For those of you who missed the drama yesterday, we rolled out the new site, which hopefully will last another year before I have the code so screwed up that the site loads like Rex Ryan runs. There might be a few changes here and there, but I’m not sure about this one:
Although I have to admit, “JaMarcus Russell Presents Balloon Purple Drank” does have a nice ring to it.
Any problems this morning with the website? I’d recommend everyone clear their cache before complaining.
the word “Palin” currently does not appear anywhere on the front page. are you sure the site’s working?
I really like the changes. And, I’ve had no problems with viewing this site.
Maybe put the command to clear the cache in a front page post? CTRL-F5 or something? I forgot. I read it in the comments earlier and fixed my problem. I’m sure there are other technologically-challenged people like myself who don’t already know how to do it. Or not.
Villago Delenda Est
I will not clear my cache. That’s soshulism!
Villago Delenda Est
Wingnuttia screaming “Blood Libel” at the top of their lungs in 3…2…1…
The rotating taglines are being partially obscured by the “J” in Jews. Looks ghetto. Fix before I slam my fist again.
I don’t hate the upgrade. It will take a while to get used to the new look though.
I love that they headlined it “Ryan sprints”. What a concept. Thanks for the morning grin.
No problems with the site. Well, except not enough football threads.
Can you jam the comments together just a little bit more? They are still almost readable.
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; yie8)
Timestamp: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:52:51 UTC
I am using IE8 and get the following Error on page message.
Message: Object expected
Line: 375
Char: 13
Code: 0
It’s ugly as shit and hard to read comments on Mozilla.
Dunno. I’ll try another browser.
Barkley G
Happy Robert E Lee Day Everyone.
That is if you are in Alabama, Arkansas or Mississippi.
Better in Google Chrome.
Looks good on Safari at home and also on the office-mandated IE. I likey.
It was “ugly as shit” for me yesterday until I cleared cache. Clear your cache!
Cat Lady
Also, too.
ETA: Chrome and Firefox – yes. IE – still right margin problem.
James Hare
@Barkley G:
We had Lee-Jackson day on Friday here in the Commonwealth of Virginia. At least we no longer feel the need to have a joint holiday celebrating Civil War generals and a civil rights hero. Only took us until 2000 to get that far. Maybe by 2100 the South will get around to admitting the war was a pretty bad idea and the guys who fought it probably weren’t heroes.
Ryan S
Excellent quick US income disparity post on Starts with a bang.
It was fine when I entered earlier and then it went “ugly as sh@@” Did what mistermix said and now I fear moving anywhere else on here.
I like the new look. Congrats to all who worked on it.
Cache is cleared.
Comment box seems smaller than it used to be and text inside is it small.
Anything that is linked, including post titles, seems lighter and is harder to read than before.
Benjamin Cisco
New site looks great (FF and droid).
Also, ABL is one crazy lady. “Purple Drank” indeed.
It’s fine.
I’m taking a day off from bitching in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Tomorrow, though: bitching.
Okay, one small bitch. Farhad Manjoo hates my typography so I hereby resolve to space twice at the beginning of every sentence just to piss him off. Whiner.
@Cat Lady: Try Compatability View (Tools/Compatibility View) for the right margin issue.
Try Firefox or Chrome, too.
John PM
Everything looks good to me and I am on IE 8.
I would recommend changing the name of the site to Balloon Gin and Juice for the month of February.
BTW, all of my comments here this week will end with the tag line “Go Bears!”
Go Bears!
I think the problem a lot of folks are having with text running off the page is related to DIV sizing. And the ad banners aren’t helping matters either.
DIVs can be such SOBs at times. Makes me yearn for the good ol’ days of TABLES.
I use Firefox almost exclusively. Before, whenever I would try to load BJ in IE, IE would crash. Did some research and found out that by turning off compatibility mode, IE would no longer crash. Ran a little test yesterday after all the changes – I turned compatibility mode back on and loaded BJ up… no crash! You guys are definitely making improvements. :-)
Same here. Until I cleared my cache, I was considering sending John Cole a bill for my inevitable vertigo treatment.
Now it looks fine. Except for one thing… a comment’s author’s handle looks exactly like the comment text. It should be bold or bigger or something so the comment text stands out better.
Also too, for those in Texas, Happy Confederate Heroes’ Day! (no joke; it’s on Wednesday.)
