The White House fire: Was it a result of torture memos being carelessly destroyed, an attempt by the administration to create its own American Reichstag Fire, or both?
”In this bill, we ban by 2012 the famously inefficient 100-watt incandescent bulb,” said Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat who co-sponsored that provision.
Got to remember to stock up on 100 watt lightbulbs.
From the same control freaks (Democrats) who legislated the size of your Toilet tank.
Congress Can Have My Lightbulbs …
”In this bill, we ban by 2012 the famously inefficient 100-watt incandescent bulb,” said Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat who co-sponsored that provision.
Got to remember to stock up on 100 watt lightbulbs.
Shorter Paul L. I have every right to burn my eyeballs out with super bright lightbulbs.
The right says we need to restrict free speech in order to combat terrorism but Paul gets outraged that the left is attacking the light bulb industry’s right to make inefficiect lightbulbs.
Post that crap on redstate where there a bunch of know nothing ditto heads to excite. What a tool you are.
It takes a special kind of person to be more outraged by the government telling them what kind of lightbulbs they can buy than by a government that spies on its citizens without warrants.
No! Not the halogen bulbs! They burn brighter, longer, and cheaper than old-fashioned incandescents and now the US Government is MAKING ME PURCHASE THEM!
Truly, the freedom fighter in me knows now that liberals are truly fascist. The libertarian in me says I should be allowed to make my own light bulbs and to hell with government interference. Free Market Damnit!
What’s next? Mandated use of cheap and easily produced solar panels instead of burning shit tons of coal?
Nanosolar’s founder and chief executive, Martin Roscheisen, claims to be the first solar panel manufacturer to be able to profitably sell solar panels for less than $1 a watt. That is the price at which solar energy becomes less expensive than coal.
“With a $1-per-watt panel,” he said, “it is possible to build $2-per-watt systems.”
According to the Energy Department, building a new coal plant costs about $2.1 a watt, plus the cost of fuel and emissions, he said.
Shorter Paul L. I have every right to burn my eyeballs out with super bright lightbulbs.
Shorter Dreggas: The Government know better then you do what size toilet tank or Lightbulb wattage you need.
And you call me a authoritarian.
From the same control freaks (Democrats) who legislated the size of your Toilet tank.
Yeah, how dare they say I can’t waste water by mandating efficiency!
”In this bill, we ban by 2012 the famously inefficient 100-watt incandescent bulb,” said Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat who co-sponsored that provision.
Um…so what? Up here, we’re banning all incandescent bulbs (except for where there are no alternatives, like oven lights) by 2012. We’ve already switched over all the ones in our household anyway — it’s awesome to not have to change them so often.
A good idea is a good idea. Who gives a sweet damn which party proposed it?
And dude, if you’re getting spazzed out about not being able to buy a 100 watt incandescent, you need to get your ass to a soup kitchen or something and gain some perspective.
The Government know better then you do what size toilet tank or Lightbulb wattage you need.
The same amount of light can be produced with less energy used and less heat given off. This is good for the country overall. Light bulb manufacturers aren’t going to do what’s best for the country, its not their charge, they do whats’ best for them. Someone has to force them to do what’s best for the country. That’s what a government of the people does. The government you want, a government that rules in favor of letting the corporartion do what it wants, is the conservative pipe dream, the fascist wonderland. But that ain’t here.
And you call me a authoritarian.
But for whole different reasons.
Those damn liberalfascists have no business trying to interfere with my God-given right to pollute the water, air and soil and to use way more than my share of limited natural resources.
I want a car that gets 2 gallons to the mile, smokes like a forest fire and drips oil like a cheap taco. I want a 30 gallon tank on my toilet and a sewer connection direct to the nearest river. I don’t want any insulation in my home, a coal burning stove, and appliances that require their own nuclear power plant.
Oh yeah, and I want to smoke cheap smelly stogies in restaurants, churches and hospital waiting rooms.
Why can’t the consumer decide. If no one buys 100 watt lightbulbs, Light bulb manufacturers will not make them.
Now people instead of using one 100 watt lightbulb, they may use 2 60 watt lightbulbs.
Reminds of Car airbags. Government mandates them and it turns out they kill children in the front seat.
Government solution: Put warnings in the car to put the kids in the back seat.
And what will Al Gore and John Edwards use to light their 16000+ sq. feet mansions.
myiq2xu Says:
Those damn liberalfascists have no business trying to interfere with my God-given right to pollute the water, air and soil and to use way more than my share of limited natural resources.
I want a car that gets 2 gallons to the mile, smokes like a forest fire and drips oil like a cheap taco. I want a 30 gallon tank on my toilet and a sewer connection direct to the nearest river. I don’t want any insulation in my home, a coal burning stove, and appliances that require their own nuclear power plant.
Oh yeah, and I want to smoke cheap smelly stogies in restaurants, churches and hospital waiting rooms.
Isn’t it awesome how big business owners have convinced average stupid people that the congress is attacking their individual rights and not that the congress is regulating big business? I mean Rush and Savage wouldn’t last eight seconds on the radio railing against congress if they had to tell the story from the proper angle. Who’d care?
Losing strategy:
Governments forcing you to stop making an inefficient product? Boohoo.
Winning strategy:
Governments taking away my right to use 100 watt bulbs as a light and heat source? Outrage!!!!!
Paul L: Tool of the hidden aristocracy. Trace the history of the conservatives in this country Paul. You’ll be lead all the way back to the people who didn’t want to fight King George. Tories.
Reminds of Car airbags. Government mandates them and it turns out they kill children in the front seat.
Airbags (and mandatory seatbelts) saved my life. I rolled a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire doing about 60 mph and walked away with a scratch on my finger.
Why can’t the consumer decide.
It depends on the situation. In this case I suspect we’d end up with people choosing 150 watt bulbs and bitching about the electric bill. Some don’t make connections in their heads. They don’t get to decide. IMO.
Hey, Paul L. — how many children were actually killed or injured by air bags? (Hint — it’s about as many people who were raped by the Duke Lacrosse team.)
John S.
