Things are starting to pick up after episode 3 in season 2.0 (Fragged), and I have developed a healthy dislike for Col. Tigh. There are a number of things that bother me so far about the series, most of which is that all the characters seem so, well, stereotypical. The butch female fighter who has a hidden soft side but a tough exterior, the flawed military man with a troubled past and a liking for the bottle, the self-confident and often over-confident son, the scheming wife, and so on. However, I do happen to really like the nutty professor. Gaius Baltar is actually turning out to be my favorite character in the whole show.
Many questions do arise, however, about the overall status of the show. Like, for example, where does Col. Tigh find his endless supply of booze? I remember running out of booze years ago as an undergrad after the bars had closed in WV, and we couldn’t find a drop to drink anywhere and had to run on fumes and Parliament of Funk. Col. Tigh, however, is trapped on a ship with no means of production in outer space, chased by an alien space fleet after what is essentially the apocalypse, and yet he has an never-ending flask of green scotch?
Seriously? What is up with that?
*** Update ***
I should probably add that while Tricia Helfer seems to have attracted all the geek lust for BSG, Grace Park is much, much better looking.
It’s because when you’re being chased through the galaxy by insane religious zealot killer robots, booze is exactly the first thing you figure out how to make.
Remember that Galactica is not the only ship with booze supplies. It’s revealed a little later on in the second season that there is a booming black market in the fleet, and that the Tighs are both involved in it to some extent.
As for the alleged sterotypical characters, fair enough, but sometimes sterotypes can be real. There really are people like Colonel Tigh and Kara Thrace, and until recently, it was uheard of for any sci-fi show to have such deeply flawed and deeply human characters.
But yes, Baltar is by far the most interesting character on the show. He’s not an outright villain by any stretch, but he’s incredibly self-centered and egotistical. You can’t help but love a guy whose first reaction after learning he’s responsible for the apocalypse is to try and call his lawyer.
ty lookwell
I’m glad you’re flying through the series. I will be curious to have your impression of the whole shebang once you’ve caught up with season four. I’m very jaded about it, and wonder what I would think if I’d watched the whole thing back to back over the course of a few weeks, as I had with Lost last year.
And yes, Grace Park is super cute.
BSG is blessed with gorgeous women all around–Helfer, Park, Sackhoff, Lawless…and i find McDonnell beautiful as well, and the woman that plays Callie is adorable.
ty lookwell
also, series three and four are being posted at 720p in the usenet newsgroups (once you’ve finished up with seasons 2 and 2.5). BSG’s excellent CGI work really pops in HD, and gets better and better as the series progresses. (Unlike the writing)
I agree that Grace Park is the fountain of hotness in BSG. I’ve never been one for the bombshell for whatever (ghey) reason.
Booze is easy to make. Yeast + sugar – oxygen = booze. A bit more work with grains, but humans have been making alcohol since pre-civilization times. If you have food, all you need is time and a wee bit of knowledge and you can make booze. With a good hunk of time you can even do it with natural airborne yeasts. I’ve made bread that way. It takes days, but it’s pretty good.
Cap and Gown
As with all sci-fi shows, there are leaps this show takes that defy logic, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial. The acting, however, is first rate. I especially like Katie Sackoff’s work. Some of the moves the show makes, particularly the finale of season 2 (2.5?) are quite out of the ordinary and ground breaking.
And yes, Grace Park is gorgeous.
Svlad Jelly
They show them making the booze at some point.
Could you guys be any more white?
I think y’all are just intimidate by hot white women and for some reason you think you have a chance with a hot asian woman. I’m here to tell you that the answer is still no.
Hell, not just scifi shows, ALL shows have leaps of logic, contrived situations, stereotypical characters, or some combination thereof.
By and large, Galactica avoids the conventions of the scifi genre, and indeed, those of most TV dramas.
And by virtue of its fantastical setting, it is able to explore issues that most other dramas are afraid to touch.
I think Grace Parks is better looking too but they aren’t giving her the cloths or the seductive scenes that Tricia Helfer has. I think Lucy Lawless tops both of them. Too bad they have shelved her character so far for the last season.