Ash Can
@mistermix: I saw “Clear your cache!” all over the site yesterday, and had no idea what it meant, how to do it, or whether or not it had anything to do with my own system. Finally, buried in a comment thread, I spotted a comment explaining that hitting Ctrl+F5 would clear the cache and straighten out the format. Magic! So I concur with Ija @ #3; it would be a good idea to explain in a prominent place that Ctrl+F5 solves the messed-up-formatting problem.
Cat Lady
Chrome it is.
since this is an open thread – note to all Belichick haters. Patrick Chung called the fake punt and then fumbled the snap – blowing the whole season for the Patriots. NOt to point fingers or anything. BB’s error – to give his players too much freedom.
It looks a heckuva lot better this am than it did yesterday at least on FF and Safari. Only thing I’d fix is the comment numbers; they are meta and it looks odd to me to have them in the same format as the comment text. You can give the #comment-area ol one style (which will apply to the numbers) and then add an #comment-area ol > p to style the comment text.
Blargh. Better to celebrate Dolly Parton’s 65th birthday that day, no? It’s also my father’s and my husband’s birthdays (they are NOT the same person, obvs.).
ETA: I like the redesign very much. Bolding the commenter names wouldn’t hurt.
Proper delineation between successive comments is not being applied; thus, the myriad comments being submitted tend to meld into one enormous disjointed hypercomment with random pseudonyms inbetween. I demand better. You will fix this.
I had this problem earlier as well. Have you tried hitting CTRL+F5 to clear the cache? The comments should be separated by a line and an empty space.
Left Coast Tom
Why? That’d just make it harder to complain.
Ash Can
I’m cracking up at all the Confederate Hero holidays. So how many states have White People Butthurt holidays this week? And BTW, I love the ones that are just a day or two before or after MLK Day. “We didn’t want to take away from the celebration of this great civil rights hero, so we’re going to have our Celebration of Slavery and White Supremacist Festival tomorrow!”
The site is still all f-up in IE8 for me with the margins running on forever to the right, which makes it unreadable since each paragraph is its own run on sentence.
Chat Noir
Site works fine on FireFox on my MacBook. And a happy 47th birthday to Michelle Obama. I think she is fabulous.
Actually, the simplest action is to refresh the cache not clear the cache. Most browsers have some way of clearing all information of all websites out of the cache (or history) by going through some tools or options menu – which is how you clear the cache. Refreshing the cache refers to reloading a webpage and just the webfiles (such as style sheets) it depends on rather than incorrectly using a cached version of a webfile such as a CSS style sheet.
In most browsers you reload a page and refresh its cached parts with Ctrl-F5 and Ctrl-Shift-R and Command-F5.
@Jon H – says “On Safari on Mac, it’s Option-Command-E”
@Chat Noir:
I second that Happy Birthday to the fabulous Michelle O. If she were here I would sing three choruses of The Birthday Song to her a capella.
@Napoleon: Try Compatibility View, (Tools/Compatibility View).
Or get a real browser. Your choice.
@Chat Noir:
I think she is fabulous as well. Comity bitchez!
@Chat Noir:
She is so fabulous. Happy Birthday, Michelle O!
Just to be clear, when you use the word “and” you do not technically mean that all three of those actions should be done, do you? Any one would refresh the cache, right? Or do you have to do all three to make sure it’s completely refreshed?
Comment box is still really small for me. I’ve refreshed my cache several times. I’m using FF 3.6.13. I think I get only 11 lines of text in the comment box before it begins scrolling. That includes paragraph breaks, etc.
People who use work-issued computers often done get a choice in browsers. It’s IE or nothing. Sucks.
Awesome. I’ll have to burn a stars ‘n’ bars flag to celebrate.
Oh, and “White People Butthurt Day” is awesome, also, too. PURPLE DRANK FOR EVERYONE!
Just emerging briefly from lurkdom to say that I like the new design a lot! No complaints here—
(now back to lurkdom…)
@Ija: I see the line. Barely. I want a darker, thicker…..line. I’m picky. And dammit, I dont want my witty, thoughtful comments watered down by a bunch of freeloaders whose comments may appear connected to mine. Also, as well as, too.
