If you have noticed, I got rid of the Project Wonderful ads- they just didn’t make any money, and I got sick of answering emails from you delicate flowers who were offended by a cartoon or something else. I’m currently looking into another revenue stream, so I just canned project wonderful for now. I really liked them, though- very easy company to work with.
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The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
Offended by a cartoon? LOL
I liked the lesbian bondage comic ad. Made me wanna donate to Michael Steele, though, so I see your point.
Trevor B
So Going Galt?
I wasn’t offended — but it did make accessing the site from work a problem; the Curvy ads, in particular, were clearly problematical from an HR standpoint. I’m not willing to put up an ad blocker, so I simply had to stay away at work.
Never mind about the complaints, it’s too bad they weren’t making money. PW does seem to act as a conduit for a lot of small-time independent artists. I hope they’re at least getting some traffic from the network.
Linda Featheringill
That’s sad. Maybe necessary. But still sad.
[Yes, I liked the cartoon.]
I wasn’t offended by the ads per se, but seeing a manga upskirt drawing by Mario while discussing politics was causing me a certain amount of cognitive dissonance, like next week I’d be attending a Furry PAC’s conference.
mai naem
I’m always surprised that I see very very few ads for regular everyday items on blogs. You may not like FDL but FDL is the only blog that I have gone to which had regular items. I believe they were advertising Wendy’s or some other fast food burger place and brand name soap.
John Cole
30-40 bucks a month- not worth the 2-3 emails a day, not worth constantly approving ads because someone upped their bid by 5 cents to beat someone else out for… three hours.
I never noticed. What was so bad?
Site ads I never, ever paid attention to — the cilantro of ad blogging.
Ryan S.
No more Curvy… where am I gonna get my lesbian tentacle porn.
Mark S.
The site loads faster, at least for me.
A shame. That was how I found out about The Dreamer, which is now my fav online comic.
Meg Whitman could bankroll your site for, well, approaching the End of Days if you’re reasonably frugal.
Bog help us she’s taking a
pagemargin scribble from Palin’s campaign playbook–no media beyond what you can buy outright. She’s a reptile, Jerry!Also too, ten Bachman quotes, for the kids.
But John (and everyone) you will probably love this OpEd.
Stop Trying to Politicize the Army
The Steampunk stuff was interesting.
heh. I’d rather lose the newsmax ads with the stupid Obama-in-a-surgical-hat picture but I’m not really that choosy.
Whatever makes John happy. :)
Eric U.
I liked them, but I’m in a very loose work environment right now — read very under-employed
Amazon obviously does that thing where it pulls the interest of the user. I’ve been cruising the swim outlet stuff and, sure enough, there it is!
Ryan S.
While your at it can we lose the teabagger adds that BaRock add really annoys me.
I miss the old Pajamas Media ads. They were funny as in ha-ha funny. Just the thought of people clicking on to learn about a new Ann Coulter book, etc. would leave me chuckling in amazement.
How can I have an opinion? I’m beholden to whatever this blog dishes… wait a minute, I’m not a conservative.
I put up with it with it because I love ya’ll.
There, that’s liberal.
Original Lee
@demimondian: Exactly. I had to be really careful about where my coworkers were if I wanted to read the site at the office.
I was looking for a solar powered shed light and found one. Ever since I looked at that light the same frakking add for that light has been popping up all over, includding this one.
That’s not going Galt, that’s Orwellian. ;-)
As long as we’re talking site maintenance, is there a way you could fix the center column to only collapse to a certain width? I like reducing the window so I can watch something in one window and read BJ in another. As it is, when I collapse the BJ window, the *important* part shrinks too thin, whereas the two ad columns maintain their width.
Kitteh + iPad = Awesome but expensive cat toy
However, I think it would be very unwise for John to buy an iPad for Tunch. The shelf life would probably be about 30 seconds due to the sheer weight of Tunch’s paws.
So where else can a lez go to get her fill of poorly-drawn semi-porn toons, if not on BJ?
They definitely added a certain, um, flavor to the site. Was Project Wonderful how Laura W.’s ads got here? I always liked those. Does Etsy do ads? Those might be kind of cool.
