Another winner from Breitbart today:
We must not let that go unanswered.
Uninvited Democratic activists are on a mission to demoralize the enemy – us. They want to ensure that President Obama is not subject to the same coordinated, facts-be-damned, multimedia takedown they employed over eight long years to destroy the presidency – and the humanity – of George W. Bush.
Political leftists play for keeps. They are willing to lie, perform deceptive acts in a coordinated fashion and do so in a wicked way – all in the pursuit of victory. Moral relativism is alive and well in the land of Hope and Change and its Web-savvy youth brigade expresses its “idealism” in a most cynical fashion.
The ends justify the means for them – now more than ever.
Much of Mr. Obama’s vaunted online strategy involved utilizing “Internet trolls” to invade enemy lines under false names and trying to derail discussion. In the real world, that’s called “vandalism.” But in a political movement that embraces “graffiti” as avant-garde art , that’s business as usual. It relishes the ability to destroy other people’s property in pursuit of electoral victory.
Hugh Hewitt’s popular site shut off its comments section because of the success of these obnoxious invaders. polices nonpartisan newswire stories for such obviously coordinated attacks. Other right-leaning sites such as Instapundit and National Review Online refuse to allow comments, knowing better than to flirt with the online activist left.
First off, there are a large number of us out there who thought Hugh Hewitt was a moron LONG before we ever heard of Barack Obama.
Second, the Instapundit and the NRO decided their comment policy before Obama was even a Senator, let alone after Obama had organized a digital reign of terror on the comments sections of right-leaning websites. Also, your slip is showing. Everyone knows the Instapundit is a libertarian. Duh!
Third, as has been pointed out elsewhere, it was not an Obama tactic to mobilize internet trolls to harsh on the Republican’s parade. That was the explicit McCain internet strategy:
John McCain’s campaign is using their campaign website to encourage supporters to post supportive comments on political blogs, including the most well-known liberal site in the blogosphere. And to make things easier, they’re including talking points with which sympathizers can use to get out the McCain message.
“Select from the numerous web, blog and news sites listed here, go there, and make your opinions supporting John McCain known,” instructs the page.
McCain supporters are asked to send the details of their comment to the campaign, which in turn will verify it and then reward the supporter with “points” (assumedly to accumulate for McCain swag).
I really am starting to buy into the notion that anything these guys accuse you of they are actively engaged in themselves.
That aint a notion John, it is doctrine.
Listen to that putz Rove now that he’s out of power. You’d think that his climb to the top was acheived using Ghandian tactics.
Breitblart is now hoping to float to the top of the GOP noise cesspool. That is done by being ever more and more outrageous, dishonest and whiney.
So right wing cowardice (we no allow teh comments) = bravery, good sense, and righteous moral absolutism.
I guess for chicken hawks fighting the Islamofascists–and liberals and the majority of Americans who don’t agree with them–from their keyboards in their mothers’ basements, this is logical.
Is the fearless We No Allow Teh Comments policy like Going Galt or moving to Costa Rica? Awesome!
harlana pepper
Totally OT, John, but is Tunch strictly limited to the blue blanket? I want to know how I can get my cats to do that so I can have a few moments of peace. Is it a special "cat attracting" blanket?
harlana pepper
"Internet hooligans"? Hooboy, I don’t think he’s getting the point here.
"Get off my internets you hooligans!!"
It’s called projection and is exactly right. Like the cheating Husband who assumes the wife must be untrustworthy, because he is and thats all he knows.
The moral midgets just assume that everybody must be lowlifes just like them. They can’t grok that the only assholes who play by their constantly shifting rules are them.
And as far as getting a clue, why would the proudly ignorant want to do that?
Looks like the jury saw the sandbox model demos and weren’t impressed
El Cid
The right also gets very angry when it is unable to completely monopolize all discussions on their own terms, because that is what would be fair and just, and they got really used to it 2001-2005, and they want it back.
John Cole
@harlana pepper: No. That is just his perch in the home office. I have a futon that he sleeps on whenever I am in this room. When I am in the kitchen, he is weaving in between my legs. When I am in the living room, he is in the window, on the spine of the couch, or sitting on the remotes on the ottoman. When I am in the bedroom, he is on top of a dresser staring down at me. That freaks me out.
