So we’ll expect another 6 threads from you before suppertime, then?
How about the basic wingnut premise: That’s not a pre-existing condition, Little Timmy. That’s FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM!
If the Republicans want the news media to cover what they are doing to educate the American people even further about the atrociousness of this bill, they have to create drama on the floor of the Senate. And the only way to do that is through an all-out fight with no holds barred. They need to look like Braveheart, fighting to the end to save freedom. Because, in fact, it is our very freedom and liberty that is at stake.
I, for one, eagerly await Mitch McConnell sauntering on to the Senate floor, clad in kilt and chainmail, drunkenly swinging a large sword about the chamber. Only because he’d probably injure himself long before he got to anyone else.
How about the surreal phenomenon of the Dish veering into immediate incoherence as soon as Sully goes on vaca? The interns have a theology fight, and that idiot Friedersdorf starts posting about Tiger Woods.
Some shameful shit over there.
Looking forward to the Vikes-Bengals game today—and it’s actually on the local TV! Go Vikes!
@freelancer (itouch): The place descended into chaos last time Sully went on vacation as well, if I remember correctly. Some of it is due to the interns, but last time at least a lot of it had to do with the clowns Sully chose as his replacements.
Today’s crazy letter to the editor, birther edition:
In response to ____’s letter “Time to accept Obama’s Citizenship,” the American people unfortunately still do not know where Obama was born and whether he is an Article II “natural born citizen” and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president and commander in chief.
The Constitution, Article 2, Section l, states, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president.”
Lawsuits filed question whether Obama was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama’s American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.
Other challenges have focused on Obama’s citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.
If President Obama is found not to be a “natural-born citizen,” he is not eligible to be our president and commander in chief.
No mention that the lawsuits have all been thrown out of court. It’ll never end. Nothing will satisfy them.
“Sons of Conservadom! I am Maverick McCain!”
“Maverick McCain is seven feet tall!”
“Yes, I’ve heard. Consumes Centrum by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he’d consume the Liberals with Filbusters from his eyes, and Tax Cuts from his arse.”
Shawn in ShowMe
If only Obama would grow some balls and appoint Matt Taibbi, Jane Hamsher, Glenn Greenwald and David Sirota to his cabinet. Those people know how to get things done.
I guess we’ll have to settle for reading their memoirs 20 years from now where they claim the passage of HCR, cap and trade, closing of Guantanamo, and cessation of two wars was the result of their progressive vigilance.
I, for one, eagerly await Mitch McConnell sauntering on to the Senate floor, clad in kilt and chainmail, drunkenly swinging a large sword about the chamber.
And I eagerly await the part that comes after that in Braveheart, when he is hanged, drawn and quartered.
You could’ve at least waited until 1:00 for a bona fide NFL thread. But anyway, could be worse.
Dammit, while I was out doing manly man stuff, Mrs J spread carpet powder and is now vacuuming. The Horror..
John, a man with two pets always has something to write about. At least give us some pictures or movies.
Me, I’m a nerd and easily amused. Since yesterday I’ve been keeping an eye on a Washington Times headline, to see how long it takes them to catch on to and correct the typo. 24 hours and counting…
Original piece is from RedState. Dunno why WP doesn’t show the link. Hopefully this falls into the “It’s a feature, not a bug” category.
I just noticed this week that the Seahawks actually have a chance to go 9-7 and maybe make the playoffs this year if they can just beat the moo cows this week.
Never should have let myself have hope as the teams don’t look close to being evenly matched…
GODDDAMMIT! I fucking hate Joe Buck and he’s calling the Saints game. Whenever he calls a game it just makes the whole game an exercise in repressed violence against the tv. I tried turning on WWL but their signal is exactly two seconds ahead of FOX so now I’m back to that idiot Buck with his annoying ass voice. Why our game? Aren’t the Rams playing?
Not football related: If you have an ipod synced to your pc and then decide to move your library to your Mac, and have titles in characters other than roman, heed my warning: Don’t do it.
@Steeplejack: With the tears of newborn teabaggers, my friend. It’s the only way to rust.
And, may I just say that Antoine Winfield is the yummiest? And he’s old enough so I don’t feel pervy for offering to have his bebes.
Re: “the American people unfortunately still do not know where Obama was born and whether he is an Article II “natural born citizen” and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president and commander in chief.”
