Apparently I was not too far off the mark with the Idiocracy clip earlier this morning, as Steve Benen tells us what to expect this week:
Atrios asked this morning, “Does anyone understand why Obama suggesting that people keep their tires properly inflated is some sort of hilarious gaffe?”
I’ve been trying to figure out the same thing for days. As the Obama campaign kicks off “energy week” with a new contrast ad and a policy speech in Michigan, Time’s Mark Halperin reports, “McCain supporters in Michigan will distribute tire gauges at Obama’s energy speech in Lansing. The RNC will also deliver gauges reading ‘Obama’s energy plan’ to Washington newsrooms.”
As of this morning, it looks like far-right blogs have received their copies of the Republican script, too.’s Erick Erickson is on message: “Inflating your tires and getting a regular tune-up sounds more like Obama’s plan for ego maintenance than it does for helping American families.” Ed Morrissey added, “…Obama refers to ‘big oil’ and the need to reduce our use of oil by 35% over the next twenty years. How do we get there? Keep inflating those tires, folks.”
The most depressing thing will be watching the bobbleheads discuss this at length as if somehow suggesting you take common sense steps to help fuel efficiency really is a gaffe.
Davis X. Machina
We’re the Saudi Arabia of stupid! We can always pump more
and if fewer than 50% of them draw the parallel between this and Carter’s “put on a sweater”, i’ll eat a handful of needles.
John, in the GOP of these days, common sense IS considered a gaffe.
How long before there’s some movement to underinflate tires just out of spite, ala “Carbon Belch Day”.
The Moar You Know
I honestly don’t understand what is going on in the minds of the GOP faithful anymore. I really don’t. And furthermore, there’s no way that anyone could possibly explain it to me; this defies all rationality and sense.
In a world in which intelligence was worth more than a cup of coffee, the GOP could expect single-digit returns this election cycle. That they are polling even near 40% is a comment on the collective intelligence of this nation, one that is truly shameful.
Ed Drone
Well, the more they spend on tire gauges, the less they can spend on inane TV ads. And the gauges will be useful — it’s the first useful energy action from the Republicans since Bush
got electedcame into office.Obama should make just that point — the Republicans are more interested in winning elections with gimmicks and attacks than in doing simple things to save energy. He could say, “I am happy that the Republicans have come around to my position, and I thank them for their contribution, however small and small-minded, to the effort. The McCain campaign would rather win an election than win the war on foreign oil dependence“.
Radon Chong
What will be even more infuriating is that next week John McCain and the White House will both urge Americans to make sure they are getting regular tune-ups and keeping their tires properly inflated. This will be treated as sage advice from daddy.
Hell, even NASCAR knows that tire inflation can save you gas. Are Republicans now mocking NASCAR???
How dare anyone in government suggest we do something simple in how we conduct our lives! If we modify our thermostats, wear a sweater, carpool, reduce clutter in our vehicles, remove unneeded luggage racks from atop our cars, properly inflate our tires, buy fuel-efficient cars, plan our driving trips, and conserve fuel, that’s as if we choose fascism!
Only consumers can ensure our precious debt-ridden freedoms!
Davis X. Machina
The GOP’s position vis-a-vis conservation, especially little things like CFL’s, and well-maintained vehicles, is like a fat, chain-smoking cardiac patient refusing to take his aspirin-a-day, because he doesn’t want to, because an article he saw in the checkout line told him it doesn’t work, but mostly because then he won’t get the cool ambulance ride — sirens and everything — later.
Tim H.
Hey John. With your connections can you get them to send us some gauges, too? An Obama gauge would be cool, especially if it’s free.
Didn’t George H.W. Bush run ads saying that you needed to keep your tires inflated, too? As I recall that really was his entire domestic energy policy apart from stuffing the pockets of his buddies.
Nice to see the GOP still has plenty of ways of making complete asshats of themselves in front of their base.
“See, that’s why we handed out tire gages! Also, Obama stole that idea from us!”
Scott H
If your tires are under-inflated you will be seriously grieved to find out how much gas you’ve been wasting. I learned this one ages ago.
I also note McCain is touting “additional drilling and nuclear power.” That and covers a whole 10 acres of ass. McCain might as well have said “additional drilling and magical fairy farts.” (You can find advice for keeping your tires properly inflated at CNN – where I found the McCain quote).
Oh, ouch. And it has the advantage of being accurate as well.
anyone who says McCain is in the pocket of big oil is… well, right.
