According to the Politico, the GOP is going to make big gains next year and the Democrats are in trouble. Again.
Of course, since the Politico only asked three GOP pollsters, they might be, and I’ll try to put this delicately… completely full of shit.
Hunter Gathers
You have to give Politico’s publishers props : they have proven that a political gossip rag can turn a profit. God help us all.
Hey, beware of the analogies, John. After all, Tampa Bay just went to the WS last year after a decade of futility.
Now if you were talking the Nationals, then we’d be getting somewhere.
Hunter Gathers
The title of the post should really have the Pirates in place of the Cubs. This year the Pirates will own the longest stretch of consecutive losing seasons in professional baseball at 16 years without a winning record. They are wasting that ballpark.
Eric U.
I think it’s different today that it was in ’94. GHWBush’s recession was almost over by the time Clinton took office. GWBush’s recession may last a decade. And people will remember who started it, so the Dems will get a pass.
Gingrich actually had a plan that makes some amount of sense. And the Dem leadership in congress was not only out of touch, but engaged in petty corruption involving the petty cash fund. Everyone can understand that kind of crap, and most voters aren’t willing to put up with it.
But if the Dems don’t pass a decent health care reform bill, they are going to eat it in 2012, and maybe even 2010. The insurance companies will kill as many of us as they can. I don’t see how any rational person can think that our current system is anything other than transitional to some other system. It’s unsustainable.
Not this year. It’s the Astros year to shine! We’re gonna be the team to make it to the playoffs and get swept out.
These are the same guys who keep telling me I may already have won.
Oh, wait–that’s Publisher’s Clearing House.
Yah, I predict BIG things for the GOP–especially if they keep pounding the Birther argument, pissing off hispanics, and generally obstructing everything to ensure they’re known as “The Party of No.”
Brick Oven Bill
Gallup: Obama Job Approval Ratings (Blacks)
January 19-25: 86%
July 20-26%: 95%
Gallup: Obama Job Approval Ratings (Whites)
January 19-25: 63%
July 20-26: 47%
Ash Can
The Cubs are only a half game out of first place. They’ve got a better shot at the Series than the GOP has of making any fucking gains at all.
Hunter Gathers
@Brick Oven Bill: We get it.
Whitey no like Obama.
This is not news.
Whitey didn’t vote for Obama either, and he still kicked Walnut’s ass.
Please come up with new trollery. This racial crap isn’t entertaining anymore.
Well, if the Dems don’t get their act together on health care legislation, they will be toast in 2010—and deservedly so. I have to think that these “polls” simply measure the sense that the Democratic majority has so far been able to accomplish almost nothing. At this point, all the Democrats can really point to is “at least we’re not batshit insane like our opponents,” which is hardly nothing, to be sure, but doesn’t make for a great campaign. In any case, while I can’t endorse Politico asking 3 GOP pollsters (on the other hand it is Politico, so really what did you expect?), it doesn’t seem a particularly egregious call at this (relatively early moment) as far as these things go. On the other hand, if nothing happens on health care, the blue dogs are most likely to take the biggest hit, so at least there will be a measure of justice in that those who screwed health care are the ones who will be most likely to lose in the election.
Tax Analyst
“And the Cubs Are Going to Win the Series
Not this year. It’s the Astros year to shine! We’re gonna be the team to make it to the playoffs and get swept out.”
Uh-uh…I just read that Roy Oswalt just hurt his shoulder. That’s significantly reduces the ‘Stros chances to take a first-round play-off dive. I think either the Giants or the Rockies will be the wild-card this year. But Big Unit (Randy Johnson) may be injured now from another article I noticed this morning. Even though he’s only their 3rd or 4th starter that hurts the Giants more than a little bit. Rockies have been tough since they changed skippers from Hurdle to Tracy.
But I do think whoever the NL wild-card is this year will go out in the first round. The Cards look good in the Central with their pitching, defense and the acquisition of Matt Holliday (sp?). They sure kicked my Dodgers all over the park the last couple days. Their defense was what really blew me away. Man, they caught EVERYTHING in the first two games of this series.
OH, and Politico and it’s GOP pollsters are big-time full-of-shit.
The problem the way I see it is, the Cubs still play baseball according to the standard rules of the game within the same Major League structure that everyone else does. To wit, they very well may win the World Series.