Clearing the cache really helps a lot
Also like the new layout
Should all the banner ads and other capitalist detritus be below the content/comment text/et cetera? The blogroll, recent comments, and similar links are down there as well. Firefox 3.6.13 on Win7x64.
All of the serifs are missing. Please bring them back.
It’s resizable. Wonder if it sticks on reload?
On edit: No.
Are Neti pots good for that?
@Chat Noir:
Oh! Happy birthday to the totally fabulous Michelle Obama!
Love her. Just love her.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
I thought it was called “grape drank” – or is it a regional thing? I know no real grapes are harmed in the making of this product.
Yowza. Refreshed the page and now it’s fix’d.
Comrade Mary
wE hAVe yOUr SERifs. dOn’T maKe AnY fuNNy pOstS oR cOMMenTs oR thEY gEt IT.
IF yoU poST a tUNCh pICtUrE EVeRY dAy fOR tHE nEXt weeK, yOU wILL geT tHeM bACK.
Can we have the default font size in the Reply box not tiny, please, if possible?
peach flavored shampoo
This blog has more posters than a freshman dorm room.
Jon H
Everybody think good thoughts for Steve Jobs, who’s taking another medical leave of absence.
I don’t have a good feeling about this one.
Of all the rich bastids in the world, I can definitely say he’s done more for *my* life than the others. For instance, programming his NeXT computers provided my livelihood through the 90s.
Love Apple or hate it, you have to admit tech’s been a *lot* more interesting since Jobs returned to Apple.
Sentient Puddle
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a giant freak-out over you and John saying this. I remember some thread a little while back where someone said the same thing and there was an avalanche of comments that went to the tune of something like “I don’t use IE, but think of all those web-illiterate morons who do!”
Also too, I agree with the suggestion above to make the names of commenters a different font from the actual comment. Maybe just applying a little bold will work.
Joseph Nobles
OK, I had to look up Confederate Heroes Day here in Texas. First of all, ugh. Second of all, it’s always on January 19th, so Confederate
TraitorsHeroes Day is on Wednesday this year. Only when Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is on the 19th do the two holidays coincide. Still crappy, but only extremely crappy every seven years or so.But, yes, it is Robert E. Lee Day as well in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Georgia. I thank any available deity that I no longer live in Alabama. I need to get my ass out of Texas.
.box {
width: 40px;
border: 2px solid #781351;
padding: 3px;
background: #d7b9c9;
white-space: nowrap
This will fix the test box over run in IE.
This is for the website admin, not us chickens.
@Joseph Nobles: A good day to march with a Mexican flag and see how many people with treason flags tell you that you’re unamerican.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@peach flavored shampoo:
Yes but the freshman dorm room posters look better.
Yesterday, or what we will from now on call Avatar Day, was like a B-J costume party.
I suggest we have it again next year just for a day.
When I visit a website using the most common OS and browser, I don’t expect to have to take any additional steps in order to make the site readable. doesn’t have a notice on the front page: Clear your cache or we will ship you 100 DVD copies of Gigli.
General Stuck
I shot the serifs
Cat Lady
If there’s more deeply funky music than Issa Bagayogo’s I’d like to know. He can rock a kamele n’goni like no one else.
Happy Birthday Michelle O! I hope you get down with your bad self.
Side by side comparison in Chrome and Firefox, it’s hard to tell any difference. Site loads sweet, the loss of the gravatars is immaterial, and no errors or “text runs off the page” problems.
THANK YOU STACY & JOHN & ALL OTHERS WHO SLAVED AWAY so we can have football and kitteh threads.
ok I finally hit refresh and the site looks terrific.
I’ve had to do the same with my wife’s site every time I update it.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
The Categories’ dropdown is too wide. I sent you an email with a picture showing what it looks like on a dual monitor.
@Allan: I think the problem is people having the old style sheets in their cache. It might have been a bit smoother had TPTB versioned the filenames. Would have fixed cache stickiness problems.
@Allan: After a major design change to a website like this one, it is best to clear your browser cache, otherwise the browser will try to load old stuff with the new stuff. Or you can stand on principle and enjoy all the fucked up shit that results. Your choice!
@BGinCHI: I hated the avatars and thought they made the site look cheesy. I LOVE your idea of doing it once a year, though, and I think it should be on Halloween so everybody can ‘wear a costume’ for a day.
It looks like the post title is in Helvetica but all the other text is Verdana. Surely that’s not intentional.