Why can’t the consumer decide. If no one buys 100 watt lightbulbs, Light bulb manufacturers will not make them.
Free market invisible hand rules all! But seriously, when the shelves are stocked with 90% energy in-effecient bulbs that are cheaper for manufacturers to make (and more profitable), how will consumers stop buying them? What is their alternative?
Now people instead of using one 100 watt lightbulb, they may use 2 60 watt lightbulbs.
Uh, no. They are talking about phasing out incandescent bulbs altogether in favor of LED bulbs. Hell, even Wal-Mart has started to put them into their stores (because it saves them money).
Reminds of Car airbags. Government mandates them and it turns out they kill children in the front seat.
You are a special sort of idiot. How many lives have airbags saved vs. children killed by them from being in the front seat? Which incidentally, any good parent knows you aren’t supposed to have small children in the front anyway.
Government solution: Put warnings in the car to put the kids in the back seat.
Oh, no! Those evil warning labels. Look you fucking moron, if they don’t tell people not to do something potentially hazardous, there is more chance they wil ldo it. People will do it anyway, despite the label. Idiots like you that don’t seem to realize that you aren’t supposed to put small children in the front anyway, something people knew even before the airbag warnings came out.
And what will Al Gore and John Edwards use to light their 16000+ sq. feet mansions.
And Dick Cheney and George Bush and all the other mansion owners. If they are smart, they will switch to LED bulbs that save money and energy. Or if they are Republican, they will do whatever makes them more money.
But what does all this have to do with the Duke lacrosse players, Paul? I haven’t seen you make the connection yet. I wait with bated breath.
But what does all this have to do with the Duke lacrosse players, Paul? I haven’t seen you make the connection yet. I wait with bated breath.
Oh, that’s easy, John — the number of kids actually killed by airbags in the front seat is very close to the number of rapes which the Duke Lacrosse players were convicted of committing.
Oh, no! Those evil warning labels. Look you fucking moron, if they don’t tell people not to do something potentially hazardous, there is more chance they wil ldo it. People will do it anyway, despite the label. Idiots like you that don’t seem to realize that you aren’t supposed to put small children in the front anyway, something people knew even before the airbag warnings came out.
You know what is the funniest part. We have those warning labels such as the ones on hair dryers stating not to use while in the shower because some idiot somewhere did just that, used it while in the shower this idiot was probably voted most likely to bitch about warning labels and not being able to buy 100 watt lightbulbs…
Putting your kids in the back seat has been the suggestion for a long, long time now. I still remember seeing the commercials advocating such in the early eighties when I was a kid. I think Big Bird was in them. Air bags were around, but weren’t common and certainly weren’t mandated. Kids are just as likely to slip through the seat belt (thanks to their diminutive nature) or unbuckle themselves (thanks to their immaturity/ignorance) and fly through the window. The back seat is safer with or without the presence of airbags.
Maybe we should repeal all safety laws! After all, if the emergency exits are locked in your place of employ, you can always just go work somewhere else, right?
1) I love that song!
2) We switched all our bulbs last year and are saving $20 PER MONTH now.
As an educator, I can understand why this teacher in India shocked his pupils.
I had my pupils shocked once – I walked in on my grandma and grandpa doing the wild thing.
The necessity for this “lightbulb legislation” comes from the very simple fact that at present, there is no incentive for light bulb manufacturers to convert the majority of their manufacturing power to producing the more complex and more expensive to construct CFLs. Market forces weren’t going to do it because while the long term benefits of the CFLs are well documented, when confronted with replacing a light bulb at Home Depot, the cheapest one on the shelf will garner the most sales and therefore the most shelf space. It was a self perpetuating system that needed the nudge that the government is going to give it. This would be authoritarianism if there were anyone out there who would actually argue that there is a benefit to producing and consuming traditional incandescent light bulbs. Since there isn’t, and no one is, this is just good lawmaking, if not a little bit underwhelming good lawmaking. I’ll take what I can get these days.
It’s so bizarre to me how wingnuts can get themselves worked into a lather about things like not being able to buy inferior, inefficient light bulbs six years from now.
Can we get the R’s to work this into their campaigning somehow? We’ll be talking about health care, the environment, and Iraq, they’ll be talking about the iron fist of government crashing down on your incandescents. Paul, please do contact your representatives with these concerns.
an attempt by the administration to create its own American Reichstag Fire
Wow, only two comments for the “reality based community” to go all Hitler on us…
Wow, only two comments for the “reality based community” to go all Hitler on us…
Yeah, this administration would never do anything crazy like that, would they?
Wow, only two comments for the “reality based community” to go all Hitler on us…
Got to remember to stock up on 100 watt lightbulbs
Shorter Paul–those damn Duke LAXers used these exact bulbs to rape that woman.
Jen Says:
It’s so bizarre to me how wingnuts can get themselves worked into a lather about things like not being able to buy inferior, inefficient light bulbs six years from now.
Here’s why, IMO:
Isn’t it awesome how big business owners have convinced average stupid people that the congress is attacking their individual rights and not that the congress is regulating big business?
It took more posts than I expected for my snide remark to be deliberately misinterpreted. The wingnuts must be busy reading Pantload’s new book.
It took more posts than I expected for my snide remark to be deliberately misinterpreted.
I don’t think it’s deliberate. I remember reading something once that said frogs are only capable of perceiving two things; food and not-food.
Lord knows that frogs have bigger brains than wingnuts.
It took more posts than I expected for my snide remark to be deliberately misinterpreted. The wingnuts must be busy learning to readingPantload’s new book.
Let’s face it, they probably use point and speak program to read this stuff to them.
If PaulL wants to use kajillion-watt incadescent bulbs to light his DDT warehouse (which is cooled by a Freon air conditioner and pleasantly scented by industrial-strength CFC aerosol canisters), then by God that’s his right as an American. Why don’t you moonbats go hug a spotted owl or something?
If PaulL wants to use kajillion-watt incadescent bulbs to light his DDT warehouse (which is cooled by a Freon air conditioner and pleasantly scented by industrial-strength CFC aerosol canisters), then by God that’s his right as an American. Why don’t you moonbats go hug a spotted owl or something?
