The Daily Kos and Red State have joined together to urge the defeat of HR 4194.
Go check it out and why you should help them, if you can.
by John Cole| 7 Comments
This post is in: Politics
The Daily Kos and Red State have joined together to urge the defeat of HR 4194.
Go check it out and why you should help them, if you can.
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That’ll be the day!
Via John Cole an urgent action backed by both Kos and RedState. November 9, 2005 Dear Member of Congress, As bloggers from the right and left, we dont often agree on much. But when it comes to free speech online,…
You mean the Left and the Right may actually have some common interests!?! Blasphemy! If word gets out that Americans can work together to solve problems, our whole political system will collapse. I mean, how will the parties and 527s raise cash if they can’t fire up their base by villifying the other side? It’s a sign of the Apocalipse!
don surber
Protection is a racket run by the Mafia.
We do not need protection. We were endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable (unalienable) rights. That among these are free speech
Sad, and true. The extant system is grounded in constant conflict between Americans — divide, and conquer.
When the potatoheads on both sides … mostly, the ones in the giant vegetable compound we call Washington, DC … fuck it all up to the point where citizens have had enough, then we’ll get change.
Thanks to GW Bush and his incompetant, crooked cronies, that day has been hastened.
DKos and RedState working together on this issue? Great, now let’s see them work together on some divisive issues.
Did you just link to Red State but not to Kos? hehe. Ouch.
But it’s no small surprise. I can’t really see a blog site supporting this type of legislation.
Nice Ghostbusters reference.