Another day, another birfer forgery.
I’ll need to feel it, touch it, examine the kerning before I can made a decision, personally.
by DougJ| 89 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Another day, another birfer forgery.
I’ll need to feel it, touch it, examine the kerning before I can made a decision, personally.
Comments are closed.
Holy crap, that was a beautiful take-down. Me, I was totally convinced by the fold-lines. But now I know better–leave it to the expert document analysts.
Maybe if Orly showed us her Taitz, we’d be motivated to pay attention for more than a few seconds.
Personally, I hope she and Rush and Glenn Beck and all the rest of the right-wing circus push this hard. Since it’s obviously fake, it will just add to their credibility.
The Grand Panjandrum
Believe it or not LGF has a lame, but amusing, “nirth certifikat” that “proves” Obama is an alien. Yes lame, but even Charles Johnson has had it with these wankers. The birthers and the wingnuttiest wing of the wingnut party of Wingnuttia. I actually think they are dangerous. I’m talking McVeigh dangerous, deranged and demented.
The birfers have set up a nice little cottage industry for themselves, haven’t they? They’re zombies telling zombie lies.
The Grand Panjandrum
I forgot to mention that the Republic of Kenya didn’t exist when this “birth certificate” was issued. It was granted independence in late 1963. Sign. EPIC FAIL ….
I also like the fact that the certificate is dated three years after Obama’s birth. What, official documentation was needed because he had been a bad boy or something?
@The Grand Panjandrum: I’m thinking more John Hinkley Jr. level of nuts myself.
McVeigh craziness is just a given during any Democratic administration.
I think it’s real. The truth had to come out in the end.
El Cid
More importantly, I hope Orly paid a whole lot of money for this, and even gave the provider her bank account number so he / she could temporarily store some misplaced government funds.
I’m really pulling for those saying that the registrar “E F Lavender” is the Earth Friendly Lavender laundry detergent (soap).
Damn, their fake upstaged my fake. Timing is all.
They’ve set this up for mainstream media to pick it up on his birthday, which is tomorrow.
El Cid
@RSA: It just takes a longer time to generate one of these looooooong form, 1 page burf certifat.
But it says “Christian Name.” Everyone knows that his REAL Kenyan birth certificate would say, “Muslim/Fascist/FEMA Camp Name”
Orly is demanding that Hillary Clinton be deposed.
So we’re now at the “depose Hillary Clinton” stage of conservative grief.
It’s easy to explain the delay. The certificate comes from Alpha Centauri, and transmissions from the Centaurian aliens direct to the radioactive implants at the base of Ms. Taitz’ brain will be delayed by the finite speed of light. This also proves that the certificate is genuine, because there’s obviously no reason for ‘them’ to lie.
Man they’re idiots. Of course, someone is writing down those three flaws with the document so they can make a new one that is exactly the same except for fixing those errors.
Robert Sneddon
What’s being circulated in Wignuttia is supposedly a certified copy of the information held in the Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths in a Registrar’s office somewhere in Kenya. It’s not an “original” birth certificate because British-derived registration procedures don’t work that way. Births are registered in a ledger, hand-written to ensure authenticity and stored in the Registry Office usually in a fireproof safe. The parents are given a certified copy of the register entry, an “extract” of the register.
Pretty much anyone can get such documents when they pay a fee. I’ve done it for myself after I lost the copy of the extract my parents got when I was born. I needed it to obtain a passport and the exract was sufficient proof for the Passport Office that I was a British citizen.
The 1964 date refers to when the copy was issued, not the date of birth of the person in question. It would have been issued by the Republic of Kenya as that was the governing institution at the time of issuance, hence the titling is correct.
For the rest of it? Take a genuine copy from the appropriate period, clean off the original typewritten text and replace it with whatever fits the requirements. I assume there’s a scammer somewhere who got paid cash money for this.
Uh….wait a minute. Whoa.
That says its a “copy” of the registration of birth. So where’s the original? I’m assuming the berfers will be demanding proof of the original, right? Not just a copy, right?
A few other things that debunks the sirtiffykate:
Copy 47,044. Barack Obama was 47 years old when he became the 44th president.
In three separate place where the document says “signature of”, the names have been typed in.
“E.F. Lavender” is apparently a popular soap in Kenya.
And here’s one I just picked up on: this is only a copy of the original fake birth certificate. I DEMAND TO SEE THE ORIGINAL!!!!!!11111111
Deposed as in removed from office, or as in have her deposition taken? Although I can’t quite see how either action is warranted.
