Dave Weigel is shrill:
Palin informs her readers that McGinniss is “overlooking my children’s play area” and “overlooking Piper’s bedroom.” Alternately sounding angry and mocking, she refers to “the family’s swimming hole,” which at first reference sounds like she’s accusing McGinniss of checking out the Palins in their bathing suits, until you realize the family’s “swimming hole” is Lake Lucille. And she posts a photo of the space McGinniss is renting, captioning it, “Can I call you Joe?”
Can somebody explain to me how this isn’t a despicable thing for Palin to do? She describes McGinniss as the author of “the bizarre anti-Palin administration oil development pieces that resulted in my Department of Natural Resources announcing that his work is the most twisted energy-related yellow journalism they’d ever encountered.”
[…..]This is really the ultimate example of the way Palin manipulates the press and inverts the relationship between reporters and politicians, turning the former into “stalkers,” and the latter — as long as they’re Republicans or members of her family — into saints whom no one can criticize. No one in the media should reward Palin for this irresponsible and pathetic bullying.
But they will reward her for this. No honor among thieves or journamalists.
She also talks about mowing the lawn with Trig along in a backpack. Parenting FAIL of epic proportions.
I hope the new neighbor has pictures of that…
Leave Trig alooooooooone!
Those kids are props whether that’s her intention or not. Does Piper ever go to school?!
Weigel tweets:
Did some Palin blog link to me? Getting some rad hate mail.
The publication that reported in detail on the starbursts one of their editors felt in his pants when Palin winked at her teleprompter is accusing THE LEFT of “creepiness” in their coverage of la Palin?
What. The. Fuck?
@bago: I love it when the hate mail you receive is regarded as a badge of honor. Not that he has much to worry about from the basement Cheeto brigade anyway.
@bago: NRO = Palin Blog.
Tonya Harding came on the scene too early. What was considered shockingly white trash and vulgar in 1994, is now considered presidential material by some.
@bago: Oh, Christ. Palin’s hordes have been released. Fly, monkeys, fly!
attention seeking perma-victim seeks attention.
see you on Dancing With The Stars, 2015, Moosey !
mai naem
Seriously who the f#$k cares about Sarah effing Palin and her grifter garbaage. Enuf already. She is stoopid to an extreme, she has a serious chip on her shoulder, she ain’t even aging well and to top everything off she’s a grifter. She has absolutely zero interest in policy. It hurts my head to listen to this maroon. I frankly couldn’t care less if she jumped into the Grand Canyon and committed suicide and left her kiddies mommy-less.
OK, DougJ. I’m just gonna say it. The way you excerpt sometimes makes me crazy. I have no idea what I’m reading half the time. Context can be your friend.
Mike Kay
She sounds like Elly May Clampett talkin ’bout the “cement pool”
Less is more.
@Mike Kay:
“Cement pond,” I believe.
And yes, sometimes the press are stalkers. But certain types of people seem to enjoy that kind of thing. Creeps me out.
Bella Q
It seems Weigel and Frum are the only sane ones left on the right. At least Weigel notes, unlike the National Review, that “the family swimming pool” [sic] is Lake Lucille. Weigel also notes:
Politicians don’t have veto power over who gets to write about them, or how they research their stories, as long as they’re within the bounds of the law. It’s incredibly irresponsible for them to sic their fans on journalists they don’t like.
I see a serious shunning in his future.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I read the post, she was very much trying to imply that this guy is a perv trying to peek in the little girl’s window, a twist on the ploy she played on Letterman a year ago.
Maybe the funniest thing is she describes her trip as “an endorsement and speaking tour. No mention of the very glam NYC party she dragged little Piper to, no mention of the paid speech in Vages. She also gives a very weird description of herself getting dressed to do yard work: “On with the shorts and the tank top”. But as ignorant and lazy as Palin is, she knows one thing, how to play to her howler monkeys.
gocart mozart
@Mike Kay:
The “swimming hole” or “ceement pond” [major bev hillbilly fail mike kay] is actually a lake.
Mike Kay
@beltane: but in all honesty, palin is much more photogenic Harding, and therefore the greater appeal. I mean, if palin was 60 lbs overweight would anyone line up to buy her chicken scratchings.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Oh christ, why did I read the comments on her post
so… apparently this guy is an Obama agent who deserves to be tortured for standing on his deck when Her Ladyship was mowing the lawn in a tank top. And this situation requires divine intervention.
