But at least we still have the Politico!
Unbelievable. How long before these guys get bought out by Fox?
by John Cole| 43 Comments
This post is in: Media, Clown Shoes, I Smell a Pulitzer!
But at least we still have the Politico!
Unbelievable. How long before these guys get bought out by Fox?
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Boy, those guys can really be a waste of server space sometimes.
Holy crap. I am glad you linked to anything but Politico, but unless Politico is snarking, that’s some major space-waster right there. Color me gobsmacked by the in(s)anity.
licensed to kill time
Umm…it’s “breaking news” that Obama’s going to run for a second term? Whoa dude – I better place my bets now before this gets out..
Wow, these guys are amazing. How did they get the access to find this out?
Damn, it must be tough running the Onion these days …
In all honesty, do you think being acquired by a more conservative owner is in the game plan?
The Post has been damn the torpedos embracing mediocrity and going all out to attract right-wing readers (with sometimes misleading headlines; read the story and there’s nuance or the headline just. does. not. fit the facts as presented.) It’s possible their online version and dead tree edition represent the same content very differently.
The editorial page is psychotic. How surprised would any of us be to see Richard B. Cheney as their newest columnist?
What’s happened to that paper is really a tragedy.
Common Sense
But.. but…
Just because Bush and Clinton did it too is no excuse! Why must you continue to blame Bush when Obama is the one who promised “change.” Tell me, is campaigning for an office you hope to win a big change from the way Washington works? Incidentally, I’ve also noticed that this guy keeps sleeping in the White House, which isn’t much of a change from Adams’ day when you think about it (barring a few years under Madison and Monroe when the Brits burned the place to the ground).
Sigh. I hope you simpletons are happy with your change.
Jesus. The headline on the Politico article is just jaw-dropping:
Yes, definitely an Exclusive!. You crack journalists (or journalists on crack; hard to tell sometimes) dug up the unbelievable story that a President partway through his first term is starting to think about re-election, and further that he plans to turn to the same people who did a pretty good job with his first campaign.
Start writing those Pulitzer acceptance speeches, boys.
The real question is Politico v. WaPo. They are the two PR arms of the lobbying industry, and they are competing for mindshare and ad revenue from precisely the same audience of influence peddlers.
Fox doesn’t care about the influence peddlers, except to the extent that the lies they promote tend to align with the prejudices of the Angry White Old Guy market that matters to Fox. The alignment of Angry Old White Guy Delusions with American Petroleum Institute lies is probably a pretty good descriptor of Mitch McConnell’s Virtual Reality.
I posted this at OTB:
Really? I thought he was going to resign a few months after the midterms, become a TV personality, and then try to become Supreme Allied Commander.
Start writing those Pulitzer acceptance speeches, boys.
The Pulitzer committee really should keep a tally – and deduct points from any writers’ best work based on how many truly hacktastic pieces he writes in the previous year or so.
mr. whipple
Plotting, eh? Don’t terraists and other ner do wells ‘plot’?
Is this good news for John McCain?
This only proves how out of touch Obama is. Only a real freak would want to be president of this country–not just once, but twice!
Re the WaPost’s online edition and how they slant it even more rightward:
Today’s Michael Gerson column on healthcare, whatever you think of its content —
The online headline is “The Democrats’ Path to Destruction” and it’s — surprise, surprise — the top-read opinion piece.
The dead tree headline is “Obama’s health reform gamble raises questions of judgment.”
The Post pulls this shit all of the time.
Ash Can
Please tell me that whoever wrote the original Politico article
was firedwasn’t paid for it.Crashman
@Lev: +1. You get an extra +2 if you post this to the comment page on Politico. A comment like that is good chum; it’ll get the idiots over there stirred up into a nice feeding frenzy.
El Cid
Scott Brown DROVE A TRUCK!!!
He ain’t like them damn ay-leetis faggortz in the Democrap party with their damn lah-tays and other ay-leet cultual habbits! No, he’s a sooooper hee-man!
Of course, Politico missed the real big story of the day:
licensed to kill time
Politico’s “Privately Plotting Plouffe plus President” piece portends possible Pulitzer Prize?
Perchance piss poor Politico pusillanimous posturing poseurs..
Mike Kay
Big Blow to Kucinich.
@El Cid: Isn’t horse showing as a sport kind of… elitist?
Or is it OK since the head of FEMA previously was head of a show horse thingy-bob?
OT: The boy had a good point today about Republican outcomes:
I don’t even know who Sally Quinn is so I must refrain from the august conversation here.
Why would Fox buy Politico? It’s already pushing the GOP propaganda for free.
El Cid
Hey, if we lose Sally, we can count on George W. Bush to find her.
Alex S.
So did they get this Exclusive! from an anonymous staffer? Or do they have first hand information, like, uh, Obama?
Michael D.
For those of you who are not following the REAL news:
Latest Sarah Palin Speech Opens Sixth Seal
Mike Kay
I still think Kucinch can successfully primary Obama.
I think Dennis can lead a unity ticket with a coalition of Firebaggers, PUMAS, and assorted Edwards Hippies.
I wonder if Politico is the basic reason the Wash Times finally went under? It became absolutely redundant…
Maybe Politico’s next groundbreaking story will be about how the Senate is filled with Wall Street whores. Stop the presses.
And Drudge has the new campaign logo.
Haha, just kidding. He’s actually just suggesting the Missile Defense Agency logo is a combination of OFA logo and Islamic flag. (shoot me now)
I think of Politico as a spin-off of the WaPo since it was started by ex-WaPostys.
Sheesh, can’t even joke about Pulitizer’s anymore since VanderHei is on their board.
I’m becoming convinced that one way we have out of this hole is to roll back the changes Bubba helped pass which did away with restrictions on media ownership. It seems more than obvious that we need to diversify our media and allow different voices to be heard, and wrest control from a few major corporations.
Yeah, like that will happen!
@Camchuck: They’re so far beyond parody now. Oy.
@inkadu — She’s the wife of Ben Bradlee who was editor-in-chief of the Washington Post when they broke the Watergate story, back when the paper did, you know, journalism. He was also a pretty good friend of JFK.
For anyone not finding Politico to be enough to meet your emetic needs for the day, I give you John Yoo in the WSJ.
Anne Laurie
It helps if you keep in mind that Sally Quinn is a failed Pamela Harriman. If she’d been born 10 or 15 years later, she might have been canny enough to go for the Arianna Huffington role, but Quinn was too late for real success at the old “courtesan” model and too early for the “power co-executive/ex-wife” slot.
@Michael D.: Sweet merciful FSM that’s hysterical. I guess The Onion found their groove again–it’s been tough being a satirist these last few years.
@Michael D.:
Best line from The Onion piece:
Since the headline refers to Sally Quinn, this link about WaPo revenues tanking is arguably on topic.
Tax Analyst
Next thing they’ll be telling us that Franco is still dead.
Brian J
The level of unrelenting snark in this thread is just awesome.