Source I forgot to link to post 19:
Wait a second. I demand to see the vault-copy long form of this fake birth certificate.
harlana pepper
well, I can see a seal, but can’t read it, what does it say? any notary can put a nice little raised seal on a document, which has to be what that is — fucking dumbasses
@Malron: Does this smell of ratfuck? If so, it’s hilarious that they took the bait from this
elaborateforgery. Doesn’t take much actually to get the birthers’ attention.harlana pepper
and anybody can have a seal made. stupid shitheads, i am tired of this shit. also.
I forget where I saw it, maybe on Kos, but the number of problems with it are much worse (better?) then at the link you give, so much so I think it is a ratf–king forgery. For example the number of the document is 47O44 (get it, Obama is 47, followed by an “O” for Obama then 44, as in he is the 44th Pres). One of the names on the certificate is the name of a clothes washing detergent, etc. etc.
Add it to the Registry of Fail: The Certificate! says that neither parent had any prior offspring. But Obama Sr. had already been married with children (who were all born in Kenya and so presumably would be registered).
And if the person who did it is reading this, I salute you.
@Robert Sneddon: Robert, there’s still a little problem of an official document from a Republic that didn’t exist until 10 months later. Not ripping on your post, just pointing out an extra layer of birther EpicFail.
The question is, is this new certificate the “long form”? Because if it isn’t the Long Form, I’m not sure I can accept it. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I have my own Long Form. I’m in big trouble.
How long before Lou Dobbs invites the guy who “found” this proof on his show so the guy can scream “Babba Booey! Babba Booey!!!???
Have her deposition taken. I laughed, because it was really inevitable, right?
A key element to every lunatic right wing campaign is a deposition of Hillary Clinton.
I’m not like you guys. I take them seriously. A spokesman for CATO now says there are “concerns” and the onus is on Obama to provide the long form, or he’s hiding something.
There are a lot of wingnut judges and lawyers out there, and once the loonies get traction, they don’t quit.
Presumably take a deposition. As Secretary of State, birth records for children of US citizens born outside the US (such as myself) fall under her purview.
OT, but I imagine some of you will be amused by the real transcript of Summers’ appearance on MTP yesterday.
The Saff
These people really are beyond derranged. It really is up there with the Clinton-era hysteria. I mean, I despised George Bush and thought the 2000 election was stolen but I got over it and went about my life, waiting for a Democrat to be elected president. But good lard, get over it, wingnuttia! STFU already.
I believe the Republic has already stated that they checked the original written records and there’s no record of birth.
But Whitewater was a load of crap too, and we spent years on it.
Orly needs a single wingnut judge or respected lawyer to join her cause. That’s it. If you think they’ll be able to resist this, you have more confidence in their integrity than I do.
Don’t forget the original Kenyan Obama Birth Certificate.
Have we reached the point where Tweety (the actual WB cartoon character, not Chris Matthews) breaks the fourth wall, looks at the audience, and says “I like him – he’ s silly” yest?
So it’s the young psychiatric intern’s first day in the emergency room and in comes a guy who declares that he’s become a ghost. The intern remonstrates with the patient insisting he can’t be a ghost because he can see him. Ghosts can be visible, says the patient. Back and forth, back and forth, with the patient countering all the reasons why he can’t be a ghost. Finally, completely exasperated, the intern sees a pin on his desk. One last question, he says, do ghosts bleed? The patient snorts at the absurdity of the question – of course not, he alughs . Doctor pricks the patient’s fingertip, drawing a perfect little glob of blood and leans back in satisfaction. Patient looks at his finger in amazement and says: “Gee, I guess ghosts do bleed.”
Bleeding ghosts posts.
“Orly needs a single wingnut judge or respected lawyer to join her cause.”
I wonder why the name “Ted Olson” sprang to mind when I read your comment …
I like how all the birther conspiracies involve time travel: Well, of course the certificate was issued in the wrong year–time travel! And of course it has the wrong country on it–time travel! And of course they got those birth announcements in the Hawaiian newspapers–time travel! And the Hawaiian birth certificate on file–Time Travelers Put It There! They’re here!
Todd Dugdale
I think it’s interesting that no one else can get this certified copy, or that the Kenyan officials cannot find the original entry of this birth. The book and page number of the birth record are printed on the certificate. It should be child’s play to verify it.
As with any “real” conspiracy, the mysterious person who provided Taitz with the certificate is “afraid for their life”, which is usually sufficient “proof” in itself for the truly gullible.