That would truly depend on where you stand on question of blonde vs. brunette with a side order of european vs. asian. I can’t say I disagree, but then I’m infatuated with brunette asians, at least tonight. Ask me tomorrow… I may have changed my mind :-)
Tim in SF
The actress that plays Callie has a neat little blog. But if you haven’t seen the most recent couple episodes, don’t go there. Major spoilage.
Gaius Baltar is the main reason I never could get into this show. Sometime around episode two, someone actually says to him “rumor has it, you’re a genius.”
At that point, rumor had it I was done with the show…
ranger 3
The entire show is retarded. I really wanted to like it, but after watching people change their personality and behaving completely out of character, all to promote the latest cheap shock of a plot twist… I’m done.
I really don’t give a shit who the 12th cylon is.
Blue Raven
I’m still deciding whether I think BSG is playing the monotheist vs. polytheist dynamic well or is laying it on with a trowel. One pet peeve I’ve had with the show is they don’t script the polytheistic aspects very well sometimes. Multiple gods = each has a function. If you’re in a specific jam, you ask the applicable entity for help. Generic calls out to the entire pantheon are just a bit too “let’s just make ‘god’ plural and it’ll sound right” to my ears when that’s all they do.
If they hadn’t given Baltar a shave, I’d have stopped wondering about the trowel and decided they were piling it on with a bulldozer.
ty lookwell
I don’t know. I think BSG has created an illogical, incoherent, inconsistent mess of itself by this point, but it does so many things so well that people strive to explain its logical problems away. And, by comparison, most other TV sci-fi series have been so damn bad. (save for Lost, actually, which amazes.)
Grace Park also has by far the most interesting and sympathetic character on the show. I’m such a sucker and way too quick to forgive but it was heartbreaking to watch her essentially spend an entire season trying to regain the crew’s (and Adama’s in particular) trust but continue to just be tossed back in a cell and doubted.
Michael G
Yes, the sci-fi internet nerds completely ignored the hot Asian chick. That sounds completely plausible. Also, today is opposite day.
moderate indy
Lucy Lawless is looking very good these days. Nice Grace Park moment in season 3 when they do a full toe to head pan of her completely nude from the side doing some Yoga.
Baltar is the bomb…
There is one scene where the Caprica in his mind just eggs him on when he’s “helping” some other person. and then the ultimate was the episode where Baltar appeared in Caprica’s mind. His every comment was dripping with sarcasm.
Pure gold….
I still have no idea where they will go with mindCaprica (and mindBaltar) or if they even will take it somewhere…but some of those scenes are some of the most entertaining TV scenes I have ever watched.
For me, Tigh is the worst written characters in the show. Everytimes he says something, you know it’s the wrong thing to say or to do. At least in the first two seasons.
I seems to remember that he’s much better (and likable) in third season.
El Cid
I am so, so tired of Col Tigh’s pirate / Ahab schtick.
kind of an off white
I’m a Ceelix man myself.
I never found Tricia Helfer all that attractive. Gorgeous, to be sure, but it’s a weird, off-putting kind of gorgeous, like a machine’s idea of what a beautiful woman looks like. When they started introducing other Cylons I was disappointed that they didn’t follow that template–the Kevin Spacey model has sort of a synthetic vibe, but that’s about it. I get that skinjobs are made for infiltration, but just from a production-design standpoint, I always thought they should look a little more evolved than humans.
The one that really bugs me is Leoben. Built-in bedhead?
Not true. One of the commenters/posters on SFSignal is a big Grace Park fan, to the point that other posters who talk about BSG throw mentions of Park into posts for his benefit.
And some of us like cam appreciate the female charms of both Park and Helfer.
No one’s mentioned Kandyse McClure (Dee), Leah Cairns (Racetrack), or Rekha Sharma (Tory) yet in the discussion of hot BSG women?
Two points:
1. Rekha Sharma. There, I said it, I feel better.
2. Nicki Clyne is great and all that, but she’s no Jewel Staite as far as “actresses in science fiction series that play engineers” goes.
We’re going to war.
Iraq II: Electric Nuke-aloo
Billy K
That’ll likely change.
That will, also.
I think it was meant to be that way – at least in the early-going.
I wondered that, too. It does get (sort of) addressed.
I think that’s the undeclared consensus. Sharon just isn’t cast as a sexpot.
