Still not the J-Lo comparison, I’ve been hoping for, but it’s a start, from Powerline (via the Opinionator):
Che Guevara in robes.
by DougJ| 74 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Still not the J-Lo comparison, I’ve been hoping for, but it’s a start, from Powerline (via the Opinionator):
Che Guevara in robes.
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schrodinger's cat
What is so offensive about all these attacks is the notion that if you are not a white male, then you can’t possibly be the best person for the job and got where you are because of affirmative action.
Bob In Pacifica
I know it’s got a lot to do with the demographic I’ve moved into, but Sotomayor is the first SCOTUS judge I’ve ever considered getting down with in a, you know, carnal manner.
A friend of mine once observed that growing older just meant that there was a greater number of women that he could gawk at and and fantasize about.
Anton Sirius
This ended up way down at the bottom of the other thread, but a Volokh commentator said he thought Sotomayor looked like Noriega in drag…
The Other Steve
@Bob In Pacifica: Ok, that’s just sick. Some of us are under 60 years old.
The Grand Panjandrum
Michael Goldfarb–or as I like to call him, “He Who Refuses To Be Dipped In The Water”–is running full throttle nonsense today.
That line of reasoning probably won’t convince many independents, women or Hispanics to jump on the GOP bandwagon. But then again who among us is pure enough to be a Real Republican?
(via Sullivan)
Ash Can
Oh yes. This. More of this, please. This is the kind of thing that’s most effective in making Mr. and Ms. Average American see these right-wing morans as bugfuck, straight-jacket-and-padded-cell insane. Keep it coming, Powerline. Keep digging that hole.
schrodinger's cat
If Obama has an opportunity to nominate another Supreme Court justice, he should nominate Tunch. Feline Americans currently are not represented on the bench at all, and this has to change.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
And the sun rose in the east?
If I had the time, I would expand on a much larger point: there is no real liberal agenda to be carried out by the Court. Instead, it is the more destructive conservative agenda that requires a conservative court. Basically, the modestly progressive judical agenda has been accomplished. A real progressive Court is not going to happen because law schools and big law firms do not produce true progressives that might alter supreme court jurisprudence. For the most part, the Court’s job is done and if it made no more sweeping pronouncements, most of us would be happy. The great expansion of the Commerce Clause is over and segregation is no longer possible.
As a result, the Court really matters to the Right becuase they have to do stuff — reverse the 60s. To the Left (and most Americans), the Court no longer really matters (other than Roe).
You can argue over whether the Court really matters on civil liberties, but you are really talking about the court undoing rather than doing things. Until we reach a tipping point of undoing, the Left and most of America will see this as much ado over nothing.
I completely missed the part where Judge Sotomayor had people lined up and shot for a lack of ideological purity. I’m sure Powerline has a link to that story, since they were blog of the year and all, right?
I’m guessing that most Americans know the name Che only from T-shirts worn by college students and so forth.
@schrodinger’s cat:
More intelligence than Thomas, sounds like a win-win to me.
Ned R.
Meantime, given the title of this post and the news from GM today, there really is panic in Detroit.
schrodinger's cat
Also if that happens, will Wingnuttia rail against kittens?
Benicio Del Toro in robes?
So wait, eventually my 16 year old brother is going to wear an artsy t-shirt with her face plastered all over it in the hopes that it will make him look cool?
I disagree, Sonia and Che aren’t comparable. Che is clearly more conservative.
Thanks for getting the rather obscure reference.
JD Rhoades
@schrodinger’s cat:
That is apparently exactly the tack the GOP has decided to take, rather than an examination of her judicial record (which appears to be pretty centrist). I guess they decided they don’t need women and Hispanics after all. Heh.
Tom Hilton
Yeah, I noticed that one too. I imagine the thought process: “Hugo Chavez in robes? Fidel Castro? Daniel Ortega? Nah, stick with the classics–Che Guevara!”
DUDE. I SO called this yesterday…. From the “The Sotomayor Pick” post:
I’d say that they have now hit on EVERY one of the above and it’s only day two.
What do I win?
I posted this at Benen’s place and thought I would make the same point here:
for the hard core progressives amoung us (me) and the hard core pragmatics among us (me), this is why i am ok with a luke warm liberal agenda. Look at the utter craptacular stuff said about this mainstream judicial nominee and Obama in general — he is not even that threatening to the established order. Were he trying to repeal DADT and allow for federal recognition of gay marriage (the right thing to do), and were he going after single payer (the right thing to do) and if he were pushing for an absulte end to our two front wars (the right thing to do), this guy would be villified in a way that would make any reform impossible.
