Michelle Malkin is pissed:
Make sure you click on all those links and then be sure to leave the links in the comments section of this clueless CNN piece about Col. Day.
Why? Because you wouldn’t know about Col. Day’s extraordinary heroism if you only got your news from CNN, which falsely states in a reductionist hit job on Day: “McCain Truth Squad defender was Swift Boat Vet member.”
I understand that 99% of what I write here is snark and sarcasm, but I am being completely serious when I state I do not understand why she is so angry. I have read the CNN piece, and there really is nothing offensive there. Go read the entire thing and tell me if you can figure out what is so controversial.
I honestly have no idea what is so terrible about this CNN piece. It can’t be that he is being called a Swift Boat vet, as Michelle thinks they are truth-tellers and he clearly was in the Swift Vet commercial. It can’t be that they said anything offensive about Day, because they didn’t. Is it really because they did not inlcude a several paragraph summation of Day’s military background, as Jesse Taylor states?
Again, I am being serious- what is she so upset about?
Malkin doesn’t think that Swift Boat Veterans are truth-tellers, but she is still aware of the fact that “Swift Boating” is an invective now commonly hurled at people for conducting political smears. Calling a Swift Boater a Swift Boater is, therefore, a slander unless the MSM proceed to give the guy a personal media parade.
He’s one of her boys, and she’s offended that he wasn’t put up on a pedestal and glorified for his roll in the John Kerry credibility massacre of 2004. That’s about it.
Betty Cracker
Since when does Malkin need a reason to go off on a batshit crazy rage-o-holic rant?
:-p Malkin doesn’t doubt that SBVs are truth-tellers…
Typing fail.
shorter michelle malkin
because ragegasms are addictive.
El Cid
By mentioning Colonel Day’s own self-promoted proud membership in the Sh*t Floats Veterans for Dupes, the ultra-leftist CNN has transmogrified this heroic service to our nation in pursuit of the shameful unpatriot John Kerry into some sort of insult to John McCain’s integrity and service.
Only Fux Nooz is allowed to talk about the most bravest, most honorable veterans ever, the Sh*t Floats and their allies, and for anyone else to do so is like sh*tting on the grave of George Washington if he were alive today.
This from the article. CNN gives Day a chance to bloviate about the Swiftboater truthiness, and does not provide Wes Clark a rebuttle. So it’s obvious CNN is a left wing troop hating GOP basher. It all makes perfect sense if your insane.
Malkin is hyperventilating– and once the ‘blood-dimmed tide’ has risen from her brain stem into her cerebrum, there’s no need for additional ratiocination.
El Cid calls them the “Sh*t Floats Veterans”.
I always called them the “Scum Bag Vermin”.
Diff’rent Strokes, I guess.
CNN didn’t write about his kitchen countertops. They are super patriotic.
I really think this is a large part of it. It’s her only schtick now, and the only thing that keeps the hit counts high. And what’s worse, she sees that she’s probably on the downside of her importance as a pundit and can’t figure out how to slow the descent.
That the reporter didn’t give the Colonel a BJ while they listened to the Star-Bangled Banner.
she’s a ragegasm addict ?
well you tried it just for once found it all right for kicks.
but now you found out that it’s a habit that sticks.
and you’re a ragegasm addict.
you’re a ragegasm addict.
D. Mason
It reads like shes pissed(big surprise) that they didn’t ramble on for pages about his heroism. Speaking of which, I think the word hero gets thrown around a bit too much these days.
buzzcocks. Nice!
I don’t want to go there… that’s why I read BJ, so I don’t have to get my browser soiled.
I think these people honestly are set off by anything, even something innocent, because they’re unable to cope with the world. Constantly looking for someone to hate, some wrong, some slight, they can’t deal with a world where they have to cope with those unpredictable humans. So they literally are in a constant state of hate.
I’m reminded of Patrick Harpur’s discussion about megalomania in “The Philosopher’s Secret Fire” – that there are some people who are such control freaks that they can’t deal with other people because they cannot be controlled. Their ultimate dream, in their hearts, is a world where they’re the last one left.