The stories that Obama was born in Kenya are myths. His Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said that he was born in the USA, in Hawaii, where Obama Senior was studying at the time. There is even a witness who recalls being told of his birth in Hawaii in 1961. (
This is what the Wall Street Journal said:
“Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn.”
Oh that was a nice run.
And that was an even nicer catch. And he held on to the ball. Awesome.
I may not last out the game. I was up (relatively) early this morning doing some chores, and now I feel so virtuous that if I slide into a doze I won’t feel guilty at all. And it is very gray, very cold and very drizzly here today, so it’s a good day to cocoon in the man-cave.
Me, I’m a nerd and easily amused. Since yesterday I’ve been keeping an eye on a Washington Times headline, to see how long it takes them to catch on to and correct the typo. 24 hours and counting…
I think they meant to say “Kaine, GOP leaders FUBAR over budget”.
@JenJen: No, that wasn’t a cheap shot. At least I didn’t think he went out of his way to hit the head. It looked to me like it was just the angle Ochocinco was at.
@jwb: Did you see the replay? Griffin deliberately hit Ochocinco in the head with his hand. Cheap shot. And from the looks of Chad’s face, his nose might be broken.
So the Saints tried a fake field goal?
@JenJen: I didn’t see that. What I saw is Griffin in the air as Ochocinco was falling backwards and Griffin hitting Ochocinco in the face because that’s where they happened to meet rather than Griffin going deliberately for the head.
It is going to take me weeks to rebuild my library and playlists. Weeks. Normally I love my Mac but this has me thinking, “Fuck you, Apple. Fuck you long and hard with a dull chainsaw.”
@jwb: Who dat! I am making them my team for the playoffs.
@jwb: I did. But my library was disorganized and I’m going from a Windows formatted eternal drive to a Mac one (it’s a long story involving Japanese drama cds and non roman fonts) and something got fucked up in the process. If iTunes for Mac would have recognized the the kanji it wouldn’t be an issue. But it didn’t and it is and I’m vexed. Terribly terribly vexed.
@JenJen: Yes. I realize he’s an idiot. And yes, the Vikes sold the naming rights of the ‘Dome to the Mall–which is why it’s the Mall of America Field for the Vikes and the HHH Metrodome for the Twins–until next year. I’m sure HHH is spinning in his grave.
@freelancer (itouch): Sadly too late for the 80gb. Everything has been formatted for use with the Mac. But thanks for the tip, I will try it with my Shuffle once I have the big mess sorted out. Gotta have my biking music.
Andy K
Well, the Bears still suck. Go, Pack, Go!
So we’ll expect another 6 threads from you before suppertime, then?
How about the basic wingnut premise: That’s not a pre-existing condition, Little Timmy. That’s FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM!
I, for one, eagerly await Mitch McConnell sauntering on to the Senate floor, clad in kilt and chainmail, drunkenly swinging a large sword about the chamber. Only because he’d probably injure himself long before he got to anyone else.
freelancer (itouch)
How about the surreal phenomenon of the Dish veering into immediate incoherence as soon as Sully goes on vaca? The interns have a theology fight, and that idiot Friedersdorf starts posting about Tiger Woods.
Some shameful shit over there.
Looking forward to the Vikes-Bengals game today—and it’s actually on the local TV! Go Vikes!
@freelancer (itouch): The place descended into chaos last time Sully went on vacation as well, if I remember correctly. Some of it is due to the interns, but last time at least a lot of it had to do with the clowns Sully chose as his replacements.
Today’s crazy letter to the editor, birther edition:
No mention that the lawsuits have all been thrown out of court. It’ll never end. Nothing will satisfy them.
Go Saints!
@freelancer (itouch):
At the Dish? Heavens to Betsy, my world has gone topsy-turvey.
Wow. The plight of the Steelers must really have you down.
The Cardinals can clinch their division today.
Of course, their division sucks, but still, they’ve been playing some seriously good football lately.
I hope I didn’t just jinx them. The last time I did that they didn’t have a winning season for like twenty years.
freelancer (itouch)
Lol, some teabagger on Craigslist had a similar idea back in august.
I was able to deconstruct it in 3 jpegs:
I think it’s one thing to be a dope and have no self-awareness, but what’s Erickson’s wife’s excuse?
“Sons of Conservadom! I am Maverick McCain!”
“Maverick McCain is seven feet tall!”
“Yes, I’ve heard. Consumes Centrum by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he’d consume the Liberals with Filbusters from his eyes, and Tax Cuts from his arse.”
