I am back- I had thought about just taking the whole week off and letting the Donks have their week in the sun, but last night was just too preposterous for that to happen. I have to comment. At any rate, the other day I wrote this about the self-serving lying twerp and document thief Sandy Berger:
I really want this liar to go down- too many of the Clinton era swine managed to weasel their way out of everything. Now we have one dead to rights.
To which, in the comments section, Gary Farber wrote:
Which makes clear that John has no interest in justice. No interest in dealing justice to those who violate the secrecy of documents, or commit far worse crimes against national security and our nation. No interest in dispassionately seeing that former NSAs who violate our trust don’t work in government again.
No, it’s about getting “Clinton era swine.”
All I can really say about this is that it takes a special type of Clintonian compartmentalization to make such an assertiion. Berger broke the law and he should be punished. I want to make sure that this member of the privileged class, the Clinton Cabinet, members of which are notorious for evading due process, receives the punishment he deserves. How, exactly, are these mutually exclusive desires?
But the timing of the leak is suspicious!!!
That’s the main thing.
They’re not mutually exclusive, but you wrote something that could easily be interpreted as what Gary wrote. Sure sounded to me as though you really care about justice only if it takes down, “Clinton-era swine.”
Why don’t you just say that if people break the law they should be punished? That would pretty much clear all of it up.
Why can’t one loathe someone and still have a need for justice? Ok, new rule: we can’t do anything more like hunting down and killing Usama bin Laden until we can do so dispassionately. No prosecuting the Aldrich Ameses of the world until we can do so without hatred.
On second thought, no.
Now you see why Kerry and the Dems want to pursue ObL via law enforcement approach.
Which columnist at the time of Afghanistan actually lamented not using MORE legal routes, including the threat of law-suits, in order to bring ObL to justice?
It’s part of that dispassion.
“Now you see why Kerry and the Dems want to pursue ObL via law enforcement approach.”
No, I still don’t.
Ken Hahn
The Democrats in general and the Clintonites in particular don’t think the law applies to them. FBI files turned over to political operatives? No problem. Berger continues the grand tradition of the Clinton administration in putting political advantage above national security. Sell missle secrets to the Chinese for campaign contributions? Sure, why not.
Berger admitted breaking the law. If any low level government employee or, heaven help us, a military person had mishandled documents this way, they’d be going to jail. Just because he’s a rich and well connected Democrat doesn’t protect him from justice.
Gary Farber
I have to say I went overboard there, John, in indignation and accusations.
I certainly agree that if Berger is guilty of half of what he is accused of, he must be punished. But, still, at this date, all we have is leaks. My indignation was based upon a presumption you weren’t equally hard on the folks who sold major arms to the mullahs of Iran. I based this upon not having ever noticed any comment on your blog denouncing such people who, you know, sold missiles to the mullahs, such as Abrams, Poindexter, etc, and, yet, wound up Republican heros. Hey, look, there’s Oliver North! Not at all like Sandy Berger. His secretary factually, confessedly, stuck all those secret documents in her pants. So, that’s different, then. Good folk!
To be sure, that’s an old issue, kinda, sorta, save for the fact of some of said folks employment by our current Administration. I’m sure that, if people who sold missiles to the mullahs were in the prospective Kerry Administration, you’d give them a pass. Abrams, Poindexter? Pardoned patriots. Because Presidential pardonss are good, and never to be criticized.
And then the sun exploded, interrupting our story.