As if New Yorkers have already not suffered enough in the last few months, the Workers World reports that every anti-WTO nitwit, green party activist, socialist, anti-free-marketer, Earth First! tree-hugger, and every pachouli wearing privileged child of West Coast white trash who owns a copy of the Communist Manifesto – generally, every wart on society’s arse imaginable- will descend on New York to protest things they do not, can not, and will not understand on February 2nd when the World Economic Forum meets at the ‘luxurious Waldorf-Astoria hotel.’
The only upside to this protest is that the sky-rocketing sales of tofu, rolling papers, Guiness, and Native American brand cigarettes might produce a slight bump in the economy, but this will be probably be offset by the money spent on overtime on the police, who will no doubt be needed to beat the rabble sensless (more so, if possible) before they ship them back to their deluded enclaves in Berkely, CA, Seattle, WA, and DNC headquarters.
No doubt freeing Mumia and leniency for the Marin County Mullah will be at the top of the agenda.