Certainly the question arises as to why anyone, back in 1964, would have requested a copy of Obama’s birth certificate. And why would they have saved it for 45 years, preserving it in such excellent condition?
Aside from that, I seriously question that the paper in that document is 45 years old. Acid-free paper was only invented in the 1950s, yet some African administrators were supposed to be routinely using it in 1964? It doesn’t look like linen or hemp paper, either.
I still maintain that the birthers’ next line of argument, once this one and “his father was a British citizen, so there!” get thoroughly laughed out of the room, will be that
MacduffObama was from his mother’s womb/ Untimely ripp’d, and he was therefore not “naturally born”.-dms
Timelords! Dr. Who must be involved!
The true believers over in the Cauldron of
Crazy are on the case:
“It’s no coincidence, IMHO, that every damned newspaper and left-wing news magazine in the country has been running “birther” bashing stories. The orders to do that clearly went out from the White House. And stories are floating around, impossible to evaluate, that Obama has already had a certified copy of his “original” Hawaiian birth certificate forged by his operatives, using an early printing press they have bought, and that it is almost ready to go.”
“NOW you know why the mediaPUKES were hitting the Truthers hard these past few weeks!! The truth will eventually come forth…. THEY ARE SWEATING BULLETS just about now!! Slowly…drip…drip…drip!!”
“I’m no conspiracy nut, but it is looking more and more like this cat was born in Kenya. He is hiding something. I know this; once, I had to go to the bathroom really really bad, and I fronted; walked with my head high like nothing was wrong. I picked up the pace a little more… a little more….I think Obama has political diarrhea. A real problem if he can’t find a political toilet.”
As soon as I decode that last one I’m sure I’ll be totally convinced.
Damn you, Gutenberg!
Think of the fun and games that would be transpiring right now if McCain, born in Panama, would have won.
Think the wingers would have tolerated questioning the nationality of a sainted war hero who just been elected president? We’d be in the middle of a civil war.
It’s a damn good thing we as a country don’t have anything better to do.
Comrade Darkness
@dmsilev: I’m assuming they want to depose her to testify to how her campaign found damning evidence but then buried it, I don’t know, for the good of the party? A stretch I know.
“It wasn’t until a year later, on December 12, 1964 that the Republic of Kenya came into existence. And yet,”
Hm, this sounds really familiar. I think we’ve met this forgerer before… something about birth certificate listing a hospital that wouldn’t be built for four more years.
Cicero (Marcus Tullius) @ Free Republic:
Of course we already knew this, but it’s nice to see them confirming it.
Not particularly. Let’s face it: it’s no worse than the Niger forgery, and that worked well enough to get more than 70% of the country supporting a war in Iraq.
Comrade Darkness
“…using an early printing press they have bought, and that it is almost ready to go.”
There is dangerous and then there is unable to find the keys to the car most days.
Good lord. This yahoo only makes me laugh.
@Todd Dugdale: The paper is a not a good test. In poor countries, nothing is ever thrown away. The government offices are like living museums. It would not surprise me if that sheet of paper were 30-40 years old.
Todd Dugdale:
Shh… they’re in on it.
Just how much longer can these birthers keep this nonsense up?
Forgery? Maybe. But it’s far more authentic looking with way fewer obvious flaws than the Niger Yellowcake documents that helped lead us into a war so that alone gives it credibility.
So, yeah, guess where I found it? Right under the “Whitey” tape. It’s always the last place you look.
Also. Chrome is blocking Orly Taitz’ website for malware. Justice!
my first css bug? I’m trying the comment fix.
John PM
Ads are encroaching on the posts and comments. This is the first time I have seen that.
Jay in Oregon
:( CSS breakage
(Sorry about the pathetic comment — this is the first time I’ve had this problem so far. Maybe a cookie expired?)
Page looks all weird. Can I haz a cookie?
John, if you have internet, this is the error message at the top of the page — and posting a comment didn’t fix it:
WordPress database error: [Got error 28 from storage engine]
SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN (‘category’, ‘post_tag’) AND tr.object_id IN (24879) ORDER BY ASC
Accursed be that tongue that tells me so,
For it hath cow’d my better part of man!
Ash Can
I seem to recall that Ted Olson is one of the few sane Republicans left in the world. I don’t think he’d want to get anywhere near this clusterfuck.
As for the newly fuxx0red format of this site, when I signed onto BJ from my Windows XP laptop a little while ago the ads were encroaching on the text. Now that I’m on my Windows 98 PC-a-saurus, the margins are behaving, although there’s the same elaborate WordPress error message in the margin at the very top of the site. It’s not encroaching on anything, though.