The Republicans right now are not even playing in the same f’ing galaxy, let alone the same game. The demographic shift in this country that was in part responsible for Obama and the Dem victory last November is still going on, so until the GOP addresses their issues with that don’t expect to see a lot of “gains” for that side.
And as always, BOB, you are adorable :)
BOB doesn’t understand what he’s reading:
Comment cookie get!
@Eric U
What you said.
W. will always be remembered as the Republican that ruined the US economy. Even by Jan 2012, Bush will STILL be the albatross around any Republican candidate looking to take the prize away from Obama. As a matter of fact, no other Bush can run for Prez for atleast 20 years. Ha!
Comrade Jake
I think there’s a chance they make gains in 2010. I don’t think they’ll be big gains, but I think you can count on the GOP overreacting in any case.
In the long term though, they’re fucked.
Davis X. Machina
The next Congress will not have a Republican majority in either House, but the Democratic majority in the House will be less than 20, and in the Senate, no greater than 5. (4 without counting Sanders)
Angry, focused, minorities roll apathetic majorities all the time. And depressed-turnout elections produce surprises. Between the GOP scapegoat factory working three shifts and a generalized “We tried that, and nothing works” attitude on the Democratic side, expect fair-sized losses, if not perhaps of ’74 or ’94 scale.
As for governors — there will be a veritable massacre of sitting governors, regardless of party.
I think the Pubs could take advantage of an economic mess that will continue past the midterms, but they just keep coming with the crazy. Palin ably demonstrating brain cells can be lighter than air with her word salad GBCWs. Teabaggers and birthers. With the occasional cherry on top like AWOL R-govs searching for their soul mates in South America.
Man, no preview and no edit. This sucks.
Anyway, Congressional Republican favorability everywhere but the south is at 7% or lower, with a spread of at least 71 points. All of their support is in the south. The party in general looks little different.
Similar (though far less extreme) trend in reverse with Democrats. The problem isn’t that Obama is losing ground with whites, it’s that he’s losing ground exclusively with *southern whites*.
Why are the attitudes of whites in the south so much different from the attitudes of whites in the rest of the country?
This is excellent news for John McCain.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@Tax Analyst: It was his back, but it appears serious. Astros ain’t making the playoffs this year. They have been pretty surprising though. Need to get over to the ballpark (only blocks from my office). I usually hit 4-5 games a season, but none this year so far…
For Obama specifically, he has a net approval of 74 in the northeast (that’s not his approval, that’s his approval minus his disapproval – that’s massive), 39 in the midwest and 34 in the west. He has a -29 net in the south, which makes you wonder if there’s even a single white person in the south that approves of Obama, whereas the rather white northeast gives almost unanimous approval to Obama.
Well, gosh, Politco refrained from asking Karl Rove– so… that’s fair and balanced, right?
Demo Woman
@Martin: I love Obama.. so not sure who did the polling in the south.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Davis X. Machina:
the GOP is energized right now, and the Dems are souring on their representatives. if this persists, it means greater GOP turnout and less Dem turnout.
frankly, i could give a fuck if my representatives get re-elected – it’s not like they’re doing anybody any good. on the big-ticket items that i was hoping for, Obama has completely failed to deliver. and no, it’s not early in his term; he’s had plenty of time to show us where he stands on things like torture, surveillance, DADT, etc..
the Dems aren’t delivering.
the GOP would be actively worse, yes. but the Dems do not inspire. and inspiration is what got Obama elected, and how all those congresspeople got coattailed into office.
You are way too optimistic. It may be that W will still own the economy in 2012 (though I doubt it, since if the economy is still in a funk in 2012, it will be hammered home that Obama’s policies haven’t proved the solution to the economic woes); but if people are in a foul mood in 2012, they will vote for a demagogue in droves if said demagogue is understood to be the one most likely to change an unacceptable status quo. I think Obama is still by far an odds on favorite to win in 2012, but I wouldn’t count the GOP out even if the party is insane—and the situation is far more worrisome precisely because the party is insane.
it IS too early to count the chickens before they hatch. There’s a lot of BS that could happen between now and 2010. These are the midterms, where it’s a question of how Congress is performing much less than how Obama is (although the party in power has more to sweat over). In that regards, the Republicans are NOT doing as well as those Politico pollsters think: the GOP may be holding onto Southern white males but they’re losing every other demographic (Blacks are gone, women are going, Hispanics are halfway out the door, anyone under 24 are gone) and they’re losing every other region outside of the Southeast and small Midwest states.