Yeah, next thing you know they’ll want to make it illegal to drink and drive!
toilet tank restrictions were part of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1992.
who was president in 1992? hmm ?
Wingnut excuse #1 – It’s Clinton’s fault!
What the hell did he know about flush toilets? He’s from Arkansaw, so he must have grew up using an outhouse.
from FDL:
Senate leaders hoped to decide this week whether to shield the telecommunications companies from the roughly 40 pending civil lawsuits alleging violations of communications and wiretapping laws. The White House says if the cases go forward they could reveal information that would compromise national security. If they succeed, the companies could be bankrupted.
Even after accounting for the fact that Jonah Goldberg’s book is worse than you can imagine, it’s still worse than you can imagine.
Combined with the Jon Swift “Shorter Jonah Goldberg” summary and “LOLcats” version of Goldberg, and it’s just comedy gold.
I know we’ve all ripped Jonah to shreds,
Oh, don’t forego reading the 800 or so comments on the subject over at S,N. Even after imagining all the different ways to say “you’re fat and full of shit” that you can think of, it turns out there are still more.
It is an admission of risk conditioned on the possibility that the companies were held to be liable.
That’s lawyerese for “my client fucked up.”
You know, CFLs are ok, but I want us to make the all-LED transition sooner, rather than later. Car manufacturers are going all LED by 2009. Should be the end to replacing lightbulbs unless you own your cars for like 15 years.
Simple things like converting the nation to LEDs would probably save 30% energy/waste, not to mention reduced landfill, packaging, transport, etc.
If we’re gonna subsidize stuff, let’s start subsidizing the green energy (but not corn ethanol) industry. Make laptop batteries that last 10 years and can hold 10x the charge. Get rid of standby power use/loss in most devices. Use material science to make packaging thinner, lighter and smaller.
Even simple things, like the newest “ultra” tide (same number of uses in 1/3rd the package) do things like reduce the shelf space, number of trucks needed to transport, production of bottles, etc.
Conservatism is clearly the hobgoblin of little minds.
Conservatism is clearly the hobgoblin product of little minds.
Even after imagining all the different ways to say “you’re fat and full of shit” that you can think of, it turns out there are still more.
I was just reading the comments at Jon Swift and noticed that our own resident troll (Psychout) has taken up residence there. Hee Hee.
“I wrote you a book, but I eated it”. And the picture of Jonah and the “cheezburger”. Gonna die laughing.
Again, I think we’re seeing the “death throes” of movement conservatism if people like Coulter, Malkin and Goldberg are the leading literary lights. And with Instaputz and Hindrocket as their lawyers, I think we’re safe from any Republican academic takeover :-)
Conservatism is clearly the hobgoblin of little minds.
Well, they are fond of their foolish consistencies.
Well, they are fond of their foolish consistencies.
Wasn’t that from Emerson, Lake & Palmer?
Well, they are fond of their foolish consistencies.
I’m really trying to find a way to work Eddie Murphy’s “Buckwheat” “Wooking pa nub (in all da wong pwaces)” into this thread, so I will say that I keep picturing Huckabee as Buckwheat.
Unce, tice, fee times a mady…
Unce, tice, fee times a mady…
How about Elmer Fudd singing “Fire“
You consistently think about Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat? You lost me there.
I know that line from Next Stop Wonderland.
Another good line, you request? “I’m looking for a woman who is tall, yet clean…”
Faux News
I’m with Paul L on this issue ,and by the way DAMN the gub’mint for taking lead out of gasoline! If lead is good enuff to be in housepaint it’s good enuff to be in gasoline.
You consistently think about Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat? You lost me there.
What are you, 12? It’s a classic. “Da baba of dabille…”
And I don’t consistently think of him, but the “wookin pa nub” gets stuck in my head often.
I’m with Paul L on this issue ,and by the way DAMN the gub’mint for taking lead out of gasoline! If lead is good enuff to be in housepaint it’s good enuff to be in gasoline.
Yeah, and it helps to make those kids toys so nice and shiny too. Kids these days, sheesh, can’t handle a little lead poisoning. Why in my day kids had the black lung from working in the coal mines 12 hours/day. And they liked it!
What are you, 12?
No, I’m TZ, remember? I KNOW about Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat, what it has to do with hobgoblin of little minds I got no idea.
Someone has to force them to do what’s best for the country. That’s what a government of the people does.
That’s a real authoritarian streak you got there. The Gov’t MUST! make people do what YOU! think is right. We’re all just kids and you are the decision maker.
Tell you what, you show me the poll/ petition/ etc. that says the majority of America wants this, then I’ll go with it. A gov’t of the people listens to it’s people. Not just the select few who think they know better for all of us.
So now, you want to force the working poor to spend more money to light their homes? You know the price of efficient bulbs would only go up once they are mandated. Unless of course the gov’t gets involved and mandates the price of the bulbs, to hell with a private company setting its own pricing. Or we could create another social program to hand out free LED bulbs..
How many lives have airbags saved vs. children killed
Heh…wonder how many lives have been saved by gun owners vs. those lost. Or does this argument only work with topics you agree with?
So now, you want to force the working poor to spend more money to light their homes? You know the price of efficient bulbs would only go up once they are mandated. Unless of course the gov’t gets involved and mandates the price of the bulbs, to hell with a private company setting its own pricing. Or we could create another social program to hand out free LED bulbs..
That is simply false. The price of bulbs is high because (1) they aren’t mass produced like they could be, and (2) there isn’t that much competition in the market for efficient lightbulbs. Your statement assumes that efficient lightbulbs are a fully matured product and that production cannot possibly ramp up to meet or exceed demand, neither of which is remotely true.
That is simply false.
Bullshit. Do you really a believe a corporation in this country would lower the price of a higher end product once that product is mandated for use? I want whatever drugs you are on.
Do you really a believe a corporation in this country would lower the price of a higher end product once that product is mandated for use?
Why, yes, I do.
One relevant example is that of incandescent light bulbs, the price of which has fallen steadily over the years. For that matter, CFL bulbs have also grown cheaper over the years.
