Kay made a point in the last comments that her TikTok feed was full of People’s March coverage, but not her Bluesky feed. I saw a couple of pics of the marches, but it sure wasn’t wall-to-wall. So, first point is that what you see on social media is a lot who you follow, as well as what the platform wants to suppress.
Comrade Scott asked if NPR covered it, and the answer is “kinda sorta”. Oregon Public Broadcasting had a story on the Portland protests, and NPR folded it into their big “Trump is coming oh-oh” piece.
Looking at a Google News search, the top story about the marches is from the BBC, but there was a Post, Seattle Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune and even local Rochester station covering local marches. Even Axios covered the DC march. (Why it matters? Zoom in! So fucking stupid.)
Anyway, there’s a difference between coverage and attention, and I’d say that it was covered but the TikTok ban, the cancellation of the outdoor inauguration due to the cold crowd size and worrying about what comes next with Trump got more attention.
(The photo above is from the NBC Channel 4 coverage in DC, which has more photos.)
Noli timere.
Famous last words of a famous person whose name I can’t remember
Seamus Heaney. Had to look it up. “Fear not.”
Another Scott
I read about it yesterday on (repost) France24.
It’s not hard to find coverage about it. Yeah, it would be nice if the coverage were everywhere, but that’s not the world we live in. It’s as easy to read France24, or DW, or APNews, or … as it is anything else.
Best wishes,
Michael Bersin
I covered the Kansas City People’s March. There was a videographer from one of the local broadcast affiliates for part of it and what looked to be a couple of freelance photographers (not wearing ID). That was it.
I did get a nice image of my now favorite protest sign.
Melancholy Jaques
If memory serves, “fear not” is the most common phrase in the Bible.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Michael Bersin:
Nice. Too bad Jess Piper’s basically gone silent on Twitter, she might have used it.
John S.
@Melancholy Jaques:
You are correct. “Do not be afraid” or some variant thereof appears hundreds of times in the Bible.
Michael Bersin
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Jess Piper spoke at the People’s March in Columbia, Missouri – apparently, they took it indoors because of the cold weather. I ran across an image of the event.
There are more images from Kansas City here.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
She’s on blue sky now.
Starfish (she/her)
@Michael Bersin: Am I right in thinking that this protest was smaller than earlier protests?
Professor Bigfoot
I fully support the marchers, I think they’re doing God’s own work.
But I do wonder just what they intend to accomplish.
I’m sure someone will be able to tell me.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Starfish (she/her):
From his own reporting:
150 people.
2017: approximately 10,000 (from another source back then)
About 3500 marched in Columbia MO in 2017, no idea what the turnout was this time.
Michael Bersin
@Starfish (she/her):
Yes. There were around 150 in Kansas City yesterday.
The Women’s March at Washington Square Park in Kansas City in 2017 had close to 10,000 people. A spontaneous march at the Liberty Memorial the day before had around 2,000.
Some of the organizing is different now.
It was around 20 degrees in Kansas City midday. There was an American rules professional football championship playoff game in the city – around 80,000 fans at the stadium. Interestingly, those conditions are similar to tomorrow’s forecast for D.C.
FYI, for local DC coverage, channels 4 (NBC) and 9 (CBS) in DC are pretty good. Forget channels 7 (ABC SINCLAIR) and 5 (Fox). Channel 7 is especially awful.
Channel 4: https://www.nbcwashington.com/
Channel 9: https://www.wusa9.com/
VFX Lurker
I attended the Los Angeles Women’s March in 2017 on impulse, because I did not know what to do with myself and my anguish.
I had some small satisfaction when later I overheard Canadians in an Ontario restaurant discussing American politics (“…the women don’t support him.”). However, that’s all it was. Optics.
I found a better use of my energy in late 2018 writing postcards to voters. I hope each of the marchers finds a similar outlet for their energy.
Looking at the march from the Lincoln Memorial, it was pretty big. My video: https://youtu.be/ug21ZXxw7nQ
@Professor Bigfoot: (Not sure if serious)
I was down at the March yesterday with a family contingent. We made our voices heard, we signaled that many Americans are not on board with the new regime, and we drew strength from each other to steel ourselves for the struggles to come. BBC and others reported it as being attended by “thousands” which is true but I dunno if it’s the most precise way to describe it. My guess is 30,000 or more people participated. IMHO the match was invigorating but the rallies before and after were meh. Lot of talking and the sound wasn’t great.
@Melancholy Jaques: I think so. His utterance may have been religious devotion, but I think it applies in general.