Billy K
I’ve seen online nerds have started calling BSG “Lost in Space,” which kinda makes sense.
How did she go from barely noticeable nobody to steaming hot in 0-2 episodes? She’s really taken to her new role, huh?
Not here. Helfer’s prettier. I’m not sure if some of you guys have a thing for Asian girls, but I don’t think she’s that pretty by any standard.
Like Ty said above, the plot is incoherant but the show does a lot of things right. I still long for the mini-series, where it was simply Man vs. Cylon with Mankind trying not to get exterminated after a world-shattering apocalypse. I pretty much have no use for storylines that involve robots learning to be like humans a la “AI” or some other nonsense. Maybe it’s the secret authoritarian in me, but I’d pretty much okay with the Cylons being completely demonized and then eventually wiped out by the humans after a long and bitter war. Also, the hackneyed religious nonsense is simply annoying.
Agreed. The new issue of Interview featuring a photo spread of Park, Helfer and Sackhoff is highly recommended. Highly.
He’ll grow on you. I’ve heard several times that Michael Hogan is a favorite of the writers, and after his last scene in last week’s episode I certainly believe it. Yowza.
(In the same vein, apparently they really like Harry Dean Stanton too.)
One of the things I like about BSG is that they’ve at least tried to address the logistical issues. Where they get their water, food, booze, ammo and fuel are all brought up (with varying degrees of success) over the course of the series.
Rob G
until recently, it was uheard of for any sci-fi show to have such deeply flawed and deeply human characters.
Never seen Babylon-5 then? You know, a good sci-fi series.
The Other Steve
Over in geek world, the inmates are up in arms. Apparently one of their own has been found guilty of first degree murder.
kind of an off white
Poor Dean Stockwell, always being referred to as “Harry Dean Stanton.” Oh, to be a respected character actor with a lived-in face, reliably sardonic delivery, and a “Dean St-” in your name.
And Xan? “Not that pretty by any standard?” Replace “any” with “a ludicrously high” and you might have a point.
Yeah, I’m still a couple of episodes from catching up, so I was wondering whether Harry Dean Stanton was a new guest star.
I’d go with that.
Not all. While Grace Park is definitely hot, my all time favorite galactic babe is still Seven of Nine. First time seeing her in a full body suit and hearing her say “Resistance is futile” was a moving experience.
WORST EPISODE EVER. Statistically tied with “Scar”. Oh my gods, that one sucked. I love how the bad guy’s goons stand there haplessly with their mouths hanging open as Apollo just walks in and casually murders their boss. Then he just tells them to carry on with business as usual. WTF?
In other threads I’ve been bashed for having mixed feelings about the show, but it seems I’m not alone this time around.
Whoops. My bad. I have trouble telling leathery-faced character actors apart.
Billy K
Sorry, but The Woman King is the worst BSG episode ever, followed by Black Market. Scar wasn’t even in the same league of suck as those two.
You know, I always thought she was kinda cute in the show, but the pics on her blog take it up about eight notches.
And people think BSG is pretentious pap. Ha!
I was wondering if anyone was going to mention them. Damn right.
Another vote for Rekha Sharma. She’s hot as a four-balled tomcat.
Another vote for Rekha Sharma. She’s hot as a four-balled tomcat.
The problem I have with Baltar is he looks too dam much like Cornelius.
Ok, as someone who has not seen but a tiny snippet of one of the first season shows, how would you guys rate the show compared to say “Firefly?”
Mrmobi, because Firefly was canceled so quickly, it never got the chance to go downhill, and it didn’t have the opportunity to do annoying retcons.
Cap and Gown
Since John has not gotten far enough in the series for Rekha Sharma to make an appearance, that may explain here absence from earlier in the thread. But she definitely is a looker.
I say this as a big firefly fan and owner of the series and Serenity on DVD: BSG is better because of the scope and length, and the best episodes of BSG are as good or slightly better than the best episodes of firefly.
Too bad we’ll never know what firefly could have been.
It’s no Firefly.
But then it takes itself FAR too seriously to be Firefly. Which can be a good thing if you are interested in downing a mixture of a depressing diaspora, history and politics with a military sci-fi chaser.