Thus, because of the institutional constraints on marked social change in the liberal direction (wall street, MSM, congress), i am satisfied with what i get from Obama, provided that we give him gentle reminders now and again that progressive values matter. But, in trith, I think he knows them and i think he believes them, even if he cant do everything I want about making progressive ideals a reality. Is “Maria” the perfect progressive judge, no. Is she acceptable to my progressive sensibilities, yes. Such are the constraining initial conditions of American political reality.
@DougJ: GM has never produced a diesel van, as far as I know. That is my best excuse for not catching the reference the first time around. One of my all-time favorite tunes, too.
My 16 year old self would be appalled at me.
Based on what I’ve heard from the GOP over the past couple of days, they’re fully convinced that all of Sotomayor’s court decisions consist of her turning in a piece of loose leaf with “KILL WHITEY” repeatedly written messily in crayon.
Who the hell is Che Ginobli or whoever?
Sheesh, the wingnuts always go to eleven, don’t they?
There is no nuance in Wingnuttia. Someone leans a little in a direction they don’t like? Wham! Smack ’em down. Sotomayor isn’t a judge with opinions that lean more leftward than theirs, but Che Guevara in robes, Marx in a wig, and probably, if they thought about it, the reincarnation of Pontius Pilate.
Must they always bring a nuclear warhead to the fight?
Tom Hilton
@Schrödinger’s Cat: There’s a parallel argument they’re pushing implicitly, which is that if you are not a white male, then your view is inherently limited by your race and/or gender. White and male is the norm, and anyone outside of that norm has to be judged on their ability to assimilate the viewpoint of the norm.
@Punchy: He plays for the Trailblazers. Portland was the only place willing to deal with his shit.
How about “Oscar Zeta Acosta in robes”? The Brown Buffalo on the bench; now that would be Change I Can Believe In.
You know what I say to someone with that attitude? Vaffanculo.
Oh sure, nominate the mostly-white, male cat for the position. SBDD. Momo sez that her judicial temperament is vastly superior to his, but fears that her genetic abnormality will keep her from consideration for the position.
I thought we already tried that.
Shorter: We don’t like uppity brown people!
schrodinger's cat
Comrade Darkness
@Michael: A friend of mine once observed that growing older just meant that there was a greater number of women that he could gawk at and and fantasize about.
Does this explain why really old men are always drooling a lot?
Laura W
@AhabTRuler: How about a black, obese, once-homeless, unwed, teenage mother who bullies as hobby?
You go to the media with the weapons you have, not the weapons you wish you had.
Two things: First – gwha? A 21-year-old Hispanic girl? Where did that come from?
Second – they went a really long way around the fence to avoid calling Joe Biden an old white guy.
schrodinger's cat
The list of who they don’t like is already a mile long and seems to grow by the minute. I guess, this an excellent way to stay relevant as a political party.
Yep. Especially considering that us pesky brown people will will actually be the majority in like 30 years.
I say let ’em keep digging their way to obscurity because Obama’s sure gonna keep handing them shovels.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I was listening to Aladdin Sane in my car this morning. That’s a great album- thanks for referencing it!
schrodinger's cat
Aren’t women already a majority?
Hunter Gathers
@Montysano: As your attorney, I advise you to buy a motorcycle.
I’ve understood ever since that infamous Rick Sanchez exchange that Goldfarb is an utter dumbshit, but this kind of thing just emphasizes the fact. Does he not remember that the previous administration had not only a female Secretary of State, but a black female? Does he not remember the gushing over George W. Bush’s “most diverse cabinet in history”? Linda Chavez? Norman Mineta?
Bah, why bother. These people have nothing but disdain for facts.
Clearly all you libtards suffer from Hispaniocentrism.
On Mike Huckabee thinking her first name is Maria:
She reads a plea and scrapes her knee
Her robe has got a tear
She waltzes on her way to Court
And bristles on the stairs
And underneath her robes
She has Guevara in her laire
I even heard her singing in the Court room
She’s always late for argument
But her reasoning is for real
She’s always late for everything
Except for Ally Mcbeal
I hate to have to say it
But I very firmly feel
Maria’s [sic] not an asset to the Court room
I’d like to say a word in her behalf
Maria [sic] makes me laugh
How do you oppose a judge like Maria [sic]?
How does she view a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a case that defines Maria [sic]?
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o’-the wisp! A noun!
Many may like to plea and like to brief her
Many may think she ought to understand
But how do you ask for a stay
And listen to all you say
How do you keep a witness on her stand?
Oh, how do you oppose a judge like Maria [sic]?
How do you read her ruling in your hand?
When I’m before her I’m confused
Out of sorts and bemused
And I never know what to argue
Unpredictable as weather
She’s a lefty like Dave Souter
She’s a liberal! She’s an activist! She’s a lamb!
