pretty much all. There’s not a chance in a billion I would voluntarily watch the Republican convention. House Hunters International, silly though it is, appeals much more.
@Argiope: I would suggest mass producing paper snowflakes to be tossed at them.
@different-church-lady: Oh, the GOP weirdos? I would call them something else, personally, because I don’t think the word weirdo deserves to be sullied by association with them. But yes, they are distressing.
@JoyceH: the first thing that came to my mind was that woman who had plastic surgery so she could look like a cat.
@piratedan: Another brilliant idea! This is also doable in 36 hours, cheap, and legal. Love it!
@Argiope: I’m a known worry-wart, but I just want to second (third? fourth?) the caution to not do a bike rally as part of this. Trump supporters had no compunction about threatening a *bus* (Biden Harris campaign bus) four years ago… Be outrageous, but out of reach!
@Sister Golden Bear: great video! Thanks for sharing.
@Scout211: Enjoy your new stove.
Gaetz is a shoe-in for live-action Butthead.
Haven’t had a working oven in a while. The watermelon I bought was disappointing but was salvaged turning it into a smoothie slush and adding a little sugar. The neighbor’s pig loved the rind, and horses get the carrot ends from the 25lbs bag I juice while the pig gets the peelings. After it cools a bit here (112⁰ in high desert), I’ll process my 20lbs of taters. A few held back to nuke as a baked potato, and the rest mashed and the peel turned into pan fries. As tasty as hash browns and easier to make. They all freeze wonderfully and pan fries nuked and then a short crisping in the toaster oven and they’re almost like they just came out of the pan. Quite hearty added to a can of corned beef hash too. I drop a fried egg on top for breakfast.
Bulk buys, industrial portions, frozen so that instead of tiring of an item, it can be defrosted whenever it sounds good, particularly paired with something appropriate. The mashed potatoes are easily turned in fritters/potato pancakes too, and can help use up other fresh ingredients.
Inflation is such that things that used to be an occasional treat are much less frequently so. The marked down pumpkin pie was pretty good. That reminds me that the rabbit I re-homed for my niece loves canned pumpkin and I forgot to look. It used to be easy to find at dollar stores.
@Lyrebird: Good point. I’d managed to forget about that. Definitely scary. I hope our local yokels aren’t quite hardcore enough to be dangerous, but when gathered in a group, who can say?
@WaterGirl: No Comment :-)
Chet Murthy
@Argiope: I’d gather together a bunch of … “leaders” (maybe “camp counselors” ?) and make sure they understand the importance of not allowing anybody — anybody — to stray into danger ? Maybe get real graphic about what might happen, so they understand that as they’re spread thru your crowd of protestors, they’re looking around for anybody doing something foolish, so they can pull that joker back from the precipice ?
@Argiope: I’d consider going in the opposite direction, turning their route into a ghost town, but that also requires coordination of 100% participation. MAGAts love the attention so to deny it would sting more imho. Good luck whatever you come up with.
That peach cobbler 😋😋😋
keep in mind that running over protestors has been “their meme” for a long time.
Whom ever comes out to protest needs be aware.
If you can gather only a small number of protesters, I would stick to using the volenteers to f/u the street signs and “litter” every pole, stop sign, bus stop with offensive messages to the MAGgoT’s.
Then just watch the results from a safe place.
Don’t forget to target Hillbilly VC Vampire as well, apparently MAGgoT’s don’t like him or his wife.
QAnon is a target too, along with all the fake Christians, so biblical quotes are good as well.
If you can get a printer, pick your best 10, and just repeat them at random over and over, “drive” the message home.
Alternate idea, two drivers, helmet, neck brace, 2 Ride’n with Biden trucks, take up both lanes with one trying to pass the other, at 1 mile an hour, with the left turn signal always on, in front of their “parade”.
@Jay: i don’t know anyone whose risk tolerance and truck tonnage can handle idea #2 but I like the way you think!
Thanks to everyone for the excellent ideas—knew y’all would be highly skilled at this. Sleep calls so I’ll check back in the morning.
I just tried to switch over to local news, and the Orange Menace is still yammering. I think Bill Clinton’s record will fall tonight.
@CaseyL: I am glad my Sadie cat cannot read, or she would be refining her techniques.