Emma Anne
Bets on how much an Obama tire gauge will go for on ebay?
And yeah, why do Republicans hate NASCAR and therefore America?
Attack, attack, attack. No matter what Obama says, it will be attacked by Rove and McCain. Trip to Iraq and Europe, attack, three point shot, attack, attack McCain on taking oil money, attack Obama as negative, suggest energy-saving measure, attack. Rove has succeeded in turning the narrative away from his weak-ass candidate toward Obama. The media just want a story, any story that will help ratings, right wing blogs, Rush, and Hannity follow the script.
The real question friends, is how to counter the attack machine. So far I have yet to see a good solution.
Obama will be a puddle of goo come November if this keeps up, the people will be even more cynical (if that is possible) and McCain will be dottering round the WH wondering where his apple sauce snack went.
Just Some Fuckhead
Tires.. proper air pressure.. gas efficiency.. oh my aching sides. Ho, it is to lulz.
We’re talking about the same people who are still mocking Carter for suggesting people wear a sweater to save on heating costs.
Bascially they’re mocking Obama for not living up to the sterotype of a “big goverment” conservative. Getting your car tuned up (and other similar small steps) are exactly the small, individual based steps that someone who is against big goverment would be in favor of.
They are mocking Obama for making too much sense.
OT —
Can anyone explain, exactly, what the fuck we’re even doing “Gitmo Tribunals” for? From this, this:
Hamdan, who is about 38, was captured in Afghanistan in November 2001. He could face life in prison if convicted on charges of conspiring with al Qaeda and providing material support for terrorism in the first U.S. war crimes tribunal since World War Two.
This is a serious question — why are these guys on trial if the verdict has absolutely no bearing on their freedom? Isn’t this the textbook definition of a “sham” trial?
yet another jeff
I want an Obama tire gauge! Will they be passing out platinum NGK spark plugs and K&N filters too? I’d love to rely on the GOP for performance parts.
When the GOP mocks NASCAR, they mock America.
Why do Republicans hate America?
J.W. Hamner
Honestly, only an out of touch elitist, who doesn’t drive their own limo scorns and laughs at routine auto maintenance. What the fuck does John McCain know about keeping his car running so he can get to work and being able to afford the gas to drive it back home?
Working class voters change their own damn oil and know how important it is to keep your tires inflated. These are the guys/gals watching NASCAR in swing states. I doubt they’ll be impressed… but who knows.
It just seems out of touch… somebody a guy with a chauffeur thinks is funny.
Scott H
McCain supporters will be handing out tire gauges at the Obama speech? Oh, dear, you mean Republicans can actually attend a Democratic rally? WTF is up with that? I thought you had to have special invites, and Secret Service cavity searches, and loyalty oaths, and all that stuff to go to these things. Gosh, is that even Constitutional?
Because Republicans are too stupid to be allowed to live.
Gee, I grew up learning that maintaining ones automobile helped save fuel. Sounds like common sense so it’s no wonder ther dipshits at redstate etc. are denouncing it. Methinks they’re just jealous because they didn’t think of it first.
The Moar You Know
Asking these kinds of questions is at the very heart of what it is to hate America.
The faux surprise is amusing. Has anyone not yet caught on to the fact that facts and reality have no usefulness to the GOP and rightwing?
What matters is winning. That’s it. That’s not snark or sarcasm or cynicism on my part, it’s simple observation of fact. Winning is it. Period. It’s actually quite a brilliant approach, because it eliminates all the messiness of subtlety and nuance and process.
Big E
Bullshit is flowing…
Dem’s need to have a real & intense very public answer!
I wonder why no Dem is asking loudly why oil companies aren’t drilling and exploiting the millions of federal acres they already have leases on as well as what John has already mentioned re: American-based companies are shipping record amounts of gasoline and diesel fuel to other countries.
Seems to me very ripe discussion material.
These are the people who mocked a Veteran’s purple heart, is this honestly surprising to anyone? If Obama proposed we be kinder to children, the Republicans would hand out baby dolls with “kick me” signs and have a baby-kicking contest.
It’s not about truth, it’s about winning. It’s an organization that is NOTHING but a marketing campaign.