It’s her own self-hatred at being one of those “anchor-babies” she rails on about being directed elsewhere.
As near as I can guess, it’s rather like the reaction you might have if you got home from school and found out that kindergarnder little brother had gotten into that G.I. Joe set up that you spent all last night setting up.
While you weren’t looking he picked up your favorite solder toys and put him somewhere that wasn’t that perfect spot that you had carefully slected for him.
Or, (if I may indulge) shorter Michelle Malkin
-“Iz mai soldier, you doing it wrong!”
Because even reminding people about the Swift Boaters undercuts the message. McCain has to make the case that no criticism of his service is valid – no criticism of facts or opinions. By reminding readers that Kerry was attacked over both by the GOP (without even pointing that out specifically) takes all of Day’s credibility away.
Malkin is pissed because she recognizes that other people recognize the hypocrisy.
Further, she might even be bright enough to remember that McCain defended Kerry against Day and called on Bush to denounce SBVT. Of course the media likely will never point out that little inconvenient fact either, but the pundits like Malkin don’t want to risk it.
Because it’s Monday?
What does TBogg call her? The mother superior of perpetual outrage?
This is the same woman whose last appearance on an NBC station of cable affiliate was to claim the John Kerry deliberately shot himself to get a purple heart. Even Tweety was disgusted, and that’s saying something.
I also can;t figure what heroic thing McCain did by getting shot down. Is it heroic to withstand the righteous anger directed at you physically after you bombed the shit out of your captors and their families?
She’s probably pissed because they didn’t call to ask for her opinion. Sorry, Veruca – better luck next time.
a propos of nothing: “I’m the President! I’m the President! I’m the President!”
The Other Steve
Didn’t you once call her Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage?
The media has a liberal bias whenever they report something that doesn’t place Republicans in a favorable light.
Therefore it’s worth being outraged about.
She’s probably pissed because they didn’t call to ask for her opinion. Sorry, Veruca – better luck next time.
a propos of nothing: “I’m the President! I’m the President! I’m the President!”
(Duplicate comment, my ass!)
Dr. Squid
Malkin’s problem is that in her mind, CNN is supposed to kiss GOP asses 100% of the time. 99% is not good enough.
I wonder how anyone stays in the GOP when that party is so full of Ralph-Nader-wannabe purity cops.
The article doesn’t even use the pejorative title of “Swift Boater”. It just mentions his membership in Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, which is an fact, and its the name THEY chose for themselves. It cannot be insulting. Plus, they give Col. Day a chance to tell his point of view, but do not “balance” that out with a liberal opinion, and this is some sort of evidence of bias?
It was about as GOP friendly as you could get (without writing a giant and pointless puff piece of the guy).
Whats next? Getting mad at CNN for not dedicating 3 hours a day to the greatness of St. Ronnie?
She seems to be running low on outrages. I blame the summer. Its hard to stalk 12 year olds at school when they’re away at camp.
After The Whore Rachel Ray™ headscarf outrage, she’ll always be Malkin’ Donuts to me.
I’m being serious too: Why would anyone pay any attention to Michelle Malkin?
At all? Anyone?
I think it is because there is not some appropriate Wagneresque soundtrack playing in the background.
Camps have countertops too, you know.
James Joyner
I suppose identifying Day only as a Swiftie is somewhat misleading, in that it downplays his bonafides on military matters. But, meh.
Why do you seek logic from wingnuttia?
Zifnab FTW.
She isn’t upset about anything, John. She’s faking it for effect.
El Cid
This is the right wing definition of “liberal media” I’ve found to be functional — since the media are not 150% ultra-right wing on every page and at every second, this makes them the “liberal media”.
Just Some Fuckhead
Periodically, Malkin, when she is feeling down will launch these kinds of attacks.
You’re publishing your bullshit
In right-wing magazines
And your roommate wants to know
What is that crap on your screen?