@MK: I saw that this morning. Clearly, technology has advanced past the laser pointer.
David in NY
Y’know, there’s a wave of pro-cilantro revanchism brewing. Just saying.
(A favorite — Indian Cabbage Salad. Chop bunch of cabbage, add diced onion, chopped cilantro, diced chili peppers of some kind (I like Goya pickled chilis, hot, but choose your own), salt, lots of lime juice, salad oil. Play with proportions, keeping lime and cilantro high.)
That is awesome! I’m sending it to a friend of mine who has a cat who looks just like that.
John Cole
I’d like to make it clear that the unwavering editorial position of this website is of a pro-cilantro nature.
I love the stuff. Don’t know how you eat salsa, mexican, or thai without it. I look for excuses to use cilantro.
@shirt: Overstock.com stalked me for weeks, haunting me with the items I had viewed.
Instantly Moderated Commenter
@John Cole: Soap Lover! Real Americans hate cilantro!
Wut’s Cilantro? Is that like Arugala?
I’ll pay you five bucks to advertise my book…
OT, but just got a chance to watch the Frontline HCR episode. As much as the bill was eventually watered down, given the crap the WH had to fight through on all sides, I’m still amazed that they got it done. Yes we can!
One of our own, Alicia Morgan of Hooterville, is getting evicted from her home in less than 12 days along with her husband and 3 kids. Here’s the kicker: IndyMac, her lender, is doing this with the aid of the FDIC and they never even missed a mortgage payment. We’ve got to get word of this out to as many people as possible.
David in NY
The Times article which reawakened the smoldering cilantro debate noted that Julia Child disliked both arugula and cilantro.
Although my beloved younger son has always disliked it, I personally am in accord with the “unwavering editorial position of this website” — cilantro is essential.
And that cabbage salad recipe I included above is really great if you need some enormous dish to take to a pot-luck summer dinner or cook-out. (Except it helps if you live in an immigrant neighborhood like mine where limes can come ten to the dollar.)
@MK: Hilarious! Right up there with the cat playing a theremin.
El Cid
The text of this post completely offends me.
How many people besides me thought that ad photo of ComicBookGirl, or whatever her name was, was unnaturally interesting?
@John Cole:
This, a hunnert times. Salsa sans cilantro ess muy muy malo.
Ugh. Third edit. Why can’t we bold a section of a blockquote? Or underline it? Ugh.
Please notice now, in an unsurprising and unfunny way because I had to point to it, that I added an ending to Justin’s quote. Thank you. Sheesh. Whatever. Good day!
@trollhattan: “Salsa sans cilantro…”
No. Such. Thing.
Cat Lady
A little cilantro in salsa – OK. Can we please keep it out of the guacamole? It’s just wrong.
Cat Lady
A little cilantro in salsa – OK. Can we please keep it out of the guacamole? It’s just wrong.
@arguingwithsignposts: Huh.
Someone rode the rec list of the GOS all day yesterday predicting how this program was going to destroy the Democrats and Obama when it aired.
So did the sun come up in the east where you live too?
I was seriously annoyed that they didn’t even mention the corporate backing of the TPs.
@Cat Lady:
I’m pro cilantro, but even I don’t like it in guacamole. I’m all for simple guac – avocado, onion and lime only. Even the tomato is overkill. Certainly cilantro is a distraction in guacamole.
Weird, eh? When I looked up after I finished watching, the sky was still above the earth, too!
I do think the end was sort of glossed over. There was no mention of Bart Stupak’s grandstanding, the assaults on the Reps. outside the House, or the Senate vote, just some ominous crap about “a heavy cost.” It seemed to me that they spent so much time on the front end of the drama that they didn’t have time to focus on the real last minute jockeying (even reconciliation, WTF?)
Maybe they’ll come back to that.
But Karen Ignoramusnani comes off as an evil harpy.
@arguingwithsignposts: I watched it last night, fascinating stuff. That it was Max Baucus that actually torpedoed Tom Daschle made my head spin.
JC, how about a click thru ad for Powell’s Books?
