“Chuck” is usually posted on Hulu the next day. That’s when I plan to watch it.
DVR, baby.
Do you not have a DVR? I think without a DVR, my existance would lose all meaning. Sad, but still….
@jeffreyw: OMMMMMG, the biscuits ‘n’ gravy llooks wonderful! Is that a load of paprika on top?
My neighborhood just got our collective ass kicked by Mother Nature. My neighbor on the right side is going to have to figure out how to get the shed (that belongs to my neighbor on the left side) off of his roof.
Softball-sized hail, damage to my fence. My grill got blown over and took some damage. And while I’m not a racist gun-nut, I thought about pulling a “Confederate Fuckwit” and blegging for cash for a new grill, but perhaps I’ll just file with FEMA.
@soonergrunt: Just took a look at the Nat doppler radar before I read yer comment, mentioned to Mrs J that OK has some angry red in it and it was headed our way.
Thanks for the reminder. Missed the first two goals.
The Canadians may go out, but they won’t go out boring.
@jeffreyw: Mmmm even better! I just finished my own supper (spinach and garlic pizza, since you asked) but I could definitely make room for biscuits, gravy, and peppah. Love the aroma of fresh-ground, love the taste, the texture, the appearance, even the sound of the blades clashing up against the peppercorns. What a nice spice that addresses every sense :-)
@soonergrunt: Our KC-based weatherpeeps just showed some ‘burbs of OKC getting drilled by a twister. Hang in there, buddy.
@jeffreyw: @Punchy:
We’re doing OK for the moment. I’m worried about my Dad’s place. There was a tornado spotted at an intersection about 300 yards southeast of his place. He’s in Missouri fishing right now. I’m going out to check out his place probably tomorrow because there’s about three lines of storms headed our way still.
South of I-10
@soonergrunt: Stay safe! I lived in Norman for a couple of years. I do not miss the tornado siren.
@South of I-10: Norman had an F2 on Lindsey Street just east of the OU campus. Some of the buildings on South Campus (where they’ve been building extensively the last few years) have been damaged.
National Weather Center and College of Engineering buildings on South Campus have lots of windows out, damage to the facias of both structures. Old WWII building that I had my first IT job in (by the golf course) appears destroyed.
Awesome, according to a new poll the oil spill in the Gulf is just as likely to make a Republican believe we need to do more Gulf drilling as it is to make them think we should do less.
Check out this information I found on Mike Kay. He apparently had potential to be a useful person back in the day. I wonder whatever happened to him, that he would think attacking a woman’s looks was anythin more than a sign of moral or intellectual failure by the attacker.
Stupidity can be so cruel.
@Everyone in Tornado Alley: Wow, stay safe (families and friends, too). I went through a horrible tornado north of Atlanta in April 1998. Spent the night in the bathtub (candles blazing on the counters, cat hunkering down with me in the only room in the apartment with no windows). In the event, the tornado touched down maybe 500 feet from where I lived. Didn’t touch me but took out thousands of roofs and hundreds of thousands of trees in the neighbourhood. Very whimsical and arbitrary. A short distance either way and I might have been living in an open-fronted doll’s house. And by god, it *DOES* sound just like a freight train approaching.
Hope everyone is safe and property intact. Tornados are scary mofos.
Keith G
Being a PBS nerd, its Foyle’s War tonight.
In the other game, Boucher’s got something wrong with his knee.
On an unrelated topic (and forgive me if you’ve posted about this, I’ve been on vacation and haven’t kept up very well), what’s happening with you on the job front? Any chance we’ll be able to welcome you to Georgia?
South of I-10
@soonergrunt: I just looked at the OK radar, and damn those are some scary looking storms! I hope the worst of it has gone by you already. Do you have a storm cellar? I remember seeing them all over the place there.
mai naem
@Mike Kay: You duhmayss, you wouldn’t have had Lincoln/TR/FDR/LBJ/Eleanor Roosevelt and probably half of the decent USC Justices if you based everything on looks.
@soonergrunt: oh please, I think is bad when anyone hurt themselves by plastering tattoos on their torso, implanting ridiculous boobs, or eating too much. but, lets be politically correct and pretend otherwise. eat up, boys and girls.
greetings from the land of no hulu.
les canadiens are in trouble. The Pits should leave our poor Halak alone.
