Is there anything he can get right? Is there anything he won’t lie about? I loved this from today’s column:
Of course, the big betrayal was George W. Bush’s decision to push this tax cut in the first place. There is no longer any doubt that the man who ran as a moderate in the 2000 election is actually a radical who wants to undo much of the Great Society and the New Deal.
Show me once where he ran as a moderate. And don’t tell me that ‘compassionate conservative’ meant moderate. There are enough other lies in this column that I am sure you will see the column referred to over and over again.
He increases spending by 7.8% to two point two trillion and he’s a radical.
Some people are just so partisan that they’re crazy (and that goes for intellectuals, as well).
Barney Gumble
Bush ran as a moderate Republican who would bring a party that had swung too far right back toward the mainstream.
Slate, 5-01
“Bush ran as a moderate conservative and rarely raised Religious Right themes during his campaign,”
Americans United, 11-00
which is that Bush campaigned as a moderate, but he’s been governing as an arch-conservative.”
Margaret Carlson on Capital Gang, 5-01
BILL MEADOWS: President Bush campaigned as a moderate, seeking bi-partisan solutions. He called himself a compassionate conservative, yet in two months, his administration has declared war on the environment.
The World Today, 5-01
mike the analyst
I think you’ve provided 4 COPIES of the same complaint Krugman expresses – NOT evidence that Bush DID campaign as a moderate. Just because liberal environmentalists, journalists, or church/state separation activists SAY “Bush campaigned as a moderate” does not make it so.
Try again.
No, no! Krugman is right: Bush plans to undo the Great Society and new Deal by choking them to death on spending increases (22% in two years, second only to Jimmy Carter in all of US history)!
Well, hell, Margaret Carlson described it that way, so it must be true!
Well, he sure didn’t run as a Steve Forbes, a Jack Kemp, or a Grover Norquist.
What are some of the other lies?
Which, I suppose, only goes to show that the media in this country is NOT biased towards liberalism, either.
Barney Gumble
Mike, do your own search if you don’t believe me.
M. Scott Eiland
“Well, he sure didn’t run as a Steve Forbes, a Jack Kemp, or a Grover Norquist.”
He didn’t run as Gary Bauer or Pat Buchanan, either.
This is partisan whining, as usual. Useless to expect much else from Krugman, or the NYT in general, post-Raines or not.
Krugman’s right, and moreover, the righty’s know it. His emergence is announced by the bloggers who, every Tuesday and Friday, throw a snit about his column. Which means he’s the first liberal in ten years to seize the debate from the shrill screamers from the right.
(And of course he’s right about Bush running as a moderate. You’ll see Bush call himself a moderate again. Here’s a piece back in ’98 in which he was pushing the moderate title:
The trouble with arguing over whether Bush ran as a moderate or a conservative is that everyone is free to define a “moderate” position however it suits them. But considering the emphasis Bush put on issues such as education, medicare, bipartisanship, “compassionate”-ism, and military non-interventionism in his campaign, I would say Bush ran as a moderate is not an unfair claim.
For an example what I consider evidence of Bush’s moderate politics, read his closing statement from the first presidential debate -transcript here.
Of course he ran as a moderate. Look at the repub convention. A case study in deceit, they HID all the looney’s behind the curtain, no Robertson and Buchanon spilling the beans on the extremist agenda.
Got to hand to Bush, he is the most deceitful person I have ever witnessed in politics. The man could care less, he has his followers trained. He is secretive and they know it and don’t care. Like who cares about their liberty, screw it, I’m to busy worried about the nasty socialists who have the country by the balls. NEVER question THE LEADER. It really is sickening how you have given up your critical thinking to these jerks.
This thing about accusing people of being un-patriotic is destructive and shows the character of the right. Not a pretty sight, very UN-american, closed minded and just plain childish, if it wasn’t so despicable. When did you decide the best diplomacy is being as big an ashole as you can. That’s what the dry drunk is doing and YOU know it.
BTW, the French are fighting in Africa trying to do some good. Do you still hate them or has Bush allowed you to stop that for now, untill he picks someone else and directs you where he wishes.
So, Bush obviously ran a a compassionate “moderate”. Sheesh.
Emma, the right certainly jumps all over Krugman. He holds a place on some of the most precious journalistic real estate in the world, so plenty of eyes see his stuff.
However, of reaction is to be measured as a gauge for ‘rightness’, then Ann Coulter must be telling truths from the leftist mountaintops, eh?
Think you wanna reconsider your contention, again?
I don’t suppose you’d have any evidence that the French are actually FIGHTING, do you?
And, no, that’s not a slam at the French, it’s actually a serious question. The French are in the Bunia area, yet the death toll in that same area mounts.
Thus far, they appear no more effective than the UN contingents that were already there.
I heard a report on a French news service that they were involved in shooting. No link, audio. I guess Rush wouldn’t allow that as an information source, would he. Are French news reports allowed by your hypnotists? There is so much you are not allowed to read, hear or believe.
You may be right, the French soldiers may be tooo busy saving U.S. citizen’s lives.
But gosh, don’t you just HATE them? Who will be next? I hope Rove picks out someone fun for you to hate. These damn French, HOW DARE THEY agree with the majority of the world and stand by their convictions? How DARE they stand against the the child king? They should do whatever he says, like his followers.
geez, Dean they are sticking their balls on the line and you are trained to hate them. Look what ‘conservatism’ is doing to you and the country.