He also likes to sleep on top of the printer in the office.
As Breitbart would say, assertions make an ass out of U and Me.
Don’t you remember, John? In the early days we used to call it IOKIYAR.
harlana pepper
From a commentor to Brietbart’s post:
dan robinson
two notes:
1. people who talk about themselves as a member of an organization and how that organization is strong are giving you a tell about their relative personal weakness.
2. brietbart is an ass puppet
Clear case of projection. It should be assumed, as a matter of course, that most charges made by wingnuts are a litany of their own practices. Remember Rove’s "we are an empire now, we create our own reality" dismissal of "reality-based" perception? From long before lil chimp got appointed, the art of propoganda had been perfected by his enablers. They constructed an entirely "facts-be damned" foreign policy and gave the store to cronies. Anyone who complained hated America and was a traitor.
Now, the same bush cult is getting their talking points in the media to the same or greater extent than when they were in power. But that is not enough, of course, because the public, despite the best efforts of the corporate (republican biased) media, has had enough of their horse puckey. Therefore, powerful democratic activist agents must be conpiring against them. Paranoid schitzophrenia plus envy and feelings of inadequacy. It sucks to be them.
But there are enough sheeple who will eventually absorb the steady diet of right wing hate speech. Then they just need 40%, a few well placed state election officers, diebold, and we’re back in Jindal/Palin land.
I interpret winger actions as a consequence of a limited behavioral repertoire rather than projection. The wingers have a very small set of ‘allowed’ behaviors– when a threatening situation arises, they just have to choose one, regardless of whether it is appropriate, or connected to, y’know, reality.
harlana pepper
@John Cole:
Oh, I have a "starer" – she sits on what I call "The Rug of Disapproval" and stares me down for no reason. She doesn’t need food or water, she just likes to make me feel guilty for whatever it is I have or have not done.
Haven’t read Perlstein’s "Nixonland" yet eh…
Teh kittehs have their habits. Like the 6 am "why haven’t you turned of my faucet so I can drink" bit, or the "oh it looks like you’re sexing up your girlfriend" look that leads them to start sleeping by your feet.
Well at least Red State has a comments section. I bet there is an interesting range of opinions discussed there.
As breitbart would say, "Assumptions make an ass out of the both of us…".
Comrade Darkness
perform deceptive acts in a coordinated fashion
I don’t know what this is, but it sounds sexy. Why oh why did I miss the left-wing brigade fax memo on this topic of all things?
On the upside, later when this person actually learns how to write, he/she will gape in silent, paralyzing abject horror that this crap has his/her name on it.
Fuckin Christ in a Quiznos….Fargo just cant catch a break. From shitty weather to severe flooding, now facing 14 inches of snow (read: more eventual water). Wow.
Where’s Frances McDormand to make everything right?
RE: Steele.
Mind is blown. Can’t even think about him Steeling the RNC.
Brian J
I’ll admit, I don’t really pay that much attention to people like Hugh Hewitt, since it seems like such a waste of time. After the few times I’ve seen him, however, I’ve always thought he was one of those people who, while not necessarily loud and obnoxious, wasn’t exactly mild mannered in his opinions. He’s the opposite of a Steve Benen or a Kevin Drum in demeanor, or so I’ve seen.
Now, I also tend to shy away from the sites with an excessively large number of comments, but from what I have seen, virtually anybody who is fairly sharp in tone and/or belief will have pretty heated, some times nasty responses from all angles. The idea that Hewitt suffered alone from this problem is simply laughable, no matter how bad it became for him. If he wanted to avoid some of the more infuriating problems, couldn’t he have done what so many others have done by preventing some of the less desirable elements from commenting?
As for Breibart, my only encounters with him are columns that I’ve read because they’ve been linked to here, posts mocking him from Sadly, No!, and his appearance on Bill Maher’s show. It doesn’t look like I’m missing much. The idea that only the left is really extreme with the way it harasses people online is just nutty. Both sides have people who act like idiots in a number of ways. Virtually every single act he attributes to those on the left can be turned around and attributed to the right.
This is just pathetic. It’s like these people are born without any hope of recognizing reality.