Also too, following up on a previous thread, it appears Neal Katyal will not get the USSG position after all. Guess, he’s too much of a civil libertarian for Obama.
I say we let the netroots form a Central Committee and let them run the country. Obama obviously ain’t doin’ it right.
Maybe make Greenwald and Hamsher co-Premiers, or some such shit.
Mike Kay
@mai naem: FDR was handsome and TR was rather dashing. Lincoln on the other hand looked like a werewolf (bow wow). but I don’t base any decision on looks, after I all, I didn’t support pretty-boy johnny edwards.
The Habs have tied it at two. Quite a game.
From “les Habitants”—i.e. “the locals.”
Notice that the team has a bilingual logo, a C with a little H inside.
Scratch that – now 3-2 for the Canadians.
@SiubhanDuinne: No job in Georgia, I’m afraid. It seems that with my old company (I have completely severed ties) that the gaining project manager would’ve had to pay my relocation costs out of his/her operating budget, so nobody would transfer me.
I don’t understand the corporate mind at times.
I interviewed with University of Oklahoma and thought I did really well, but I just got the email about two hours ago that they hired somebody else. I interviewed with a Natural Gas company, and thought I did really well in the phone screen and the subsequent interview, but I haven’t heard back, and they should’ve called by now if they were going to offer a job.
I’ve got a couple of positions at Fort Sill that I will be scheduling interviews for in the comming week. They’re full time permanent GS positions and should have very good pay. The only trouble will be the 90-minute daily commute.
I’m going out to my dad’s place to see if it’s still there. I’ll be back later.
you have to admit, watching a netroots regime set up its department of media dissemination would be almost worth it, especially if it was liveblogged til they decided that transparency wasn’t all they thought it would be.
@soonergrunt: Too bad, you would have been an asset to us Peaches. Job-hunting, especially in this market, just sukz. Hang in there, baby, as we used to say back in the ’70s. And I truly hope your dad and his place are unscathed. Do let us know later, either way.
Oh FUH. Glenn Greenwald is going to be on Rachel to discuss “the case against Elena Kagan.”
She’s going to go down in flames, and the left will have put match to kindling. I despair sometimes, I really do.
Sharks beat Red Wings 4-1.
So far my prognostication has been correct.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Crosby Sucks.
Fucking Pengooins will close it out tonight. I have a feeling I’ll be a big Sharks fan by the finals.
@Mike Kay: Dude, most 50 year old people without great genetics and/or incredible motivation to preserve their youth by any means necessary are going to look pretty different from their 17 year old selves. Even if you stay the same weight, gravity is going to droop your eyelids, put grooves around your mouth, and totally ruin the line of your chin into your neck. I used to think wrinkles were THE sign of ageing. Now that I’m living through it, I know that it’s all the ways that your face settles.
I don’t see any extraordinary shift in Kagan’s looks over the years, and I bet that when she looks in the mirror, she recognizes her own ageing but also sees a lot of the girl she used to be.
There was some talk on another blog some months ago about the way we prep ourselves to look in a mirror so that we can recognize ourselves, but that if we catch a glimpse of ourselves unawares, we often think “Who is that old person?” I think this happens with other people as well. My (very fit 40-something) younger sister has always looked like my younger sister to me, but looking back at old photos, the changes across her face as a tween, a teenager, a young adult and a middle-aged woman have been quite drastic.
And there are days when I look in the mirror and think, “That’s a hell of a lot better than I thought I’d look at this age”, and other days when I just want to drape all the mirrors in the house in crepe because there is no way in hell that I look 36 any more, let alone 16.
Not sarcastic, but honestly curious: how old are you, Mike?
@SiubhanDuinne: She won’t go down in flames unless she screws up her confirmation hearing. This kind of duck waddle from pundits and press is just part of the script. Unless something turns up we don’t know about, nor Obama, which seems unlikely since she has been vetted before. One of the benefits of a pick without a judicial paper trail. Though the side effect of that is crazy wanking on trivial irrelevant points from not having bones with meat on them.
