Couple of quick links for your after dinner reading:
1. Commenter Cerberus informs us that today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. He has some additional thoughts here.
2. My good friends, Bill and Jill (we call them the Ill’s for short), have lost their beloved cat Bandit, who has been missing for several days. Send out good vibes/pleasant thoughts, if you would.
3. Several of you have sent me this link about Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts, and I finally got around to reading it, and it is every bit as funny as you all said it was. She really captures the essence of her dogs.
4. It appears that the civil war between America’s favorite grifter, Snowflake Snooki, and the rest of the GOP is really heating up.
5. Today in TSA news, we learn that TSA agents hate doing the new patdowns as much a we hate getting. Additionally, a flight attendant was forced to remove her prosthetic breast to get through a security gropepoint. Which makes me wonder- why the hell do we even make pilots go through security screening in the first place? If they want to bring a plane down, they don’t need nail clippers, a lighter, four ounces of hand lotion, or the rest of the stupid shit the TSA morons confiscate from the rest of us. All they need to do to bring a plane down is to… point it down.
6. While most of you are getting ready for Thanksgiving, no doubt Ezra Klein and Matthew Yglesias are gearing up for their annual war on Turkey. And no, I am not kidding.
7. Is it just me, or are red pistachios nowhere to be found any more? Did we finally get over the need to dye them?
And finally, Evelyn sends along this:
I have so very little artistic talent that it boggles my mind she was able to put that together in just over two hours.
How come Tunch has irises in her eyes and the dogs just have these blank stares?? Hilarious.
Re: #5, it’s a good thing we fight against that possibility by not at all underpaying flight crews and ritually humiliating them with…
Hmm, maybe flying anytime soon is a bad idea.
And thanks for the link regarding Trans Day of Remembrance. It’s important to have supportive allies lending support.
One minor correction, I am a she not he.
But thanks for everything.
In that drawing, is the negative space in the middle supposed to be a chopped off peni5 head?
(I always make the extra effort to raise the intellectual discourse.)
General Stuck
Very cool drawing.
Balloon Juice has the best artists. No one in the world and especially no namby pamby blogosphere can touch us. We are superior in every way, the greatest that has ever been, and twice as militant centrist.
The prosthetic breast inspection, further convinces me that I’d rather have my fingernails pulled out than go to an airport.
gogol's wife
It’s the laser eyeballs! (see picture from yesterday or day before)
Check out the entire Hyperbole and a Half site — she is absolutely freaking hysterical.
robertdsc-PowerBook & 27 titles
Tunch is a male.
General Stuck:
Yes, that too.
Cole says: “Which makes me wonder- why the hell do we even make pilots go through security screening in the first place? If they want to bring a plane down, they don’t need nail clippers, a lighter, four ounces of hand lotion, or the rest of the stupid shit the TSA morons confiscate from the rest of us.”
It is even better then that. Fallows has a post up about how every cockpit has an axe in it so that the pilot can brake the window out if need be.
Who is Evelyn? Brilliant drawing, Evelyn reveals Tunch’s control thru one militant paw on each dog.
Xecky Gilchrist
Aren’t the red pistachios the ones from Iran? People got scared that the nuts were going to rise up and turn their house into a mosk.
Love it, Evelyn. Tunch’s grin is deliciously evil.
While most of you are getting ready for Thanksgiving, no doubt Ezra Klein and Matthew Yglesias are gearing up for their annual war on Turkey.
I bow to know one in my bona fides as a member of the unpatriotic, anti-American out-of-touch coastal elite left, but MattY and Ezra have gone too far!. You can have my turkey when you pry it out of my cold dead hands! Do you hear me????!?!?
Stoked for Hockey Night in Canada in just under an hour. Go Habs Go!!
So when can we buy the T-shirts?
Linda Featheringill
Steve Benen calls Republican congresscritters unpatriotic, engaged in sabotage of the country in order to make things more difficult for Obama.