Not just common sense, there are now laws requiring new vehicles to be equipped with built-in/automatic tire pressure monitors that provide an (annoying, IMHO) indicator light/audible alert when the pressure is too low. One of the reasons this legislation was passed was to improve fuel efficiency. Naturally this was resisted by auto makers and republicans alike due to the estimated cost of compliance. Fortunately it was also made into a safety issue following the loss of life in a number notable failure of a number of tires, making passage much more difficult to resist.
Apparently Bush’s own administration (the implementation period) agrees with Obama here.
Seriously, a public service announcement by Jeff Gordon telling people to keep their tires inflated to save gas would be the fucking bees knees in campaign cockslappery right now.
I would simply love to see McCain rebutt that.
Honestly, I feel like we’re watching John Kerry all over again. When will Dems learn that you have to get a little dirty to clean house? Obama can’t stay above it. He’s got to respond hard. He also has to attack as well. Play clips of McCain babbling. Put out a commercial noting McCain had a hit piece set up for his foreign policy trip no matter what happened. Start hitting the press for being one-sided. Spend some money and start running the board.
For the last few weeks, I’ve just felt Obama’s momentum slipping. Complacency is killer; the last two elections should have shown Dems that. The only way to turn it around is to start focusing on the other guy, on his positions, and his faults. Obama may not want to do that, but it has to be done. If Obama continues to allow this election to be a referendum on him, Dems are toast.
Go tap Obama on the shoulder and show him the latest Rasmussen (sp?) poll.
but only a big PUSSY PUSS PUSS would use a tiny little penis like a tire gauge, not a GREAT BIG COCK like an oil drill. and only nerds use gauges with numbers on them. and you can’t say gauge without saying gay, queerballs.
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
Since McCain puts “Country First™,” are those gauges going to be made in these here U.S. of A. states, by U.S. Americans????
Because Gore invented the internet and because Kerry voted for something before he voted against it. Because there are millions with no concept of how our government works who don’t want a dem or a black man as president and this is the sort of information they require, just reasons to be dismissive (part 3).
A friend of mine says he doesn’t trust Obama. He can’t articulate why (unintended pun), he just knows there is somethign wrong about Obama. He’ll eat this tire gauge thing right up. I expect a call today about this.
Does anyone know how to get some of these tire gauges that the McCain campaign is handing out? Without giving the McCain camp a $25 donation, of course.
A box of tire gauges with Obama’s name on them is actually a great campaign ad … for Obama. People like free useful stuff, and tire gauges are useful. And what could be less elitist than checking your own tire pressure?
If I were the Obama camp, I might consider turning this to my advantage. Free tire gauges with “The Obama Energy Plan” on one side and a URL to Obama’s actual energy plan on the other? It would be brilliant!
I still don’t see what the McCain camp is doing with this though. Just plain weird.
Just Some Fuckhead
Heard a funny one this afternoon:
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Air Filter.
Oh Sweet Richard Petty, make teh lulz stop before my ribs crack.
Ben Roethlisberger
“The most depressing thing will be watching the bobbleheads discuss this at length as if somehow suggesting you take common sense steps to help fuel efficiency really is a gaffe.”
Because it’s wimpy solution to them. Its easy to ridicule.
Mocking NASCAR is elitist!
If Darrell taught us anything it’s that republican concern with winning trumps all. How many times did he say ‘that’s why you can’t win elections’ when talking about democrats?
Has anyone noticed Fred Hiatt’s weird column this morning
where he says that Obama shouldn’t argue against right-wing policies because it might hurt people’s feelings?
Mr. Tactful
I was a mechanic for years at a VW dealership.
I would estimate the number of vehicles I personally worked on that had properly-inflated tires at 10%. Most tires had between 20 and 25 psi in them. Keep in mind these were not old clunker cars, but mostly cars still under warranty and less than 5 years old.
Mr. Tactful
I was a mechanic for years at a VW dealership.
I would estimate the number of vehicles I personally worked on that had properly-inflated tires at 10%. Most tires had between 20 and 25 psi in them. Keep in mind these were not old clunker cars, but mostly cars still under warranty and less than 5 years old.
Notorious P.A.T.
I would say, basically anything a Democrat does is horribly wrong to these people. It doesn’t matter what.
ethans mom
If gas weren’t so expensive, I’d hop in my car to Lansing to get one of the tire gauges.
I don’t know how telling people that they should only get a tune up every five years and running on flat tires until the steel core is showing helps the GOP win.
Add my name to the list that want an Obama tire gauge without having to donate to McCain (of course).
Hell I’d pay MORE than $25 for one
Perry Como
Well if it’s the opposite of what democrat would say…..