Though there are rumors that the wingers plan to obstruct her confirmation out of some insane election strategy. So who knows, crazy times we live in. But the left will not bring her down, because they have nothing but butthurt concern that their choice wasn’t chosen. They need to run for president and win on that score.
demo woman
@SiubhanDuinne: John has a new post up about Firedoglakes’s latest rant. Myself, I’m waiting for the hearings to form an opinion.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Thanks for the dash of commonsense cold water in the face. I’m usually more optimistic, but I seem to be letting the Glenwaldhamsher Brigade get to me.
@demo woman: Thanks, will have a look. I suspect I’m going to swing crazily back and forth between confidence and despair any number of times over the next few weeks.
When are you and SIA and I going to meet up for coffee?? (And anyone else in the ‘hood too, of course, A Mom Anon and stuckinred and whoever.) (*Whom*ever.)
look, I like cougars (women in their 40s and 50s). Michelle Pfeiffer is in her mid 50s and looks great.
Liveblogging: now 4-2 Montreal. 6 minutes left to play.
fucen tarmal
the pens are officially screwed.
time for game 7
reminds me way too much of 93, and david volek can go castrate babies with tim tebow for all i care.
I’m glad I don’t have a car parked near the Bell Centre. I do not love the smell of burning rubber in the morning.
Anyway, it’s ain’t over till it’s over.
Comrade Mary
@Mike Kay: Nope. Not defensive, just riffing on the experience of age. I know I’m not Kagan, and I’m not trying to shame you. I just found your surprised reaction at the big difference in Kagan’s looks to be, well, surprising.
Michelle Pfeiffer is a gorgeous woman with great genetics, a lot of money, and in a position where maintaining her looks is an incredibly high priority (although I recognize that she’s working much less these days and has been pretty involved with her family, and bully for her!) She may or may not have had some expert and subtle plastic surgery, and I’m not saying that to be catty. Again, maintaining her looks is damn near a job requirement for her.
But she is not typical of most men or women. Not by a long shot. Even Obama, fitness fanatic that he is, is showing some sagging and folding in his face. Ageing happens to us all, and few of us will look like Pfeiffer at that age, not matter how much we attend to our health and looks.
Shorter me: Pfeiffer is extraordinary. Kagan is typical. That’s all.
@Comrade Mary: oh mary. I appreciate everything you said. I just like baiting people. the Michelle Pfeiffer reference was obvious bait. But i really do like old broads.
Notice that the team has a bilingual logo, a C with a little H inside.
fwiw, the H officially stands for Hockey, as in club de hockey Canadien — the Habs’ very modest official name.
I. Am. Dumb. Thanks John.
Chinn Romney
We’re pulling for the Penguins. They can’t lose until somebody – anybody – removes the remaining yellow chicklets from the mouth of the coward Matt Cooke.
I suspect that Crosby the patriot just can’t pull the trigger when facing the Canadiens.
We will ruthlessly exploit this weakness.
We Capitals fans thought for sure we had the Canayjuns’ number, too, all the way till the last minute of game seven, when we couldn’t even tie it up.
Of course, that no-goal call for goalie interference (though no penalty, so how much interference could there have been?) still rankles. But we should never have been a game five, six or seven, when you get down to it.
Go Habs! If the Caps couldn’t have it, the ones who beat us should get it.
thanks, now I now and still don’t care.
Chinn Romney
Evander Kane for President! You want number 5. Number 5. Number 5.
How ’bout some hambeans?
Such a backlash from the Frenchy soundin dinner yesterday I’m keepin it real Murikan today.
Joshua Norton
“Chuck” is usually posted on Hulu the next day. That’s when I plan to watch it.
DVR, baby.
Do you not have a DVR? I think without a DVR, my existance would lose all meaning. Sad, but still….
@jeffreyw: OMMMMMG, the biscuits ‘n’ gravy llooks wonderful! Is that a load of paprika on top?
My neighborhood just got our collective ass kicked by Mother Nature. My neighbor on the right side is going to have to figure out how to get the shed (that belongs to my neighbor on the left side) off of his roof.
Softball-sized hail, damage to my fence. My grill got blown over and took some damage. And while I’m not a racist gun-nut, I thought about pulling a “Confederate Fuckwit” and blegging for cash for a new grill, but perhaps I’ll just file with FEMA.
@SiubhanDuinne: No Ma’am, fresh ground black pepper.
