Via Andrew Sullivan, here is a group of Islamofascists where a Nazi reference is worthy:
On the evening of July 11, 2004, Kristine Withers walked down 37th Avenue, a main drag in Jackson Heights, Queens, and passed what had become a familiar sight: a group of tables set up on the sidewalk by the Islamic Thinkers Society, a local group of militant Islamists. On the tables, copies of the Koran and books espousing the group
James Emerson
You’re correct of course. The basic human instinct is to smash them senseless, but with similar messages being directed towards liberals from the extreme Christian right, I have to step away from my emotional impulses, and grant them the space to make a mockery of themselves.
As long as they abide by the law, they can be as stupid as they desire. We allow the same right for Reverend Phelps when he and his followers louldly picket the funerals of our young soldiers killed in Iraq with signs stating this is the vengence of God at work. Hell, if we can live with this expression of free speech from the Christofascists, then we can expect no less of a right for the Islamofascists.
The bottom line is that they obey the law, just as do the millions of law abiding patriotic Americans who represent the heart of America.
Ohhhh…And let the mockery begin…
The whole thing about free speech is that you have to put up with speech that you find offensive and even dangerous.
Free speech is really a rotten idea, until you consider the alternatives.
In the clean, God-approved Futureworld that our GOP brothers are trying diligently to build for us, things like this will not happen. Just be patient.
I just sit back and let the idiots self-identify. Then I can mock them at my pleasure.
Wait a minute, Stormy ….. that’s my strategy too.
Now if we can just agree on which ones are the idiots ;-)
ppqaz and I probably cancel each other out in a parallel universe. Pity.
Gee, suddenly there’s a nurturing attitude extended towards Religious Right nutbags. What changed around here? Usually, such theocratic piffle gets ripped several new ones? Now, it’s like there’s a desire to offer them therapy.
How about that?
Do muslims count as part of the religious right? Apparently not. When they loudly proclaim how they want to destroy American culture that is for some reason excusable as free speech, but any christian who speaks loudly about their religious beliefs is instantly opposed.
Facing the facts tho, islamic incitement to violence is not legal in America, it is simply tolerated because it could never be punished while the ACLU exists.
Can you cite examples of “incitement to violence?”
In a cave somewhere, someone might be saying, “America’s heroes are our terrorists.”
Does that mean that expressing an opinion is against the law?
Since ACLU takes a rather legalistic view of these things, as might, say, the Justice Department (at least, prior to the year 2000), you surely have an argument of law to support the idea that it is. Otherwise, WTF are you talking about?
For example, does vocal support of the death penalty constitute an “incitement to violence?”
How about “my first instinct is to crush them?” Is that an incitement to violence?
Not an area of the law with which I have a lot of experience, so I trust that you have more information.
Islamic Thinkers’ Society, eh?
IMHO, let ’em keep spewing.
Good intel source. Think of the possibilities…
When they say “your terrorists are our heroes,” they’re supporting an enemy with whom we are presently at war. That makes them a valid intel target, as in “collection & analysis.”
As long as they’re within the law, they have the same 1st Amendment rights as anyone else.
But if we see any evidence they’re engaged in crime, terrorism, or acts of war, then swoop down hard and clean out the nest.
And for people who embrace martyrdom, LWOP in a maximum security facility is a harsher punishment than death.
Well, you’ll need to build a lot more Gitmos then. The US is, what, five, six percent of the world’s population? Last time I looked, a pretty large chunk of those people are not supporting our so-called War on Terror. Right now, not even half of the polled respondents in our country are saying that the War in Iraq is worth it.
How many of those “enemy supporters” do you suppose are out there? A billion? Two? That’s a lot of cages in a lot of detention facilities, compadre. Okay, let’s say that 5% of the world’s population thinks that our heroes are terrorists.
That’s around 300 million detainees. Personally, I don’t think that’s a generous estimate. It is, of course, an estimate, but even if I am off by plus or minus 90 percent, that’s a minimum of 30 million “enemy supporters” out there.
What do you think we should do? Lock ’em up? Nuke ’em?
Get serious. If some people can’t handle free speech, then I’m sure Egypt is looking for some new citizens. I’m sure there is some housing available down by De Nile, the local big river.
Tim F
A better trollbait topic is rarely seen. Of course these guys are nutbags, and of course they have a right to speak their nutbag mind. Nobody stops Fred Phelps from doing his schtick either.
I’m just amazed that these guys do this in New York City and Ms. Withers is the wrost they get. The most likely explanation being, New Yorkers see so many nutty sidewalk pundits on an average day that these guys fit right in. Background noise.
I like the idea of conservative lesbians fighting against hostile, radical Muslims.
I like the idea of conservative lesbians fighting against hostile, radical Muslims.
Tim, you’re right. We don’t even see the nuts on the sidewalk anymore to see whether they’re Islamic fundies, Christian fundies, LaRouchies, or whatever. It’s like how we don’t notice the noise of the subways going by.
I like the idea of conservative lesbians fighting against hostile, radical Muslims.
Interestingly, that’s the plot of “Dead or Alive III,” so you’re in luck!
Kristine Withers
But it looks like this consevative lesbian was right. Here is a follow up for you, and I hope people spread it around. The Islamic Thinkers were linked to the July bombers of London, whom they praised. Finally the Police got smart and got them off the street. Another Conservative Lesbian victory.