@Allan: it crushed my hopes under the bus wheels of despair and into the yawning chasms of no-change. Of course, I have no alternative but to denounce Rahm in a series of posts on GOS that combine the erudite yet comprehensive teenage gloom of The Cure with the subtle wit of David Sirota and keen self-knowledge of Corrente Blog in the concise prose style of Glenn Greenwald.
Update 1: Also the commitment to genuine dialogue that characterizes BTD
Update 2: Not that I’m overlooking the LIES of those paid to oppose me.
OT- Mitch McConnell was just on the news whistling a very different tune about finance reform after getting bitch slapped today by Dodd.
That is some high-grade snark-fu there, rootless-e. kudos.
@John Cole:
Or Indian for that matter.. well rather south indian. I dont think it is used much in other parts of India. You have to have it in scrambled eggs with onions, cheese, green chillis (thai peppers), and a little cumin.. So.. good.
Ha! Actually guffawed out loud at that.
@arguingwithsignposts: thanks. had a very annoying argument at naked capitalism today. bad habit of arguing with these people.
Fucking cilantroists are going to be the downfall of this great nation.
As to the Frontline piece last night, the GoS diary was written by some firebaggers, and while we saw no sun this morning on account of the clouds an’ rain an’ stuff, we are pretty sure it’s up there, cilantro-free and sending down its rays for the true Americans to enjoy.
Any chance the iPhone/mobile phone formatting can be restored?
Midnight Marauder
This is a weird thing I’ve noticed on the site for a while, but every time I try to paste a URL after clicking the “link” tag, it never lets me use the control+ command to do so. And it happens on every computer I try to post on, no matter what. I always end up having to right click and then paste the link. Now, this is obviously a small matter, but I figured this was the best chance I had to toss it out there.
fucen tarmal
t and a ads on bj, and i didn’t notice them enough to recall?
having the man card suspended won’t be so bad, it will be the rates i have to pay once its reinstated….
jerry 101
@John Cole: Cilantro rules. It’s really the only reason I come to this blog.
Bat shit crazy Bachmann. If a gay person writes a song for Lion King the indoctrination message to 2nd graders is the song writer is better at song writing because he/she is gay. She really is terrified of the gay.
Those were the first ads I’ve ever clicked on here. The ones pairing Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly with Taint were the least interesting.
At 6’2″, this is the first time I have been called a “delicate flower.” I don’t know whether to feel flattered or pissed…
schrodinger's cat
@John Cole: That’s why I love this blog, cilantro rules and so does Tunch!
@rootless-e: Yeah, I need to stay away from the GOS as well.
Or else people have to stop being wrong on the internet.
I would probably regain several hours per day if that came to pass.
@jurassicpork: Alicia needs to get a lawyer ASAP and file for an injunction (or whatever it’s called) to keep OneWest from selling the house until they can produce the note that allows them to sell a house even though the homeowners have met their responsibility.
Regardless of whether or not OneWest wants to foreclose, they have to abide by the original contract between IndyMac and Alicia and her husband, which stipulates the conditions under which they can sue for foreclosure. And if OneWest can’t/won’t produce it, they are legally screwed.
Shame, I practically never click on ads, but I have to say the project wonderful ads were effective I clicked through several. I thought they complemented the blog nicely.
Understandable, but a shame. Ryan North, who created Project Wonderful, is an absolutely great guy (even if he is Canadian.)
Aww..Iiked the Project Wonderful ads- I am following one of the comics even now.
Yeah, the lesbian bondage one- its that vestigal Republican in me.
What?? No more Curvy ads? That sucks. Now I have to bookmark it…
That’s too bad. I didn’t see anything too offensive…
@arguingwithsignposts: I agree. It also happens when you increase the zoom in the browser. The ads increase in size too and the center column gets way too small.
You have ads on your site?
With AdBlock Plus + Greasemonkey running, I had no idea.
Pity re the Curvy ads. Fauna and Anais were just last week grousing about the deplorable state of Mexican cell phone ownership. And the pirate captain was hawt.
So the “Barack Obama Is A Badass Crackhead N–gger?” Yes-Probably-NotSure banner is going away?
Some of those objects that show up on your site are downright embarassing.
Baloon Juice RULES! What a lame thing to say, but seriously – the best thing on the internet -and everywhere.