@soonergrunt: Just took a look at the Nat doppler radar before I read yer comment, mentioned to Mrs J that OK has some angry red in it and it was headed our way.
Thanks for the reminder. Missed the first two goals.
The Canadians may go out, but they won’t go out boring.
@jeffreyw: Mmmm even better! I just finished my own supper (spinach and garlic pizza, since you asked) but I could definitely make room for biscuits, gravy, and peppah. Love the aroma of fresh-ground, love the taste, the texture, the appearance, even the sound of the blades clashing up against the peppercorns. What a nice spice that addresses every sense :-)
@soonergrunt: Our KC-based weatherpeeps just showed some ‘burbs of OKC getting drilled by a twister. Hang in there, buddy.
@SiubhanDuinne: We agree on that! The steak au poivre yesterday was awesome.
@jeffreyw: @Punchy:
We’re doing OK for the moment. I’m worried about my Dad’s place. There was a tornado spotted at an intersection about 300 yards southeast of his place. He’s in Missouri fishing right now. I’m going out to check out his place probably tomorrow because there’s about three lines of storms headed our way still.
South of I-10
@soonergrunt: Stay safe! I lived in Norman for a couple of years. I do not miss the tornado siren.
@South of I-10: Norman had an F2 on Lindsey Street just east of the OU campus. Some of the buildings on South Campus (where they’ve been building extensively the last few years) have been damaged.
National Weather Center and College of Engineering buildings on South Campus have lots of windows out, damage to the facias of both structures. Old WWII building that I had my first IT job in (by the golf course) appears destroyed.
Mike Kay
check out this photo of Elena Kagan.
she was actually cute, once upon a time.
Time can be so cruel.
Awesome, according to a new poll the oil spill in the Gulf is just as likely to make a Republican believe we need to do more Gulf drilling as it is to make them think we should do less.
@Mike Kay:
Check out this information I found on Mike Kay. He apparently had potential to be a useful person back in the day. I wonder whatever happened to him, that he would think attacking a woman’s looks was anythin more than a sign of moral or intellectual failure by the attacker.
Stupidity can be so cruel.
@Everyone in Tornado Alley: Wow, stay safe (families and friends, too). I went through a horrible tornado north of Atlanta in April 1998. Spent the night in the bathtub (candles blazing on the counters, cat hunkering down with me in the only room in the apartment with no windows). In the event, the tornado touched down maybe 500 feet from where I lived. Didn’t touch me but took out thousands of roofs and hundreds of thousands of trees in the neighbourhood. Very whimsical and arbitrary. A short distance either way and I might have been living in an open-fronted doll’s house. And by god, it *DOES* sound just like a freight train approaching.
Hope everyone is safe and property intact. Tornados are scary mofos.
Keith G
Being a PBS nerd, its Foyle’s War tonight.
In the other game, Boucher’s got something wrong with his knee.
what the fuck is a “hab”?
Hahaha, not being uninitiatied is fun.
@soonergrunt: Well done.
On an unrelated topic (and forgive me if you’ve posted about this, I’ve been on vacation and haven’t kept up very well), what’s happening with you on the job front? Any chance we’ll be able to welcome you to Georgia?
South of I-10
@soonergrunt: I just looked at the OK radar, and damn those are some scary looking storms! I hope the worst of it has gone by you already. Do you have a storm cellar? I remember seeing them all over the place there.
mai naem
@Mike Kay: You duhmayss, you wouldn’t have had Lincoln/TR/FDR/LBJ/Eleanor Roosevelt and probably half of the decent USC Justices if you based everything on looks.
Also too, following up on a previous thread, it appears Neal Katyal will not get the USSG position after all. Guess, he’s too much of a civil libertarian for Obama. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/05/the-next-solicitor-general/56459/
Captain Goto
From “les Habitants”–i.e. “the locals.”
Mike Kay
@soonergrunt: oh please, I think is bad when anyone hurt themselves by plastering tattoos on their torso, implanting ridiculous boobs, or eating too much. but, lets be politically correct and pretend otherwise. eat up, boys and girls.
greetings from the land of no hulu.
les canadiens are in trouble. The Pits should leave our poor Halak alone.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I say we let the netroots form a Central Committee and let them run the country. Obama obviously ain’t doin’ it right.