You’re a ragegasm addict
you’re a ragegasm addict
It’s fauxrage. Malkin realized that she had a picture of herself with Day and posted it in an attempt to insert herself into the media discourse. She wants her readers to think that she’s relevant and she wants the media to notice that some flying monkeys will still obey her commands. It’s all about her.
any reference to OLOPO should be linked, thusly: Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage
she’s currently the #7 hit on google. (BJ calling her that is #1)
b. hussein canuckistani
Because you weren’t listening to her, and now you are.
She’s mad because CNN just calmly lays out the facts, and facts show that McCain condemned the Swift Boaters then, but is using the Swift Boaters now. And facts show Day to be hypocritical. Of course she’s pissed: she’s just been shown her own world view and its all fubar.
Larime the Gimp
How about Our Lady Of The Immaculate Countertops?
if my dad brings this up i’ma gonna bus’ a rehetorical cap in his ass.
As James Joyner says, yes, but it’s a little more than that. Malkin believes that Col. Day, as a Republican military hero, should be exempt from all criticism or controversy, and is outraged that CNN would even hint at impugning his integrity.
Chris Johnson
No no- she stubbornly refused to say that Kerry shot himself, but insisted on her right to troll the idea without being required to be seen saying it outright. HAD to have talked with a lawyer or something for that one- she was just so determined not to outright say it, and to insist unspecified ‘other people’ were saying it, that it suggests she was aware it was an insupportable libelous statement that would’ve got her nailed to the wall had she come out with it directly.
Good moment for Tweety, though rejecting this slime is not really the highest of standards.
Michelle Malkin was upset that Obama, at Philly’s Reading Terminal Market, chose to taste a ham from spain that sells for something like a hundred bucks a pound instead of a cheese steak.
Now, listen: I’m a Philly boy myself, and let me tell you something. You don’t dis the cheese steak. But it doesn’t mean you have to eat them at every opportunity. And when you’re in the Reading Terminal Market, if the best thing you can find to eat is a cheese steak, the market must be closed.
Now, if your personal favorite thing to eat is a cheese steak, and that’s what you get, good for you. But good *lord*, the Reading Terminal Market is packed with great food. It’s like… it’s like being the honored guest of Chef Tell (especially difficult, seeing as how the poor guy’s dead, now) at one of his restaurants… you wouldn’t order a cheese steak!
The only thing to say about Malkin being upset about something is, to quote myself as a youth, “Eh. The bitch is crazy; whattaya expect?”
I wish Jesse Taylor were on a blog other than Pandagon. It nauseates me to send any traffic to Amanda Marcotte–unless that traffic is KILLDOZER!
Call me crazy, but does it strike anyone else as odd that Day got the Medal of Honor? Not to minimize what he went through as a POW, but since when do you get the MOH for, you know, not ratting out the country when, as I think happens a lot, you’re tortured as a POW? Why didn’t McCain get one? (Oh wait.) As I read the citations, it looks like (a) Day gets shot down, makes terrific effort at escape, as one might expect a soldier to do; (b) he falls just short, is recaptured, and, some years later, is apparently brutally treated for some period of time. Is that really srvice “above and beyond the call of duty?” It always seemed to me like they gave to the MOH to guys who charged machine gun nests, braved sniper fire to rescue a fallen comrade, etc. Someone who, of hi sown volition, put his life on his line for the cause. This guy didn’t CHOSE to be a prisoner, or be tortured. Somehow it doesn’t seem to be on quite the same level as teh guy who jumps on the grenade to save his buddies.
not me. i wasn’t there, so i’ll take the military’s word on that.
his performance since then, however…
Really? First off, Day was an airman not a soldier for most of his career. Secondly, where does the “most highly decorated” claim come from? In Malkin’s post, those words link to Day’s personal website which has a picture of his many medals. Yes, he was awarded the highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor. He was certainly highly decorated. But where does the superlative “most” come from? A couple of hundred other Americans were awarded the MoH in Vietnam too.
One might almost think Malkin “falsely states” this.
She’s just pushng ‘Liberal media/CNN sucks’ meme. I realize in your new form you don’t recognize it as easily and actually look for facts to back up her outrage. You’ll stop that eventually.