@Evelyn: That illustration is amazing. Well drawn.
Comrade Mary
Evelyn, thank you so much for designing my new tattoo! MWAH!
Southern Beale
Two interesting items over at ThinkProgress. The first one has Rep. King saying 1st item on House’s agenda next year will be changing the 14th Amendment to remove birthright citizenship. The House would do this by passing a law, not a Constitutional Amendment, he says.
The second item is Mike Huckabee telling lawmakers to ignore any court decisions they disagree with.
I find this very interesting. King and Huckabee are basically saying that Congress will interpret the Constitution, not the courts. Think about that one for a minute. Talk abouti the mother of all power grabs. The Republicans take over the House and suddenly they’ve decided they are more important than the Executive and Judicial branches.
Seriously cannot wait for these assholes to be sent their walking papers in 2012.
I said this a few days ago, but the young TSA guy I saw in SLC giving the enhanced pat down to a crippled old guy looked extremely embarrassed.
The Republic of Stupidity
This is simply too good to not pass on… if you haven’t already seen it…
The California pistachio crop wiped out the imports from Iran and Turkey. Afghanistan and Iraq used to be importers too, way way back in the day.
They dried the nuts on the ground, leaving dark marks, which were cheaply dyed away. Californians dry their nuts with natural gas, no dye necessary.
There very well may be red pistachios still in the world, they’re just not imported here anymore.
Southern Beale
I’m convinced the GOP will use all of this anti-TSA sentiment to privatize airport security
El Cruzado
I, for one, welcome our new Tunch overlord and his two doggie lieutenants.
Also, #5, from your mouth to God’s ears.
General Stuck
Maybe they should just ask passengers before boarding if they have any guns or knives. And if they don’t, then issue them as weapons of choice. That way, no one will dare go use the john to light their undie bomb.
Brick Oven Bill
If a TSA agent is transgendered, which sex does heshe get to pat down? Or feel up?
Lovely. Need to adopt it for my own.
Difference is, my household manager (Mme. Hairball) is female, her minions are, well, not just male, but male Dachshunds ( as, like, small critter killers…) Doesn’t matter though because me & the hairball raised them right. As in, whatever happens, she wins.
So, how long will it be until this is on a cup that I can buy from the store?
Uh-oh, the Steelers play my beloved Raiders tomorrow.
Look out, John. First the Raiders gained 500 yards in a game. Then they did it again.
They had to lose to KC on a terrible, terrible ripoff call by our asshole officials in this awful league. But then…an individual, WR Ford, took the game back with two spectacular catches, one as the game ended, the other in OT. After returning the 2nd half kick for a touchdown.
We’re all watching, still, but for three weeks Oakland has been all about change, they have a lot of very potent offense weapons, along with a run D that shut down and flabbergasted KC.
Great image by Evelyn.
John, I take it Rosie has not found a new home yet?
And no, sorry, I’m not volunteering. We have two cats who can occupy themselves while we are gone all day long. We like doggies, but adopting one would not be so practical at this time.
@evelyn: Great illustration. Love the portrayal of overlord Tunch and his minions, Lily and Rosie
I’d like to add another link, which gives me hope for the future:
More of this, please!
It’s encouraging to see local communities banding together in opposition to the actions of those promoting heat and intolerance.
Yay! He said “couple OF quick links”! Yaaaaaaaay!!!
To an English major, this is roughly the equivalent of 153 transformations of John Cole from a republican to a Democrat.
The drawing is absolutely great! Lily and Rosie seem to understand their place in the militantly superior pecking order at the Cole residence. But does John know his place yet?
BTW, Paradox? When I lived in California, I dried my nuts with a towel. Natural gas was not in play.
“One Tunch to rule them all,
One Tunch to find them . . .”
Thanks for that link about the dogs at hyberboleandahalf. I’m a cat person and have never cared for dogs, but those illustrations and that writing was hilarious.