Sometimes. Other times, less is confusing as hell.
If you wanna force people to click over and test the limits of your “less is more” theory at the same time, then just put a few words in a link and call it a day. For this one, you could have gone with “saints and stalkers” and then sat back and awaited your results. We are semi-willing participants in your empirical quest for knowledge, after all.
gocart mozart
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I detect a pattern: Criticize Palin and she will imply you are a child molester. Stay classy Sarah.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
at the NRO, corporate self-awareness is not a job requirement
One word for you, Danny Boy: Starbursts!
Mike Kay
@gocart mozart: win. ceement pond. I knew cement pool made too much sense, but I haven’t seen the show in 35 years.
anyhoo. this is what palin is gonna look like in the future.
Why shouldn’t she do this? Not like there’s any consequences for lying or impugning someone’s motives (unless the accuser happens to be a Liberal, then they’re the worst monster ever).
So, is the description of what she was wearing supposed to make McGinniss seem more pervy for looking or to tantalize her readers and give them ideas for their starburst fantasies? Maybe she should rethink her warddrobe so her new neighbor won’t write in his book about how her ass looks fat in those shorts when she’s gardening next door.
ITA with the poster above who said the “lawn-mowing adventure” is a big parenting fail, especially since children with Down’s usually have an increase in respiratory problems. So, unless she was using one of those old-fashioned manual mowers, she’s putting that poor kid at risk.
My props to her editor, though. I wonder how much muck that person had to wade through before finally coming up with a coherent story they could post on her Facebook page.
Mike Kay
@gocart mozart: that’s what she did to David Letterman.
Letterman joked that womanizer Alex Rodriquez knocked up what’s her name, when palin attended a yankee game, only he didn’t specifically use the daughter’s name, and palin tried to twist it into saying Letterman was talking about her underage daughters.
From the Politico post, McGinniss’ son reports back:
“Sadly, she’s right. We tried our best to intervene, but alas, the heart wants what it wants. We can only pray for him now. He’s convinced that Todd will step aside and when the time is right, he’ll be there, right next door, to pick up the pieces.”
This is how McGinniss writes his books, for better or worse. He ‘stalked’, or crashed at, or hung around for long periods of time, with a lot of Alaskans for Going to Extremes.
Then there is the book on the McDonald murder case.
For further context, though I guess BJ political mavens would know already, Lake Lucille is right next to what passes for downtown Wasilla, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are fifty homes around the shore of the lake.
Did the guy seriously rent the house next door to her because he’s writing a book about her? If that’s the case, I guess he has the right to do it, but there are greater injustices in the world than the fact she’s invading his privacy in return.
gocart mozart
@Bella Q:
Let the shunning begin. From the comments:
From the comments on her Facebook page:
gocart mozart
Query: What is the Spartacist League?
Comrade Mary
Oh, man. Read the comments to Wiegel’s piece. Note some mouth breather claiming that:
Now go read the last paragraph of Smith’s post. Really. Read it. And despair.
EDIT: @jl: Oh. Pity. One more poor soul who couldn’t recognize sarcasm if it bit them on the ass. Or maybe you’re being meta-sarcastic. It’s late and I’m tired.
Mike Kay
For a bunch of Jesus-freaks, they sure are hateful.
@gocart mozart: I have a theory about women who repeatedly accuse others of child abuse. And that is all I will say about that.
Comrade Luke
This is hilarious.
Facebook’s Dilemma: When Privacy Hits The Fan
Yea, that solves everything.
How about “Heh Indeed.”
But does she cross her legs “like most women”?
gocart mozart
@gocart mozart:
I must not have gotten the memo from Soros.
mai naem
I was unfortunate enough today to be driving behind a car with 3 McCain/Palin stickers, 1 W04 sticker, I I vote prolife sticker and one Remember Terri sticker. I overtook the car just to see what kind of maroon would be willing display their stupidity and it was a guy probably in his late twenties/early thirties.
Apparently snark meters needs some adjusting all over this fine land. If anyone out there thinks his son was serious I have some nice oceanfront views to sell you in Phoenix.
@Comrade Mary: Um, meta-sarcastic. It was obviously a joke from the McGinniss kid. I thought my comment on the context of Lake Lucille made that clear. I forget what fast food place I used to eat at across the highway. It is almost the middle of town, surrounded by houses and businesses. Palin needs to be a might more specific before anyone takes her seriously.