She’d outlawyer any lawyerer
Drive an expert from his expertise
She could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl
She is liberal! She likes Che!
She’s a riddle! She’s a gay!
She’s a headache! She’s an angel!
She’s a girl!
How do you oppose a judge like Maria [sic]?
How does she view a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a case that defines Maria[sic]?
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o’-the wisp! A noun!
Many a thing you know you’d like to tell her
Many a thing she ought to understand
But how can she issue a stay
And listen to all you say
How do you control a judge’s stand
Oh, how do you oppose a judge like Maria [sic]?
How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?
wasabi gasp
This is good news for Clarence Thomas’ moldy old basement-boxed whimpering law degree.
Rosen’s latest on Sotomayor:
Anyone who back-pedals this well should be playing cornerback in the NFL.
@Laura W: Ah, but it is clear from that photo that such an appointment would be no less than a quid pro quo for her support during the election!
Momo is clearly free of such taint due to the fact that she hadn’t been born when Obama was elected (but OMG, what about birth certificate?).
So the SCOTUS pick was really Michelle’s call. /wingnut
@burnspbesq: Of course he backpedals. He’s done his job of introducing the idea, now he can disown it and call it a bastard.
The outfit that still idolizes a dead guy who was president nearly thirty years ago attempts to vilify a person by comparing her to a radical of fifty years ago. The ubiquitousness of their outreach is a thing of wonder.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Yes – but you wouldn’t know it from our lack of adequate representation in the halls of power – SCOTUS, Congress, cabinet level officials, military generals, state government (legislative and governorships), etc. WTF is up with THAT?
Well, today’s meme is that she’s a racist.
My observation as someone who pays more attention to politics than the average person, but not so much that I know why they are calling her racist, is that the right considers her a racist because she isn’t white.
The GOP message to the casual observer today is that non-whites are racist.
@Adrienne: Hey, my state (WA) has two female senators and a female governor so we’re doing our bit.
As any strict constitutionalist will note, it says “All men are created equal”. Quit trying to twist the founders words to serve your own social!st agenda.
The GOP and the conservative movement have more experience at projection than the staff at the local multiplex.
What about two Jews and a cripple?
Obviously Obama isn’t committed to diversity like St. Ronnie of the Wood Splitters.
On a footnote.
NH has a majority female state senate. An American first.
Can you imagine the OUTRAAAAAAAAGE on the right if Scalia had been called, “Mussolini in robes”?
@r€nato: how about a pope in a robe?
JD Rhoades
And that will probably evolve from a meme into a part of her name when spoken by any wingnut, as in” “The racist Sonia Sotomayor…”
You already won DougJ…
the new york post headlined their story yesterday..
“Sonia from the block”….want a screenshot?
The good news about having Robed Che(tm) on the Court is she’ll be able to clean and reassemble her gun under said robe while listening to Scalia bloviate, and the liberal wing will totally kick ass against the conservative wing in their paintball team-building sessions.
“Eat some blue splatters, Sissy Thomas!”
Yep. Just had the radio on in the car and Rush Limbaugh was screaming these exact words. With a nasty tone in his voice and with a few more creative descriptions of her as well. The tone is key. It conveys the sense of outrage at her getting this nomination because of “quotas”, “entitlement”, skin color and a vagina. The tone, almost more than the words, is the truly scary bit. These people are filled with anger and hate.
Yep. Pretty much. In the three or four minutes I was listening to Limbaugh, that’s kind of what I heard.
You lasted four minutes? Wow. I’m in awe. I can’t take more than 45 seconds.
buggy ding dong
What’s the over/under on when Rush uses a Speedy Gonzales sound clip when discussing Sotomayor?
Comrade Kevin
Powerline: Pol Pot with a blog.
Was waiting for the weather forecast to come on. Toughed it out.
@Laura W: Annie is NOT obese–she just has fluffy bones. I’d vote for her in a second!
You guys are cracking me up with this thread. Thanks. I needed that.
Anne Laurie
Yeah, but can Sotomayor do the appropriate hand gestures to a reporter, while on camera? Because that would be change Justice ‘Fat Nino’ Scalia could believe in!…
Yeah, right. If Sotomayor was half as obnoxious as Scalia, there wouldn’t be enough fainting couches in all the Beltway to accomodate the Media Village Idiots. David Brooks might actually, physically pass out with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead — as long as he could do so on a televised national news feed.
@Bob In Pacifica: What a hurtful bastard! Somewhere Justice Ginsburg is crying her little eyes out!
Tax Analyst
Didn’t they used to have a variety show back in the late 60’s or early 70’s. You know, they sang, “I’ve Got You, Babe”?
Shoot, Homie, that was the best “Panic In Detroit” reference I think I’ve ever seen. ;-)