Shawn in ShowMe
If only Obama would grow some balls and appoint Matt Taibbi, Jane Hamsher, Glenn Greenwald and David Sirota to his cabinet. Those people know how to get things done.
I guess we’ll have to settle for reading their memoirs 20 years from now where they claim the passage of HCR, cap and trade, closing of Guantanamo, and cessation of two wars was the result of their progressive vigilance.
And I eagerly await the part that comes after that in Braveheart, when he is hanged, drawn and quartered.
You could’ve at least waited until 1:00 for a bona fide NFL thread. But anyway, could be worse.
Dammit, while I was out doing manly man stuff, Mrs J spread carpet powder and is now vacuuming. The Horror..
At least I had a decent breakfast.
WooooHooooo! Go Bears. Who are the Steelers going to destroy toda……wait. Uh……nevermind.
Can we take wagers on Matt Cassell’s QB rating? o/u should be about 40.
@freelancer (itouch):
SRSLY? The place is mired in chaos when Sullivan is around. File under “Feature, not Bug.”
Go Bills! but really, it doesn’t matter much.
I’m climbing on the Colts bandwagon. Go Peyton!
Also, too, it was nice to see Bama get a Heisman.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@RedKitten: Nicely done.
John, a man with two pets always has something to write about. At least give us some pictures or movies.
Me, I’m a nerd and easily amused. Since yesterday I’ve been keeping an eye on a Washington Times headline, to see how long it takes them to catch on to and correct the typo. 24 hours and counting…
Original piece is from RedState. Dunno why WP doesn’t show the link. Hopefully this falls into the “It’s a feature, not a bug” category.
The problem with the Republican Party… is that it’s filled with Republicans.
I just noticed this week that the Seahawks actually have a chance to go 9-7 and maybe make the playoffs this year if they can just beat the moo cows this week.
Never should have let myself have hope as the teams don’t look close to being evenly matched…
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Heh. Are you sure that’s not some sort of euphemism, like “I’m P.O.’ed” for “I’m pissed off”?
“Dude, I’m telling you–Kaine and the GOP leaders are so fu’ed over this budget.”
Watching the bears has become almost impossible, and almost as painful as watching the Bulls. Any hawkeye fans out there enjoy this video.
So has “more than half of you are all the same people” been added to the lexicon yet?
Basic definition: Troll response when absolutely everyone else on the thread calls you out for being wrong/a jerk.
Boys, if you’re going to head butt someone, don’t do it right in front a ref. Seriously.
Favre being Favre = interception.
@jeffreyw: You call that decent? I want to see what you consider luxurious.
Afternoon, bitchez.
@asiangrrlMN: GAH! That’s all I got.
GODDDAMMIT! I fucking hate Joe Buck and he’s calling the Saints game. Whenever he calls a game it just makes the whole game an exercise in repressed violence against the tv. I tried turning on WWL but their signal is exactly two seconds ahead of FOX so now I’m back to that idiot Buck with his annoying ass voice. Why our game? Aren’t the Rams playing?
Not football related: If you have an ipod synced to your pc and then decide to move your library to your Mac, and have titles in characters other than roman, heed my warning: Don’t do it.
Urge to kill, rising.
@debit: Yeah. I’m watching with a steely eye.
Kiril</b., my guess is because it’s the most important game of the week. Or something like that. Better you than me. Sorry.
freelancer (itouch)
I just went through my own iTunes hell. I can relate.
@asiangrrlMN: That was an interesting catch. And a bad throw. And crap. CRAP.
Lots of girl stuff to watch on tv tonight. The president will be on 60 min. Then Oprah will have her xmas special at the Whitehouse. yipppeeee!!!
@debit: Yeah. I think bad Favre is gonna be here for awhile.
Did the announcers really just talk about Chad saying he was going to blow Ragnar’s 14-ft horn?
@freelancer (itouch): Almost 80 freaking GB. I could scream. Or cry.
And a sack. sigh.
Afternoon, bitch.
Been meanin’ to ask you for a while now, how do you rust your pitchforks? Or do you buy them pre-rusted?
@Rey: I am only half a girl, then, because I have no interest in Oprah whatsoever.
Where is JenJen? We need to engage in some trashtalking.
@Steeplejack: With the tears of newborn teabaggers, my friend. It’s the only way to rust.
And, may I just say that Antoine Winfield is the yummiest? And he’s old enough so I don’t feel pervy for offering to have his bebes.