Comrade Mary
I’m Spasticus, I’m Spasticus, I’m Spasticus Artisticus!
EDIT: Sorry, jl. I’m a little fast on the trigger tonight.
Church Lady
Does no one here find it slightly creepy that this guy has rented the house next door to her for the next five or so months, while he writes a book about her? I think that is somewhat strange.
@Church Lady: When you’ve written something ¼ as good as Selling of the President you can comment on what’s strange for writing a book.
@Church Lady: No, not at all. The paparazzi is worse to Brangelina (or whatever the fuck those two are now). Palin was nearly the second most powerful person on the planet, and she didn’t even allow a press conference.
If Palin wants to use her fame to milk the rubes, she needs to deal with the privacy implications like a grown-up instead of incessantly whining on facebook like a 16 year old girl.
@Church Lady:
Not really.
I’m sure Wasilla is not just drowning in nice rentals, and hey, it is on a lake.
He normally goes and lives within the community he is writing about.
BTW, On her facebook page Ma Palin has a picture of her new neighbor out on his deck just minding his business.
I’m wondering just who is stalking who?
And, as usual, TBogg has got this:
Anne Laurie
@Church Lady:
No, I’m just imagining the lulz as Sarah Flailin’ throws multiple hissy-fits about her enemies being permitted to drive the (taxpayer-funded) roads and breathe the air of (heavily-subsidized-by-the-Lower-48) Real American Wasilla(tm). Remember, not everybody has access to the NSA databases when they need to know any random citizen’s every action, message, and underwear preferences.
So the un-barricaded proximity of the neighbor’s house has only just now become a problem for the Palins? Whose house was built first, and why didn’t someone object? Never mind. You snooze, you lose. I think I read that there’s no planning commission in the neighborhood, which is why the Palins’ current construction of a huge-ass addition or adjoining building/house/office/whatever didn’t have to pass any review process. Looking at that photo (and assuming it’s an accurate representation), I have to say that’s too close for any neighbor. The Palins should’ve used some of that advance money to buy the next-door house.
With that message to Ben Smith, I think Joe McGinniss Jr. is doing his very best to infuriate Palin’s crazy fans even more.
Interestingly, in order for Palin to claim that McGinnis is a smear artist, she will have to defend Ted Kennedy. Because McGinnis wrote the book about Teddy and the Kennedy’s (The Last Brother) that conservatives absolutely love, with snide anecdotes about Teddy’s weight, wild speculation about how evil Joe was and best of all, although the book was published in 1993, he ends the biography at Chappaquidick. Like nothing of any true importance or relevance happened in Ted Kennedy’s life between that day in 1969 and 1993. If conservatives actually had any qualms about being hypocrites, this could actually be a dilemma for them: invalidate the basis for their hatred of Ted Kennedy or protect Palin. What they are going to do was already ordained, but still, it will be interesting to see if anyone writes a column about this besides Richard Cohen, who will do so to defend Palin, but who probably wrote a column condemning Ted Kennedy when the book came out.
1993? That’s a lifetime! Conservatives love them some memory hole.* This is not a problem for them.
* –except to remind people that Robert Byrd was in the Klan
Whoops now you’ve done it Weigel. Sarah’s great unwashed hordes are gonna put the beat down on you. After all, in their comments they speak about what’s going to be unleashed on McGinniss because he dared to move next door – which I admit is a teeny bit creepy. But they posted his Massachusetts address so hopefully these Sarah groupies don’t do anything like I’ve seen happen to anyone the Tea Party hates like Congresspeople and Senators who voted for the health care bill.
@Anne Laurie:
No, I’m just imagining the lulz as Sarah Flailin’ throws multiple hissy-fits about her enemies being permitted to
drive the (taxpayer-funded) roads andbreathe.Fixed.
@Church Lady: I think it’s bad optics, to say the least.
@Church Lady:
It’s super creepy. Enough to make a sane person paranoid as all get-out, and Palin’s nowhere near sane.
@Mike Kay:
Thanks for that picture. Another pleasant memory dies a horrible death.
Do you have anything with Tina Louise on a walker?
Comrade Luke
Thanks to this post, I’m watching Frontline.
Is anyone watching this? I don’t know how we haven’t had more airline accidents.
@jl: Actually I would double that and then add in a Best Western. This is a pretty big lake. I wonder if Palin thinks everyone who stays at the Best Western is also a perv.