When the GOP’s most vocal and most active group are the Birthers, you can’t see them appealing to, you know, EVERYONE ELSE that happens to be sane…
Just to get css loaded.
This politico optimism is enough to give people cavities. These guys would be pushing Dewey defeats Truman a month before the election.
Research 2000. They’re a pretty good outfit.
Basically the GOP (with help from Fox, Rush, and Dobbs) is running a campaign to poison Obama in the south. Not that it was too hard to do – just keep digging away at his race.
While his overall ratings won’t be helped by losing more and more ground in the south, the more the GOPs southern strategy plays out in the national media, the harder it’s going to be for the GOP to make any ground in the rest of the country, so electorally, Obama has no incentive to try and stop this. Gates-gate will probably only help him.
What the rest of the Democratic party seem to be missing is that if they work with Obama and aren’t representing a southern state, they’re golden in 2010 and 2012.
@Rey: I hear they’re secretly grooming MARVIN Bush to run in 2016!
I would say that Marvin is the Shemp of the Bush family, except that we all know GWB gets that title.
Once again, the south insists on confirming all the most negative stereotypes about it…
What’s the saying? A week is a long time in politics? It’s hard to say right now how things will play out. Remember, Clinton and Giuliani were supposed to be duking it out for the Presidency, according to early polls.
Still, if the economy (ie, jobs) is still in the cra pper when 2010 rolls around – very likely – then I think we could see the Republicans make some gains.
Obama needs to show some muscle and get this healthcare thing passed. That could make a difference.
Re: the politico:
it seems important to remember that their goal is to be at the forefront of the discussion (i.e. to get people talking about and visiting their site). This will increase their potential political value, as well as their advertising revenue.
Nowhere in the contemporary media model is truth relevant.
Correct. The GOP is energized, but all they’re winning is Kentucky and Alabama and they’re disgusting the rest of the country.
Seriously, the party has favorability ratings of 14% or lower in 3/4 of the country. Now, that doesn’t mean the Dems won’t find a way to meet them down there, but the GOP *must* do something proactive to turn this around, and I can’t forsee a scenario that would allow a bunch of reasonable party leaders to overshadow Rush/Beck/Dobbs/Hannity in the next 2 years.
If the GOP doesn’t lose the racist dickheads with microphones, they may well never recover from this.
The Moar You Know
Perchlorates and PCBs in the drinking water.
Brick Oven Bill
There is little genetic difference between southern whites and northern whites. Therefore, I attribute the regional Presidential polling differences to environment. I also attribute Obama’s polling since the election to an extension of this environment over the country, by means of policy proposals and slips such as with Officer Crowley.
Whites: minus 34% (63-47)/47
Blacks: plus 10% (95-86)/86
I think Obama is the biggest racist Martin. I never thought like this in college:
“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.”
Hey, hey, HEY!!
This year could be “next year”! You do not know about the Cubs, John Cole!
But you’re right about the GOP.
@LD50: “Once again, the south insists on confirming all the most negative stereotypes about it…”
We’re not all this way. We toil in the face of those who tell us we’re idiots daily. We live in the midst of the creative bumper-sticker crowd, and hear about Obama ruining the country and socialism and such. You people in other parts of the country and the world keep us sane. And laughing.
CSS Grub
Grubbing for CSS
Tax Analyst
Gordon – Thanks!
Brick Oven Bill
I am not exactly sure what a structural feminist is, but it seems odd for a young man to seek one out. Obama is kind of weird. How do you have fun with a structural feminist?
Greenwald and Taibbi make the most important observation as to the Dem / GOP divide: it doesn’t matter; both parties exist solely to protect the existing power structure from the voters. The media is only too happy to assist in this protection. The health care “debate” illustrates this perfectly. Our only hope is that Barrack is smarter and tougher than all these mother-fuckers.
the CUBS are going to win the World Series….
as soon as Jesus returns.
O/T, but whatever happened to that Open Thread you posted at around 2:00 am this morning? It’s disappeared from the archives as far as I can tell.
joe from Lowell
Let me get this straight, BOB: you couldn’t even sell that horse shit to the American public after the Reverend Wright tapes hit the airwaves, but you think the episode that ends with Crowley, Gates, and Obama having a nice photo-op at the White House is going to do the trick?
