Has anyone who has read this study (which is widely linked) bothered to ask whether or not his statistics might be off just a touch.
Are the states he is using as the origin of the fatality actually the home state of the soldier/Marine killed, or is it the soldier/Marine’s duty station state. That could help to explain why so many Californians have been killed.
Just curious what he is using- maybe I missed it in the article.
Looks like he uses the “By State” information from the “Fatality Metrics” link.
And as ICCC’s methodology page says they get their information from the CENTCOM press releases.
I wouldn’t put too much weight into his polisci rigor when it comes to statistics. But I’ve seen economists tear apart everything from pitching mound heights in baseball to bank asset ratios so I’m sure someone qualified will handle this sooner or later. Not that it matters much.
Ken Hahn
Even if the data is accurate, which is open to question, the sample too small. California is listed as slightly underrepresented ( 0.99 ) but we do have two NASCAR venues, Fontana and Sears Point.
Combat deaths are geographic reflections only in a long war. The WoT has been too short and too easy to show trends yet. I know easy is a bad term but I only mean no pitched battles with hundreds if not thousands of casulties. I do not want to belittle the sacrifice of any one life.
Studies like this are useless and interpreting them is an excuse for pushing an agenda.
One out of every 6 Americans live in CA.
1 out of 6, Ricky? Why would you bother posting something so easy to check, and yet wrong?
It was one click from the Census bureau home page.
Okay, and then break out a calcuator? It’s not even 1 in 8. (1 in 8.2 as of 2002.)
I’m going off of something I heard a Democrat say on tv (they were including estimates of illegal aliens). I said “Americans”, though, so I’ll be happy to go with the 8.2 number.
Do I need to tell you what you can do with your pissant attitude, though?