Do we really care about who’s now living next door to Bible Spice? Or should I just say fuck it all and hold up my foam finger?
@Steeplejack: We all get old, honey. Even you.
Ellie Mae is older than my daddy. I think she looks pretty good.
@tammanycall: Uh, actually no. A “normal person” like myself is not a public figure. A “normal person” like myself does not fly around the country collecting checks like they are on a grifter easter egg hunt. She is a celebrity entertainer, plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less. This is the life of a celebrity. If she don’t like it, she should have went back to Wasilla after the election and disappeared like Tom Foley, instead of continuing to try and get on my teevee.
I just have to ask, if after 300 tv channels, endless internet, instant porn at your fingertips, are we this bored as a nation that this woman can preoccupy so much of peoples time?
Oh, I know I’m old. It’s just nice to preserve some things “in green memory.”
@Steeplejack: We all have precious memories we can
fap tokeep in our minds to remember the good times.jl
thanks for that map. What did you click to get all those business labels? Wendy’s, north of the lake, that’s good eating there, and you can stock on on staples right next door at the Chevron food mart.
The Republicans are now officially bankrupt of ideas. How bankrupt? This bankrupt:
If you have to solicit on a national news website for ideas (note the caveat that tax cuts must be in there somewhere) then you’re as much as admitting you got nothin’.
Mark S.
I’m no fan of Sarah’s, but I don’t blame her for being annoyed by this. I would be.
I would be annoyed, too. However, I would also think, “Well, I’ve done a bazillion TV appearances, lied so many times, I’ve forgotten anything true other than my name, and whored out my children to further ME. Hm. Maybe I need to scale it back a bit.”
@Yutsano: And, they are making us pay for their new ideas. Steve Benen is all over it. How you feeling?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mark S.: “annoyed”, okay, but would you go to great lengths to make the guy sound like a pervert with pedophile leanings?
ETA: As I and others have pointed out, this is the same angle she used to go after Letterman
Mark S.
Oh, while you’re sipping your latte the GOP is showing how interactive democracy works.
Just wait til Anonymous spams the site with porn.
@asiangrrlMN: Sore and drugged up, so pretty much par for the course after the body goes through a trauma. Pretty sure I’m not going to work tomorrow as I’ve gone from running okay to very dizzy and back again in a relatively short period of time. That and I really don’t have the temperament to deal with people the way I’m feeling right now. I elaborate a bit more in my e-mail.
@Mark S.: Toffee nut mocha plz. And if you think that site will have light moderation I got a bridge in NYC you might like to purchase.
@asiangrrlMN: It’s also only been a day. I may not have accounted for the recovery time properly, although I do have a contingency plan for that for work if necessary. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a few days.
@Yutsano: I will check. I am concerned about you, despite you saying this is the norm for such a procedure.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No. That’s allllll Sarah.
fucen tarmal
meh, old news, i dropped this one like it was hot almost 24 hours ago in an open thread…dave weigel, please try to catch up.
@fucen tarmal: You are on the cutting edge of news! Maybe you should be a pol blogger.
fucen tarmal
as soon as i get my price for my soul on etsy!
@fucen tarmal: OK, that fucking cracked me up. How much is your soul worth? I keep musing on becoming a token for the rightwingbatshitcrazies and making a gazillion dollars and then donating the money to Amnesty International, the Peace Corps, and any other organization that would explode their heads.
@Mark S.: Fucking on each other? Newsletter, subscribe?
Mark S.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Fair enough. That was overboard.
I don’t think the Palins are the Ozzie and Harriet family they would like you to believe. I think the reason Sarah didn’t really go after Levi was because he knew all sorts of shit about them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the rumors that both Sarah and Todd are fucking on each other are true.
@Mark S.: Levi has left teasers all over the place about how amazingly fucked up the Palin family really is. I’m pretty sure he’s holding a ton of cards close to his chest just itching for Sarah to say something stupid or get in his way and he’ll drop another bombshell. How credible he is will depend on how much extant evidence there is for his claims. Let me just say I don’t think it’s anywhere near an accident that Track got shipped off to Iraq, what better way to keep him out of the spotlight and to keep from embarrassing Mommie Dearest?
@Mark S.: Please. She has two gay fake husbands. Her palace shall be very tastefully decorated without erring into the ostentatious. Possibly a room decorated to match a particular continent’s flair, with special allowances for the diversity of each continent’s cultures.
