I was reading about the former Republican congressman Tim linked to yesterday, and checking out Debbie Schlussel struggling to figure out what went wrong (and giggling while doing so) with her former boss, when something stood out on the picture of the ID she posted.
Check underneath the signature.
Heh. IOKIYAR. Liberals, etc., have to turn in that stinking badge or go to Gitmo!!
Ned Raggett
Must be the ‘it’s our time, it’s our pizza’ principle. If you will. (Okay, I’m pushing it a bit.)
I like the fact she has somehow missed that people are prone to being bad and wrong. Took you that long, did it?
How could you expect her to turn in a badge with a picture that awesome? Orange day-glo ftw =)
She probably tears the tags off of pillows and mattresses too!
Didja also notice her other picture at the top of her page?
False advertising! The carpet and the drapes don’t match.
This seems like a good thread to go O/T on. I got some Chick fil A today, and as the girl gave it to me I swear she said, “God loves you”. I was fiddling with some Splenda at the time and can’t be sure, and I wasn’t going to say, “Excuse me???” and give her an excuse to write to Malkin about the war on Chick-fil-A…but, has anyone else heard that before? They *are* closed on Sundays…
Bwahaha. HA.
And we know those guys never do anything wrong.
And could someone please send Ms. Schussel a thesarus? There’s enough “Shock” in her breathless pantings to light up Weehawken.
In my org of thousands of people, a similar rule exists. Basically what they do is make the badge unusable. A hole punched through it in such a way as to disable the card reader thingy and deface the badge is usually sufficient. Once that is done, the user can have the badge back, it won’t work anywhere in the system, it’s just a souvenir of the wonderful time you had here.
Did she also add something like “but I don’t?”
I get told to “have a blessed day” occassionally. I DO live in TN but it cracks me up everytime hehe =P Chick-fil-A is awesome btw and it saddens me that I cannot enjoy teh nuggets on the Sabbath.
Billy K
Chick-fil-A is owned by Christianists. I won’t eat there, despite the fact I love their food.
Oh, yes, the blessed day thing I get with some frequency. I see that as sort of like, have a good day, but with a twist of God. I don’t even blink at that one. I just don’t think it has ever happened to me that in a transaction involving nuggets that someone would point out God’s love for me.
All I can say, is check-Fil-A is an indication of God’s love, then El Pollo Loco must be proof of every Pony that was ever promised to anyone, everywhere.
If there is anything chicken that is tastier than citrus-marinated chicken roasted over flames, I have yet to discover it.
My father was a Federal law enforcement agent and when he retired they took that little book that his picture and “badge” was in that he could flash to people to prove he was with the feds and with a series of little holes through it they spelled out “retired” and let him keep it.
Chick-fil-A also has the only toys/books in their kids’ meals that aren’t out of a Hollywood marketing campaign for some horrible movie. Granted, sometimes you get a book on bike safety, but sometimes it’s really good educational stuff. Frankly, if you’re going to parse the ethics of fast food restaurants, they’re pretty much all out.
Never. Then again, you should see the tiny little drive-thru Chick-Fil-A we go to…
I’ve been to that one, pb, we’re in the same neck ‘o’ the woods. It is well known, however, that Durham is a hotbed of communists and intellectuals and lacrosse playa hatas.
Yeah, I’d have a hard time not giggling at that. And that’s weird for a fast food place to be closed on a Sunday. In our province we just very recently allowed all stores to be open on Sundays (prior to that it was only stuff like pharmacies and convenience stores). But restaurants? They’ve been open on that day for as long as I can remember
The local store used to have EPL marinade (or something damn close) but I can’t find it anymore. I love EPL but it’s kinda pricey. I usually confine myself to the .99 menu at Jack-in-the-Crotch.
If I worked in that Chick-Fil-A (and were I a believer), I’d be spending my time convincing myself that God still loved me, instead of passing on the blessings of the holy nuggets and sweet tea. (they say that chicken died to save us cows…)
Quoted for suggesting that Weehawken would be difficult to light up…
Hard-core fuzzy brunette to ironed blond…..
And she is really chubby now as Fox can demonstrate.
I love the way Debbie Schlussel sneers. That’s hot.
Ironically, the only times I ever feel a craving for Chick-fil-a are on Sundays. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been wandering through the mall and craved something better than a McBurger, only to be cold-cocked by that policy. Ah well.
I mean, the food is better than your average pre-fab meal, but I’ll stick with Wendy’s if I have to choose.
Also, are you even allowed to appear on Fox & Friends without a comprehensive dye job?
I didn’t even recognize her–the badge picture shows a reasonably attractive human being.