From the previous post on this subject:
No, no it really isn’t. It’s not even that hard.
You just change your markup so that the “headerimg” element is a link instead of a div. Edit: I would show you but the fucking comment software fucked up my markup.
and you add this to the “#headerimg” rule block in style.css, somewhere around line 87:
display: block;
FTR, there are far worse laid out comments pages. I’m looking at YOU, Atrios.
General Stuck
Our new wingnut governor Susan Martinez shows us there are those who deserve to have their taxes raised, even if it means a likely loss of jobs. Not to mention state prestige and artsy fartsy cred many here support.
The right wing war of Hollywood marches on.
same ole blockquote fubar i guess
David Brooks (not that one)
I don’t think it is loading the mobile site on a Windows Phone. Does it have its own URL so that I can verify?
The user-agent contains the strings “Windows Phone OS 7.0” and “IEMobile/7.0”.
Can we get RedState hacked so it’s all in Comic Sans? I would contribute $$ to that effort.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
According to GOS, Jim is having trouble keeping Free Republic running, due to costs. Seems he runs his site like Republicans balance the budget.
In the comments, I found out that Jim is a type 2 diabetic and recently had a leg amputated due to the disease. Thus he is receiving SS for his disability. While I would not wish the disease on anyone, the hypocrisy of him taking SS is hilarious.
@WaterGirl: Great idea.
Cole, make it happen.
Lemme try that again, just because.
<div id="header">
<a id="headerimg" href="">
<span class="tagline">$_thing</span>
@James Hare: Maybe by 2100 the South will get around to admitting the war was a pretty bad idea and the guys who fought it probably weren’t heroes.
You should take a lesson from ED Kain here. I mean, this issue is just about two sides who disagree. There are smart, honest arguments made on both sides. The South wanted to continue an oppressive regime based on slavery of black people; MLK wanted freedom for people of color. Both sides engaged in advocacy. Both sides thought they were doing the right thing. Both sides engaged in hyperbole and unfair attacks. Both sides do it.
Now, doesn’t that make you feel better?
JD Rhoades
I had to Google “Purple Drank.” Wow. Life imitates The Simpsons.
@RossInDetroit: Abandoned commenting on that site when it molted into its current state. Unreadable. That and the commenters are a bunch of “Frist!” renegades. Also unreadable.
Benjamin Cisco
The serifs are NEAR.
Nom de Plume
It seems to load quite a bit faster than before. Not sure if it was just me, but formerly your website was one of the slower ones on my daily rounds.
anyone know if our government has a position on overthrowing president-for-life in tunisia? we for it? agin?
I myself like a good serif when there’s more than 2 lines to read.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): I can confirm this on a double-monitor setup – the categories dropdown opens into the second monitor on a maximized Chrome window. Minor, but there.
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
Got my authors copies today! I’m official! I’m bona fide!
Dennis SGMM
Are they still doing that shit? Although I was a long time commenter there I found it necessary move on when the “Frist,” bit started and the comments deteriorated to a series of running inside jokes.
@BruceFromOhio: Thank you for that lecture, but you are failing to understand that I have been CTRL+F5ing my goddamn fingers off for the past two days, with completely random and unpredictable efficacy, and have been tolerating this wonderful site’s fucked up crap for so long waiting for this change, and it’s sounding as if I’m just supposed to suck it up or change my browser to suit the site. So fuck you.
ETA: Annnnnnd there it goes again. Fuck.
Took a quick look this weekend and thought so too.
Cleared cache and now everything lines up and looks decent. My only complaints before were the lameass moderation-triggering spam filter and the blockquoting quirks. Guess later find out if those two still live on.
ETA: Seems at least auto-bold on blockquotes is gone and can still edit comments. Progress.
@General Stuck:
I wonder if New Mexico will get by on reduced tax credit for films.
Were I a producer, I would not film in Arizona, if I could help it.
I had to Goofle “Purple Drank” too, and now I cannot quit gagging. ;) I live in the Midwest though, so maybe you have to have been raised with it. I’m still traumatized by an experience with Southern Comfort many years back.
This is the funniest/best site on the Net! You people are all hilarious and clever! I’m at work,and I’m still laughing at you. Also, too… on my Firefox, the place looks fine. It’s nice the gravatars are gone though. Many thanks for the hard work of all who updated!