Mark S.
That would be awesome, as long as I didn’t read $4,000 bottles of wine, fragrant candles, and life sized portraits of Tunch adorning your mansion.
@Mark S.: No, no, and YEEEES! I’m allergic to wine and all scents. I would, however, mop nekkid, a la John Cole. I would buy books, donate most of the money, travel around the world, and spoil my kitties rotten. The only thing, and here is where that damned empathy shows up, I would be cognizant of all the hatred I’d be fomenting (pointing out how inscrutable and tortuous Asiatic minds are would be my specialty), and it would kill me if someone took action because of something I said.
@Yutsano: Oh, the Track story is old hat. But yeah, Levi can get up in Palin’s face should she choose to go aggressively after him.
Joseph Nobles
McGinniss has actually created a few jobs by moving where he did – Palin’s going to start building a fence between the properties. Sounds like win-win to me.
Mark S.
The thing Levi said that I couldn’t believe didn’t get more traction was that she hardly ever goes to church. I couldn’t care less personally, but her legions of idiot followers seem to think otherwise.
@Mark S.: I’m not surprised at that. All Sarah has to do to get someone who says anything against her to be called a liar is show a little cleavage and make a word salad speech that may or may not relate to the subject, then take a swipe at Obama or the Democrats. Works like a charm for her because, well, STARBURSTS!!
Oh dear. Some dumbshit snowbilly somewhere doesn’t like her neighbor? I’d better start caring about this right away.
Midnight Marauder
@Mark S.:
Personally, I think this is one of many daggers staffers from the McCain campaign (and other Republican
sith lordsoperatives) have been sharpening in anticipation of a potential Sarahgeddon 2012 presidential run.One of many.
Mark S.
I was wondering what the ad for “Stop The Medicare Now!” was about. I was like, that’s even more hardcore libertarian than Rand Paul! Unfortunately, they don’t really wanna stop Medicare.
ETA: Oh, now they are all over the place because I left that comment, and they make a little more sense.
Mark S.
@Midnight Marauder:
You betcha!
fucen tarmal
see there is the problem, every time i think my humble little bedazzled creation is just like millions of other handi-craft at home projects, i get an idea that i could sell it somewhere else for top dollar…
just this week i have been called “a self-hating wasp,closeted homosexual…et al” by people i have known for years online, and met a couple of times, for daring to oppose the skin-check law, and ban on ethnic studies in arizona, for talking about dadt, and a whole host of other positions that make me, apparently a traitor to being a white guy…just one episode of a long running serial.
now keep in mind this doesn’t make them bigots or anything, because they could never be that, they just don’t understand why a white guy doesn’t view the world as the series of threats to their white-guyness that they do.
i figure, with that in mind, a confessional of all my self-loathing and hatred of everyone i am supposed to stand in solidarity with, and my continued betrayal of myself, ought to be worth something.
Mike Kay
@Midnight Marauder:
The thing is she uses Trig as a human shield
I wonder how many times she’s dropped trig, she holds him like a loaf of bread
@Mike Kay: She definitely doesn’t hold Trig like you would a normal baby or a Down’s baby that’s for sure. Down’s children tend to have trouble holding their necks up as babies so you have to be very careful with them I bet when he gets older he gets shipped off to an institution quietly while Momma continues to rake in the dough. Hell Levi says she barely cares for the kids as it is, and that story I buy totally.
@asiangrrlMN: I’m starting the bidding at 500 quatloos. You’re gonna have to do better than that dear heart.
@fucen tarmal: OK. I want to know where there are more like you? If that’s being a traitor to your race/gender/sexual orientation….Sigh. The world is a sad place. I think your soul is worth more than a few Ameros.
@Yutsano: His big sisters care more about him than his mama does.
@Yutsano: For your soul or for fucen tarmal’s? And how much does that translate into Ameros? #moves the beads of her abacus furiously and stares in disbelief#. OK. I think that’s a tad high. I offer 75 Ameros. Counter bid?
By the way, fucen tarmal, is that your name? I really like it, regardless.
Mark S.
Man, my abacus is in the shop. I’ve been forced to dust off the ol’ slide rule (which wikipedia informs me is also known as a slipstick, which sounds dirty in a completely geeky way).