The Other Steve
You made me do it.
Can you say psychological projection!
I am really starting to buy into the notion that there weren’t any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Okay, just kidding. There were.
Man, I was thinking the exact same thing. In fact, I have been thinking that same thing for quite a while now (as you all probably have been as well). It’s like they cannot see the nose in front of their face, isn’t it?
(Enjoy your blog, John, and the attendant comments. The thread from last week on the Repub’s "budget proposal" gave me hours of great enjoyment.)
I just think it is hilarious that the fact that someone might actually disagree, and be willing to write a post stating that fact, is completely ignored in this article. Obviously anyone who disagrees is working for someone, because if they had opinions of their own they would obviously agree with the party that’s been running the country into the ground for 8 years.
OT: This is my cat’s most useful function.
The Grand Panjandrum
Any blogger with anything in his sack other than BB’s would welcome trolls. Jesus, isn’t that a sign of at least a moderate amount of success? Boo fucking hoo Andrew: Grow a goddamned pair.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Coordinated fashion??
Jesus, Mary and Joseph– we’re fucking Democrats!
We don’t do coordination!
it’s like my youngest step-brother growing up.
if he accused you of some bad act you knew he was planning on doing it himself.
he’s now an exec at some corp. queele suprise.
it seems that roughly half of any senior management i’ve ever delt with are sociopathic bad faith assholes who’re just trying to dig out as much as they can before hitting the golden shute.
Bush, who as Texas governor once mocked a death row inmate’s plea for clemency, was clearly brimming with humanity. He didn’t need seem to need our help to destroy his presidency either.
Brian J
I’d be curious to see if Briebart has any evidence of this, but I’m not going to hold my breath. I somehow doubt what he describes was really part of some official strategy by the Obama campaign.
But didn’t Ron Paul do exactly what Breibart said Obama did, except with automated responses instead of real people? If so, why was it acceptable for him?
Face it, nature simply does not want people to live in North Dakota.
Comrade Dread
All hail President Romney.
Most of the liberal sites I frequent aren’t at all concerned with conservative trolls or genuine conservative opinion/thought. Nor are they banding together to defend Obama from the Limbaughs of the world.
Most that I’ve seen are worried about the economy, worried as to whether Obama will roll back the abuses Bush implemented, and are now experiencing the party (divide is too strong of a word) disagreement on loyalty and trust vs. open honest dissent.
But fortunately for the Democrats, a much larger percentage of them see the wisdom in not becoming an echo chamber like the GOP was under Bush.
This was my favorite part:
There’s no way anyone could actually believe that.
Ash Can
Projection aplenty, to be sure, but don’t forget the nifty "vandalism/graffitti" dogwhistle in there too. Nice.
@Brian J:
Probably because Ron Paul
isn’t blackdidn’t win.joe from Lowell
See, the reason this is such a compelling argument is because Democratic and liberal blogs don’t get conservative trolls.
Two words: Vince.Foster.
In honer of Brietblart’s epic fail
dan robinson
This is why I don’t bother with FDL or Something Trickling Down My Left Leg any more. I had comments spiked at FDL because I had the temerity to say something negative about a story. The story led with something like, "Because they are transsexuals, they are some of the bravest people I know." I merely pointed out that they might also be very narcissistic, and wanting to get your weenie chopped off doesn’t make you brave. At the other place, there is someone called Big Tent Democrat, who is playing Queen for a Day, every day. My comments pointing the shortcomings in his or her logic (I don’t know this person’s gender) got spiked repeatedly.
Goldy, at Horses Ass, runs a blog that has trolls. And they give as good as they get. As it should be.
In an earlier post we have Klavan declaring that liberals wont listen to Rush because we are "afraid",and now we have Breitbart whining about liberals showing up "uninvited" and harshing the vibe.I beleive,post CPAC,that it was Breitbart citing Limbaugh’s practice of censoring phone calls as his model for deleting comments.Once again,neocon logic comes full circle.
Comrade Dread
And by liberals he means anyone at all that has any sort of disagreement with the official party line.
The problem is that Official GOP doctrine has become too complicated for the average wingnut to defend.
It takes a three hour Limbaugh Radio Rant to sufficiently explain and qualify doctrine.