Good luck with that.
The utter failure of GOP race baiting over the past two years is perhaps the most encouraging political development of my life.
They just keep firing the non-silver bullets at the werewolf, and it just keeps not working. “Here, I found some more bullets!”
Keep it up.
@Zifnab: With Oswalt hurt, the ‘Stros will have some trub.
Of course, that fucks my fantasy team, which sux.
Hunter Gathers
Sully’s a birther now. Good God.
schrodinger's cat
Just getting my cookie, nothing to see here.
Comrade Jake
OT, but it looks like Sully’s gone all birther on us. Sigh. Part of me senses this is out of some false need for equivalency with the Sarah Palin pregnancy nonsense he pursued.
Sully’s been a birfer since last fall, but he was constrained to Trig.
He’s a fuckin’ fruitcake. Why anyone pays any attention to him is beyond me.
@Hunter Gathers:
He believes deregulating health insurance will bring down costs, but he doesn’t believe the custodian of records in Hawaii.
Ash Can
@Brick Oven Bill: Obama is not racist for saying this. You, on the other hand — spoof or not — are completely out of line for quoting that passage from Dreams From My Father out of context. Had you provided said context, anyone reading your post would see that Obama was actually discussing the practical implications of racial identity, at his college in particular and in society in general, and how he and the people he knew were affected by this societal phenomenon.
I don’t care if you’re a spoof. Quoting something out of context in order to change its meaning, especially in a negative manner, is bullshit of the highest order, no matter who does it or why. And I for one don’t find it in any way funny or entertaining.
a self hating one?
steve s
The USA Today article Sully links to quotes Hawaiian officials as saying that though they moved to electronic records, the originals weren’t destroyed. I’d previously been told they were.
schrodinger's cat
Am I the only one who has no idea who or what the Cubs are and doesn’t care.
OMFG–is Sully now a full on birther accusing Obama of hiding a birth certificate and not being transparent. can someone drop some knowledge on him about it. He is embarrassing himself.
Davis X. Machina
The Republicans’ poor polling numbers don’t matter if the person voting is interested in voting for a not-Democrat. They get those votes by default, in a two-party system.
And the Republicans’ poor polling numbers don’t matter if loosely attached Democratic voters don’t vote at all. That’s not voting for the Republicans either — it just tends to have that effect.
Hunter Gathers
@kay: Well, at least I know he’s totally insane now, driven to it by the fact Obama hasn’t cured cancer or brought world peace or revealed himself as the Kwisatz Haderach. It’s an offhsoot of Obama derangement syndrome.
this birfer is offering $100K to anyone who can convince him that Obama in a natural born citizen. no, he doesn’t care about the so-called “certificate of live birth”.
anyone wanna bet he can’t be convinced?
@Hunter Gathers:
It’s amazing to me that he was such a wildly generous humanitarian on Iraq, which has cost, what, so far, 400 billion, and he’s bitching about people buying medicine without doing an individual cost/benefit analysis.
Plus, I want his medical records. He wants everyone else’s. Post them.
And the Cubs Are Going to Win the Series
Reminds me of the great Mountain Goats song “Cubs in Five” from 1995…
I can’t believe you’re surprised. Sullivan demanded the medical records relating to Palin’s pregnancy.
Birtherism is a way of thinking, and they have it in spades on the Right.
Original Lee
@Martin: The Democrats are only golden if they can get a health care plan with the public option through Congress to the President’s desk. If they can’t do that, then I will not only NOT vote for anyone representing me in Congress, but I will also actively go knocking on doors for a rival that doesn’t make me puke. And I am not normally a politically active person. I have already sent Steny Hoyer (my rep, God help me) daily messages on this topic for a week, and my neighbor is trying to get him to come talk to the neighborhood association meeting next month. I hope he and his fellow Congresscritters are starting to feel the heat. I didn’t vote for him so he could make the insurance companies happy, and he saw what happened last time when Donna Edwards, a relative newbie, popped up in the neighboring district to present a reasonable alternative Democrat.