I sense the problem already.
John, presumption of innocence, even for her. That she possesses a picture of her old ID doesn’t prove she posseses the ID.
I don’t get why people like chick-fil-a. Their sandwiches suck. Suck. They are just plain awful, overbreaded pieces of crap. Their nuggets are way over priced. Nothing is special about them besides how much they suck.
Speaking of suck, did John get his new vacuum cleaner yet?
Being completely uninfluenced by this blog I ate at Chick Fil A today for lunch – it was a failed attempt to thwart a tag-along coworker from joining me and another coworker for lunch (the tag-along coworker had previously said she didn’t like Chick Fil A, but that didn’t stop her this time).
Anyway, I can report back that I was not told that God loves me. This time anyway.
Speaking of such sayings, has anyone had a clerk sneer at you “Jesus loves you” or something similar when you ask the clerk to verify a price on an item or when you ask for help? My wife and I had this experience last Christmas at a Bed Bath and Beyond when the clerk was being very unhelpful in verifying that the sale price of an item was properly accredited.
Or maybe “Jesus loves you” is akin to “Bless his/her heart”, meaning that, when you say “bless his/her heart” you can then say anything about anyone, and when you say “Jesus loves you” you can say it in as nasty a tone as you want.
OTer … I used to go to an evangelical church (hey, it’s Montana, whole lotta them up there, this one was an Assembly of God). But, I stopped cuz I could never figure out why, when they were all the time asking “Jesus, just come into my heart,” he never stuck around. The dude is God, right? Seems like you only have to ask once. Faith + chicken seems kinda money changer-y to me. Hm.
Hm, a Jesus Loves you sneer, that is a new one.
I love “bless h** heart”, I actually say it myself. As in, Michael D., bless his heart, does not know that the Fair Tax is fucking retarded.
I’m linking to this slimes company page again, just to emphasize something; it is apparent that this company wanted to at least give the impression that they were in control of the President’s agenda. If Siljander was indeed the Hensen to Bush’s Kermit, then what does this continuing financial support for UBL suggest about Bush’s loyalties?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I seem to remember hearing Chick fil A being run by a couple from Georgia that were also evangelicals… I dunno if I made that up or not.
Retort in that situation is: “Then why does God make me pay $8 for lunch? Outrrrrrageous!”
From wikipedia:
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Answer: Waffle fries.
No more explanation needed.
Jon H
“This seems like a good thread to go O/T on. I got some Chick fil A today, and as the girl gave it to me I swear she said, “God loves you”.”
Proper response: ‘If God loved me I wouldn’t be eating this crap.’
Dennis - SGMM
Guess I’ll never taste the christianist goodness of Chik fil A. The closest one is more than twelve miles from me. El Pollo Loco is three.
Jon H
Jesus loves me
this I know
a debeaked chicken
tells me so
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
From that Wikipedia article:
Fuck that. No amount of Waffle Fries is worth having Dobson abuse oxygen the way he does. Chik-fil-a is now on my permanent shit list.
Yes, Dobson is that bad.
I confess to having no idea who this Debbie person is, but she’s a dead ringer for officer Johnson on Reno 911.
If that post was written by a Librul Blogger on a Librul Blog, the Right Wing Wankosphere would be uncontrollably soiling themselves while furiously typing hated-filled missives with Cheeto-stained fingers…
Alas, it’s only Debbie…so the more rational among us will just snicker…
The Other Steve
Wait a minute!
Are you saying she isn’t a natural Blonde?
Which always makes me think either of my gran threatening to “Bless someone out” or “Blessed be,” both of which would no doubt perturb the blesser.
The Other Steve
I’ve never heard of this Chick-fil-A.
But then none of you have probably heard of Maidrite.
I was at a goodwill looking at a Neil Diamond shirt and i saw a man walking around saying “Jesus loves you” to everyone who came within 5 feet of him. when he came in my direction it actually shocked me because he nearly ran me over, i thought he was going to say “excuse me” so all i could do was look at him for a good 15 seconds then went back admiring Neil.
This tickles me to death. Of ALL the wingnuts for this to happen to, it had to be the Bigot Queen of the Upper Midwest. THis made my day.
This tickles me to death. Of ALL the wingnuts for this to happen to, it had to be the Bigot Queen of the Upper Midwest. THis made my day.
TOS is in Iowa?
I always thought this meant something else…something that couldn’t be proven by the photo offered….something not proveable with clothes on….
You might want to check out the redundancy post.
One of those photos shows that she ain’t “natural.”
Iffen you wanna find out which one it is, go for it.
Or in Missouri.