Sometimes it runs the risk of crawling up its own ass and hanging up curtains in there… and other times the episodes are stark commentary on our modern times.
Worth sinking into, I think.
Rob G
And people think BSG is pretentious pap.
Not pretentious at all. Just crap (i.e. pulled fresh out of the writers’ arses every episode).
Billy K
Huge fan of both here. There’s a big cross-over between BSG and Firefly fans. To me, they represent the opposite sides of human ethos. BSG is constant paranoia, dread and fear. It’s claustrophobic* and dark. Firefly is about the promise of freedom and the future. It’s lighter and familial (which is not to say there aren’t dark moments – there are). They’re both about the indefatigable human spirit.
I prefer Firefly slightly. It’s funny as hell, and like any Whedon work, you feel like the characters are a part of your life. Yes, even after one lousy season.
Ha! So Lost isn’t an “illogical, incoherent, inconsistent mess”? Seriously, if you have faith in the writers of Lost that they will resolve everything in a neat little bundle, please have faith in the writers of BSG that they will do the same.
As for Firefly, yes it is good. But not nearly as good as BSG. As for Babylon Five, never saw it, but I hear it’s pretty similar to DS9.
Yes, Black Market is one of the worst episodes; not as bad as The Woman King, but pretty bad.
What do you have against Scar?
Billy K
Look, they’ve pulled some crap out of there for sure, but in general, I think the show is well-plotted and planned. The story/character arcs are clear if you step back. But they don’t do traditional TV storytelling, so sometimes it seems like they’re just making it up. A couple cases in point:
1) In the latest episode, it seems like suddenly Tigh has a conscience again and is feeling guilt about what he did on new Caprica (trying to avoid spoilers). So one could be like, “ZOMG! The writers are just pulling this out of their ass because it fits what they want to do this week!” No. The point is, Tigh has been feeling the guilt and remorse the whole time. Just because they didn’t devote a 3-minute to reminding the viewer every few episodes that Tigh has trouble living with himself doesn’t mean it’s made up. They just expect the viewer to remember from Season 3 that Tigh was struggling with his actions.
The show always runs out of time. Moore has said that each show usually comes in at about 90 minutes – well over 60, but not enough to make each one a 2-hour show. So they condense, condense, condense. They just don’t have time to remind the viewer of stuff they should know.
2) Regarding Lee’s recent decision to follow a certain path (again – trying to avoid spoilers). It’d be easy to say, “ZOMG! The writers pulled this out of their arse! Suddenly he does a 180 and he’s a different character!!!! Terrible writing!”
No. Lee has always had an identity crisis. This goes back tot he opening minutes of the miniseries. And where he is now can clearly be traced back to a path he’s been on well before he became interested in “the trial.” Again, it makes sense if you look back on the character over the last 4 years/seasons. They just haven’t devoted time over every episode for the last two years to have Lee talk about his doubts. He’s got other crap to talk about.
I could go on…
Rob G
As for Babylon Five, never saw it, but I hear it’s pretty similar to DS9.
Yeah, they’re both set on space stations.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Tigh is probably the most accurate portrayal of a functional drunk I’ve ever seen on TV; he’s supposed to be an unlikable jackass. Michael Hogan takes Tigh into some very dark and scary places (especially in S3). Although he sounds disturbingly like Red Green at times.
I haven’t seen any of S4 yet (we’re trying an experiment and not watching any TV for a while), but I think one of the problems with the writing is that Moore and company didn’t really expect the show to get picked up, so things weren’t planned out as well as they should have been.
Tricia Helfer gets a lot more sexy when she’s not being Baltar’s Six.
And I see it also has funny looking aliens:
Groundbreaking sci-fi, no doubt.
Has no one ever told them that they’re doing a one-hour TV show? Does that come as a surprise every time? Look, I’m still a fan of the show, but incompetence in handling the constraints of the medium is not something they should get points for.
All television shows are edited down to some extent. Galactica’s scripts are usually particularly long, but in my opinion, it rarely hurts the finished product.
OK, all the BSG haters need to back off. It’s been a while since I’ve seen B5 but all I can say is that BSG is as good or better. John, you’re just getting to the good parts of BSG – lots of moral questions and interpersonal drama.