She said it was a hit piece, that’s clue number one. Republicans love that term. You should learn that that means the article is directly on point (Bush, supermarket scanners) about the subject and that republican leaning types are not read it lest they come into contact with reality.
“Hit Piece” = “Hits Too Close to Home”
Vacation time is coming and Jesse wants to make sure the check for the house on Fire Island doesn’t bounce.
I wonder if Michelle caught this from SF Gate today:
“I hate the gooks,” McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. “I will hate them as long as I live.”
oops! that was from Feb/2008.
2000. Skimming an article is sometimes not a good thing. i’m done now :)
John Rohan
Reading Balloon Juice is often like stepping into an echo chamber; every yes-man’s comment trying one-up the previous guy. If you want to hear some real reasons why people object to the article, here you go.
From my own web site, with links:
The hyenas may now commence feeding.
Not much here to feed on Rohan. So he appeared in the Swift Boat ad, but is not a Swift Boater. Your wingnut parsing is, as usual, worth a hearty chuckle.
You see, the thing is Rohan, having served honorably and having been decorated heavily, doesn’t shield one from criticism. But no one has stated that Day lied to get his medals, or shot himself to get a purple heart. like say a John Kerry was accused of by the Swifty lying assholes (and miss Malkin), that Mr. Day declares were just telling the truth, with not a shred of real evidence.
CNN provided Day a venue to perpetuate the lies he participated in and like the others dishonored themselves with lies about Kerry’s service for the sole reason they didn’t like what he said After his service and they didn’t want him to get elected president.
So please, spare us the smarmy bullshit hypocrisy and whiny excuses . It’s just plain embarrassing to read.
John Rohan
Nightjar – before you embarass yourself any further by giving us the standard swiftboat boilerplate talking points, you might want to actually read what I wrote.
I didn’t say anything about Day’s, or the Swiftboater’s, criticisms of John Kerry, or whether they were correct or not. So your arguments have nothing to do with me or my comment.
Good luck next time, but so far it’s just more echo-chamber around here.
Isn’t it truly amazing that by Rohan’s standards (and Malkins’s of course) it is perfectly legitimate, even patriotic, for the Swift Boat Dishonorables to lie about Kerry’s military service because they didn’t like his politics once he came home from Vietnam? Have you noticed, Rohan, that no one here has, in any way, denigrated or attempted to denigrate McCain’s service in the military? And they could, make no mistake. There are details about McCain’s military service that would not look exactly heroic if held up to close scrutiny. Yet, those “hyenas” have not tried to discredit him on that score. What Clark said was that being a military hero did not necessarily qualify one to be president. The Republicans certainly seemed to agree with that statement four years ago when they cheered on the Dishonorables. Why, then, are they objecting now? Could it be that they are a bunch of lying, hypocritical creeps?
You’re mad because the article didn’t give enough detail of his background to overcome the amount of liberal bias you expect from an article written by someone you know is a pinko commie. Is that it?
Do you understand how someone could take your reaction and that of other right wingers as a reason, a petty reason, to just plain old be dismissive of the article? You found the liberal bias you were looking for to continue the struggle to convince yourself and others that you are getting all you need in terms of good quality non-commie/socialist information by reading right wing blogs and magazines and listening to Rush.
I’m not saying you are doing that just wondering if you think it’s possible that someone else might.
John Cole
So why was he in the commercial?
Well, comments are closed over at CNN, but I’d say they ran 90% critical of Day/McCain, and only 10% (and a pretty lame 10%) supportive of Day or critical of Obama. So Malkin’s attempt to sway CNN doesn’t seem to have led to much. Shows how little it’s worth listening to her ranting.
I know you didn’t that’s why I did. You’re scribblings were about the article and you don’t get to pick and choose which parts suit you’re argument. I say the CNN article was friendly to Day giving him the chance to diss the dem war hero’s Kerry and Clark, without affording the same to them. You’re pissed they also didn’t give Day a glowing bio while he was slamming Kerry and Clark free gratis. Typical wingnut whiny arrogance.