El Pollo Loco is INDEED the finest of chicken. There is another chain in Southern California who’s name escapes me that is possibly even BETTER. Leave Chick-fil-A to the delusional christians.
I’ve never seen a Chick-fil-A here in librul California but that’s probably because we require business owners to worship Satan and hire illegal aliens.
But the best fried chicken I’ve ever tasted comes from Popeye’s. So does the second best, cuz they have regular and spicy.
Bubblegum Tate
There was a Chick-Fil-A on my college campus that I would hit up occasionally. I never got any Jebus talk, but then again, as an on-campus entity, it was mostly staffed by college students who, by definition, were in the thrall of their brainwashing liberal commie atheist professors, so rather than informing me of my relationship status with the big guy, they would occasionally ask if I had any weed.
Thank you, that gave me an idea.
BTW – Good job Jen, you successfully hijacked this thread.
38/56 comments 39/57 with this one.
Germane Jackson
Chick-fil-A is awesome–F the haters. 12 piece nuggets and waffle fries ftw. I don’t care if upper management sacrifices babies on spikes. Also they’re always clean and their employees aren’t surly.
Just … damn.
What, we were gonna discuss an ID badge all day? I am more pleased with the outpouring of emotion for Trader Joe’s yesterday. Truly, I should get a guest blog slot here sometime.
Why bother, just keep jacking the others.
BTW – you got this one when it was barely out the gate with comment #6, 13 minutes after the thread was posted.
That might be some sort of a record.
Props to you.
FairTax, the dumbest idea in the history of the universe?
Tip of cap to Kevin Drum.
Truly awesome performance, one even the great Darrell wasn’t able to pull off.
There were other things Darrell was more interested in pulling off, but that’s a topic for another thread.
From TZ’s link:
Somehow that little tidbit never made Michael D.’s post.
Libby Spencer
Jen wins. I’d rather talk about ChicFilA than teh Debbah. I’ve been there a few times at the Univeristy Mall and at Southpoint and nobody has every told me that God loves me. I guess that dirty hippie aura is too apparent even though I’ve perfected a decent southern drawl.
The grandtyke LOVES the book prizes there. He’s especially fond of a series they did a while back and wants to read the booklets about the Greeks and the Vikings all the time. We never got the other two in the series though, which disturbs him greatly. Anybody know if you can get back copies of the old stuff?
On a related note my sister took me to this holiday lighshow they sponsor at a park called Tanglewood that was awesome. Four miles of animated Christmas lights. I didn’t even mind that the last gate was an ad for them.
The Other Steve
And when the WSJ says the idea is dumb… It’s really dumb.
These are the guys who suggested outsourcing FEMA to Wal-Mart and Home Depot two days after Katrina.
Hence it’s other name: The Criminals Rejoice! Tax.
There’s only a few ChickFilAs in CA, Fairfield and Sacramento that I know of, so when I was back in Indiana for Xmas I stopped a couple of times. Never gotten “God Loves You”, and I don’t think they put a Bible reference on the drinking cups like In-and-Out does.
So what if some of the corporate spending is on Dobson? I’ve seen a few Tom Cruise movies, too.
Emma Anne
Hobby Lobby is dominionist also. We do go there, but the atmosphere weirds me out a bit.
/throws up in mouth a little
El Cid
Had this been a former Democratic Representative, and had Debbie Schlussel now been a liberal blogger, the David Horowitz types would be making her one of their weird, monomanic permanent obsessions for dangerous anti-America Islamo-Nazi associatificatifying.
Re Hobby Lobby, see http://www.onenewsnow.com/2007/11/businessman_sets_conditions_fo.php
The HL founder recently gave $70 million to Oral Roberts University–with a few strings attached. I knew a woman who worked in the HL warehouse here in OKC, and she said it was awful. I boycott HL.
Our Deb has rabies; her tirades against the captured reporter Jill Carroll are proof of this.
Da Commish
Anyone care to do some handwriting analysis on that crazy signature? Leans left, then right. Maybe she’s a closet flip-flopper? Her hairstyles suggest so.
Overseas the military sponsors a TV channel for the American military community. In place of commercials, there are public service announcements, some of which are entertaining, but some of which are pretty lame. One that always perplexed me (10 years ago) was one teaching people to protect their ID badge because the bad guys would love to see one so they could produce fake ones. Then on that same commercial they showed an American military ID. Duh!
The speed with witch all of the threads relating to this story have been hijacked by trolls is stunning, on this site and all the others I checked. There must be an order out to bury the story, or something. Whatever.
