I noticed something funny the other day when I was checking some sites I usually read. I noticed that I have no real political classification in other people’s eyes. I am rarely classified as a conservative, never as a liberal, sometimes as a Warblogger. It is easy for my left-wing co-workers to dismiss me as just another right-wing Nazi, but anyone who has read me knows that is not really the case. So, I thought I would clear up the air a little bit. Here are a few of my viewpoints:
I am a registered Republian who votes libertarian. A Republican in West Virginia IS a protest vote, believe me.
I think most Democrat politicians in Washington are evil. I think most other Democrats outside of Washington are not evil, but misguided.
I think Republicans are generally the lesser of two evils (although there are some who make me wonder).
I am pro-choice, generally, but I will never have an abortion.
I am for legalization of marijuana.
I am generally against the death penalty, but not for child molestors, people who committ treason, terrorists, people who think they are traffic cops and go 55 in the passing lane, or O.J. Simpson.
I do not think the Sopranos are an ethnic slur.
I hate taxes. All of them, particularly sin taxes. Get your grubby taxes off my scotch, you filthy bastards.
I like paved roads and a strong military, and I like a sound currency.
I don’t care if there are low levels of arsenic in my water. I own a Brita, and I already had a set of nagging parents. I loved them dearly, but I moved out. I guess that means we can kill the EPA.
I think Big Business means lots of jobs, a strong stock market, and fat Americans with the wealth and ingenuity to build more smart bombs to drop on radical fundamentalists and other scum.
I believe in Israel, and I adhere to the words “Never Again.” And that doesn’t go for just the Nazi’s. I am not going to forget you god damned Communists either.
I don’t care what grown men do to each other in their bedroom, as long as they are consenting.
My foreign policy is not nuanced. I am firmly in favor of killing anyone who wants to blow my fellow citizens up for simply going to work. I have no problem wiping an entire group of people off the map if the want to try that crap, either.
I am in favor of racial profiling at airports. I also realize that no airplane has never been hijacked with breast milk or toenail clippers.
Every day I run into thousands of stupid people. Public education has failed.
I think EVERYONE should have the right to own a firearm. I choose not to, for now.
Europeans need to lead or get off the pot. We were warned once about ‘Entangling Alliances.” National interest and self-defense is good enough for me.
I believe Al Gore is evil, Bush is NOT stupid, and Colin Powell was once a good soldier.
Private Property is the cornerstone to any lasting civilization.
I hope that has helped. I do not know what party I belong to, but if I ran a party, my motto would be “Get off my grass.”