As such wingnuts are at a huge disadvantage in the comment section of a blog where their ammunition is limited to two or three sentence quips that nobody outside the Reality Based Community understands.
It is much easier to write "Republicans were in charge and now everything is fucked up so it is all their fault." Then you can list the screwups.
In response you get something akin to Malkin’s defeatocrat cheer or Hinderakers Bush is an unappreciated genius quote. And then the ridicule begins.
Solution – turn off comments.
dan robinson
I don’t know what this is about, but those sorry bastards who had Vince Foster exhumed because of their bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories should have their fleshy parts nailed to a tree.
They put Foster’s family through hell again for their insanity. There is no apology (not that they would ever do that) that can set that right.
Mike in NC
Too bad "Internet trolls" didn’t exist way, way back in March 2003. Mister Bush could have invaded enemy lines in Iraq with millions of them, thereby securing the Weapons of Mass Destruction, saving the lives of thousands of American servicemen, and saving taxpayers a trillion dollars. Would’ve been great strategery!
@John Cole:
Same here. Who knew that cat printer sleeping was a naturally occurring phenomenon.
Brian J
Out of that three hours, only twenty minutes constitutes anything resembling an agenda. One hour is taken up by him coming down from his OxyContin high, one half hour is taken up by him trying to squeeze his fat ass through the door frame, forty minutes is taken up by listening to callers who agree with his point that they haven’t heard anywhere else, and a half hour is simply repeating the first twenty minutes of the agenda over and over again.
Jim Pharo
By George I think you’ve got it!
Golly gee. It seems like only yesterday when Republicans were not only boasting about their control of the media, fighting back against liberal bias, but Rush Limbaugh was chortling over his ability to mobilize party-switchers to alter the outcome of the presidential primaries.
And now these whiney crybabies are shouting "foul?" Oh, the humanity.
I always thought that Hewitt’s shining moment came when he tried to tell his radio listeners that Dubya’s selectio of Harriet Miers to be a Supreme Court Justice proved that Bush was not only brilliant, but the bestest most presidentin’ president that ever was or ever could be.
There’s no way you could either believe it, or believe it would work. Since when did a troll change anybody’s way of thinking about anything? Good grief, you use the power of the internet to mobilize like-minded or at most independent-minded people into groups that *do* something like donate money or knock on some damn doors. Provoking people might be fun for the provocateur (yes, it was worth it to not be able to view the majesty that is Red State again to get in a little snark on their thread regarding the relative worth of an Iraqi’s life vis a vis an American’s life), but it’s not as if you’re going to actually accomplish anything. I guess the sanguine, nonpartisan way to look at that is "confirmation theory in action".
Quaker in a Basement
I thought these guys took their cues from Hayek and Burke, not Rowdy Roddy Piper.
harlana pepper
Totally OT again, but I just got the Furminator and I think it is the Wonder Tool of the decade. However, I have had mixed results with the Furminatees. Still working on how to comb each individual cat based on her preference. Tortie likes to be brushed hard, but the other two, not so much – my sweetest one actually tried to bite me at one point, e.g., "enough mom!". I want to get them used to it b/c it is now shedding season. Any advice any of you have, please share.
Oh, Obama getting ready to talk about auto industry on CSPAN now.
Joey Maloney
Geez, where you been? I figured that out back when Salon outed Henry Hyde as an adulterer during the impeachment farce. I’ve been using it as a rule of thumb for close to 15 years now, and I don’t think they’ve disappointed me yet.
@harlana pepper:
Those kind of comments always amuse me because isn’t Limbaugh on from like one til four in the afternoon? And then he has on people who claim they make over $250k a year and they’re going Galt? I’m sorry, but people making a quarter million a year do not work third shift and do not have half a working day available to listen to Rush Limbaugh.
It’s really just a corollary to Rove’s attack them where they are strongest maxim. i.e. Obama isn’t very smart …
Joshua Norton
Yes, Breitbart, please, enlighten us about these ‘problems’ you fret over so.
I was completely unaware there was anything wrong with the world these days – since I received my free unicorn upon Obama’s election. But you have given me grave pause with your pearl clutching and Very Serious Concern! Oh Fret!!! What to do? Please Breitbart, help us! Show us the light! You must have the answers??