Re: “the American people unfortunately still do not know where Obama was born and whether he is an Article II “natural born citizen” and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president and commander in chief.”
Obama was born in Hawaii, as his official birth certificate shows. The facts on the birth certificate were twice confirmed by the officials in Hawaii, and their spokeswoman stated that the facts in the files show that Obama was born in Hawaii (
The stories that Obama was born in Kenya are myths. His Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said that he was born in the USA, in Hawaii, where Obama Senior was studying at the time. There is even a witness who recalls being told of his birth in Hawaii in 1961. (
This is what the Wall Street Journal said:
“Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn.”
Oh that was a nice run.
And that was an even nicer catch. And he held on to the ball. Awesome.
@debit: So was that! AP, getting his run on.
I may not last out the game. I was up (relatively) early this morning doing some chores, and now I feel so virtuous that if I slide into a doze I won’t feel guilty at all. And it is very gray, very cold and very drizzly here today, so it’s a good day to cocoon in the man-cave.
Yawn. It was exhausting to type that.
@asiangrrlMN: Yes! TD for Rice.
@debit: So far, the Vikes are looking a little better than last week.
Anyone seen this by Fake Steve Jobs? It’s FSJ complaining about AT&T wanting to reduce iPhone usage.
Paragraph 12 starting “While I’m ranting, let me ask you something, Randall” on down is a good summary of the Wall Street effect.
@debit: Yeah, baby.
@jwb: Yes. Not that it’s hard to be better than last week.
@Steeplejack: With your schedule, you grab your sleep whenever you can.
Oops and here’s the link for Fake Steve Jobs
@Nutella: Forgot the linky.
ETA: I see you posted it in the meantime. Nevermind.
True dat. Got home about 11:00 last night after a full shift of Xmas madness.
The game’s looking pretty good, though. No narcolepsy so far.
Well, that was a lousy defensive series.
Touchdown Ochocinco! (Or is it Ocho Cinco? Whatevs.)
@Steeplejack: Yes. So, I don’t think you have to feel guilty for anything.
@jwb: Yep. No two ways about it. Glad you get to watch on the local channel, though.
Steep, man, the receiver formerly known as Chad Johnson.
@Nutella: That was one fine rant.
schrodinger's cat
Do I know you? This is exactly how I make my scrambled eggs
(except for the jalapeno, that is)
Gah! Favre! No interception, please. Hm. Do we go for it on 4th and 4?
No. 13-7
@asiangrrlMN: Naw, kick the field goal. There it is. 13-7.
Oh my. That was an unexpected turn of events.
My boy, Antoine Winfield! Yum yum yum. Fumble, Vikes recovery (barring overturn).
16-7, bitchez. Halftime.
@asiangrrlMN: That was an interesting turn of events. A gift 3 pts.
@debit: Same thought, but you beat me to it.
Lost interest in the Seahawks game hours ago. Trying a new recipe, an apple-cinnamon chicken stew. We’ll see what happens.
@gwangung: Yum! You can send some my way.
The mind-meld of the Vikings fans is awesome to behold.
@schrodinger’s cat: LOL, you may have seen some of my work posted here.
Nice catch and run, Chester Taylor.
Nice run, Chester Taylor! Now, finish it off with a TD.
@asiangrrlMN: I think that cooking is a good way to react to a stressful week.
Wow. A very pretty pass. Followed by a nice run by Peterson.
@asiangrrlMN: @debit: And we’re back.
@asiangrrlMN: Pfffffffft.
There we go—AP for the TD.
@JenJen: Hahahahaha! AP, baby! 23-7.
And, for the amusement of my juvenile mind, I get comment #69 again.
licensed to kill time
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
I think they meant to say “Kaine, GOP leaders FUBAR over budget”.
Oh my. Fumble. TD. I doubt it will stand.
Yeah, baby! Fumble recovery, touchdown Vikes! Hurry up, Brad. Get the kicking team…Aw, crap. Challenge.
jwb, yeah, me, either. Damn it.
Well my goodness. Is it coming back?
@asiangrrlMN: Well, at least that last touchdown is about to come back.
@asiangrrlMN: I thought he was down the moment I saw it, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they uphold the challenge.
Well harumph. At least the Bengals didn’t score.
@asiangrrlMN: 3 and out. Gah.
Aw crap. Bengals are running.
jwb, I’m feeling a wee bit uneasy.