Hint: When wingnuts break out the argument that something is going to hurt poor people, some high-octane BS is about to be laid.
Tell you what, you show me the poll/ petition/ etc. that says the majority of America wants this, then I’ll go with it. A gov’t of the people listens to it’s people. Not just the select few who think they know better for all of us.
Tell you what, you show me the poll/ petition/ etc. that says the majority of America wants this, then I’ll go with it.
Oh, and this? It’s called “a election”. You’ve heard of them, right? We have them here, Cass. If you don’t like the outcome, you can do what the dems around you have done in the last few years: run against Rep Harman on the issue.
So now, you want to force the working poor to spend more money to light their homes?
You forget the savings from reduced electrical usage and the longer life of the bulbs. CFL’s save money.
Heh…wonder how many lives have been saved by gun owners vs. those lost. Or does this argument only work with topics you agree with?
Why, no. Show me a statistically sound study indicating a net reduction in deaths due to gun ownership, and I’ll be perfectly willing to consider that as an argument in favor of gun ownership.
Of course, the notable absence of such studies is perhaps something worth taking into account here…
Heh…wonder how many lives have been saved by gun owners vs. those lost.
Ever heard of anyone being killed accidentally while cleaning their knife? How many drive-by stabbings have you read about?
Show me a statistically sound study indicating a net reduction rise in deaths due to gun ownership,
What a quandry with this issue.
Why does Cassidy hate representative democracy?
I love representative democracy. I wish it was practiced more. Unfortunately, the current state of today’s rep’s is nothing but two shades of authoritarian. But hey, I guess this means you’re on board with banning gay marriage and the death penalty, right?
Hint: When wingnuts liberals break out the argument that something is going to hurt poor people, some high-octane BS is about to be laid.
Show me a statistically sound study indicating a net -reduction- rise in deaths due to gun ownership,
Cassidy, is that a challenge? Such studies exist, you know…
Ever heard of anyone being killed accidentally while cleaning their knife? How many drive-by stabbings have you read about?
Drive by body pierce…
Show me a statistically sound study indicating a net reduction rise in deaths due to gun ownership,
Where there are no guns, there will be no gun deaths.
John S.
Show me a statistically sound study indicating a net reduction rise in deaths due to gun ownership.
Poor Cassidy. He thinks that he got himself a real zinger there with the old strikethrough and reverse maneuver. There’s only two problems with this:
1) Proving that gun ownership reduces the number of deaths is quite difficult because any study will struggle with proving whether the effect is correlation or causation, whereas
2) Proving that gun ownership increases the number of deaths is a simple matter of causation due to the fact that one can conclusively say that deaths resulting from guns (and the ownership of those guns) were, well, caused by those guns.
Better luck next time, Cassidy.
Rudy just released an ad that unintentionally spoofs Huckleberry’s Xmas ad.
Satire is not only dead, it’s been posthumously excommunicated.
Accoding to TPM, Hanoi John is back in a tie for first in NH.
I guess by comparison, “cranky old fart” is starting to look good.
John S.
Aw shucks, I wasted precious mental energy refuting Cassidy’s retarded point about guns. I should have just cribbed his standard response and called it a day…
Cassidy, you are sad and pathetic. It really amazes me that people like you can exist and breed. One would think that evolution would have caught up with you quite some time ago. Oh well. Maybe we’ll be blessed with a Christmas miracle.
Cass, when you “fix” something, it’s supposed to be funny, see? Crossing something out and writing the opposite is not, well, it’s not high satire, is it? Can you do any better?
Liberals lay down the high octane BS when you hear us say, “but the poor CEOs”…because, see….we don’t give a shit…see the parallels…
Really, though, nothing topped opposing SCHIP….because it was funded with a tobacco tax….and poor people are more likely to smoke…so it HAD to be opposed, because it hurt poor people! If there is any soul in the world so gullible as to believe that was really what those guys didn’t like about it, I’ve got a nice sweet Christian guy named Psycheout to introduce you to…
Cassidy Says:
Someone has to force them to do what’s best for the country. That’s what a government of the people does.
That’s a real authoritarian streak you got there. The Gov’t MUST! make people do what YOU! think is right. We’re all just kids and you are the decision maker.
Projection alert!!! That’s not what I said. There’s no ‘MUST’ in there. It’s not what ‘I’ think is right. Quite the stretch there Darrell. Also is forcing a corporation to do government bidding authoritarian? I thought it was authoritarian when we forced people to conform to government desires. BTW I don’t recognize a corporation as a ‘person’.
Tell you what, you show me the poll/ petition/ etc. that says the majority of America wants this, then I’ll go with it. A gov’t of the people listens to it’s people. Not just the select few who think they know better for all of us.
We don’t elect representatives to vote what we want, we elect them to make decisions for us. Decisions like this that most americans wouldn’t give a shit about if the right wing didn’t invest billions in stupid outrage campaigns.
This ‘government of the select few’ idea of yours is BTW the definition of conservativism.
If regular bulbs were made illegal, then fluorescents would become the “regular” bulb and they would be made in greater quantities than they are now. The greater quantities and greater brand and type choices would enable consumers to discriminate in their buying patterns, causing this little thing called “competition” which lowers prices.
Eddie Murphy, SNL, Kill the White People.
I win.
‘we’re gonna hit’em in the head with a bat
and make him cry’
I hate basketball but the Celtics are really good this year. Should I watch them?
First, your daily does of a teensy bit of good news. Republicans back off in their attempt to politicize (read: fuck up the ass) another independent part of the government.
If regular bulbs were made illegal, then only outlaws will have light bulbs
Or something like that.
Republicans are such WATB. Countless innovations are sprung from the tail end of increased regulation and oversight, most good for the environment, citizenry, economy and ultimately the companies.
Companies drag their feet, for good and bad reasons, all the time. Kicking them in the pants now and then is a good thing.
That Republicans are such fraidy-cats they see a little regulation and they’re all “ZOMG! IT’S TEH END! HIDE THE PR0N!” is just pathetic.