Any of you who haven’t been to read Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts (Johns #3)…well go now…and if you have time go back to her later works, especially the one about her “simple dog” It will make you smile.
Hyberbole and a half is one of the best illustrated blogs ever!
General Stuck
That’s how we did it in my holler of Appalachia. The boys swung free and easy after that.
Greenhouse Guy
@Linkmeister: Noice!!!
The Republic of Stupidity
@General Stuck:
Yes, that is all well and good … but where was the TSA in those days?
@Southern Beale: I agree, but they won’t change any of the procedures and just pay even less to people for the job and the atmosphere will be even worse.
Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts. Which of them is seeing their reflection in the knife?
Re #5: Pilots beat the TSA and don’t need to go through the scanners. Not flight attendants (yet), though.
Looks like NY is gearing up for a war against the TSA, too. I hope Bloomy kicks their butts.
Ha! Delurking twice in one day to say Evelyn, that is just awesome. Clearly you’re a brilliant artist and a donor, not a donee for those humor implants.
All right,
Got me a chocolate Frosty from Wendy’s and I’m about to watch “Romancing the Stone”…ah just a lazy, simple Saturday evening. I’m going to go all old school 80’s movies for my last two movies tonight! A double feature: Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile! I know most people will mention other films when/if Michael Douglas’ cancer battle takes a turn for the worst, but these 2 films took a big place in my young heart back in the day, and have never left! They feed my trashy romance loving soul…lol!
Romancing the Stone
Best thing about it, a young Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, and a middle aged Holland Taylor before Legally Blonde and Two and A Half Men.
@BerkeleyMom: Obviously, the dogs have the blank stares because they are the mindless robotic minions of the evil overlord Tunch.
Speaking of the whole “militantly superior in their own minds” bit, I disagree. I think it’s an established fact that I’m militantly superior. Fortunately, I’m also humble, so that “in (my) own mind” doesn’t enter into it.
Almonds. Lot’s of ’em in California
Adding, when I was a little kid, I loved red pistachios. If you got the shells wet, it functioned very well as pretend lipstick. Took a long time to get the red off your fingers though…
General Stuck
Just received a re mastered version of Dr. Zhivago, my fav movie of all time. The atmospherics have not been matched in my view. Even the smaltzy Casablanca.
@General Stuck:
I hate to admit this, but I’ve never actually seen Dr Zhivago! I know, I know, I’m probably missing out. I’ve seen Casablanca, but I not much of a fan, even though I know people love it.
BTW, watching Romancing the Stone I’ve got to tell ya if any of my sisters got themselves mixed up with some Colombian drug lords or treasure hunters, then too bad for them. I ain’t traipsing all over some Colombian jungle so they don’t get eaten by crocs. Feed ’em to the crocs I say!
Re: the pistachios – Xecky’s right; the red ones were from Iran and we pretty much stopped doing business with them 30 years ago.
But you still can get Turkish pistachios – not dyed red, and a lot tastier than the California ones (smaller, but tastier) – I’ve ordered them from Zenobia several times. Yummy.
General Stuck
You can order it from NF. Dr Zhivago was the very first instant NF I watched back in about 2002, then it disappeared for remastering, until just recently. Has more action than Casablanca, if you like that sort of thing. Still an epic love story, also too.
Mike in NC
I picked up a couple of cans of pistachios in Bahrain during a deployment many years ago. The label read: “Product of the Islamic Republic of Iran”. That seemed kind of cool and subversive, like when everybody went ashore in Spain and bought Cuban cigars. Cannot recall if the nuts were red or natural, though.
You Don't Say
I am absolutely loving watching the knives come out for Palin. Every day brings a new jab from some fellow Republican. Yahoo!
So I see from the link that some blogger is telling Mama Bush to shut up!
Has the “barracuda” chimed in yet?
I clicked on that Palin link and was glad to see that the second item below Palin was discussion Steve Benen’s post about how the republican party is actively trying to sabatoge the country’s economy. For me, that’s been the post of the week. It needs attention.