Brick Oven Bill
That was not out of context Ash Can. Obama’s whole career has been based on racial polarization. He obsesses about it. He is a Caucophobe, as witnessed by the white guys he surrounds himself with. See Geithner, Orszag, and Gibbs. His spiritual advisor was Reverend Wright.
If Fukino can tell is that he has seen it, and Miller can touch it with his fingers, then why should not General Gene Renuart of the Northern Command not be able to see and touch it?
Sully makes a good point. Kind of a wussy position to make this point and then call the birthers names though.
Original Lee
BTW, my grandmother is a lifelong Cubs fan. Every spring, she says, “One more time before I die!” Meaning, she wants the Cubs to win the World Series again. She is 94.
Comrade Jake
I’m trying really hard, but it is very difficult not to laugh at BOB’s “Caucophobe”.
yeah I guess it just seems idiotic. he asking Obama to release a document that is not required by anyone because what he has released is the legal document.
Hunter Gathers
@Brick Oven Bill: So Obama only hates his white side?
Although there will always a few exceptions, the only college students, both then and now, that don’t gravitate towards left-wing political thought to some degree are:
1) the children of the uber-wealthy, raised with their sense of entitlement and socially elitist yet morally decadent attitudes.
2) the budding authoritarians who are instinctively drawn to either to lead or follow power and money which is not usually found in sufficient quantities on the egalitarian and collective minded left.
3) those raised in a racially hateful environment.
The reason the rest dabble in left-wing politics to at least some degree, is a lack of fear, fairness and an open mind, all of which the College environment encourages and fosters, and right wing thought discourages and ridicules.
Most college kids tend to be left wing because it’s an extension of the way they were raised as children by us, their parents.
Be competitive, but play fair, don’t judge a book by it’s cover and do on to others as you would have done to you. THOSE are American values, you fearful, racist fucking twerp and they are the values of the left, not the right.
Which leaves the unanswered question BoB, of the examples I listed above which one describes you the best?
I try gaming out the evidentiary rules that would apply if there were a birther suit that survived dismissal.
That ‘original certificate’ is not the official document, the COLB is… unless the birthers overcome the presumption that the COLB document is valid, a court would never let them subpoena the ‘original certificate’, as it has not probative value.
Not only is there no evidentiary basis for overcoming this presumption, there has been no theory proposed that would, should there be evidence, allow the burden of proof to shift to the State of Hawaii. Maybe I have just missed it, but where is the theory of how Hawaii came to produce an erroneous COLB? Aside from, “it’s all a giant conspiracy”, of course.
Right? So, what exactly in Sully’s calculation makes the birthers “nuts” that doesn’t include the exact same B.S. “we have the right to know, dammit!” nonsense he spouts in the same breath? Talk about covering all your bases.
Kirk Spencer
Waitaminute. He hangs out with and surrounds himself with caucasians and that demonstrates he hates caucasians? While we’re at it let’s not forget half his extended family, with whom he spent a large part of his life, is also causasian.
When you complain of others not using logic, I didn’t realize you were using the Humpty Dumpty school of logic.
This guy is gonna PAY someone $100k to waterboard him until
he admits Obama is legit?
Can I have that job?
Sully explicitly says he think Obama is Constitutionally qualified to be President. and that’s pretty much a violation of the first rule of Birtherism.
i think he’s just mad about the apparently pointless refusal of transparency.
I agree. I think he’s embarrassed about Palin. It’s like when he started demanding Biden’s medical records.
He’s consistent on small stuff, but wildly inconsistent on big stuff.
He’s a free-spending humanitarian on foreign policy, like “liberating” Iraq, but miserly on domestic humanitarian policy, like providing American’s access to basic health care.
Hey, that’s not fair to Shemp Howard. He had a pretty successful feature film career until his brother Curly had a stroke and he had to replace him to keep the Three Stooges going.
If anyone in the Bush family is Shemp — and even that’s debatable — it would be Jeb, the guy who’s reasonably smart but got sacrificed on the altar of What’s Good for the Family.
I don’t think it’s pointless. Birthers created a new document requirement for Obama, one that has not applied to any other President.
In what way is Obama’s citizenship questionable from the outset?
Should Obama comply with any new requirement, or is the new rule that if you scream really loud the President has to pony up?
Ash Can
@Brick Oven Bill: You’ve pushed enough of my buttons for one day. Go play in the traffic.