And by the way, if you are only now worried about the shit you’re spewing, it seems to me then you might just have had your head up your ass for the last 8 years.
It always strikes me as awesome when wingers post and post and post on whatever blog site, and see no irony in accusing LIEbruls of being lifeless losers with nothing better to do than post and post and post on whatever blog site.
@Brian J:
ya know, now that i think about it, i never would have heard of Hewitt if not for this blog. i’ve never gone to his website and all i know of him comes from posts here. the same with breitbart and others that folks here seem to read religiously.
this is internet BS. people who don’t read blogs know NOTHING of what B-J writes obsessively about these days. i don’t get it. but then i’m often out of step.
The scheme we are looking at is basically the announced modus operandi of the GOP.
I have often referred to it as "Dynamite in the Distance," as described by a great WaMo article of a few years ago.
It’s not just about attacking the opponent’s strength. It’s about dots.
First, a dot is laid down. Later another dot is laid down. The dots don’t have to be based on fact, as much as on repetition and on the laziness of the scribes, who will report dots just because they are "out there."
Then, once the dots get established, connect the dots, and focus on the connection. The connections look real, as long as nobody challenges the dots.
It’s a simple and effective scheme, and it works. The media are compliant. Hungry for noise that will attract attention to their outlets, they will happily help this process work, and put rocket boosters on the thing when it serves their purposes.
Great example? Obama’s "broken promise" about campaign financing last year. Obama never made, or broke, the putative promise. The whole "issue" was a connection between dots that stood on nothing but fabrication. And I have not heard anyone in the media challenge the CW that this "broken promise" happened.
@harlana pepper: I think it is individual to each cat. It works best when I catch Momo sleeping and start working the flanks, as that, for her, seems to fall into the category (heh!) of regular grooming. She Does Not Approve of the Furminating of her back & spine, which is, of course, the most necessary part. Despite this, she is so mellow that she still allows me to comb said area with only mild efforts to escape and no claws.
That said, the damn thing is so worth the effort. Between the furminator and the HEPA air filter, I have a lot of cat hair either on the cat or in the trash, but not all over the apartment.
"starting"?! Wow – a little late to the party, aren’t you. When I left the GOP in disgust back in 1997 or so, this was SOP and had been for years and years. This was a Nixon specialty. See, it serves 2 purposes; it pre-empts any accusations from the other side while simultaneously giving you the moral justification you need to rationalize the need to "retaliate" in the same manner. It’s hypocrisy in 3D on steroids. It’s also very commonly used by your more clever and sophisticated 4-year-olds, but generally trained out of them by their annoyed parents by puberty.
Thinking similarly to Brietbart, I believe my ass smells like lilac blossoms.
Comrade General Stuck
Damn the Trollpedos and full scree ahead and don’t fire till you see the whiteys of their eyes.
wasabi gasp
Breitbart wouldn’t write such a fucking stupid article if liberals didn’t trick him into doing it.
Joshua Norton
Seems to me that the ‘vaunted’ wingnutz have been using that little gem over at places like Kos since they evolved enough to peck out words with their stubby forefingers. They’d make up some over-the-top crap about how "Cheney must die" and point a frother like Malkin over there to copy it and then rant about it. It’s called "dumpster diving" and they practically invented it.
Next up, how Dems tricked Nixon into inventing Rat Fucking.
You mean the guy sacrificed by Hillary’s lesbian witch coven? What about him?
harlana pepper
@dan robinson:
I used to read FDL and comment there. Also contributed a lil $. Although I’m a chick (who likes to think of herself as a sensitive sort), I got tired of Christie’s "mommy" role in telling people what is and is not offensive and acceptable to post and, while I don’t know what it’s like now, it became too fangirlzie for me. That said, they have incredibly smart and talented people (Christie&Jane&emptywheel) who’ve done great work.
(I do have a special affection for Jane b/c I was diagnosed with breast cancer right at the same time she was diagnosed with her *third* recurrence of breast cancer. Of course, what I went through was a damned party compared to what she had to deal with. She even tried to continue to follow the Libby trial and blog when she had chemo brain – I gotta admire the lady) I guess *that* sounds pretty fangirlzie – ok, I plead guilty in this case.
schrodinger's cat
@harlana pepper
One of my furminatees loves the furminator, while the other not so much. Fortunately for me, the one that loves the furminator is the one who generates most fur.