@asiangrrlMN: You’ll have to forgive me, it could be the drugs, but my brain started to wander on thoughts of my ex the Canadian hockey player. I just all of a sudden started missing him. I really wish I knew how to get in touch with him, hell it’s almost enough to start a Facebook account just to see if I can somehow find him. Sigh. I’m being pathetic tonight I guess.
@Mark S.: Heh. I should pull out that line on my engineering father some time. He shocked me yesterday too, he actually APPROVES of the IRS job. I must be slipping in my old age. Or this is a sign I’m meant to go down this path.
@Mark S.: It sounds dirty in an entirely non-geeky way, too! So, what is your slide rule telling you? How many Ameros would you pay for someone’s soul?
Oh, and a friend posted this song to his blog. I’m really digging it. It’s a post about power pop and his fondness for it (he’s a music geek).
@Yutsano: You can still look him up through FB even if you don’t have an account. Or Google. Or email me his name, and I will find him. I am good at that. The song I posted would work for you, too, then.
@asiangrrlMN: It’s the chick bass player. It’s all right, I wholeheartedly approve. I find girls who play guitar and bass (but especially drums) very sexy.
@Yutsano: Oh god. I didn’t even watch the video (I tend to listen to the music while I surf). She is H-A-W-T! She could help me kick the habit.
@asiangrrlMN: It’s always the little details I tend to notice. But I saw her and she just screamed your type to me. It’s always so nifty to find new crushes for you.
@Yutsano: Sh sh sh. She’s playing! Do not distract me. Wait. What’s “my” type?
I just looked them up on Wiki. They’re BRITISH! Double yum.
Mike Kay
Does it matter? Her mother doesn’t know what countries comprising north america and she almost became president (with all the problems this country has faced these past 16 months, mccain would have croaked by now).
@asiangrrlMN: I think your type is the same as mine: not totally set in stone, but you know it when you see it. I have particular body styles I go for sure, but again nothing is fixed or necessarily a deal breaker on its own.
I figured out they were British from the first vowel out of his mouth, but then again I have a British boss and we also have British clients, so I hear the accent more often than most Americans. I guess I’m more attuned to it.
Mark S.
I do too.
I’m playing this video game called Saint’s Row 2, which is pretty much a GTA knockoff but pretty damn fun. I finally figured out the song on one of the radio stations that I like. Trying to figure it out from this page was fucking maddening.
@Mark S.: Most folks would find such a comment odd coming from a non-heterosexual. As I gave up giving a flying fuck about what people think of me a long damn time ago, I stand by my statement. Doesn’t mean I wanna shag her.
fucen tarmal
no, fucen tarmal isn’t my name. its something of an inside joke, which i thought sounded like a cool nom de internet, though that wasn’t the original context.
Hmmm…I sent wifey on a mission and I think she devoted herself to that task with gusto. Either that or she went to go indulge herself.
@Yutsano: Heh. I just want to say that I don’t have a type. Or rather, I have many. And, since I am a bit of a bastard, shagging a’plenty! I can’t find the relevant Eddie Izzard clip, so here’s another one. Very funny.
Mike Kay
Obama PNWS Firebagger at Boxer rally
@Mike Kay: I really like how he handles himself with humor and grace. He knows how to keep his head.
Mike Kay
Here’s a report from the event
@Mike Kay: That’s pretty damn cool. Good to hear nice shit about the prez once in a while.
That is so going on my facebook wall.
clearly bad news for the democrats – via wapo:
GOP dealt a blow in Idaho primary
Aaron Blake | The Fix2:55 a.m. ET
Top national GOP recruit Vaughn Ward lost his primary in Idaho on Tuesday after a series of missteps by his campaign, throwing the Republicans’ chances in doubt against top-targeted Rep. Walt Minnick (D).
So of course NPR a few minutes ago run the Palin Facebook posting. I e-mailed them a link to David W.
gocart mozart
I kinda thought that Vaughn’ Obama speach would have put him over the top.
Peter J
No. That’s so that she later can do speaking tours about the importance of education. Like Bristol, who does abstinence speeches.
Dog is My Copilot
And this woman was next in line to be President if John McCain had been elected. The thought of that sends chills down my spine.
The irony of all this is that anti-socialism free-market Sarah would be the first to bitch and moan about any attempt for anyone other than a property owner to place limitations on how privately-owned property is used. You know, privately-owned property like the house next door to the one she lives in. If she wants to control what goes on next door, she needs to buy the property; otherwise, it’s none of her effing business how the owner chooses to use the property unless there is some violation of law going on. I’m pretty sure that “renting” isn’t illegal, though.