Maybe make Greenwald and Hamsher co-Premiers, or some such shit.
Mike Kay
@mai naem: FDR was handsome and TR was rather dashing. Lincoln on the other hand looked like a werewolf (bow wow). but I don’t base any decision on looks, after I all, I didn’t support pretty-boy johnny edwards.
The Habs have tied it at two. Quite a game.
Notice that the team has a bilingual logo, a C with a little H inside.
Scratch that – now 3-2 for the Canadians.
@SiubhanDuinne: No job in Georgia, I’m afraid. It seems that with my old company (I have completely severed ties) that the gaining project manager would’ve had to pay my relocation costs out of his/her operating budget, so nobody would transfer me.
I don’t understand the corporate mind at times.
I interviewed with University of Oklahoma and thought I did really well, but I just got the email about two hours ago that they hired somebody else. I interviewed with a Natural Gas company, and thought I did really well in the phone screen and the subsequent interview, but I haven’t heard back, and they should’ve called by now if they were going to offer a job.
I’ve got a couple of positions at Fort Sill that I will be scheduling interviews for in the comming week. They’re full time permanent GS positions and should have very good pay. The only trouble will be the 90-minute daily commute.
I’m going out to my dad’s place to see if it’s still there. I’ll be back later.
fucen tarmal
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
you have to admit, watching a netroots regime set up its department of media dissemination would be almost worth it, especially if it was liveblogged til they decided that transparency wasn’t all they thought it would be.
@soonergrunt: Too bad, you would have been an asset to us Peaches. Job-hunting, especially in this market, just sukz. Hang in there, baby, as we used to say back in the ’70s. And I truly hope your dad and his place are unscathed. Do let us know later, either way.
Oh FUH. Glenn Greenwald is going to be on Rachel to discuss “the case against Elena Kagan.”
She’s going to go down in flames, and the left will have put match to kindling. I despair sometimes, I really do.
Sharks beat Red Wings 4-1.
So far my prognostication has been correct.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Crosby Sucks.
Fucking Pengooins will close it out tonight. I have a feeling I’ll be a big Sharks fan by the finals.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage: Ooh, pain agony. Crosby, champion of Olympics, can’t suck. Habs must win. Brain hurts.
Comrade Mary
@Mike Kay: Dude, most 50 year old people without great genetics and/or incredible motivation to preserve their youth by any means necessary are going to look pretty different from their 17 year old selves. Even if you stay the same weight, gravity is going to droop your eyelids, put grooves around your mouth, and totally ruin the line of your chin into your neck. I used to think wrinkles were THE sign of ageing. Now that I’m living through it, I know that it’s all the ways that your face settles.
I don’t see any extraordinary shift in Kagan’s looks over the years, and I bet that when she looks in the mirror, she recognizes her own ageing but also sees a lot of the girl she used to be.
There was some talk on another blog some months ago about the way we prep ourselves to look in a mirror so that we can recognize ourselves, but that if we catch a glimpse of ourselves unawares, we often think “Who is that old person?” I think this happens with other people as well. My (very fit 40-something) younger sister has always looked like my younger sister to me, but looking back at old photos, the changes across her face as a tween, a teenager, a young adult and a middle-aged woman have been quite drastic.
And there are days when I look in the mirror and think, “That’s a hell of a lot better than I thought I’d look at this age”, and other days when I just want to drape all the mirrors in the house in crepe because there is no way in hell that I look 36 any more, let alone 16.
Not sarcastic, but honestly curious: how old are you, Mike?
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@SiubhanDuinne: She won’t go down in flames unless she screws up her confirmation hearing. This kind of duck waddle from pundits and press is just part of the script. Unless something turns up we don’t know about, nor Obama, which seems unlikely since she has been vetted before. One of the benefits of a pick without a judicial paper trail. Though the side effect of that is crazy wanking on trivial irrelevant points from not having bones with meat on them.
Though there are rumors that the wingers plan to obstruct her confirmation out of some insane election strategy. So who knows, crazy times we live in. But the left will not bring her down, because they have nothing but butthurt concern that their choice wasn’t chosen. They need to run for president and win on that score.
demo woman
@SiubhanDuinne: John has a new post up about Firedoglakes’s latest rant. Myself, I’m waiting for the hearings to form an opinion.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Thanks for the dash of commonsense cold water in the face. I’m usually more optimistic, but I seem to be letting the Glenwaldhamsher Brigade get to me.