Some episodes aren’t as good but with 20 episodes a season they all can’t be “33 minutes”
As far Grace v. Tricia debate. I think the only way we’re going to resolve this one is for both laidies to join me in my bedroom for an in-depth investigation.
It doesn’t just seem that way. Moore admits in the commentaries that plenty of important plot points are just made up, not things that have been planned for any length of time at all, so it’s no surprise that the don’t necessarily fit well with earlier episodes. This isn’t Babylon 5, in which the story arc was plotted out over a long time.
To be fair, it’s pretty much inevitable that a long-running series that tries to have a continuing story will degenerate into an “illogical, incoherent, inconsistent mess” at some point. It’s just not possible to maintain consistency when you have to deal with the uncertainties and multiple people involved in creating a TV series. It’s not like a novel where you have one author who has control over everything and can go back and rewrite earlier chapters when they come up with a new idea halfway through the book.
What he said.
Though really, comparisons between the two are fairly pointless; they share FX work by Zoic, a low-tech “lived-in universe” aesthetic, and a writer or two, but they are completely different in tone and focus. Just enjoy them both for what they are.
Yeah, they’ve done a couple clunkers, but I’m amazed at the backlash the show gets because of it. All shows do bad episodes from time to time; why are they holding BSG to a different standard? Most of the time, it is an excellent, excellent show, pushing the boundaries of the medium and asking tough philosophical and moral questions.
But it’s true; 2 out of the 59 episodes they’ve done have indeed been outright bad. Another 3 or 4 have been mediocre. The rest have been good, very good, or incredibly good.
And so far, I think season 4 has been four straight home runs, and hopefully they’ll maintain that level of quality right up to the end.
Blue Raven
Oh, I don’t know… five-year plot arc, battle of good vs. evil and how that line is very fuzzy, some of the best handling of religion in science fiction ever, and proof Bruce Boxleitner can act?
No, I guess Babylon 5 was the same-old same-old. Deep Space Nine never ripped it off, either.
Gay Veteran
“This isn’t Babylon 5, in which the story arc was plotted out over a long time.”
Does BSG even have a story arc?
Yes. The whole “looking for Earth whilst fleeing from the Cylons” thing.
Bruce who? :P
Hmmm, my rankings of sci-fi shows in terms of pushing the genre:
1) Farscape
2) new BSG
3) B5 (but extra points for pushing first)
4) Original Star Trek
27) Space: 1999
62) anything else Star Trek
75) original BSG
This geek’s BSG hotitude:
Sakoff is very pretty. I can appreciate the beauty/cuteness of some of the other characters though I don’t personally go for Asian or Persian. Helfer is beautiful but there is a starved athlete look to her that I just don’t like.
I am seriously considering getting DirecTV so I can see the rest of the series in HD instead of my usual grainy digital cable (why oh why does Scifi look like crap on cable?).
Ron Moore has said that NBC/Universal was pushing the writers to do more “episodic” content in an attempt to attract new viewers, and that the writers were very resistant to the idea. NBC had a point – the show has a comparatively small (but intensly loyal) marketshare, and it’s hard to pick up mid-stream. But most of the really crappy episodes – Scar, Black Market, that reaaally lousy one with the genocidal doctor that suddenly pops up for one episode then vanishes, all have that “episodic” quality – they introduce some new character, go through some completely unrelated conflict, and resolve at the end of the hour.
It’s almost like the writers were saying “You want episodic? I’ll give you fucking episodic.” That, or they give all the episodic scripts to the B team.
dj spellchecka
hopefully i’m not duplicating earlier comments but wizard magazine has run some photos of grace park in various states of undress. might want to google around for those.
the magazine also had a “who’s the hottest of the bsg woman’ and grace won. must have been a lot of white guys in the voting pool.
I’ve seen the all of “Firefly” (a friend of my daughter have the DVDs) and really enjoyed it. It liked the movie a lot, too. (who couldn’t enjoy watching Summer Glau do just about anything?). Reavers are my favorite Sci-fi baddies, just ahead of the Borg.
oops, that should be “I’ve seen all”
Clearly, from the same place the A-Team got all their ammo…
Rob G
OK, all the BSG haters need to back off.
