The big game starts in just a few hours, and I am a basket case. I got about two hours sleep- from 5:15 am to about 7:30 am, and then I just lay in bed with the covers over my head for about four hours, alternating between how good it is going to feel seeing Dan Rooney hold the Lombardi trophy and how bad it is going to be if the team loses, should that happen.
I can’t believe I think this is fun.
It is amazing how the NFL has turned the Superbowl into a secular national holiday, although I could make a pretty good argument that Steelers football is religion. Note to Major League Baseball execs- start World Series games at 6 pm so the next generation of fans can watch your marquee event.
Aty any rate, I don’t really have anything to say other than Go Steelers! If you have a recipe or tradition you want to pass on, put her in the comments.
As a 30 year Seahawk fan I’m the exact same way on the other side of the fence. I’m staying away from all sharp objects etc… until the game is over one way or the other. Good luck and hopefully it’ll be a great game.
IB Bill
Hope you enjoy the game John, and that your beloved team wins! Best.
Mean Gene
I’m a big fan of The Fat Guy, but the pass interference call on Bennie Barnes was The Most Obvious and Egregious Pass Interference Call in the History of the Goddam Universe. I mean, come now.
One of my best friends called me as he walked into Ford Field, sounding drunk and happy and stoked to a nearly-homicidal fervor. He said Seahawk fans are thin on the ground–the Steeler Nation holding about a 50-1 edge, in his biased, unscientific, and admittedly drunk opinion.
I can’t believe it either. What you describe sounds a lot like the last time I had food poisoning. But I hope your team wins, and I hope you survive the ordeal.
This time remember to put anything expensive or fragile well away from whatever bunker you’ll be sitting in to watch…
Par R
Let’s hope that this year’s halftime show has no “wardrobe malfunctions” by any of the Stones!
Good Luck!
I suppose the phrase “It’s just a game” won’t win any points here. I have no real stake here either way. Now that the Vikings suck air, it will be a while before they see the big game. The only reason my family will watch is for the commercials.
Between the two, I suppose the Seahawks have waited the longest to get a ring (never) so if I favor anyone it would be them and only for that reason. Well, that isn’t true. I still remember the Vikings being denied the Super Bowl by the old Steel Curtain. Some things are just hard to forgive. : )
Try to relax and breathe normally, John. It’s all over in six or seven hours. One way or the other.
Are you getting enough to drink? Because that will help.
It reminds me of Aquinas talking about being a “larger vessel.” Being in the Super Bowl opens you to the sensation, briefly, of utter happiness and utter despair.
A larger vessel, capable of being far fuller or far emptier.
In Seattle we’re quietly confident. It’s going to be fun watching Madden et al bending over backwards to explain how much a fluke it is to have the Seahawks win a superbowl. There’s so much disrespect heaped on Seattle from all sides, we’re going to have to win not just this one, but the next two superbowls to get taken seriously.
Even early in the season, talking heads were saying that Seattle was the best team in the NFC. So I don’t know about the disrespect thing.
Unless you mean the city itself. I mean, what’s with that monorail?
Scott Chaffin
Even the hardiest of born-and-bred Pittsburgh Steeler fans have acknowledged that Mr. Barnes did nothing to Gov.-to-be Swann. The honest ones have, anyway.
NB: This is one of those bad things that the Interweb and blogging hath wrought. 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have given a tinker’s damn about how feelings of a Steelers fan. Now I will slightly bad for my little web buddies, no matter who loses. Only slightly, though, if it’s the Steelers…I wept over that long-ago Super Bowl, and it would be sweeter than sangria wine for the tables to be turned. Gawd, that’s petty and vindictive, isn’t it?
Peter ve
As long as it’s not a team owned by Art “Traitor” Model, I’m happy if either tema wins if they both play well.
John, I’m the ultimate Red Sox fan and I can relate but I’ll share a story. Every year in the spring I sat with my dad and talked about whether or not this would be the year. My dad has long passed but I know had he been alive after the series they won, he’d still say the same thing only with a smile on his face. It’s the Steelers year, enjoy. J
Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks ! Go Seahawks !,
And as a side note, Tom Brady is flipping the coin????? What a slap in the face to both teams.
I’m a woman, and I think some of the women who are reporting on sports are terrific. I’m sure most people would consider me a feminist.
But that female announcer for the Super Bowl MVPs? Terrible. Just as bad as the woman they have doing the Oscars. Is it that they are women and I’m used to men? I don’t know.
Guess by default- I’m the coda. Steelers win! God Bless all my fellow ‘burghers! Love you all!