David Brooks (not that one)
Looks like the Windows Phone 7 IE fails to clear history even when you tell it to, but I doubt that is responsible for the mobile site not auto-loading. I did get to it via the wpmp_switcher=mobile switch, which I’ve added to favorites. Looks good.
So – is it possible to add the switch to links on the mobile page itself, like the comments link and the permalink?
General Stuck
If the wingnuts call a pre set sunset for the Bush tax cuts a tax increase, then that is what it should be called instead of reduced tax credit. Especially, since those tax credits had no such sunset. And I don’t know what will happen, but the movie industry is like any other, they tend to do business where it’s the least costly. And it also draws in non filming activities and jobs that are movie industry associated.
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB6.6; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; HPNTDF; .NET4.0C; MSSDMC2.5.2219.1)
Timestamp: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:12:16 UTC
Message: Object expected
Line: 375
Char: 13
Code: 0
Message: ‘length’ is null or not an object
Line: 29
Char: 452
Code: 0
Balloon Juice, the Studio 54 of blogs. ;)
David Brooks (not that one)
I’m convinced that the right margin problem is caused by the premium blogads, because that’s one thing that BJ has in common with Digby (which also has no-wordwrap disease).
But then I am personally preconditioned to blame crappy, bug-ridden software on Google (with justification) when I’m not also blaming it on Apple (with justification). But both companies walk on water, so Microsoft and AT&T get the blame.
I’m sorry, but now it looks AWFUL. The comments are so jammed together I can’t read them and all the links are crammed at the bottom so I have to scroll all the way down to see them. Who the H*** designed this???
oh, and I use the latest version of Firefox, NOT IE.
It’s so late in the thread that I’ll probably end up reposting this in the next one, but, from TPM:
Sigh. Apparently Buchanan failed to get the memo that the motif for the Gifford’s tragedy is for the GOP to appropriate Jewish oppression, not black oppression. After all, the highest profile victim is Jewish, and they have to attack her strength.
Site changes looking pretty good under the Chrome browser hood.
Erk. Yes, there’s a problem. Everything looks fine, however. I have two tabs open for this website, just to test this:
One tab is set to the front page. It shows that this post has 72 comments.
One tab is set to this post. It shows 99 comments.
I have refreshed the front page, and I am still only seeing 72 comments total. I cleared the cache, refreshed, and, same problem.
This is happening in Chrome, Windows 7. I opened up Explorer just for fun and sure enough, the front page in Explorer is also claiming that this post only has 72 comments, and when I clicked on it, I found 106 comments, which just proves I type slowly.
But I can read all of the comments without a problem, so yay.
@gbear: With how much coke is it customary to tip the bouncer?
It’s MLK day. He’s just being current.
That is IE barfing because it can’t handle a presumably standards compliant third party ad from
Of course the WP JavaScript could be patched to test whether IE barfed when it shouldn’t have for this case and work around that. I’m sure the WP software is full of lots of ugly special cases to handle IE stupidity, which is why developing pages that also work in IE is such a PIFA.
I hear that — completely. And for me, clearing the cache doesnt work. Also.
@Ash Can:
Your comments deserves a “Like” button.
Comrade Mary
@Woodrowfan: Ctrl-F5. Shift-F5. Sacrifice a chicken. All will be well.
@Barkley G: I just called all three Arkansas banks where I have large CD’s. I told them I would be closing my accounts and why as they are all open for business. Money talks.
Ok, since typing the above, viewing the front page in Internet Explorer 8.0 is now showing the correct number of comments for this post. The problem is still persisting with Chrome. I cleared the cache again and will now close Chrome and reopen to see if that helps.
Tsar Nicholas, is that you?
That just occurred to me too. I was coming back to post it when I saw your response. It’s a holiday adjustment, and Pat’ll go back to the approved attack memes tomorrow.
Their cynicism is deep and boundless.
Ctrl-F5 works in Firefox. And that fixed the problem with everything being jammed together, for me at least.
@Allan: You just have to show the bouncer that you have all the coolest toys.
Hey, don’t discount Hillbilly Heroin.
@Brian S (formerly Incertus):
Congrats! Yay, you!
Let’s go serifing now,
everybody’s learning how,
Can you serif ‘n Safari or not!?
@Woodrowfan: That’s how it looked for me too on Firefox until I cleared cache.