Notorious P.A.T.
“Under-inflated tires can lower fuel efficiency by approximately 1.4 percent for every 1 psi drop in pressure of all four tires”
Stretch Your Gas
Grand Moff Texan
Rightwing morons, saying what they were told to say, even though it’s stupid?
That’s not news.
Translation — He’s scared of the Scary Negro. No n#ggers in the WH. Where’s my cotton?
Wait for the conniptions when Obama suggests people drive the speed limit.
Win. “Individual responsibility” is is for DemocRats and brown people.
The real problem is far direr: conservation isn’t sexy, and you can’t make money selling snake oil conservation solutions to angel investors.
That, and the GOP is selling helplessness — you can’t make a difference, so don’t even try.
GOP should be pushing global warming as the less-expensive solution to tire pressure. Weather gets hotter and air expands. Ergo, more drilling means more tire pressure and better mileage.
Clearly you aren’t a hard working white American.
Seriously, I hope the GOP runs with this. Maybe we can get McCane to say the Victory Gardens and scrap metal drives of WWII were stupid as well.
Perhaps you’ll soon see one of the McCain tire gages on his website. Enlarged. So you can easily see the Made in China sticker.
Davis X. Machina
Because America, properly considered, stands between them and their objective — owning all your shit, forever, everywhere.
Does the Devil like holy water?
Hell no, after all if you’re a good ‘Merkin you buy your stuff at Wal-Mart which is made courtesy of China and sweat shop labor in American territories.
Haitt’s a giant pussy, but we all knew that.
And I’d like my name added to the list of people wanting to buy Barack Obama tire gauges. If Obama could just place an order with the same people McCain is getting them from and start selling them on his website, that would be hilariously fantastic.
Davis X. Machina
That, and the GOP is selling helplessness—you can’t make a difference, so don’t even try.
That’s how you destroy a democracy. The helplessness.
Want to see what helplessness does to a democracy? Watch what happens to all the cotton candy when there’s a thundershower on the midway. And then try to get it out of your kid’s clothes.
Democracy’s about that fragile, and about that tough.
El Cid
Remember, properly inflating your tires = surrendering to the Caliphate!!!
If I were the Obama campaign I’d make a ton of attack ads – then sit on them till late September and October when the McCain folks are broke and the election is too close to mount a good response.
plus making sure all 4 are properly inflated and balanced makes your tires last longer.
jesus, someone asked the dude how to save money and he gives out some decent tips on it and the GOP has a fit.
Dennis - SGMM
I never could figure out how the same country that fought WWII and stared down the Soviet Union suddenly became willing – even anxious – to surrender the very best things about it when threatened by a handful of nihilistic terrorists. We should have built a giant hand flipping the bird on the site of the Trade Towers. Instead, we fell all over ourselves to hand over everything we could to the government in exchange for the illusion of safety.
“The land of the free and the home of the brave” my ass.
The Moar You Know
John’s gonna be all over your shit for not embedding your links.
“Never offending the righties” seems to be the mantra these days. It’s even considered poor taste by those in the media to point out that someone is a rightie if they do something distasteful, like when Mark Foley was butt-jousting underage Congressional pages or Jim Adkisson decided to shoot skeet with some Unitarians.
It’s very important that these folks don’t get their feelings hurt by having the truth about their voting habits pointed out to them, or by being told that the Earth is round, or that Jesus didn’t ride a T. Rex into Jerusalem, or any of the other manifestly fucktarded bullshit that they believe, no matter how horredous the consequences to the Republic.
Republicans: The Party Of Crybabies.
Joshua Norton
In an almost historically unique combination of greed, ill will, incompetence and stupidity, the GOoPers have brought the country to the edge of disaster.
And they still go screaming past the graveyard that everything is the “liberals” fault. A few over-exposed windbags with big mouths and no courage, drool on the AM dial and have succeeded in convincing average, everyday ignorant schlubs, who barely have two nickels to rub together, that liberals are the root of all evil in this country.
The Grand Panjandrum
Or, better yet, moot court?
Because real journalists are too busy worrying about more important shit. I, for one, was thrilled to find out who has the coolest and most well-adorned campaign jet.
C’mon! Get with the program.
Jesus, whatever happened to the good old days of flag pins?