Youn people show how damn trained you are the way you FIGHT for these opinions. The Fremch disagreed with us, like almost every country in the world. They have you hating just like George Wallace did with the rednecks, make them think the balcks are your problem. Bush uses the French, what a small minded man we have in the Whitehouse, what a small minded man of death.
I got news for you, just because someone disagrees with the deceitful mean dry drunk, it doesn’t make them evil, let a lone wrong. That is just something they make you believe. The thinking world is right to fear the people who tell you what to think. It took them decades, but they have taken your critical thinking.
Tell me, do you have to get the heels of your boots replaced often? Seems kicking your feet in the air that high when marching would wear out the heels of your boots.
>Emma, the right certainly jumps all over Krugman. He holds a place on some of the most precious journalistic real estate in the world, so plenty of eyes see his stuff.
well it’s nice to see that Ricky is going to make sure he keeps his mind trained and shut. I guess we can COMPLETELY write off NYT for info. What are you down to now, newsmax and fox, or the the one who is our future under ‘conservatives,’ Savage. Gosh you are gonna a be a well informed citizen for our country to depend on to make ‘informed’ decision in the future. As we goose-step our way to theo-fascism you will continue to be a big help. haha
It would embarrass the hell out of me to jump when I was told like you.
now jump on Bill’s zipper, pavlov..arf, arf, arf..
You might want to check a map. Liberia and Congo, although both in Africa, are NOT the same country.
Kudoes to the French for helping to evacuate LIBERIA. Just as kudoes have gone, in the past, to the Brits (for helping in Sierra Leone), and the US (when evacuating Yemen, a few years back, and Liberia during the last horrible go-round).
But evacuations, especially when it’s of a (relative) handful of nationals/NGO-types/tourists/diplo personnel is one thing. We (the West, broadly speaking) have all done the evacuation thing for one another.
Actually trying to stabilize a country is something else again. Congo, sadly, scarily, is demanding quite a bit more.
And my boot-heels probably don’t wear out any more quickly than that knee of yours must pop, from all the jerking it does.
I’m sure your daddy’s proud that you can sit anonymously at your monitor and act like a man (albeit, one who cannot functionally debate).
Who I am, changes none of the facts. If I told you who I was you would probably would find out I pooped my pants when I was two and then you could right it off. That is how you trained.
This is the guy, who the French say are feeding you BS, he is who you follow. Now this is your voice, not the NYT. Messiah forbid, you read an un-american rag like the NYT.
Yep, this is the guy YOU believe.
It would truly bug me to know my thoughts and opinions have been formed by this paper…btw, James Whelan worked for Scaife and had impeccable ‘conservative’ credentials when the moonies conned him into using his good name to gain credibility. This isn’t some leftist trying to tell you who you’re taking your marching orders from.
Have you tried to reveal the evil here? If you haven’t you are a hypocrite Ricky, a hypocrite. Not shut your mind tight Ricky, this isn’t pretty.
Narrator: By 1984, despite his paper’s growing influence, James Whelan was unhappy.
Whelan: “When we started the paper there was never any question that it would in any fashion project the views or the agenda of Sun Myung Moon or the Unification Church
Oh, you’re THAT Sal.
The “everything comes back to Sun Myung-Moon” Sal.
Have fun debating yourself, Sal.
Nice to see by the speed of your post you have that trap of your shut tight. Read some of those links didn’t you? What do you use to keep the sand out of your nose while you are ‘assuming the position’?
Hey, I am NOT debating you. I am providing information which YOU do not know or you wouldn’t be so glib. Debating people who have given over their critical thinking to Savage and his ilk, theocrats and fascists, is no fun.
Tell the truth, don’t you feel like a MASSIVE hypocrite for ignoring this? And you most are certainly in denial about it. What did your mommy and daddy say when you told them Poppy and your movement shills for the moonies?
Debate you? That would be like poking a stick at a toothless dog, not my idea of fun.
“You can judge the character of a man by the company he keeps.” GW Bush
Alan Tate Wood, a former UC member who had been president of the FLF, described to the subcommittee some of Moon’s political ambitions and activities. He said that Moon, through the UC and its numerous front organizations, wanted to acquire enough influence in America to be able to “dictate policy on major issues, to influence legislation, and move into electoral politics.”(228) In the United States, the political goals of the UC and those of the KCIA “overlap so thoroughly as to display no difference at all.”
Bush and his wife, Barbara, have spoken at several events sponsored by the Women’s Federation for World Peace, which is run by Moon’s wife, Hak Ja Han Moon. More than 50,000 people paid to see the Bushes at a single event at the Tokyo Dome last year. Tickets cost between $105 and $196 each.
“All these people should know better,” said Cynthia Lilley, founder of Mothers Opposed to Moon, a group of parents whose children have been recruited into the Unification Church. “My daughter would tell me over and over how in their recruiting films, they would show Moon with Bush to impress young people. They use the films of Moon and Bush and other celebrities to reassure parents that it’s okay that their children are on the streets selling flowers 18 hours a day.”
While a number of Republican-aligned private organizations have promoted President George W. Bush
Looks like you’ve been officially trolled, John. My condolences.