@Brian S (formerly Incertus):
Woot! Congrats, Brian!
Sumpins wrong at your end. The site looks fine on our 3 computers, all running Firefox. Yesterday, everything was crammed together, but today there’s space galore (a bit too much, but I not complain now).
Looking at the website using Safari. Obviously it looked like hell (but in an interesting way) till I cleared out my cache. Now it is just bee-you-tee-full. Have a lovely MLK Day everyone.
Barkley G
@ Citizen X
Be careful where you do this. Burning the Confederate Flag may be illegal in Texas. It is in Georgia ( I think in FL and SC, too).
Just some words of warning
Quaker in a Basement
Balloon Juice is all Go from here.
Before the makeover, I had been having trouble with the site while using IE8. Problems have not reappeared.
overall not bad, font is a little small using the default settings in mozilla firefox for my taste…that and I liked the old formatting where the post titles were in bold font
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): Big congratulations!
Would you consider sharing sharing one of your poems in a comment on this thread? Who knows, we might be tempted to buy the book!
Hillbilly Heroin is oxycontin, not meth. That’s hillbilly coffee.
I am a fan of Crown Royal on Facebook. Crown posted a Happy Martin Luther King Day item on the wall. Call me naive, I was shocked by how many people wrote they celebrate the traitor Robert E. Lee Day instead, or James Earl Ray Jr. Day and other racist comments.
I need a drink.
@Tsulagi: Progress! The spam filter still in place and you can get block quoting to work properly if you put a double underscore in the blank line between paragraphs. That’s all I know from testing yesterday. :-)
Who knew ABL was that cute? Show of hands?
OK, it looks better now. whew
Outstanding post from Sully except for the paragraph about Sarah Palin. This is a good description of Sully’s whole blog.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Day 6
On day six of my relentless quest to honor President Obama’s heartfelt and inspiring call to action – “to live up to the example that young Christina Green expected in how our democracy should function” – I have decided, in the spirit of our shared moral hero Martin Luther King Jr., to not wait around anymore for you all to “make me” do the right thing. I’m just going to do the right thing of my own accord from here on out, and I encourage you all to do the same thing. Who’s with me?!
@Elie: Elie, one way to know whether it’s the ads that are screwing things up would be to install Ad Blocker. If the problem goes away, you know it’s the ads.
Edit: I did a quick google and it looks like there are different ad blockers for different version of IE. Which version of IE are you using? (apologies if you stated that earlier)
Old Dan and Little Ann
If you have never seen Dave Chappelle’s bit about grape drink you’re missing out. Google it and enjoy the show. If I had linking skills I would share.
MikeJ – January 17, 2011 | 11:03 am · Link
How do you resize the comment box?
@Violet: Click on the lower right hand corner of the comment box and drag it. You can drag the corner down, or to the right, or out at an angle to make it bigger in both directions.
Joseph Nobles
My goodness, Gateway Pundit has not only doubled down on Applausegate, he’s doubled down on Dyegate, or Haircolorgate if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. He really is trying to encourage the notion that the White House dyes Obama’s hair to fit the public occasion. Ye gods, the madness.
To the credit of the commenters, most are recognizing the truth of “different cameras, different lighting.” But there are notable holdouts.
I missed all of the fun yesterday, and the site looked bizarre in Safari, but clearing the cache fixed the problem.
I third the vote to bring back avatars for Halloween since I missed them altogether by actually going out and doing stuff yesterday.
@WaterGirl: @Elie: Check out comment #33 on the thread Site Notes for an even simpler solution.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
I see another bug: Whenever Uncle Clarence Thomas posts, WP seems to add lines before and after his text that contains just periods. It shouldn’t do that.
What always surprises the hell out of me is how many of them are willing to have it publicly recorded for posterity that they’re racist assholes.
@Violet: That might only work on Safari and Chrome. I think it’s a webkit trick.
Joey Maloney
The site looks fine to me, but it is intermittently hanging; maybe once or twice an hour (yes, my life is indeed that pathetic and empty) the page will partially load or not even partially, and then just stop. It doesn’t drop the connection, it just hangs.
I tried that. The cursor doesn’t change at all to show how I can resize it. If I try to click in various locations near the bottom right corner, just to see if something happens and I can resize it, nothing does happen. I don’t see an resizing capability at all like on other things that resize. Nothing happens.
