If you have a regular apostrophe in your nym, it will go into moderation each and every time you post a comment.
There is a special apostrophe that doesn’t do that.
If your nym is on this list, I have used the special apostrophe in your nym, all you have to do is: 1) copy your nym from the list below, 2) paste it into the email field, and 3) immediately post a comment. Then WordPress will remember the version of the nym that works, and you will no longer go into moderation. DO THIS ON EVERY DEVICE you use to comment on Balloon Juice.
Rebel’s Dad
If your nym has an apostrophe and your comments are not showing up right away, send email to me (WaterGirl).
Or you can simply replace your regular apostrophe with the apostrophe just under the arrow below.