Does anyone here wipe there ass without getting their local politico’s permission first? Seriously, maybe you guys do need an authoritarian gov’t, if you’re too weak willed to make decisions for yourself.
I’d really like to see those “studies” that correlate death with gun ownership. I’m sure they’d be good for a laugh.
Where there are no guns, there will be no gun deaths.
Sure, Japan, England…oh yeah, maybe not.
Cassidy Says:
Where there are no guns, there will be no gun deaths.
Sure, Japan, England…oh yeah, maybe not.
Are you saying there are no guns in those countries yet there are gun deaths?
Oh, and Tim? If you’re going to go unconventional, and use the Eurythmics… beware. When it comes to Seriously Bad late seventies and eighties “music”…FDDD and I are Seriously Well-equipped.
I study nuclear science
I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses
Things are going great, and they’re only getting better
I’m doing all right, getting good grades
The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades
The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades
Of course an ironic song about the fear of nuclear war/winter often misinterpreted as being totally serious.
Just like Republicans think “Born in the USA” is some paean to American militarism.
Are you saying there are no guns in those countries yet there are gun deaths?
I think what Cassidy is saying is “okasdjf;laksdjf ;aosdkjfhpowqeiry23o4iuy sdijhsadlkjhf ijh2314908u osdfjh oijsadhfl kjsdhfkl sdjhfsdf”
Or something that makes about as much sense.
John S.
I’d really like to see those “studies” that correlate death with gun ownership.
If a person is killed by a firearm, how does that occur without a gun? Jesus man, learn when to shut the fuck up and walk away.
Death due to injuries from firearms is an increasingly important public health problem. As a group, injuries from firearms were the ninth leading cause of death overall in 1994 and the fourth leading cause of years of potential life lost before age 65 (NCIPC, unpublished data). During the 33-year period covered by this report, the total number of firearm deaths increased by 130%, from 16,720 in 1962 to 38,505 in 1994. If present trends continue, firearm-related injuries could become the leading cause of deaths attributed to injury by the year 2003, surpassing injuries due to motor vehicle crashes.
So how do these deaths occur without gun ownership? In what magical fantasyland do firearm casualties happen without the firearms?
Just like Republicans think “Born in the USA” is some paean to American militarism.
That’s the weirdest thing, isn’t it? Do they even listen to the lyrics?
I had a brother
at Saigon
fightin off the Viet Cong
They’re still there
He’s all gone
etc. etc.
Tell you what, you show me the poll/ petition/ etc. that says the majority of America wants this, then I’ll go with it. A gov’t of the people listens to it’s people. Not just the select few who think they know better for all of us.
Of course an ironic song about the fear of nuclear war/winter often misinterpreted as being totally serious.
Ironic, yes, and frequently misinterpreted.
I thought it was about an emerging class of self-righteous consumertives who viewed themselves as destined for great things. Or, at least, for owning a great many things.
I love representative democracy. I wish it was practiced more. Unfortunately, the current state of today’s rep’s is nothing but two shades of authoritarian. But hey, I guess this means you’re on board with banning gay marriage and the death penalty, right?
That’s some aggresively interrogated logic there, Cass. I’d accuse you of deliberately missing the point but I don’t to be one of those shrill hate-filled ultraliberals that vex you so.
That’s some aggresively interrogated logic there, Cass. I’d accuse you of deliberately missing the point but I don’t to be one of those shrill hate-filled ultraliberals people that can walk and chew gum that vex you so.
Thousands of writers still walk the picket line every day until their legs cramp and their backs ache, only to return to a home they can now barely afford because of the producers’ greed. So, to the arrogant media moguls who’ve gotten so fat off our sweat-soaked toil that they can no longer fit behind their oversized mahogany desks, I say to you: Stop spending all your money on cufflinks, cocktails and whores. Stick a crowbar in your wallet and start bargaining in good faith with the writers.
Why did you do that? Jerk!
The White House fire: Was it a result of torture memos being carelessly destroyed, an attempt by the administration to create its own American Reichstag Fire, or both?
I’m still struggling with “Baby Beluga.”
Paul L.
From the same control freaks (Democrats) who legislated the size of your Toilet tank.
Congress Can Have My Lightbulbs …
Got to remember to stock up on 100 watt lightbulbs.
Shorter Paul L. I have every right to burn my eyeballs out with super bright lightbulbs.
The right says we need to restrict free speech in order to combat terrorism but Paul gets outraged that the left is attacking the light bulb industry’s right to make inefficiect lightbulbs.
Post that crap on redstate where there a bunch of know nothing ditto heads to excite. What a tool you are.
It takes a special kind of person to be more outraged by the government telling them what kind of lightbulbs they can buy than by a government that spies on its citizens without warrants.
No! Not the halogen bulbs! They burn brighter, longer, and cheaper than old-fashioned incandescents and now the US Government is MAKING ME PURCHASE THEM!
Truly, the freedom fighter in me knows now that liberals are truly fascist. The libertarian in me says I should be allowed to make my own light bulbs and to hell with government interference. Free Market Damnit!
What’s next? Mandated use of cheap and easily produced solar panels instead of burning shit tons of coal?
Damn you, DemoncRATS!
/hat tip DKos
Paul L.
Shorter Dreggas: The Government know better then you do what size toilet tank or Lightbulb wattage you need.
And you call me a authoritarian.
Yeah, how dare they say I can’t waste water by mandating efficiency!
Um…so what? Up here, we’re banning all incandescent bulbs (except for where there are no alternatives, like oven lights) by 2012. We’ve already switched over all the ones in our household anyway — it’s awesome to not have to change them so often.
A good idea is a good idea. Who gives a sweet damn which party proposed it?
And dude, if you’re getting spazzed out about not being able to buy a 100 watt incandescent, you need to get your ass to a soup kitchen or something and gain some perspective.
The same amount of light can be produced with less energy used and less heat given off. This is good for the country overall. Light bulb manufacturers aren’t going to do what’s best for the country, its not their charge, they do whats’ best for them. Someone has to force them to do what’s best for the country. That’s what a government of the people does. The government you want, a government that rules in favor of letting the corporartion do what it wants, is the conservative pipe dream, the fascist wonderland. But that ain’t here.