What is absolutely pathetic about this nonsense is that it comes from McCain’s campaign. This is not a bunch of too clever by half numbsull bloggers. This idea came from a Presidential campaign. Fucking pathetic. I expect this stuff from the blogosphere, but come on, how pissed do you have to be knowing that your donation was spent on something as meaningful as a tire gauge, or that Paris Hilton add.
BTW Ambinder reports that Obama has agreed to four post-convention debates. That should be something to see. I can hear people screaming at the TV now: “Hey! WTF is Obama doing appearing on stage with a shriveled old prune?”
Chris Johnson
What’s it gonna take to show these obnoxious clowns that attacking and cheating aren’t actually job requirements for running a country?
Oh right, they have to lose.
Fuck fascist neocons and the attack dogs they rode in on. Always turn out to elections, rallies etc, always vote against them, always speak up. Don’t just give money, pay attention. Pay attention if you’re hurtin’ for money.
Politics is cyclical when it doesn’t get into cul-de-sacs that end up in violent revolution. We’ve got a choice between allowing it to continue being cyclical and swing the fuck back bigtime, or trying to prolong matters until things break down completely.
I really don’t care if some (even here) want it to seem like a permanent regime that will rule for 1000 years and change the terms of the discourse forever- fuck you people- you don’t automatically get to always set the tone, or dictate how this politics business is conducted. You’re only fueling your own backlash.
Perry Como
I wonder if the tires of McCain’s wife’s private jet are kept fully inflated?
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
So, if my tire gauge is made in U.S.A., I should ditch it for a new Chinese one, or else put on a red badge of faggotry?
It turns out that we could save more oil by keeping tires inflated than we could pump out the ANWR by 2020.
Perry Como
When the did the right turn into a bunch of 12-year olds? Between their “rebellion” in the Senate, ending in a cringe-worthy hootenanny, and this attempt to mock Obama with tire gauges, it’s like a bad ’80s movies in which an entire middle school was swapped with the Republican party. Look for an increase of calls to invade Iran and a rash of footsie in the men’s room at Westwood Elementary this week.
eh. I expect the political news to be a bit slow for the next three weeks. Remember, the Olympics begin Saturday.
In fact, since the Democratic Convention starts the day after the closing ceremonies (25th and 24th of August, respectively) there are a couple of good strategic options for Obama and his VP selection. Putting it out this week (no later than Wednesday) gives him about the maximum news value. On the other hand, putting it out next week gives a spike that goes above the Olympics which will probably steal the news cycle back, thus making snide comments and ads from the Republicans part of the background noise.
El Cid
iF gOD HAD WANTED us to inflate our tires properly hE woULD Have giVEN Us tire gauges 6,000 YEArs ago WHen he cREATed caRS.
Meanwhile the fReichtards can call him an islahomosexual elitist, suggest he’s lying about his citizenship, compare him to Hitler and insult his wife but that’s all fun and games.
Perry Como
btw, I fully support McCain’s strategy of mocking easy, free, common sense solutions that anyone can do to lower their energy costs.
Jay in Oregon
It’s not a PSA, and he’s helping hock a product, but there is this PDF.
It’s just uppity to say that Uhmurricans should pay attention to small maintenance items that could possibly make a big difference in gas mileage.
Just who the heck does he think he is, Mr. Goodwrench?
It’s just like the Jimmy Carter “wear a sweater” thing — it’s sensible, but depressing and small. And by saying that “inflate your tires” is Obama’s energy plan, they’re saying that’s all he’s got. It is childish. Wait, that’s insulting to children. It’s monkeys flinging poo and hooting. But it’s an easy meme to keep going and makes Obama look ridiculous — which is all the fucktards want to do.
This is seriously pissing me off.
Those damn NASCAR liberals never shut up.
How exactly will reminding people that Obama knows something about routine car maintenance square with the Republican trope that he’s an out-of-touch elitist?
I don’t know many eggheads who check their tire’s pressure.
Cool. I’d love to see Obama turn this mockery upside-down and point out how the Goopers are disparaging personal responsibility.
Yeah, I know, but I can dream.
So Obama should accuse McCain of urging Americans to drive around on tires as flat as Republican policies have made their pocketbooks.
Republicans. They let Osama out of Afghanistan. They let the value out of the dollar. They let jobs out of America, but they are urgin you to leave the air out of your tires yourselfs.
John, it is time to trot out the photo from Jesus General of the Monster Truck. I’ll send it to you separately if I can find it,
w vincentz
I thought this thread was a spoof.
Sorry. It isn’t.