Raising Cane’s chicken has the best I’ve ever had; delicate, flaky breading, and their wicked spicy sauce. Their tea is very good too.
witch = which
Which witch is which, anyway?
i like the way she altered the picture on her website to make her breasts look bigger too. zoom in on it and you can see for yourself. i noticed this over a year ago. i would have thought she would have put in a new picture by now. i guess not.
My daughter just finished an internship in the US Senate. At the end you turn in the badge, they disable whatever security thingie it has and you can keep it as a souvenir.
I might consider having fried chicken at a real soul food place, but otherwise I make my own. I blame my atheist parents. :)
Back to the post at hand, i was an intern in the 103rd congress and at this point the sentence was a stamp on the back that was smudged and unreadable when laminated so I kept mine with a good conscious. That id though is able to get you into certain parts of the library of congress reading rooms which are off limits to the public. I used this from time to time in college after my internship was over.
She doesn’t seem… shocked… really shocked
to me… heh… she seems like she loves the publicity it is getting her.
I looked under the top signature first – and learned that she was a clerk. Isn’t that like the lowest possible job title?
Tax Analyst
Oh, didn’t you know? In that “sneer” context it’s Christian Code for “Kiss My Ass, Bitch”.
With the Chick-Fil-A clerk it was probably more like “Jesus Loves You – but personally, I really don’t care for you all that much. Next customer, please.”
Tax Analyst
Speaking as someone fairly knowledgable in the field, I would say “Yes”. You’d have to really put on the old “Bizarro” thinking cap to come up with something more regressive. On top of that you have the bureaucratic nightmare of getting EVERY SINGLE business receiving rather significant amounts of cash – much, much more than they currently collect for State and Local Sales taxes, probably upwards of 30/35% when St & Local are included – that doesn’t belong to them…and then hoping they actually file the required reports…and still have the actual money to remit when it is due. It’s an open invitation to fraud and abuse. Your little store ain’t doing too good – maybe you’re a little short on your, oh…let’s say “Mortgage Payment”, for instance. But you’ve a got a pretty good stash of Tax Cash you’ve collected just sitting there in your business account…hmmm…And you think maybe the Cash business operator’s who already shave their reported income now wouldn’t have a field day with this, right?
On the other side of the coin a business owner could be destroyed by a misplaced report or clerical error at the bureaucratic level…unless you think the Government Collecting Agency wouldn’t come down on you like the Luftwaffe if their records showed you didn’t file a Revenue Report properly.
Nancy Irving
She says that when she was a 16-year-old intern, the guy had her write legislation for him.
Republicans. Sheesh.
What I found most amusing was that on the blog header she has a link to her “fan club.”
Her blogroll seems to be missing a member of bra & panties media too.
I spent years as a volunteer police, fire and ambulance chaplain, mostly doing post-traumatic event work (the stuff these people deal with every day is the same thing that gives normal people serious nightmares) — and yes, Billy K (#11), I’m afraid I’m one of those "Christianists". I have to admit that I hadn’t heard that word before, but what the heck… I’ll take my insults where I find ’em, and as a police chaplain I was called a lot worse.
Maybe because of my suspect ‘Christianist’ tendencies I’ve spent most of my life volunteering, including Peace Corps, on rescue squads, food banks, Habitat, etc., plus as a chaplain (emergency services, Navy, nursing homes and hospice, too– this Christianist thing just took over– I know I should’ve been making lots of money or something… and now that I’m retired because of disability and can’t work more than a day or so a week, I’m still volunteering, in northern Portugal.)
Anyway, I have a shadowbox with all my department badges from eight different police and fire departments, that they let me take home with me, along with my ID from at least one police department and a military ‘Base Police" ID (not even any little ‘retired’ holes!). I suppose I’m a major security risk. (Well, unless they looked at the photos– I was a tad younger, and could walk unaided back then…)
The difference between me and Ms Schlussel is that I don’t pretend to be any better than I am. If someone whose last name was Hussein, or whose first name was Shaniqua, had taken home that badge, she’d spread it all over the internet.
Heironymus Merkin
Whichever one of you bozos sent her the thesaurus, thanks a fucking lot, now she won’t stop assassinating the English language!
By the way: Conservative who is secretly a member of a deviant sexual lifestyle? OH, the horrors, the SHOCK, THE SHOCK, THE SHOCK, I tell you. I never would have expected upstanding moral Christians to have secret double-lives as sexual deviants! Why just take that nice Jack Ryan feller, ehhh…Oh that staunch moral crusader Mark Foley! Wait…Damn it! Or how about that upstanding pillar of the community Ted Hagga-…aw screw it.
Wow, I didn’t notice this pic before. Thanks. Debbie Schlussel just goes and over the deep end as the years keep rolling by.