But for whole different reasons.
Those damn liberalfascists have no business trying to interfere with my God-given right to pollute the water, air and soil and to use way more than my share of limited natural resources.
I want a car that gets 2 gallons to the mile, smokes like a forest fire and drips oil like a cheap taco. I want a 30 gallon tank on my toilet and a sewer connection direct to the nearest river. I don’t want any insulation in my home, a coal burning stove, and appliances that require their own nuclear power plant.
Oh yeah, and I want to smoke cheap smelly stogies in restaurants, churches and hospital waiting rooms.
Great tune! Loved Eurythmics.
This is horrible. Happy Holidays.
Re: Paul bitching about light bulbs. Stop whining and go buy some CFLs. They’ll save you money.
Paul L.
Why can’t the consumer decide. If no one buys 100 watt lightbulbs, Light bulb manufacturers will not make them.
Now people instead of using one 100 watt lightbulb, they may use 2 60 watt lightbulbs.
Reminds of Car airbags. Government mandates them and it turns out they kill children in the front seat.
Government solution: Put warnings in the car to put the kids in the back seat.
And what will Al Gore and John Edwards use to light their 16000+ sq. feet mansions.
Isn’t it awesome how big business owners have convinced average stupid people that the congress is attacking their individual rights and not that the congress is regulating big business? I mean Rush and Savage wouldn’t last eight seconds on the radio railing against congress if they had to tell the story from the proper angle. Who’d care?
Losing strategy:
Governments forcing you to stop making an inefficient product? Boohoo.
Winning strategy:
Governments taking away my right to use 100 watt bulbs as a light and heat source? Outrage!!!!!
Paul L: Tool of the hidden aristocracy. Trace the history of the conservatives in this country Paul. You’ll be lead all the way back to the people who didn’t want to fight King George. Tories.
Airbags (and mandatory seatbelts) saved my life. I rolled a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire doing about 60 mph and walked away with a scratch on my finger.
It depends on the situation. In this case I suspect we’d end up with people choosing 150 watt bulbs and bitching about the electric bill. Some don’t make connections in their heads. They don’t get to decide. IMO.
Hey, Paul L. — how many children were actually killed or injured by air bags? (Hint — it’s about as many people who were raped by the Duke Lacrosse team.)
John S.
Free market invisible hand rules all! But seriously, when the shelves are stocked with 90% energy in-effecient bulbs that are cheaper for manufacturers to make (and more profitable), how will consumers stop buying them? What is their alternative?
Uh, no. They are talking about phasing out incandescent bulbs altogether in favor of LED bulbs. Hell, even Wal-Mart has started to put them into their stores (because it saves them money).
You are a special sort of idiot. How many lives have airbags saved vs. children killed by them from being in the front seat? Which incidentally, any good parent knows you aren’t supposed to have small children in the front anyway.
Oh, no! Those evil warning labels. Look you fucking moron, if they don’t tell people not to do something potentially hazardous, there is more chance they wil ldo it. People will do it anyway, despite the label. Idiots like you that don’t seem to realize that you aren’t supposed to put small children in the front anyway, something people knew even before the airbag warnings came out.
And Dick Cheney and George Bush and all the other mansion owners. If they are smart, they will switch to LED bulbs that save money and energy. Or if they are Republican, they will do whatever makes them more money.
But what does all this have to do with the Duke lacrosse players, Paul? I haven’t seen you make the connection yet. I wait with bated breath.
Rubber saw or glass hammer?
Oh, that’s easy, John — the number of kids actually killed by airbags in the front seat is very close to the number of rapes which the Duke Lacrosse players were convicted of committing.
You know what is the funniest part. We have those warning labels such as the ones on hair dryers stating not to use while in the shower because some idiot somewhere did just that, used it while in the shower this idiot was probably voted most likely to bitch about warning labels and not being able to buy 100 watt lightbulbs…
Putting your kids in the back seat has been the suggestion for a long, long time now. I still remember seeing the commercials advocating such in the early eighties when I was a kid. I think Big Bird was in them. Air bags were around, but weren’t common and certainly weren’t mandated. Kids are just as likely to slip through the seat belt (thanks to their diminutive nature) or unbuckle themselves (thanks to their immaturity/ignorance) and fly through the window. The back seat is safer with or without the presence of airbags.
Maybe we should repeal all safety laws! After all, if the emergency exits are locked in your place of employ, you can always just go work somewhere else, right?
1) I love that song!
2) We switched all our bulbs last year and are saving $20 PER MONTH now.
3) As an educator, I can understand why this teacher in India shocked his pupils.
I had my pupils shocked once – I walked in on my grandma and grandpa doing the wild thing.
The necessity for this “lightbulb legislation” comes from the very simple fact that at present, there is no incentive for light bulb manufacturers to convert the majority of their manufacturing power to producing the more complex and more expensive to construct CFLs. Market forces weren’t going to do it because while the long term benefits of the CFLs are well documented, when confronted with replacing a light bulb at Home Depot, the cheapest one on the shelf will garner the most sales and therefore the most shelf space. It was a self perpetuating system that needed the nudge that the government is going to give it. This would be authoritarianism if there were anyone out there who would actually argue that there is a benefit to producing and consuming traditional incandescent light bulbs. Since there isn’t, and no one is, this is just good lawmaking, if not a little bit underwhelming good lawmaking. I’ll take what I can get these days.
It’s so bizarre to me how wingnuts can get themselves worked into a lather about things like not being able to buy inferior, inefficient light bulbs six years from now.
Can we get the R’s to work this into their campaigning somehow? We’ll be talking about health care, the environment, and Iraq, they’ll be talking about the iron fist of government crashing down on your incandescents. Paul, please do contact your representatives with these concerns.
Wow, only two comments for the “reality based community” to go all Hitler on us…
Yeah, this administration would never do anything crazy like that, would they?
Goldberg can do it in WAY less time…
Shorter Paul–those damn Duke LAXers used these exact bulbs to rape that woman.