I just got an email from some guy in the McCrazy campaign named Rick offering to sell me a tire gauge for 25 bucks.
I’m not kidding.
So I emailed a reply to Rick…told him to check his calendar cause April 1st is a ways off, and it’s a bit early to play “April FOOLS DAY”. I also said I’d be happy to buy a $25 tire gauge from him if he was willing to purchase a $125 set of sparkplugs from me. Heck, Rick, just send me $100 and the tire gauge and I’ll call it even.
I suppose that after the election, Johnnie will need a job.
Perhaps he can work at the Walmart automotive center and put all those tire gauges to good use checking tires.
Seems to me that he’s already full of “gas”.
Of course. Because we all know if it’s made in the USA it’s probably made by the damn illeguls so we may as well buy them from china instead.
Btw, can someone explain to me why the US is so ass-backwards that you even need a tire gauge?
When I lived in the UK, I’d just set the pressure on the air inflator thingamajig at the gas station and it would inflate my tires to exactly the right pressure. Some of them even had a list with recommended tire pressure for most of the popular cars.
Davis X. Machina
Not bad — of course, the GOP used that one in 2004.
No one said politics had to be original.
How much is your gas over there?
Ed Drone
We have those, sometimes, but the accuracy is verklempt, for sure, and you need your own tire gauge to, well, gauge the accuracy of the pump’s own gauge.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Btw, can someone explain to me why the US is so ass-backwards
that you even need a tire gauge?There, fixed.
Oh, and no.
SA2SQ, etc.
The Populist
I hope Americans see past the McCain nonsense. I fear they aren’t :(
Why do I have this feeling we are seeing Obama’s Lock Box moment.
Also, if I was Obama, I’d take my gloves off and run contrast and compare type ads showing McCain’s flip flops and gaffes. Why not?
D. Mason
Uhm. I’m pretty sure Wal-Mart employees from McCains age group normally hang out by the front door asking people if they need a “buggy”.
But ANWR’s got what cars crave! It’s got electrolytes!
Bubblegum Tate
Post of the Month!
Most gas stations charge for air by default, but they are required by law in some states to 1) have air and water and 2) offer it free to people that buy gas (people don’t know that, however). Most air inflators do have a gauge.
Free tip: COSTCO will fill your tires at the tire center if you buy gas. They’ll do it for you since customers aren’t allowed to touch their nifty computerized pumps. Every month after filling up (which usually means every fill up for me) I head over and the guy runs around my car and tops off the tires.
Also, I never realized that the recommended tire pressure is printed on the inside edge of the drivers door until I saw the guy check there.
So, basically, the message is….”Vote For McCane, and I’ll give Pressure Gauges (and Geritol) to the Masses!”?
So, basically, the message is….”Vote For McCane, and I’ll
givesell Pressure Gauges(and Geritol) at outrageously inflated prices to the Masses!”?Fixed.
Conservatively Liberal
Republicans mocking good advice? Say it ain’t so! The right has devolved into a bunch of pre-school children, that or senility is a party wide affliction starting with McCain at the top.
I keep my vehicle tires at the right pressure and check them once every two weeks. Tires will lose air over time, as most drivers know, and it pays to stay on top of them. You save gas and tire wear, plus it gives you a chance to see it the tires are damaged or wearing incorrectly.
Same with tune ups and general engine maintenance, if you stay on top of it you have a clean(er) running vehicle that will give you the best mileage it can.
Mocking advice like this is so stupid I can’t believe the idiots on the right think it will score points. I’m with others here, if Obama comes out with a tire gauge like this, I will buy it in a heartbeat!
Lets own the bastards on this one. Hit them right back on this and people will notice. Shit, hand out gauges at campaign events! That will get attention real fast!
Tax Analyst
Well, seriously guys, keeping your tires inflated is just not all that fun, exciting or sexy. In fact, it’s downright boring…not cool, like bombing Iran and stuff.
The “Adults” told me this was so.
Arrgh.. I’m watching PBS and dear god.. I Don’t now who this chick is for McCain but she’s bloody lying through her teeth. She claims that they need to drill right now and that they can get oil right now and they have ways they’ve done it in the past. WTF. You can pump it but yous till have to refine it and I bet we’ll still have less because they can make a greater profit shipping it to some other country? ARGH!!! Record profits for oil companies and she thinks that we can’t tax them and help the middle man out? JEEZUS!
I’m spitting mad..