“My favorite iris photos of 2024”, from Mike in Oly:
Top photo: ‘Quiet Sky’ (Cook, 1964) A recent arrival from Merian Garten in Switzerland in a trade with the Historic Iris Preservation Society. In my care until it can be distributed more widely. I am quite fond of it already. The visiting bumblebee was a nice bonus.
I won Best Photo in Show for my shot of ‘Dusky Evening’. Couldn’t resist taking a pic of it with the ribbons.
‘Cooing Dove’ (Baker, 1959) The soft color tones in the morning light are so elegant.
‘Father Rigney’ (Bro. Charles Reckamp, 1956) Such deep, rich purple tones. A new favorite in my collection.
Siberian iris ‘Summer Sky’ (Cleveland, 1935) I have wanted this Siberian variety for many years and finally got it. It put on a wonderful show last spring. Bees love it!
Sunday Morning Garden Chat: Rainbow PortraitsPost + Comments (15)