I’m using FF 3.6.13. I have a few add ons but haven’t customized it all that much, so don’t think it’s probably that. I don’t know.
The pie filter isn’t working in Firefox! My eyes! My eyes!
@Violet: Check out Martin’s comment above, that it might be a Safari and Chrome thing. (I have Safari.)
But it’s a problem we all have, so I do hope they make the box & the text bigger. The old reply text box was about 4 times bigger than this one. (So handy that I still have a tab open from before they rolled out the new site.)
I don’t see an resizing capability at all like on other things that resize. Nothing happens.
Damn. You’re right. I keep getting my hillbilly drugs mixed up. I need a drink.
Are the page title tagline and header tagline supposed to be the same? If so, they’re out of sync…
@Brachiator: Speaking of the Favres…
Favre files retirement papers.
About damned time!
Thanks. I haven’t tried Safari or Chrome.
Urgh. It was supposed to be “any resizing capability.” My keyboard is sticking and FF slowing things down. I think I need to reboot.
peach flavored shampoo
Can we get a fresh thread, preferably about the fact that Lousy’anna is trying to “make up” lost snow days by holding class…on MLK day. That’s a pretty big dick move, I must say.
See, he’s just like Reagan.
She may be cute but she’ll still kick your ass
That’s only in edit mode, I think. The “Leave a Reply” window at the bottom of each post is not resizable (at least for me).
Except he’s not as nice to Black people as Reagan was.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Cris: Aren’t those the best kind of women?
Oh, even better.
Mark S.
We must shut down this terrorist organization!
If these John Galts were to stop evading taxes, they would withdraw from society and we would be screwed.
It does make me wonder, though, what exactly is in Assange’s “insurance file.” I assumed it was something like this, but it must be something else.
Who kidnapped the front pagers?!
Have they no news and opinions?
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): It’s a high-tech lynching, I tells ya!
res ipsa loquitur
The line with the date of the post, the category, and the link to comments is too close to the top of the next post, i.e., looks like it belongs to the next post.
I’m on Google Chrome if that makes a difference.
My two cents.
Also, too, the site was behaving perfectly for me just now, UNTIL I COMMENTED, now the text is not wrapping and clearing the cache doesn’t fix it.
ETA: Annnnd posting this second comment reset everything. Let’s see what happens when I edit it.
ETAA: And it stayed fixed when I edited the comment once, let’s see what happens when I edit it twice. I’m just searching for any clues as to why the site remains unstable in Windows 7/IE 8.
As for the site redesign, my comment is a favorite oldie…
licensed to kill time
The site looks great! Many improvements since yesterday when I was last here.
I still prefer the old-style comment numbers. The ones we have now are boring and when comments go into the triple digits they bleed over the faint left margin.
I liked the elegance and style of the grey, rounded, larger comment numbers. It gave the joint some class.
Also the type font in the comment box looks like an old typewriter, I can’t remember the name of the font. And the box is teeny.
All in all a decided improvement, however. Muchas gracias.
Dennis SGMM
I’m liking the re-design – especially the absence of bold type in the block-quotes. Using FF 3.6.13 under Win 7-64 and it all works fine.
@Steeplejack: I can resize the window, regardless of whether I have clicked in the window to edit it. Martin suggested above that this may be something you can do in Safari and Chrome, but not in other browsers.
Stacy The comment numbers are no longer searchable, it would be great if they were searchable again. And bigger again, please. Also, when the numbers reach 100, they run into the line on the left.
@Allan: Maybe it depends on which ads are up? See comment #33 on the thread called Site Notes for a suggested solution.
@BGinCHI: I have actually been appreciating that for the past week or so there haven’t been half a dozen fresh posts all at the same time. :-) It’s almost like you can have a conversation again, which makes it feel like balloon juice before we had 10 front pagers.
Bill Murray
@scav: serif don’t like it
licensed to kill time
I also applaud the non-bolding effect in blockquotes now. That used to really blast my eyeballs. Now they are relax :)
That avatar scramble yesterday was funny. I love BGinCHI‘s idea to make it an annual event. I went to Gravatar today to figure out how to unregister and apparently it is not possible. You have to say ‘don’t use this image’ and delete any profile information (not that I put any in) to make it blank, but I think they hold on to whatever email address you put in for eternity.
