I have noticed a few things since I got High Definition television, chiefly that most television/moviestars aren’t that beautiful. HEre is a short list for your convenience.
People or Things that Look As Good or Better in High Definition:
1.) Natalie Portman
2.) Heather Locklear
3.) Jennifer Garner
4.) Beyonce Knowles
5.) All female cast members of NBC’s Las Vegas
6.) Nature, in particular oceanography
7.) All sports
People or things that look worse on HDTV:
All people who are not Natalie Portman, Heather Locklear, Jennifer Garner, or Beyonce Knowles.
Sports, however, are just unbelievable. You can see the holes in the jersey’s on football players. When athetes run, you can see the sand coming up from the turf. NASCAR, which I have never been a fan of, is amazing looking.
Another thing that is great are live concerts with the digital surround.
If you don’t have HDTV, get it.
Not wasting your time looking at the stone face of Democratic presidential candidate John F’n Kerry yet? Up close and real? To get a better idea of who he really is?
For shame… better yet, YUK! Never mind, go back to NASCAR.
(Intersting comment about the cleats spitting up the sand… I can’t wait.)
Sharp as a Marble
Even better is watching a movie on an Imax screen. No one, and I mean no one is attractive in a close up on and 85 foot screen.
I watched Matrix Reloaded and even Monica Belluci was scary (‘cept for the cleavage shots. 85’ cleavage is fantastic)
Brian Chapin
I’ve had HDTV since January – 61″ widescreen.
It’s almost painful to watch regular definition TV after you watch HDTV. You can watch regular tv without first – but it’s best to turn it off for 30 minutes or so after watching HDTV so your eyes don’t hurt when you switch to regular-def channels.
If I have room in my house, and if I win this week’s California State Lottery, HDTV would be very high on my list of things to get.
Forget about holes in the jersey’s and sand coming up from the turf, good God man, tell us more about Jennifer Garner!
A fine scotch
For shame; you missed a perfectly good opportunity to post pictures of the women referenced!
We need to see what we’re missing, preferably with comparison shots.
It’ll be good enough that I can see the puck when I watch hockey games.
You’ve sold me, I’m going to get one to watch Dan Rather on.
Bob Hawkins
The makeup people just need to adjust to HDTV. I’m thinking artificially intelligent nanotech foundation…
“I’ve had HDTV since January – 61″ widescreen.”
The 61 must be a typo as neither the HDTV or the 16:9 widescreen were available until the 90’s.
Though digital signals have been around since Dolby 5.1 audio equipment, HDTV studio production equipment was scarcely experimental in 1984 and not comercially until the 1990’s. DTV was around a little longer but was used mainly in satelilte equipment with no DTV TV’s to watch it on. A DTV (or HDTV for that matter) signal converted to use on an old analog TV looks the like the same old yuck.
Now if you guys want to really really see some resolution, wait for the UDTV (ultra) with 7,680 by 4,320 pixels *drool* Just like High Definition, but much higher. Of course this format is still highly experimental.
Sandi – who has worked in electronics and specifically TV for too many years.
John Cole
You misread that Sandi.
He meant, I have had HDTV since January. I have 61″ widescreen.
Oops! my bad.
You are so right about this. I no longer feel inferior to the so-called “beautiful people”, as I am now seeing closeup any pock mark, scar, or other imperfection that pancake makeup cannot ever cover up with this technology.
I also agree with your thoughts about watching football and other sports – I used to attend Oakland Raiders games with Dad in 1970’s courtesy to his firm having season tickets. You could hear the actual protective gear thumping a few rows up from the 50 yard line. Now that I am watching it on this HDTV, it is almost as if I am in the stands again. Major coolness. I’d give it three snaps.
I hear porn is godawful.
Let us know for sure. Thanks!
Hmmmm. When either Direct or Dish Network offers NHL Center Ice in HD I’ll go the HD bit. Now if they can add the cool breeze and the smell of the ice…
Brian Chapin
You crack me up Sandi. NHL is great on HDTV – I’ll even watch teams I hate just for the experience.
Porn is god-awful unless you use a progressive scan DVD player and then it’s a transcendental experience. I highly suggest a progressive scan DVD with composite output for any large HDTV set.
Eric Pobirs
And I thought Sandi was making an intentional joke referencing the typewriter scandal.