@everyone else: If you’re wondering (and don’t already know), the context I’m referring to can be found here. (This link also debunks numerous other “racist statements” ODS-sufferers insist Obama has made.)
Sully explicitly says he think Obama is Constitutionally qualified to be President. and that’s pretty much a violation of the first rule of Birtherism.
Like a said, trying to cover all bases. And that is my biggest problem with Sully, often times he shoes his intellectual and moral confusion on a host of issues.
Brick Oven Bill
Hey Ash Can, go dance with a Structural Feminist.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Gotta disagree with you there, Bill. Southern whites are primarily of Scottish, Scots-Irish, and English descent, with a little bit of French thrown in. Northerners are far more likely to be of Italian, Irish, German or Scandinavian origins. There are probably more genetic similarities between Southern whites and African-Americans than there are between Northern whites and Southern whites.
I looked at the COLB online again the other day and it says right on it that it is prima facie proof of birth in a court of law.
Basically, the birthers are trying to get all of our birth certificates invalidated.
Michael D.
Sarah Palin is right, also.
I, too, wish the media would stop just makin’ stuff up!
beats me. i’m not a birfer.
i think Sully just found a way to reiterate his gripe that Obama isn’t being as transparent as he lead people to believe during the campaign.
@Mnemosyne: If there was ever to be evidence that would overcome the presumption that the COLB was valid, what would it look like? I am pretty stumped. The affidavit of someone listening on the phone when a relative says Obama II was born in Mombasa would not be admissible, and would not be sufficient in any case.
Evidence that the Department of Vital Statistics was corrupt might help, but would not tie to this particular COLB being invalid. All I can think of that would work would be an affidavit from Obama’s mother that the child was born elsewhere.
Maybe I am missing something really obvious here – it would not be the first time.
Man screw you John. I get enough of that bullshit from White Sox fans, don’t need it from you. Besides, Cubs got a better chance than the Pirates, keep that in mind.
[Yes it is depressing having a team go 100 years with nothing but suckitude, don’t remind me]
I’m wary of transparency claims on the right.
I have good reason to be, too. They tried to remove a President over an (arguable) lie in a civil deposition, that had nothing whatsoever to do with his official duties.
Sullivan wanted to prove Palin was a liar, and he went right to the circumstances of her child’s birth. Hmmm. It wasn’t necessary, really, she lies plenty about her official duties.
Is it about good government, or is it about grasping at really any issue to assert moral superiority, and vindicate their position?
Orly’s accusations have gotten broader. She now has general claims of unspecified illegality. We’ve seen this movie before, on the Right.
@Mnemosyne: Actually, I love Shemp Howard, and I felt kinda guilty using him for some anti-Bush snark. I am a bad person.
Orly was on Colbert last night. She is making stuff up at random, such as a legal standard that you need two US Citizen parents in order to be a ‘Naturally Born Citizen”. She clearly does not fear being sanctioned and eventually disbarred. I hope she gets prosecuted for illegally practicing law.
But the Cubs are gonna win, right?
I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that conversation isn’t quite what it was claimed, either. The complete transcript shows that what happened was that the guy who was calling misheard what Obama’s (step)grandmother said, and she and her translators spent 10 minutes trying to correct the idiot before they gave up.
I think we can all agree that Curly Joe was an abomination, so W can officially be the Curly Joe of the Bush family. Though where that leaves Neil, I’m not sure.
@Hunter Gathers: “So Obama only hates his white side?”
And his white mother, and grandparents who raised him.
@kay: “She now has general claims of unspecified illegality.”
And Bob used the word “caucaphobe.”
It’s been an excellent day for this liberal.
Son of a bitch! I knew I overpaid for him in my fantasy league!
I actually kind of agree with the idea that the Dems will lose ground in ’10. A lot of the reason that they won in the last two elections was the fact that they weren’t Republicans. Now as the party in power they’re showing themselves to be divided and feckless. Support for Dems is an inch deep. The media is doing their best to present Republican batshittery as reasonable opposition. If Dems pick up ground or fail to lose ground in ’10 it will be because Republicans are just that bad, not because people have a lot of love for Dems. If the economy doesn’t pick up, Dems will get blamed.
i realize i’m late to the thread, but as a loyal white sox fan…
(and republickers, too.)
Just checking in so my screen will straighten out–cheers! (Can you get this fixed?)