@demo woman: Thanks, will have a look. I suspect I’m going to swing crazily back and forth between confidence and despair any number of times over the next few weeks.
When are you and SIA and I going to meet up for coffee?? (And anyone else in the ‘hood too, of course, A Mom Anon and stuckinred and whoever.) (*Whom*ever.)
habs look good
Mike Kay
@Comrade Mary: you’re being way too defensive.
look, I like cougars (women in their 40s and 50s). Michelle Pfeiffer is in her mid 50s and looks great.
Liveblogging: now 4-2 Montreal. 6 minutes left to play.
fucen tarmal
the pens are officially screwed.
time for game 7
reminds me way too much of 93, and david volek can go castrate babies with tim tebow for all i care.
I’m glad I don’t have a car parked near the Bell Centre. I do not love the smell of burning rubber in the morning.
Anyway, it’s ain’t over till it’s over.
Comrade Mary
@Mike Kay: Nope. Not defensive, just riffing on the experience of age. I know I’m not Kagan, and I’m not trying to shame you. I just found your surprised reaction at the big difference in Kagan’s looks to be, well, surprising.
Michelle Pfeiffer is a gorgeous woman with great genetics, a lot of money, and in a position where maintaining her looks is an incredibly high priority (although I recognize that she’s working much less these days and has been pretty involved with her family, and bully for her!) She may or may not have had some expert and subtle plastic surgery, and I’m not saying that to be catty. Again, maintaining her looks is damn near a job requirement for her.
But she is not typical of most men or women. Not by a long shot. Even Obama, fitness fanatic that he is, is showing some sagging and folding in his face. Ageing happens to us all, and few of us will look like Pfeiffer at that age, not matter how much we attend to our health and looks.
Shorter me: Pfeiffer is extraordinary. Kagan is typical. That’s all.
Crap. 4-3 Montreal, one minute left
@Comrade Mary: I don’t think you have his full attention, there’s a you-know-who thread going on.
Phew. Final score 4-3 for Montreal.
Crosby is out of control — undisciplined, taking weird swings at people. I’ve never seen him play like that.
On to game 7.
Comrade Mary
@AhabTRuler: Ahh. Thanks for the heads-up.
(Me? Stubborn? :-)
Mike Kay
@Comrade Mary: oh mary. I appreciate everything you said. I just like baiting people. the Michelle Pfeiffer reference was obvious bait. But i really do like old broads.
Loon juice
Pens in 7, been a great series, Montreal is tough as Hell but I believe, I believe, I BELIEVE in the Pens, they’ll win when they have to.
Or not, but what fun it is to watch a series like this.
Can Sarah Palin see Habs from her back porch? Just wondering…….
You Don't Say
@SiubhanDuinne: Did you see Lessig take him down? It was awesome.
seriously…? you should really invest in a DVR. It will change your life.
@You Don’t Say: No, alas, I fell asleep :-)
Will try to pull it up tomorrow when I’m feeling a little fresher. Thanks for letting me know. Sorry I missed Lessig, I like him.
John S
fwiw, the H officially stands for Hockey, as in club de hockey Canadien — the Habs’ very modest official name.
I. Am. Dumb. Thanks John.
Chinn Romney
We’re pulling for the Penguins. They can’t lose until somebody – anybody – removes the remaining yellow chicklets from the mouth of the coward Matt Cooke.
I suspect that Crosby the patriot just can’t pull the trigger when facing the Canadiens.
We will ruthlessly exploit this weakness.
Ed Drone
@Loon juice:
We Capitals fans thought for sure we had the Canayjuns’ number, too, all the way till the last minute of game seven, when we couldn’t even tie it up.
Of course, that no-goal call for goalie interference (though no penalty, so how much interference could there have been?) still rankles. But we should never have been a game five, six or seven, when you get down to it.
Go Habs! If the Caps couldn’t have it, the ones who beat us should get it.
thanks, now I now and still don’t care.
Chinn Romney
Evander Kane for President! You want number 5. Number 5. Number 5.
So do the Habs have anyone who can clean up, or will the Bruins have to do the lightwork themselves?