IIRC the Kenyan hospital where the birthers think Obama was born has said their computerized records don’t go all the way back to the 1960s so they’ve had to have people digging through old paper records to see if they can find anything. Although the hospital in question is in Mombasa, which somebody pointed out was part of Zanzibar until 1963.
Fun fact: Mombasa and Honolulu are sister cities under some sister cities program.
Throwin Stones
will commenting fix the formatting problem?
@Ash Can:
“I seem to recall that Ted Olson is one of the few sane Republicans left in the world. I don’t think he’d want to get anywhere near this clusterfuck.”
Relying on Republican’s concern for professional reputation is crazy.
They don’t care, because no matter what they do, they are never, ever discredited among the rank and file.
Make a list of the Bush officials or neoconservatives or conservative lawyers who are discredited on the Right for some of the lies they told or disreputable acts they undertook, since, say, 1994.
Do that for me. Done? There’s no names on that list, are there?
It is impossible for them to ruin their reputation, among the faithful. It simply doesn’t matter. Ted Olson could join Orly tomorrow, and he would suffer no reputational harm on the Right, at all. He’d still be well paid, he’d still be speaking at think tanks, he’d probably broaden his influence, actually, because he’d be on FOX.
I cannot believe we’re still hoping some inner shame or personal ethical qualms are acting as a check on these people, despite reams of evidence to the contrary.
@Ash Can:
Is Newt Gingrich discredited? He abused a civil lawsuit discovery process to try to remove a President. Judge Starr? Discredited on the Right? Nope. He’s revered.
Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Addington, Yoo? Discredited and disowned? Nope. Scooter Libby, convicted felon? Nope. I could go on and on. The better argument may be that abuse of power or professional misconduct actually adds to influence, or at least it looks that way to me.
tell me again how conservatives live in mortal fear of protecting their reputations for integrity or honesty, or even rational thought. Of course they don’t. There’s no sanction.
I’m not saying Ted Olson wouldn’t take it on, but he is a little busy right now, having teamed up with David Boies (!!!) to represent two same-sex couples filing suit after being denied marriage licenses by the results of Prop 8 in California. Getting involved with the birther peeps might get in the way of doing something he seems to honestly believe is important.
This btw is from “Obamacrimes” Phil Bergs little cesspool of hatred (this is from a weekly discussions thread dated 4-19-2009 – 4-25-2009.
“Posted by Karen88 on today, 10:13
OMGosh!! Why couldn’t we do it now — FORGE w/great photoshop equipment a Kenya BC for Barry. Now granted someone may have to go be willing to go to the pokey for this little charade… BUT … if you think about it HOW would Obama prove that our Kenyan BC is a forgery? IN COURT that’s where … OR …Kenya would have to step up to the plate and declare “our” Kenya BC is a fake”
“If Barry and Factcheck can forge COLBs (proof of citizenship) lets play THE SAME GAME. Lets create images of what could be a KENYA BC”
The more you know and all that. We over at Politijab have been expecting this baby for quite some time.
The theory from the birthers is that it was needed for the divorce proceedings of Obama’s parents.
The reason Ted Olson won’t get involved is that he is busy working with David Boies to get Prop. 8 overturned as a violation of the equal protection clause.
Mission accomplished. Half of Virginians polled now believe Obama is not a US citizen.
All they really had to do was plant a doubt, erode trust, and stall the agenda. What’s sort of amusing to me is that it’s a replay of the 1990’s, where evil white feminist-atheist Hillary Clinton was secretly subverting democracy.
We must be progressing despite best efforts of conservatives, because now it’s evil black Muslim Obama secretly subverting democracy. That’s progress.
Once again we’re waiting for “decent Republicans” to step forward, and halt the madness. We’re going to be waiting a long time for that.
It’s working.
Is anyone else having site issues? I’m seeing this:
WordPress database error: [Got error 28 from storage engine]
SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN (‘category’, ‘post_tag’) AND tr.object_id IN (24879) ORDER BY ASC
I’m aware of that, and I assume that’s why you now believe he’s an ethical and upright fellow, although perhaps you didn’t prior to his taking your position on an issue.