“And she’s very happy in Alaska, and I hope she’ll stay there.”
Heh. An admirably patrician way of saying “fuck off.”
quaint irene
They’ve got Little Orphan Annie eyes.
ah, thank you. I never thought it was all that either, but it’s one of those things one just does not dare say in polite company.
she’s trying to think of a folksy, mama grizzly way to call the Bargoyle a snotty old bitch. Give her time.
She can’t pretend to not know who she is, like she did to Maureen Dowd. That was the awesomest — a little face-off between two of the most insufferable women in modern history.
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
I’m almost never a contrarian at this site (in as much as there’s any prevailing opinion here), but am I the only one who just can’t get concerned or outraged about being scanned or patted down?
@eemom: It’ll have something to do with Bible Spice having done more than Babs, but trust me if Palin wants to go down that road with her she’ll lose. Barbara Bush only looks like the Quaker Oatmeal guy, inside she’s a tough mean-spirited old broad who has millions more connections than Saint Sarah. And her hubby was a spy. Also.
Grover Gardner
I want that on a mug!
@HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist: I can’t comment about the folks here but my son travels a lot and thinks it is much ado about nothing. He actually felt bad for the pat down guys… lol
I’ll keep posting this link till Cole (or Tunch) gets everyone to read it.
oh, I agree — the duchess of Moosilla is waaaaay out of her league messing with the Bargoyle.
Maybe Nancy Reagan will chime in too. This could be some serious popcorn……
Anyone see 127 Hours? Fantastic movie.
PS, Hi, I’m new. I’ve been reading forever but never jumped in the comments. I might even say other things later too!
@Yutsano: Wasn’t it Barbara Bush about whom Nixon said, “That woman really knows how to hate”?
@Kevin: OK, I’m still laughing my ass off at that. Bravo.
And there’s also this:
@cjw79: Want to see it but not sure about the arm-cutting-off scene (or scenes).
Not squeemish either, just a tough sell.
Cheryl from Maryland
@quaint irene: To quote the late, great Walt Kelly, genius behind the Pogo comic strip, it’s “Lulu Arfin’ Nonny with her eyes blonked out”.
Amanda in the South Bay
@Brick Oven Bill:
Um…the gender the trans person identifies as? Transgender !=third gender, gender neutral, or no gender. Well, some trans people do, but lots of us also id ourselves as men or women, straight up.
@FlipYrWhig: Amongst other neat stuff said about Mrs George Herbert Walker Bush. Poor Mooseburger would be in way over her head to challenge this.
The Illini win, the Hokies win and there is a big ass moon up on the Emerald Coast of Florida. The boat leaves a 7am. . .life is peachy!
Did you ever see Al Franken’s story about meeting her on a plane? I think it’s in Lies and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them.
“I’m done with you.”
You Don't Say
More Palin bashing. I feel happy.
The TSA agent push back against groping was very predictable.
Raiders have been playing football the past few games. I think Al Davis has secretly died and John Madden is the team’s new owner. That would explain them showing up to play football again.
Anybody read Edroso today? AS they say: Heh. Read the whole thing.
@Mnemosyne: I’m trying to imagine her lowering herself enough to share another plane with, well, anyone. She seems like the type the day after they moved out of the White House to demand George buy her a private jet.
Thanks for reminding me of that. Franken’s story was hilarious. I always picture Barbs saying “I’m done with you” with a Marie Antoinette style accent.
My only fear now is Palin is going to be squashed before she can even take off. I want Palin to at least make it to the primaries.
Oh, and ten bucks says Barbs is a Jennifer Grey fan.
Also succumbing to the 80s impulse, listening to New Order.
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
@JPL: Yeah, I’ve been through the new scanner, and I’ve been frisked by the TSA on more than one occasion. I’m annoyed by a lot of things related to the dozen or so trips I do every year, but TSA procedures are low on the list compared to, say, flight cancellations at Chicago O’Hare due to weather.
