If you had any doubt that the recent disgusting behavior by the Democrats was anything more than partisan politics, this should end any delusions:
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee on Tuesday sought to capitalize on sharp questioning of Rice during her confirmation hearings. The DSCC sent a fund-raising e-mail signed by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), with the subject line “Taking a Stand.”
“I will continue to make my voice heard on the Senate Foreign Relations committee, but in order to put the brakes on four more years of misdirection in Iraq and reckless policies at home, we need to elect more Democrats to the Senate during the 2006 midterm elections,” Boxer wrote, noting her questioning of Rice. “Click here to contribute to the DSCC today.”
So Barbara Boxer alerts the media ahead of time that she is going to grill Rice. Then she calls Rice a liar. Rice responds. Boxer then whines that Rice attacked her. Meanwhile, Boxer and the DSCC are using the event to raise money.
GHot it- Make sure the media covers the story, then bilk some loot from the public after they see the story in the media. Yet the old guard still does not realize that we see through them:
Byrd, the longest-serving Democratic senator and a student of the Constitution, insisted that his party is merely doing its duty.
“I am particularly dismayed by criticism I have read that Senate Democrats by insisting on having the opportunity to debate this nomination have somehow been engaged in nothing more substantial than petty politics or partisan delaying tactics,” Byrd said, his voice rising in anger.
But they aren’t even trying to hide the political nature of their grandstanding. A national party no more…
capt joe
I guess that since the “student of the constitution” who was also a keagle of the KKK and famous for his filibuster on the 1964 civil right bill is attacking a BLACK, FEMALE nominee isn’t much of an issue.
Wonder what the title would be if Byrd was a republican?
no, why are I wondering. Off course we know what it would be.
such hypocrites.
Shadow Merchant
Byrd is one of the most loathesome Democrats in the Senate, and that’s saying something.
Apart from his outright racism, what really rankles me about this jumped-up piece of white trash is his egomania. Every other men’s room and highway guard rail in West Virginia is named for this horse’s ass.
I think any politician who allows his name to be attached to a public works project while he is still in office deserves to be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.
I wish the filthy little blowhard ill health and a prompt death, followed by an eternity in hell fire.
The CIA just might have been able to provide better intelligence had Senator Byrd not spent most of this time trying to move the CIA to West Virginia.
Bob Diethrich
Yeah but Captain Joe, there are only what five or six indoor restrooms in West Virginia and I don’t recall many guardrails.
Scott Harris
The “restroom” and “guardrail” arguments are really convincing.
We can all enjoy the “jumped-up piece of white trash…” statement. Absolutely no pong of the infamous “white nigger.” Total class.
And it’s just so great to know how Bush loyalty in two elections gets repaid. Yeah. Bush. The loyalty administration.
No prejudice here. Everybody move along.
Robert Crawford
No prejudice?
For crissake, one of Rice’s childhood friends was murdered by Byrd’s fellow Klansmen. As far as I’m concerned, making Byrd the figure head for this campaign wasn’t just an insult, but a threat.
For crissake, one of Rice’s childhood friends was murdered by Byrd’s fellow Klansmen.
Byrd’s in the Klan? News to me.
Kimmit, Trent Lott said some bad things in the 80’s.
He had to quit over that.
So, are you saying there is some statute of limitations on when someone is allowed to be racist?
Or that we should forget his senate record?
He voted against the Civil Rights Act.
Scott Harris
Prejudice? I’m talking about how it’s just okey-dokes with the blogging kool kids to trash West Virginians. (Byrd’s “white niggers” is just too, too ironic…)
As for “murdered by Byrd’s fellow Klansmen…” Yeah. He did that.
Y’know, I got lost in this surrealism of defending Bob Byrd because I didn’t realize that IQ went into the negative digits.
I don’t even … anything … (groping the air in sitcom impotency) … Bob Byrd…. Klan… flair pants…
…Fillibustered the Civil Rights act… – considering that the ACLU has used the Civil Rights Act precisely the way it was intended, ie: to sue religion out of the seal of the City of Los Angeles, and to keep boy scouts out of Balboa park, I would give “Sheets” a pass on that one.
To this day, contra Willis, Byrd has never made a full accounting/apology for his time in the Klan. He said he regretted it but Trent Lott, who was never in the Klan, made more, better apologies than that and most in even his party didn’t think they were good enough. Byrd recently claimed the reason he joined their group had nothing to do with racism (never mind his repeated slurs since supposedly leaving the Klan).
Gosh. Calling an incompetent and a liar an incompetent and a liar — and out loud, too! What will those Satanocrats think of next?
We have just confirmed a condiment, not even so smart or honest as ketchup.
Now I get it! Republicans have just reached the “quota” stage of racism. That’s why they’re so upset that a handful of Demos didn’t vote for her because she LIED to Congress about the reasons for going into a war. She’s black, so you can’t question her.
And an Attorney General candidate who won’t give a straight answer about the use of torture, the effective suspension of habeas corpus and who LIED to the Senate, well if he is a Latino, well, you can’t question him.
This is such a pathetic level of discourse. Maybe the people who comment here don’t associate with minorities, but folks I know, whatever their race, are entitled to hold opinions on the nominees based on the nominees’ abilities and past actions.
You people here really are racists. You are still dividing up people by color. I keep telling you, it’s top versus bottom and you’re all at the bottom.
Let me see. Are we talking about the Civil Rights Act passed back in the mid-sixties? So that’s about forty years ago, eh?
It’s really ironic, considering that the Democratic Party lost the South because of the Civil Rights Act, and who did those white voters go to? The Republicans. I guess you folks around here must think all those white Southerners are dumbshits. They all left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party and didn’t even know that the Republicans were the defenders of Civil Rights and promoters of minorities.
No, you racists aren’t dumbshits.
Well, actually you are, because the world is not divided by skin color. It’s divided by money. But at least you know which party looks out for the white folks.