So excited about this new group!
North Carolina Asian Americans Together is a mouthful, so I will refer to them as NCAAT. What we will be funding though, is technically NCAAT In Action – the partisan side of the organization. You will see that there are separate websites for NCAAT and NCAAT In Action, but for simplicity I will refer to them as NCAAT. (More on that below)
Here’s what’s so exciting about this organization!
BJ Strategic Fundraising Trifecta: NC is a critical state + Youth Vote + the AAPI Community
Our goal is to raise $25,000 for NCAAT in Action. They are working hard to find an external match for us! Their charismatic young director (and founder of the organization) is confident she’ll find one But time is short and we don’t want to hold off on starting until we know re.for sure.
We will be helping NCAA expand its outreach to AAPI and BIPOC youth aged 18-25 in 10 target counties on 53 campuses and high schools with the most racially diverse populations.
Fun Facts:
- North Carolina and its 16 electoral votes are up for grabs.
- One of the key ways to win in NC is turning out the youth and BIPOC vote
- All the trends in NC are moving in our direction: the polls, voter enthusiasm.
- Trump and Mark Robinson (black candidate for governor) are displaying unfitness for office.
- The NCAAT leadership is young and enthusiastic and full of innovative strategies.
- Since the inception of NCAAT and NCAAT in Action, the Asian youth turnout has been at record highs and consistently higher than turnout for youth in other racial groups of color.
- NCAAT is not duplicating the efforts of the North Carolina Black Alliance, the other youth-related North Caroline group we are supporting. Both organizations are part of a coalition that is coordinating member efforts!
NCAAT will use its proven youth tactics to expand our efforts for 2024 to boost all BIPOC youth engagement, civic participation, and voting!!
- They become a visible presence on campus to educate students on voting rights and the importance of youth voting.
- Increase engagement by facilitating discussion on AAPI and BIPOC youth issues.
- Collect Voter Registration cards and developing leads for their youth leadership pipeline.
- They have on-site “campus ambassadors,” who facilitate discussions on election-related challenges
- They promote information on candidate accountability.
- They develop and distribute political education materials.
- The are focused on Democratic turnout.
We typically try to provide groups with what they need in order to expand their efforts or do things they have wanted to do but don’t have the resources.
In this case, it’s too late in the game for us to underwrite an expansion to other campuses or other unique efforts.
But it’s not too late to help them:
- put more ambassadors in the field
- expand their hours
- focus more on key issues – reproductive rights, climate change, protecting immigrants’ rights, prioritizing a ceasefire in Gaza
- create more targeted educational materials
- do more follow up with students
They have a sophisticated strategy of emphasizing three main focus areas:
- Supporting and Endorsing Kamala Harris
- Downballot Races
- Defeat an Anti-Immmigrant Ballot Measure
North Carolina Asian Americans Together (NCAAT)Post + Comments (39)