Funny how she wasn’t concerned at all about the visibility of her young daughter’s bedroom from the home next door until it afforded her the opportunity to make a transparently veiled accusation of pedophilia against one of her political foes.
The other thing I noticed: in her complaint, there’s no indication that McGinnis has even spoken to anyone in the family or waved or even acknowledged that they are right next door in close proximity. Just the fact that he is there is enough for her to go full-metal Saracuda on him and hint around that he’s a pedophile simply because her daughter’s bedroom is on the side of the house next to the one he’s renting. Hint, Sarah: if you really are concerned about your daughter’s privacy and seriously concerned that a pedophile is peeping in on her, you’d move her to another room. Obviously, it’s not a real concern – just an opportunity for another cheap shot.
What a truly horrible person. I hope McGinnis takes her apart with hammer and tongs.
I’m trying to understand the conservative view of private property rights. Apparently:
(a) When the owner of Woolworth exercises his/her property rights by segregating the lunch counter, that’s OK. But
(b) When the owner of the house next to Sarah Palin exercises his/her property rights by renting that house to Joe McGinnis, who exercises his property rights by renting it, that’s not OK. Especially if he sits on the porch overlooking the Palin’s house.
Is a puzzlement.
Because shut up, that’s why.
So, WTF is up with my comment still being “in moderation”?
Also too, you have to wonder about the neighbor who cheerfully agreed to rent the house to McGinnis. There could be some neighborly payback going on here. Maybe it will be in the book.
Jennifer, you can be in moderation from now till doomsday, but I will always think of you with affection…as a total rebel sister-in-arms radical. No one can turn you moderate.
Larkspur – I think it’s because I used the word “b*tch”. As in “b*tch and moan”.
This is why comments filters are so fricking stupid.
So here it is again, with that “offensive” letter “i” asterisk’d out:
The irony of all this is that anti-socialism free-market Sarah would be the first to b*tch and moan about any attempt for anyone other than a property owner to place limitations on how privately-owned property is used. You know, privately-owned property like the house next door to the one she lives in. If she wants to control what goes on next door, she needs to buy the property; otherwise, it’s none of her effing business how the owner chooses to use the property unless there is some violation of law going on. I’m pretty sure that “renting” isn’t illegal, though.
Funny how she wasn’t concerned at all about the visibility of her young daughter’s bedroom from the home next door until it afforded her the opportunity to make a transparently veiled accusation of pedophilia against one of her political foes.
The other thing I noticed: in her complaint, there’s no indication that McGinnis has even spoken to anyone in the family or waved or even acknowledged that they are right next door in close proximity. Just the fact that he is there is enough for her to go full-metal Saracuda on him and hint around that he’s a pedophile simply because her daughter’s bedroom is on the side of the house next to the one he’s renting. Hint, Sarah: if you really are concerned about your daughter’s privacy and seriously concerned that a pedophile is peeping in on her, you’d move her to another room. Obviously, it’s not a real concern – just an opportunity for another cheap shot.
What a truly horrible person. I hope McGinnis takes her apart with hammer and tongs.
I posted this at 10:31 – so yes, I got to the point on this even before hilzoy did.
Crap commenting system.
Oh, so I’m being moderated again.
F*** this crap. Maybe I shouldn’t bother with trying to comment here anymore.
You were probably moderated for socialism. The spam filter is pretty stupid. Stupid enough to not ignore soft hyphens, if you’re wondering why this post isn’t moderated.
Me just piping up for a minute to say that as some of you have mentioned up thread, while I know this woman does not deserve our attention/fascination, but the reason she gets it is simply this. She was almost seated at teh friggin White House and what does this say about a whole and still powerful political party in America in 2010..???!!!! I think as a commentary on the US it is a pretty sad state, no shocking state of affairs.
After this episode, the Republicans should have been sent into political exile, or to time out or something and the fact that they could do okay in the fall elections gives me ZERO comfort.
I’m sure McGinniss just wants to get a good look at the countertops in the Palin kitchen.
As always with news in Alaska, The Mudflats has this covered.
A. N. Ymous
Thank god someone can stomach looking at the Palins! ‘Cause we fer sure need to be watching them to know when they get up to some more politics ! !