OK, but only if you promise not to start a Mozart fan thread. Then I’ll get really annoying.
Billy K
Agreed! The Six on the basestar is way hotter than Caprica Six.
Billy K
DS9 was easily the best Trek series. And – sorry – better than B5. Certainly more watchable.
They’re a rag-tag fugitive fleet on a quest for a shining planet known as Earth. What more do you want?
Billy K
I always wondered how they stopped mutilating themselves and eating each other long enough to pilot/fix their ships.
I know…I know…
Baltar might be my favorite character as well… He’s undeniably intelligent, a victim (at times) of circumstance, a survivor, but undeniably weak and pathetic at the same time. Even though he’s done some despicable things, it’s hard not to feel bad for him too. A combination of the writing with mostly perfect execution by James Callis has created a great and complex character.
And I don’t remember where exactly this specific episode I’m thinking of occurs, but even Tigh gets rounded out a bit too. He also proves that he’s capable of some horrible things as well much later on as well… again, another complex character, though.
The only way DS9 can be considered a good show is if you pretend that first two seasons never happened. They had their good points, for sure, but on the whole those two years are on par with Voyager’s entire, terrible run.
“But most of the really crappy episodes – Scar, Black Market, that reaaally lousy one with the genocidal doctor that suddenly pops up for one episode then vanishes, all have that “episodic” quality…”
Funnily enough, Scar was the first episode that I ever saw just a small part of that made me want to go and watch the rest of the series. I didn’t think it was that bad.
Black Market, though… no arguments there. The genocidal doctor one wasn’t BSG’s best, but it still probably beat everything else on TV that week.
Billy K
That’s exactly what I do. (Although the episode with the leprechaun is hard to forget.)
Again, I don’t know what people have against Scar. I know some people don’t like Kat, but that’s just what her character is like. You don’t have to like a character to like the shows that she’s in. What else about it was so bad? Kara’s emotional disintegration? Individualistic Raiders? What’s the problem? Because I think the episode was easily on par with the rest of the season, and much better than Black Market, or Sacrifice (the one with the hostage situation).
I agree. I think Avery Brooks added a lot to the show. DS9 had a different tone to it the the other Star trek series, it was darker and edgier.
And Enterprise had the opportunity to surpass DS9, if the G-D producers hadn’t phucked it all up.
slippy hussein toad
I’ve thought for a long time that the actor who plays Tigh looks a lot like McCain.
I started watching BSG during the writers strike and just got caught up a couple weeks ago. I bought the S3 DVDs when they came out and DVRed the new eps until I finished the DVDs. I’ve seen the entire series (so far) in just few months. Here are my thoughts.
1) I don’t find any of the BSG women particularly appealing. Helfer is just scary skinny. The anorexic supermodel look does nothing for me. Park is cute, but nothing special. I suppose if I had a special thing for Asians, she’d have more to offer me, but I don’t, so she doesn’t. Sackoff is attractive but Starbuck reminds me of my first wife in too many ways to count. The ex used to walk around in the same kind of sports bra thing that Starbuck always wears and she had the same kind of broad-shouldered, hot, muscular thing going on. And, also like Starbuck, she had more issues than a magazine stand.
2) If they ever held a meeting of the BSG Competent Officers Club, said meeting could be held in a phone booth. Really, no wonder the Cylons nearly wiped humanity. The Colonial military was obviously staffed mostly by low-grade morons who couldn’t get real jobs back on Caprica. The BSG writers have even less understanding of military discipline, organization or principles and sometimes the stupid is so bad that it burns us.
3) OK, maybe I can accept that Cylons can pass for humans even up close and personal. I’ll take it that far, but invasive medical tests can’t tell human and Cylon apart? I mean really, give me a break.
4) A lot of the political stuff just makes no sense at all. Less than 50,000 humans facing extinction and on the run for their lives and they’re going to take time out for parliamentary procedure and protest when martial law is imposed?
5) Some of the stories are just so dumb they make my teeth ache. Sometimes it’s just obvious that they wanted to do story about X and just shoehorned it in even if doesn’t make much sense in context.
Gay Veteran
I don’t know which is worse: BSG or DS9. BSG is overhyped and overrated and Avery Brooks was god awful on DS9.