Since this nonsensical meme was beaten to death by me and others yesterday, this is the last I will say about the idiotic attempts to claim that Bush has done the same thing as Clinton did with the Lincoln Bedroom and donors. In fact, I won’t say anything at all, and simply guid you to this post by Mark Kleiman. Mind you, Mark does not come naturally to Bush’s defense.
By the way- remember we are dealing with Democrats, so even though this attempted meme should remain stillborn, look for attempts in about a month to recycle it. That is how it works- the Democrats level an accusation, it gets beaten down, but they have planted the idea. Then they will bring it up again about a month or two later when they are losing an argument on a totally unrelated issue. Oddly enough, when you call them on it, they argue stronger the second time- even though they know it is nonsense.