Peter J
+ blue blanket
+ coordinated fashion
harlana pepper
AhabT: Laura W directed me to pics of Momo – she is *gorgeous* and I love her markings. And yeah, they can go ahead and give attitude, I’m still brushing their furry little asses with that thing every day – *tired* of hair balls!!
The Moar You Know
@bago: Try having a kitteh that climbs on your back while you’re trying to…erm…get busy.
@The Moar You Know: Eh, I still think the worst is having a movement-seeking-kitty around when you are attempting to adjust the package.
Don’t worry, it happens to every guy.
oh, of course. these guys really are too dumb to know when they’re projecting which is nearly all the time.
harlana pepper
@The Moar You Know:
I remember this being a line in Cheers between Fraser and a former lover played by Emma Thompson, except it involved a dog.
harlana pepper
Oh, and hey, haven’t you guys ever heard of closing the door?
It varies with the market. In the Los Angeles area, Rush is on from 9am to noon, prime radio time. Some people note that they listen to Limbaugh at work, and some businesses play him for the … benefit… of their customers. One to four in the afternoon overlaps afternoon drive-time, another premium time, when some can listen on the drive home.
There are a core of Rush listeners who are convinced they would be millionaires if only the federal gummint left them alone.
As the conservative movement continues its descent into fundamentalist tribalism, complete with mad shamans and magical thinking, it is increasingly important for Breitbart et al to shield the base from competitive memes like…..erm…..the truth….also, science, technology, polldata and general facts and information.
dan robinson
@harlana pepper
Yeah, props to Jane for how she handled that breast cancer thing. I don’t have any bits on my body that are prone to cancer (I think). It takes guts to stare down the big C. Props to you to, HP.
FDL has TBogg and the Attackerman. EmptyWheel is a cool cookie. I’ll pass on the rest.
They want to ensure that President Obama is not subject to the same coordinated, facts-be-damned, multimedia takedown
How sad is it Breitbart is trying to set himself up as the next Jonah Goldberg?
What, you’re only now starting to realize that Repubs always accuse their opposition of what they themselves do?
"Liberals are savagely cruel bigots who lie for sport." — Ann Coulter
Have you ever heard a more perfect description of Coulter’s own behavior?
"We surround them!" — Glenn Beck
Beck speaks for 27% of the voters.
John: Republicans with projection issues? Geddafugouddaheah!
If you can’t improve the product, the next best thing to do is find stupider customers.
The internet is serious business!
Capelza Gradenko
Breitbart is a miserable and bitter fuck…like Christopher Hitchens without the intelligence or occasional flash of humour or insight…
But I have one name for Breibart…
Gary Ruppert.
Accusing the accused of what the accusers are doing is biblical. Pontius Pilate and the GOP-peas in a pod.
John, I love you, but if you’re just starting to buy into "that notion" then maybe you haven’t been paying as much attention as I’ve given you credit for. We’re all guilty of projection from time to time; the GOP of the last 30 years has elevated it to a top-tier tactic.
The Populist
I saw Breitbart on Bill Maher a few weeks back. I could not believe what an arrogant blowhard this freak is.
Really, who are the elitists in this country? This guy comes off as a closet case who can’t accept he was born this way and hangs out with people named buffy and binky.
BTW Andy, being gay is okay. If you are gay it means you are born that way. If you are born that way it means God accepts you as you one is made that way. Oh yes, they think one wakes up one morning and turns gay.
I really hate these idiotic conservatives more than ever.
Cpl. Cam
Who the fuck is Andrew Breitbart? I’d never heard of him until 1-2 months ago when sadlyno started spoofing on his BIG Hollywood site. What credibilty does he have? Was he in the industry? Has he Produced? Directed? Fucked Paris Hilton? Why is anyone paying him any attention?
Note the dogwhistle — not even particularly subtle. Did he mention Barack Hussein Obama is a blacky black man who’s black? And his blackety black supporters are even blacker.
Robin G.