I don’t think those two things are at all connected.
mai naem
These people are maddeningly stoopid. My god, dumbfuck Orly should have read up her history and geography before she came up with this crap. From what I have read about Obama Sr. there would be no f@#$ing reason for them to be in Mombasa. Also too, I seriously doubt Obama’s mom would be travelling in the last month of her pregnancy going to a third world country in the early 80s. WTF is wrong with these people. Just because dumbfuck Palin travelled in the last month of her high risk pregnancy does not mean that Obama’s mom would do the same thing. Also too, I don’t think Obama’s grandma would have let her daughter do that. Also too, this was the time that white people were being killed in Kenya during the fight for independence. And then there’s that little detail about Obama Sr. being married to another woman at that time. The stoopid hurts.
It wasnt too long ago that someone put up a post with that “Where’s the birth certificate?” and generated lots of snark and laughs.
Soembody in the Administration or in the Democratic Party leadership has to get out in front right now and call this stuff for the racist, bigoted bullshit it really is and get anyone with any decency left in the Republican Party to stand up there and do the same thing.
It didn’t die of its own stupidity – what does in Homeland? – it’s got to be killed off.
Demo Woman
I guess according to Orly, the MSM is lying about Obama’s birth certificate.
It wasn’t too long ago that we laughed and speculated when it would come up in a press conference. Then it did.
The part I find the most galling is that the new GOP talking point is this is “just like” how “liberals” questioned Sarah Palin’s pregnancy.
Except liberals didn’t question Palin’s pregnancy. Conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan did.
But we’ll wait around patiently for the sane and principled members of the conservative movement to denounce this racist, mean-spirited filth.
Don’t hold your goddamned breath. If it polls well, and it does, they’re not about to get in the way of a good thing.
Cat G
I’m waiting for the birf certificate that explains what happened to the yellowcake uranium. Then we’ll have everything tied up in one neat package.
I don’t assume that Olson is ethical or upright at all. Being able to argue Bush v. Gore with a straight face and then not retiring from polite company in disgrace proves that the man has no shame. On the other hand, I doubt he could get away with representing both the gay couples and the birfers. Given that, I think he is more likely to stick with the case that doesn’t involve obvious forgeries. He may not have shame or ethics, but he does have pride. Losing in summary judgment along side a legal luminary like Taitz when he could be arguing in front of the Supreme Court with Boies would have to smart.
The birfers will now be saying it was an elaborate fake by the Obamas to make them look bad.
Sorry for sounding so combative. I get cranky when liberals are thrilled and grateful when conservatives basically throw us some decency scraps. Perhaps Olson wants to argue the California case because it will be ground-breaking, and cap his career. Or, it’s a matter of principle. In any event, it’s one issue. I believe influential conservatives COULD renounce birtherism, and I’m disappointed that (once again) they’re choosing not to. I mean. Ken Starr came out in support of Sotomayor, hardly a brave stand, because the fact is, based on her record, she’s mainstream. I feel as if they break with dogma only on those issues that are no-brainers and easy, politically.
Birthers seem to share membership with tea party people, and if decent conservatives aren’t distancing themselves because tea party attendees offer some political advantage to them on economic issues, well, I think that sucks.
Liberals waiting for conservatives to stand up seems naive to me.
Birthers have apparently convinced themselves that Barack Hussein Obama is not the legitimate president of the USA, and no amount of debunking will convince them otherwise.
Therefore, I propose that they demonstrate the courage of their convictions by:
-refusing to pay federal taxes, which after all are being paid to a government whose authority is illegitimate.
-refusing to obey any federal laws. The executive branch of the government is charged with the responsibility of enforcing federal laws. The executive branch’s authority is illegitimate because Barry is not and never was a US citizen.
So man up or shut up, birfers.
at least 7.5 more years.
This has been another edition of…
El Cid
@r€nato: I was really on the edge of suggesting that only the McClatchy DC site’s “Birthers are nuts” story, but stayed away from it. Good on ya.
I went over to that site and my goodness, the language and nastiness of some of them birthers made me nauseous.
To prove a point, I posted the following comment:
<blockquote cite=”# jaded cynic Says:
August 3rd, 2009 at 10:24 pm
The truth is out there….
Obama is an outer space alien! Really!
Even Lou Dobbs said he was an illegal alien.
I want proof that he’s from Earth!
We all know that he was sent here to start the invasion so the outer space aliens could take all the Earth jobs!
Earth for Earthers!”
Pfft. Of course it’s a fake. It’s not even in a zip lock bag.
Wile E. Quixote
@El Cid
THOSE IDIOTS! I told them to use a realistic name like “I.P. Freely”, “Hugh G. Rection” or “Heywood Jablowme” for the registrar. Damnit. I hope that Taitz’ check clears before she figures it out.