Just Some Fuckhead
@HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist: When the police state can listen to yer phone calls, strip search your teenage daughter at school, break in yer house and kill your dogs, label you a terrorist to lock you up indefinitely and taser you to death for failing to obey a command quickly enough, I think a little secksytime at the airport is the least of our worries.
@burnspbesq: Dear God man! Think of your poor ears! Not to mention your sanity!
@stuckinred: I watched a few minutes of the Illinois game online and decided that the constant switching sides was a way to have more ads.
Would you rather I listened to the Thompson Twins? If it weren’t for New Order and Scritti Politti, 80s dance music would be a total wasteland.
@burnspbesq: Knowing what my preference in 80’s music was/is, that’s a rather loaded question. But if those were my two choices, I’d go the Thompson Twins route. And a long shower afterwards.
@stuckinred: Emerald Coast, ummm. The best. Big beautiful moon here tonight, too, north Bama.
Man cannot live by Richard Thompson, John Hiatt, X, and Los Lobos alone (my 80s staples). Even us old farts need to shake our asses once in a while, to make sure they still work.
@cjw79: Haven’t seen the movie but the book is great. It’s called Between a Rock and a Hard Place.
@HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist:
One of the benefits of the United/Continental merger is more ways to get from John Wayne to NY or DC without going through Chicago. Houston’s a pretty civilized airport.
@burnspbesq: Apparently that can be rather easily examined on your next domestic flight in the US. Yes I know I’m not behaving myself. My week kinda sucked so I don’t feel like being all that good. And I’m not totally happy with tax lawyers right now either.
@burnspbesq: As long as you follow the ritual. Flip off the statue of Bush the Smarter as you pass it.
Glen Greenwald has given you props for the pet rescue series here. Thought you might like to know, and keep up the good work!
@stuckinred: Where you going?
Didn’t go to Wrigley today.
Occupational hazard. Not our job to make your life easier. Don’t take it personally, because in the overwhelming majority of cases it’s not. And if it gets completely out of hand, refer the shithead to OPR.
Do I get credit for flipping off the statue of John Wayne before I leave OC?
@burnspbesq: I used to commute into Houston. Passing that statue would have been the low point of my week had it not been for the fact that I had to be in Houston the rest of the week.
Bill H.
Um, they make the flight crews go through the search process because the people in the flight crew uniforms, id’s or not, might not be real flight crews. They might be imposters.
@burnspbesq: I realize it’s not totally her fault, it’s her clients, who just practiced ostrich head syndrome and pretended it would all go away. But it’s two hours of my work day fixing your clients’ fuck-ups, and you get paid a helluva lot more for making me do the legwork. Sigh. I so wanted to turn them down after I did the number crunching, but they just barely qualified. I’m not bitter, it’s just a shit ton of work to get everything settled. I did tell you I’m in ACS right?
General Stuck
Good for him. And I cannot wait for his new book to come out on the evil term of Barrack Obama. I bet it does better than Malkin’s, or any of the wingnut manifestos of Obama hate.
You go Greenwaldo.
My favorite 80’s dance single. It’s becoming relevant again.
We Don’t Need That Fascist Groove Thang. Heaven 17
For the last couple months I’ve been on a mid-to-late 60’s Kinks binge. I’m just always in the mood for it.
You didn’t, but it wasn’t hard to figure out based on the way you described what you were doing.
So you made somebody’s life better by doing your job the right way. Not much wrong with that.
One thing you’ll learn as you spend more time in that job – and this will be especially true once you start doing 100 percent penalty cases – is that most people who get behind aren’t evil, they just got overwhelmed. When you can be a little compassionate within the boundaries that are laid out for you, you should feel good about that.
@General Stuck:
I absolutely agree that Obama has been a disappointment on civil liberties so far. But a disappointment is less bad than a disaster, which is what McCain would have been.