Anybody know for sure?
Ash Can
@Barkley G:
If that’s true, then if I had unlimited time and money, I’d burn Confederate flags on the front steps of all three of those state houses, just to get their stupid-ass law declared unconstitutional.
Angry Black Lady
@brantl: ::raises hand::
Angry Black Lady
it’s a hot mess on google chrome. looks great on firefox and safari.
i don’t even know what this “internet explorer” is, so i can’t speak intelligently about that.
@MeDrewNotYou: Hallelujah! I so hope he remains retired this year.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: Oh my god. That shit is hilarious!
And, I’m down with avatars on Halloween.
@Angry Black Lady: Weird. Looks good on my Chrome, but as I noted, I have an earlier version.
Maybe you should upgrade from Netscape 2.02.
@Angry Black Lady:
Chrome and Safari use the same rendering engine, so you probably need to upgrade one or the other.
Benjamin Cisco
Silly-assed trolls that I had gorging themselves on pie are now spewing their inane, IQ-lowering BS all over the joint. Need some cleek powers activatin’ over here…
I agree about reading BJ on Mozilla, but today it’s the only browser of 3 I have that loads correctly. I am getting oh so frustrated.
gogol's wife
@licensed to kill time:
Yes, the font in the comments looks like one of the fonts we used to have on certain typewriters at the FAA several decades ago. I always hated having to use them. I can’t remember what it was called, but in 1973 it was supposed to be really groovy.
Otherwise I’m getting used to the new look. Not really otherwise, I don’t care what the font is, I was just interested by your noticing that.
Thanks for the control F5 bit. Going out to Mozilla/Firefox seems to have corrected the layout in IE 8. Based on these comments, it seems I may be the only one who finds the font,type and spacing (too much white space is hard on my eyes) less than optimum. Perhaps there’s something I could do to be able to read the site in a darker font and compress the white space? Just askin.
licensed to kill time
Ha ha! What was groovy in ’73 looks really old-fashioned today. Probably like me, sigh.
I used to be groovy, man!
eta: oops, meant that to be in reply to gogol’s wife
El Tiburon
holy shit, what a colossal clusterfuck this is.
The comments look like shit, the front page looks like shit.
I guess you had your reasons.
@El Tiburon:
Ctrl – F5 it should work.
Had a chance this morning to look at the site rebuild on the iPhone. Though I was a bit put off at first by the missing balloon, I realized it’s non-appearance is part of the mobile device plugin stuff.
I really do like the fact that the column width has been winnowed down so as to make the font a nice readable size. The only odd thing is the title ‘bars’ on the front page have a font that is about 65% the size of the byline & post below. This is also true for the navigation ‘bars’ shown when having clicked through to a post (i.e., ## comments on this post, Leave a comment, Search Site, etc.) The really odd thing is that while viewing a particular post, the title ‘bar’ then has a larger, more appropriately sized font. Seems like this should also be the way the front page renders, but I wonder if this a particularity of FYWP or the iPhone browser?
Also: if it were my site I think I’d make the BJ Lexicon, FAQ, & Privacy Policy links much smaller on the front page (they literally push all the content off screen). And I lose them on within the individual comment threads.
But of course it’s not my site!
One other odd thing I noticed today: the rotating pithy phrase that shows up in the title of the FF window does not match the one below the “Balloon Juice” graphic at the top of the front page, leaving me to wonder if this is itentional? Two calls for a random retrieval function? Now I’m tempted to refresh over & over to see if I’ll ever get served up matching ones…
El Tiburon
ok, thanks, that did the trick.
I partially retract my prior statement of the clusterfuckedness of it all.
I remember when TBogg left for FDL. Boy oh boy did the shit hit the fan. It’s all good now. So I will adapt.
Now I love it!
Told you I would adapt.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Yeah, didn’t think so.
protected static
I haven’t run into any super major issues (and the mobile theme makes reading all 190+ comments somewhat onerous – they load expanded, then contract – so apologies I’d this is a dupe) but I thought you’d want to know that doesn’t resolve the same as On my laptop running XP SP3 and whatever the current release version Firefox, does not load the most recent post, while does. On my iPhone 3G running iOS 4 and that zaftig bastard version of Safari, loads the mobile site, while loads the full version of the site (with the most recent post showing).