@asiangrrlMN: Oddly, I’m still feeling pretty good about it.
Cheap shot on Ochocinco. That sucks.
@asiangrrlMN: Crap call.
@JenJen: No, that wasn’t a cheap shot. At least I didn’t think he went out of his way to hit the head. It looked to me like it was just the angle Ochocinco was at.
Better than a TD.
Agree with jwb and Dan Dierdorf. Can’t be perfectly precise with the hit.
@asiangrrlMN: If I were you, I’d be feeling pretty ducky right about now.
The Saints are back up on the Falcons.
@asiangrrlMN: Yes, and it took the Bengals quite a lot of time to get that field goal as well. Now, let’s just do better than 3 and out this time!
ETA: Another useless offensive possession.
@jwb: Did you see the replay? Griffin deliberately hit Ochocinco in the head with his hand. Cheap shot. And from the looks of Chad’s face, his nose might be broken.
So the Saints tried a fake field goal?
@JenJen: I didn’t see that. What I saw is Griffin in the air as Ochocinco was falling backwards and Griffin hitting Ochocinco in the face because that’s where they happened to meet rather than Griffin going deliberately for the head.
@jwb: That’s what I saw, too, but I will freely admit being biased.
jwb, my how our standards have fallen.
Hey, how about that, a first down!
@jwb: And another one!
It is going to take me weeks to rebuild my library and playlists. Weeks. Normally I love my Mac but this has me thinking, “Fuck you, Apple. Fuck you long and hard with a dull chainsaw.”
Football: I love watching that man run.
Saints hold on for the win.
@jwb: @asiangrrlMN: You guys are nuts! Hell, even the CBS announcers thought it was a cheap shot. Refs made an excellent call there.
@debit: Did you have your playlists backed up?
@jwb: Who dat! I am making them my team for the playoffs.
@jwb: I did. But my library was disorganized and I’m going from a Windows formatted eternal drive to a Mac one (it’s a long story involving Japanese drama cds and non roman fonts) and something got fucked up in the process. If iTunes for Mac would have recognized the the kanji it wouldn’t be an issue. But it didn’t and it is and I’m vexed. Terribly terribly vexed.
@jwb: But Saints fail to cover! Wooohooo! :-)
@debit: I admit that if it comes to the Saints and Vikings in the playoffs, I’ll have a really hard time cheering against the Saints.
@JenJen: Um, no. Dan Dierdorf said it was a bad call.
jwb, yeah, me, too (rooting against the Saints).
Well, fuckity. :-( Why couldn’t my Bengals have played the Vikes last week when they blew?
@asiangrrlMN: I’m listening on radio with several other games on the TV. You do realize Dan Dierdorf is an idiot, right?
Is it really called “Mall of America Field”, by the way? Weird.
(Yes, I’m bitter.)
@JenJen: You just have to play the Vikes on national TV. Then they’ll be sure to suck.
@JenJen: Yes. I realize he’s an idiot. And yes, the Vikes sold the naming rights of the ‘Dome to the Mall–which is why it’s the Mall of America Field for the Vikes and the HHH Metrodome for the Twins–until next year. I’m sure HHH is spinning in his grave.
@jwb: Yup, true that.
And, that’s a wrap! Shoulda bet JenJen before the game.
@JenJen: What @jwb: said. Get your popcorn ready for the Monday night game against the Bears. Our humiliation will be complete.
Yes. Tampa Bay is that bad. Less than 150 yards of offense all day. And Miami got Jacksonville. So far this is a good day.
(It was as good a day as could be expected. The Ravens and Patriots losing would both qualify as a Hanukkah miracle)
Oh the poor Lions. The poor, poor Lions.
@4jkb4ia: Pats won. Not sure about the Ravens, but I know they were way ahead. Ravens destroyed the Lions 48-3. Ouch.
You know what really matters, though? The Vikings trounced the Bengals.
debit, yeah, I know. I feel really bad for them.
I gotta say, watching the Rams-Titans game, I have one observation. Chris Johnson can fly!
freelancer (itouch)
Senuti, iTunes spelled backwards. Rebuild library by pulling off of your ipod. Haven’t had to use it, but people I know swear by it.
@freelancer (itouch): Sadly too late for the 80gb. Everything has been formatted for use with the Mac. But thanks for the tip, I will try it with my Shuffle once I have the big mess sorted out. Gotta have my biking music.
You need unattributed contributors like Sullivan… ;-)