@burnspbesq: I did do one thing for them that will make their lives easier: I submitted the husband for a WHC referral. That should keep them from becoming a frequent flyer. And yeah I’ve gotten cases where I can tell they just feel like there’s no hope, that’s usually when I tell them they took the right first step in calling. I’m not a total bitch ALL the time. :)
BTW did a 100% TFRP case the other day. Resolution was out of my department however.
Oregon State is whipping USC right now. Given the two teams’ nicknames, I’m sure there’s no shortage of potential double entendres, but I’m not going there.
It got really bad when Southern California played South Carolina in basketball a few years ago. Southern Cal’s defense down the stretch was the difference in the game, which led someone to suggest that the headline in the LA Times the next day should have been “Trojans Contain Cocks.”
@burnspbesq: The potential for S.L.U.T. moments there is rather phenomenal. Hopefully one slips past an editor somewhere in there and comedic gold ensues.
(If someone needs me to explain the S.L.U.T. metaphor I can, but not right now, kitteh is laying on my arm and doesn’t want me moving too much.)
General Stuck
A disappointment in some areas, usually mitigated by other government resistance. But some glaring differences of ceasing some of the worst lawless violations of the Bush administration. So, I agree, some disappointment, but not a disaster, and other items in the works to change, that take some time. And certainly not as bad or worse than Bush. In most areas.
To the outer darkness with you.
To my trans brothers and sisters:
Remember, and make next year better and safer then the last.
Nobody forgotten.
Two things I think should happen:
1.) After last night’s formidable and heroic display of sanity and clarity in flawless prose during the E.D.Kain kurffufle, Cerberus deserves to be on the BJ front page now and then.
2.) A thread devoted to the horror that is Barbara Bush every once in a while to just clear the snot out of everyone’s passages. It builds up you know.
“I’m done with you.” (throws bottle containing fetus in garbage.)
Gazzetta dello Sport does a nice job reporting on the women’s World Cup play-in game
(Wow, I miss everything, don’t I? I interpreted ED’s presence as one of many statements by John that this is his blog and he does not want it to be taken over by firebagger punching. It is fine with me if ED stays here.)
(Last night I tried the garlic- and paprika- rubbed roast chicken for the first time, with mashed sweet potatoes and braised carrots with mint and cider vinegar, and it came out extremely good.)
@General Stuck:
That’s sarcasm, right? I have seen only one Greenwald book in an actual bookstore. IIRC it was the second one.
I stopped reading Yglesias.
I got tired of endless screeds about parking and barbers.
General Stuck
According to Dewey’s link, Greenwald says he is 80 percent done with a new book, unless I am reading wrong. The quote I made about Obama was taken from that link.
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
@burnspbesq: Good to know! I’ve been connecting in Denver recently, which also isn’t bad…
@burnspbesq: Hey, no badmouthing the Thompson Twins. They were the gateway drug to my eventual Depeche Mode/New Order/Erasure fixation.
@General Stuck: Greenwald has a new book about how disappointed he is in Obama? I’m looking forward to the index:
Leader, Dear, epithet for Obama. 2, 3, 4-11, 15, 17, 19-67, 71, 75-267 _passim_.
This war on Turkeys is obviously another one of Soros’s plots to bring one world communist government.
Ezra Klein is, well, Jewish, and Matt Ysgleisias is a communist (in both cases those last names are dead giveaways) and I’m pretty sure I saw Matt and Ezra (come to think of it, that’s a commie name too) speaking Esperantu at a party once.
@Tyro: I made Bittman’s braised turkey parts 2 years ago (small oven, big crowd!) and it was spectacular. This year i’m opting for a whole turkey (new oven, smaller crowd!) but i’m doing it with a garlic/chili/lemongrass/fish sauce rub and filling.
Comrade PhysioProf
Tunch looks seriously fucken EVIL!
@Evelyn: Great job, Evelyn. Is this going to be a new design for shirts and mugs and such?