Calling it projection really gives this behavior too much credit for nuance and depth. They’re playing a game of "I Know You Are, But What Am I?" That’s all.
Tony J
Shorter Breibart – "Conservatism didn’t become too small for the Internet. The Internet became too small for us! Don’t you know we surround you? With starbursts?"
Tiny Breibart – "Please call me an asshole, because there’s a shrinking but still profitable market out there for people liberals don’t like."
Richard Stanczak
My wife is a knitter and an active participant of a popular knitting site [Ravelry] which is run by an Aussie. Apparently the McCain supporters were so obnoxious and toxic during the election they and their chat forums were isolated to prevent/minimize conflicts with the other forums. Especially the Obama forums, although even other non-political forums were not immune from their abusive intrusions. Since the election, these "dead enders" [Thanks Rummy!] have become even more aggressive and abusive. My wife tells me that the Aussie felt he had to block all of these people from his site. A rather extraordinary measure to be sure.
Of course since some of these people gained access to the site through yarn and knitting stores, those became blocked as well.
Just think, those people could have been running your country!
Not exactly. They think that at a certain point, bad (straight) people consciously decide "from this day on, I shall be a Sodomite".
They’ve never explained why people are so keen to take on the societal opprobrium that comes with such a ‘lifestyle choice’.
Mrs. K8
"They are willing to lie, perform deceptive acts in a coordinated fashion and do so in a wicked way… "
The fact that he feels he needs to qualify the coordinated deceptive acts as being done "in a wicked way," is quite telling.
You see, in Wingnut World, when THEY undertake "deceptive acts in a coordinated fashion," THEY do so in a totally morally righteous way, for the sake of Mom, the flag, and apple pie.
The Populist
I will ask them hypothetically how a presumably straight person wakes up and decides (using a male here)…wow, I like men and….(and insert any personal preference here).
I know many gay men and women. None of them have ever woken up to decide that they wanted to be hated by society. None of them chose who they’d be attracted to.
So when you ask one of these freaks who deny nature they never can answer the question. I tell them that I am a straight man. I am not attracted to men nor am I curious to have sex with them. If gays are just curious people looking to try new things how can they explain why, in a society like ours, a man would choose to want to sleep with/have sex with another man UNLESS they are wired that way.
Now I do know people who call themselves bi-sexual and that seems dubious as I think a lot tend to be gay folks who haven’t come to grips with being gay.
So this nonsense that somebody wakes up and decides they like the same sex is stupid and until these maroons can accept that gays and lesbians are "God’s" creatures too, those people are marginalizing themselves as bitter hatemongers.
Two words: Vince.Foster.
I don’t know what this is about, …
See DougJ’s last line in #38
Has he Produced? Directed? Fucked Paris Hilton?
Don’t you mean Perez? (Not that Perez would have anything to do with Breitbart – whose name, interestingly, translates from German as "a broad with a beard", I think.)
I’d love to see Herr Breitbart deliver this screed on television… I can actually hear the wounded indignation in his voice, his lower lip trembling as he chokes back the tears.
Ever since we began to see progressive politics get a serious foothold on the internet (and, more importantly, begin to achieve goals in the real world), the right has been staging a non-stop hissy fit about the injustice of it all. The fact that Hollywood is predominately lib has been a thorn in their side for decades, even during the GOP-dominated Dubya years… but the huge strides made by the left in appropriating the internet and turning its power to their advantage has turned conservatives like Breitbart and Klavan into the whiniest of whiny-ass titty babies.
Jebus creeping Christ on a cross… it’s glorious to see former tough-guy Repubs transmogrified into such pathetic wimps. I do wonder, though, how the 20-percenter base feels about their punditry rending their clothes, stamping their little feet and screeching "Lib’rals won’t play faiiiirrrr…" Utterly appalled, I hope.
@Joshua Norton:
Totally OT, but its weird to see ones comments repeated by someone else on another website (my comment from Wonkette in your comment here). That is the first time Ive ever been comment plagarized – and that was my first comment on Wonkette to boot (although it was in response to a troll on the Wagoner story).
And Im not being snide or petty, just weird seeing something I wrote somewhere else show up here almost word for word. I feel strangely honored.