WATCH LIVE: Michelle Obama hosts get-out-the-vote rally with Kerry Washington, Shonda Rhimes
— PBS News (@NewsHour) October 29, 2024
I’m called away for the moment, but here’s another space to discuss the wonderful women we have the chance to uphold!
We do have some amazing women leaders. (just like at Balloon Juice).
Hmm…the YT video wants me to sign in.
Via reddit.
@KatKapCC: Click on the You Tube icon on the bottom left of the screen. Usually it will let you view it when you click over to You Tube to view.
ETA: You Tube is getting picky about free viewers especially on embeds. I finally logged in using an old gmail account to view a recent video but I still am getting that prompt.
@Scout211: Right, but just saying that the embed seems to be acting up.
Melancholy Jaques
That kind of thing has to be adding up to something good for our team. I can’t believe every single R voter is unmovable.
True story: Shonda and Jake tapper are both Dartmouth class of 91 alums
@Melancholy Jaques:
I like to think so. I see it everywhere. There was some of that in 2020, but nothing like the level I’ve seen this year.
I’ll take their votes, then they can fuck off. Most were the institutional Republican Party, which was MAGAtRump without the open fascism of the Orange Queens interloper. Better clothes and vocabulary covering the same shit. (Well to their credit I don’t think they’ll fellate Putin like the current leader.) They want their party back from the Booberts, MenacingMarges etc that they thought they had harnessed. They don’t have the numbers, balls, whatev to do it from the inside, so they have to bring down the structure to whack the occupants, even though they are the architects. Then they’ll start again. It was only 6 years between Watergate (Noxin’s resignation) & Reagan.
Another GREAT photo from the speech tonight!
Shout it from the rooftops!
Melancholy Jaques
Awesome! I want more!
@Ksmiami: You just reminded me — TIL that Francis Ford Coppola went to the same high school/military thing as donald trump. They were there together when Coppola was 17 and donald was 13.
Back to normal conversation, because this means nothing but I just found it strange to think about.
@hitchhiker: Coppola used Donald Trump as the basis for the Fredo Corleone character I believe.