Here’s why, IMO:
It took more posts than I expected for my snide remark to be deliberately misinterpreted. The wingnuts must be busy reading Pantload’s new book.
I don’t think it’s deliberate. I remember reading something once that said frogs are only capable of perceiving two things; food and not-food.
Lord knows that frogs have bigger brains than wingnuts.
Let’s face it, they probably use point and speak program to read this stuff to them.
If PaulL wants to use kajillion-watt incadescent bulbs to light his DDT warehouse (which is cooled by a Freon air conditioner and pleasantly scented by industrial-strength CFC aerosol canisters), then by God that’s his right as an American. Why don’t you moonbats go hug a spotted owl or something?
toilet tank restrictions were part of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1992.
who was president in 1992? hmm ?
Yeah, next thing you know they’ll want to make it illegal to drink and drive!
Wingnut excuse #1 – It’s Clinton’s fault!
What the hell did he know about flush toilets? He’s from Arkansaw, so he must have grew up using an outhouse.
from FDL:
That sound like a tacit admission of wrongdoing.
Nope. It is an admission of risk conditioned on the possibility that the companies were held to be liable.
I know we’ve all ripped Jonah to shreds, but this post by Ezra Klein is pretty funny:
Combined with the Jon Swift “Shorter Jonah Goldberg” summary and “LOLcats” version of Goldberg, and it’s just comedy gold.
Oh, don’t forego reading the 800 or so comments on the subject over at S,N. Even after imagining all the different ways to say “you’re fat and full of shit” that you can think of, it turns out there are still more.
That’s lawyerese for “my client fucked up.”
You know, CFLs are ok, but I want us to make the all-LED transition sooner, rather than later. Car manufacturers are going all LED by 2009. Should be the end to replacing lightbulbs unless you own your cars for like 15 years.
Simple things like converting the nation to LEDs would probably save 30% energy/waste, not to mention reduced landfill, packaging, transport, etc.
If we’re gonna subsidize stuff, let’s start subsidizing the green energy (but not corn ethanol) industry. Make laptop batteries that last 10 years and can hold 10x the charge. Get rid of standby power use/loss in most devices. Use material science to make packaging thinner, lighter and smaller.
Even simple things, like the newest “ultra” tide (same number of uses in 1/3rd the package) do things like reduce the shelf space, number of trucks needed to transport, production of bottles, etc.
Conservatism is clearly the hobgoblin of little minds.
I was just reading the comments at Jon Swift and noticed that our own resident troll (Psychout) has taken up residence there. Hee Hee.
“I wrote you a book, but I eated it”. And the picture of Jonah and the “cheezburger”. Gonna die laughing.
Again, I think we’re seeing the “death throes” of movement conservatism if people like Coulter, Malkin and Goldberg are the leading literary lights. And with Instaputz and Hindrocket as their lawyers, I think we’re safe from any Republican academic takeover :-)
Well, they are fond of their foolish consistencies.
Wasn’t that from Emerson, Lake & Palmer?
I’m really trying to find a way to work Eddie Murphy’s “Buckwheat” “Wooking pa nub (in all da wong pwaces)” into this thread, so I will say that I keep picturing Huckabee as Buckwheat.
Unce, tice, fee times a mady…
How about Elmer Fudd singing “Fire“
You consistently think about Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat? You lost me there.
I know that line from Next Stop Wonderland.
Another good line, you request? “I’m looking for a woman who is tall, yet clean…”
Faux News
I’m with Paul L on this issue ,and by the way DAMN the gub’mint for taking lead out of gasoline! If lead is good enuff to be in housepaint it’s good enuff to be in gasoline.
What are you, 12? It’s a classic. “Da baba of dabille…”
And I don’t consistently think of him, but the “wookin pa nub” gets stuck in my head often.
Yeah, and it helps to make those kids toys so nice and shiny too. Kids these days, sheesh, can’t handle a little lead poisoning. Why in my day kids had the black lung from working in the coal mines 12 hours/day. And they liked it!
No, I’m TZ, remember? I KNOW about Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat, what it has to do with hobgoblin of little minds I got no idea.
That’s a real authoritarian streak you got there. The Gov’t MUST! make people do what YOU! think is right. We’re all just kids and you are the decision maker.
Tell you what, you show me the poll/ petition/ etc. that says the majority of America wants this, then I’ll go with it. A gov’t of the people listens to it’s people. Not just the select few who think they know better for all of us.
So now, you want to force the working poor to spend more money to light their homes? You know the price of efficient bulbs would only go up once they are mandated. Unless of course the gov’t gets involved and mandates the price of the bulbs, to hell with a private company setting its own pricing. Or we could create another social program to hand out free LED bulbs..
How many lives have airbags saved vs. children killed
Tim F.
That is simply false. The price of bulbs is high because (1) they aren’t mass produced like they could be, and (2) there isn’t that much competition in the market for efficient lightbulbs. Your statement assumes that efficient lightbulbs are a fully matured product and that production cannot possibly ramp up to meet or exceed demand, neither of which is remotely true.
Bullshit. Do you really a believe a corporation in this country would lower the price of a higher end product once that product is mandated for use? I want whatever drugs you are on.
Why, yes, I do.
One relevant example is that of incandescent light bulbs, the price of which has fallen steadily over the years. For that matter, CFL bulbs have also grown cheaper over the years.
Hint: When wingnuts break out the argument that something is going to hurt poor people, some high-octane BS is about to be laid.
Why does Cassidy hate representative democracy?
Oh, and this? It’s called “a election”. You’ve heard of them, right? We have them here, Cass. If you don’t like the outcome, you can do what the dems around you have done in the last few years: run against Rep Harman on the issue.
You forget the savings from reduced electrical usage and the longer life of the bulbs. CFL’s save money.
Why, no. Show me a statistically sound study indicating a net reduction in deaths due to gun ownership, and I’ll be perfectly willing to consider that as an argument in favor of gun ownership.
Of course, the notable absence of such studies is perhaps something worth taking into account here…
Ever heard of anyone being killed accidentally while cleaning their knife? How many drive-by stabbings have you read about?
What a quandry with this issue.
I love representative democracy. I wish it was practiced more. Unfortunately, the current state of today’s rep’s is nothing but two shades of authoritarian. But hey, I guess this means you’re on board with banning gay marriage and the death penalty, right?
whew. this site gets the dumbest trolls. it’s really quite impressive.
yes, Cassidy, i’m talking about you.
Cassidy, is that a challenge? Such studies exist, you know…
Drive by body pierce…
Where there are no guns, there will be no gun deaths.
John S.
Poor Cassidy. He thinks that he got himself a real zinger there with the old strikethrough and reverse maneuver. There’s only two problems with this:
1) Proving that gun ownership reduces the number of deaths is quite difficult because any study will struggle with proving whether the effect is correlation or causation, whereas
2) Proving that gun ownership increases the number of deaths is a simple matter of causation due to the fact that one can conclusively say that deaths resulting from guns (and the ownership of those guns) were, well, caused by those guns.
Better luck next time, Cassidy.
Rudy just released an ad that unintentionally spoofs Huckleberry’s Xmas ad.
Satire is not only dead, it’s been posthumously excommunicated.
Accoding to TPM, Hanoi John is back in a tie for first in NH.
I guess by comparison, “cranky old fart” is starting to look good.
John S.
Aw shucks, I wasted precious mental energy refuting Cassidy’s retarded point about guns. I should have just cribbed his standard response and called it a day…
Cassidy, you are sad and pathetic. It really amazes me that people like you can exist and breed. One would think that evolution would have caught up with you quite some time ago. Oh well. Maybe we’ll be blessed with a Christmas miracle.
Cass, when you “fix” something, it’s supposed to be funny, see? Crossing something out and writing the opposite is not, well, it’s not high satire, is it? Can you do any better?
Liberals lay down the high octane BS when you hear us say, “but the poor CEOs”…because, see….we don’t give a shit…see the parallels…
Really, though, nothing topped opposing SCHIP….because it was funded with a tobacco tax….and poor people are more likely to smoke…so it HAD to be opposed, because it hurt poor people! If there is any soul in the world so gullible as to believe that was really what those guys didn’t like about it, I’ve got a nice sweet Christian guy named Psycheout to introduce you to…
Projection alert!!! That’s not what I said. There’s no ‘MUST’ in there. It’s not what ‘I’ think is right. Quite the stretch there Darrell. Also is forcing a corporation to do government bidding authoritarian? I thought it was authoritarian when we forced people to conform to government desires. BTW I don’t recognize a corporation as a ‘person’.
We don’t elect representatives to vote what we want, we elect them to make decisions for us. Decisions like this that most americans wouldn’t give a shit about if the right wing didn’t invest billions in stupid outrage campaigns.
This ‘government of the select few’ idea of yours is BTW the definition of conservativism.
If regular bulbs were made illegal, then fluorescents would become the “regular” bulb and they would be made in greater quantities than they are now. The greater quantities and greater brand and type choices would enable consumers to discriminate in their buying patterns, causing this little thing called “competition” which lowers prices.
Eddie Murphy, SNL, Kill the White People.
I win.
‘we’re gonna hit’em in the head with a bat
and make him cry’
I hate basketball but the Celtics are really good this year. Should I watch them?
First, your daily does of a teensy bit of good news. Republicans back off in their attempt to politicize (read: fuck up the ass) another independent part of the government.
Then, more importantly.
I see your Eddie Murphy with Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor
And I raise you a “But nooooooo…..”
Or something like that.
Republicans are such WATB. Countless innovations are sprung from the tail end of increased regulation and oversight, most good for the environment, citizenry, economy and ultimately the companies.
Companies drag their feet, for good and bad reasons, all the time. Kicking them in the pants now and then is a good thing.
That Republicans are such fraidy-cats they see a little regulation and they’re all “ZOMG! IT’S TEH END! HIDE THE PR0N!” is just pathetic.
“Never mind”
Does anyone here wipe there ass without getting their local politico’s permission first? Seriously, maybe you guys do need an authoritarian gov’t, if you’re too weak willed to make decisions for yourself.
I’d really like to see those “studies” that correlate death with gun ownership. I’m sure they’d be good for a laugh.
Sure, Japan, England…oh yeah, maybe not.
Are you saying there are no guns in those countries yet there are gun deaths?
Oh, and Tim? If you’re going to go unconventional, and use the Eurythmics… beware. When it comes to Seriously Bad late seventies and eighties “music”…FDDD and I are Seriously Well-equipped.
I study nuclear science
I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses
Things are going great, and they’re only getting better
I’m doing all right, getting good grades
The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades
Of course an ironic song about the fear of nuclear war/winter often misinterpreted as being totally serious.
Just like Republicans think “Born in the USA” is some paean to American militarism.
I think what Cassidy is saying is “okasdjf;laksdjf ;aosdkjfhpowqeiry23o4iuy sdijhsadlkjhf ijh2314908u osdfjh oijsadhfl kjsdhfkl sdjhfsdf”
Or something that makes about as much sense.
John S.
If a person is killed by a firearm, how does that occur without a gun? Jesus man, learn when to shut the fuck up and walk away.
The CDC says:
So how do these deaths occur without gun ownership? In what magical fantasyland do firearm casualties happen without the firearms?
That’s the weirdest thing, isn’t it? Do they even listen to the lyrics?
I had a brother
at Saigon
fightin off the Viet Cong
They’re still there
He’s all gone
etc. etc.
be sure to call your congressperson as soon as possible to tell him or her how much you appreciate them bowing to the will of the people.
Ironic, yes, and frequently misinterpreted.
I thought it was about an emerging class of self-righteous consumertives who viewed themselves as destined for great things. Or, at least, for owning a great many things.
That’s some aggresively interrogated logic there, Cass. I’d accuse you of deliberately missing the point but I don’t to be one of those shrill hate-filled ultraliberals that vex you so.
Paul L.
David Letterman Returns, Still Supporting the WGA
Makes me wish they would hire Scabs.
Paul L.
Where there are no
gunsautomobiles, there will be nogunautomobile related deaths.30,000 lies