Journalists who report from places like Egypt have a lot of guts, even if they are Fox reporters, tv stars, or big name pundits.
by DougJ| 43 Comments
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by DougJ| 43 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Journalists who report from places like Egypt have a lot of guts, even if they are Fox reporters, tv stars, or big name pundits.
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Another Commenter at Balloon Juice (fka Bella Q)
Kristof’s piece is worth reading for the story of Amr, who still has hands. A very different kind of therapy for the Mondays (raising hand with a case today) than the Shonen Knife video. I needed both. And you’re correct that it takes some guts, whoever you are. And fuck Rush Limbaugh with Trigger’s dick.
Yeah, but they can’t write and remember history like Fisk.
@Another Commenter at Balloon Juice (fka Bella Q):
He’d like that. And poor Trigger, what did he ever do to you?
What about Davros?
I’ve been thinking the same thing all week. While it’s kind of stupid for all the networks to rush to send their Katies, Andersons and Brians into Egypt, fully decked out in the khaki jacket uniform of a “war reporter,” it also highlights what reporters are willing to do to get stories. The situation in Egypt seems so fluid and unpredictable. I have to hand it to any reporter who is willing to get out in the midst of all that.
Yeah, I was surprised to find Kristof was on the scene.
And in the same vein, did Richard Engel get beaten up? The other night he sounded like he had a bad lisp like he might have lost a tooth or three. It could easily have been the bad audio, but it made me wonder.
ahh, Trigger’s dick. Fond memories.
If it was two nights ago, when the fighting first got bad, think it was the satellite video linkup, or whatever they were using to send the video back. Brian Williams was on the balcony with him and he sounded just as lispy.
Bob Loblaw
The Dalek? Is he up to no good again? I’m sure the Doctor is on the case.
You know what’s really courageous though?
Mocking those anti-American journo-pansies who were stupid enough to get attacked by Mubarak’s Freedom Forces, that’s what.
Seriously, the right seems to have absolutely no shame. I mean, fuck all, Brian Kilmeade decides to praise the thugs attacking his colleagues?
@Violet: Yeah, that was it, but I didn’t think BW sounded nearly so bad. But then, it might have been the way they were miked or something.
I can accept that but I do have problems with calling the Fox News employees ‘reporters’ (or ‘journalists’ in other contexts).
Scary job, I wouldn’t do it. Much scarier being an Egyptian protester tho. At least AC & Co can go home.
And fuck Brian Kilmeade. Seriously. And Mike Gallagher, whatever is beyond fucking.
Dennis SGMM
Those reporters should stop wasting their time on the possible upheaval and get back to acting as stenographers for the insane pronouncements of the Republicans.
HE praises it because that’s what he wants to see here. People reporting something you don’t want reported? Beat them up.
There’s a Brookings branch in Doha? Isn’t there anything that can stop these people?
Sorry mates, there are no genuine journalists in the USA. Have you forgotten that these so called journos were disparaging Julian Asange (wikileaks) just recently? Have you forgotten these journos have said nary about that poor soul, Manning? Did you know that they did not protest when your president, G.W.Bush, wanted to bomb the HQ of Al Jazeera? How about them standing up for that old lady, Helen Thomas? No we do not give a toss about American journos, especially, those who work for ‘the dirty digger’, Rupert Murdoch.
Wow. Young Conor delivers a magnificent smack-down today to a Breitbart minion:
Why didn’t we come up with the “prick of the day” award? Maybe it should become a daily tradition? Anybody? Anybody?
ETA: FYWP can’t get link to work so just inserted it.
ETA: FYWP x2 now link works
Kathy in St. Louis
I wouldn’t do what they are doing for rubies and pearls. It’s most telling that the government is trying so hard to hide its actions from the rest of the world. These people deserve the thanks of the rest of the world, regardless of what the pundits at home do with the information once it’s gathered.
I have been appalled by talk radio fools here in Southern California who laugh about Anderson Cooper being attacked, with hints that since all reporters are representatives of the liberal media, they deserve to get beat up, presumably until they take the official GOP loyalty oath and all work for Fox News.
Equally appalling is a kind of nutbrain pseudo libertarian line that runs that since they knew the risks of reporting from a dangerous location, whatever happens to them is their own responsibility.
I occasionally monitor the local RW blowhards in LA, John and Ken. The thought of Cooper and Amanpour getting beat up was met with uproarious laughter. Despite my skepticism, in this case I’m really hoping that karma is real.
Another Commenter at Balloon Juice (fka Bella Q)
@martha: I’m worried about my mental health. That’s the third time I’ve liked something by young Conor in the last few days. He makes a good point, pretty forcefully. Thanks for pointing it out.
Wow, the link at 10 describes really disgusting, disgusting behavior. It’s the usual violent shit with a sprinkle of fascistic values.
Along the same lines, a supposedly responsible mainstream national reporter mocking Cooper is . . . not so brave.
Silver Owl
The talk radio hosts that laugh about reporters doing their jobs and getting injured are always the lazy slobs with huge egos, low performance standards and never ever get out of the studio much at all. Pretty much losers in their fields and in life. The listeners that ape them are even more of a lower quality.
@Another Commenter at Balloon Juice (fka Bella Q): Me too. It’s kind of interesting to see both him and EDK (on this blog) evolve on some issues.
@martha: @Another Commenter at Balloon Juice (fka Bella Q):
i would quibble with young Conor here:
Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Christianne Amanpour are far from poorly compensated.
While there does need to be on-the-ground reporting in Egypt, I prefer it be done by actual foreign correspondents like Engel rather than the talking heads who jet in for the fireworks.
ETA: I do think Amanpour is qualified to report on this based on her years of foreign coverage. And yes, it takes a lot of guts to go out and stand among rioting crowds, so not disputing that.
I doubt that it needs pointing out, but these reporters had better get this revolution wrapped up by Sunday, because there’s a SUPER BOWL gonna be on my TV. No time for revolutions!
Friersdorf is on fire lately. Time and again, he calls out the sins of pundits on the Right. His Limbaugh piece today was strong too.
Setting aside the poor judgment that leads him to think of himself as a Conservative in the first place, I’m growing to like the guy. If the other side was composed in the main of people like him, we’d all be a lot better off.
@arguingwithsignposts: Oh, I agree there’s a big difference between a Ben Wiedeman/Ivan Watson and Anderson Cooper. Or Richard Engel and Brian Williams. (TV examples). And they’re different from Anthony Shadid. No arguments from me there.
@arguingwithsignposts: OTOH, the producers and camera(wo)men that share the danger don’t get nearly the same compensation. Well paid, no doubt, but it wouldn’t be enough to get me there.
Agreed there. I wonder if they get combat pay?
It is couragous and they will never stop reminding us how couragous they are! Their courage is as vast as their egos. So while I’m glad they are doing actual real reporting for a change, I also feel we shouldn’t do anything to further elevate most of their incredible sense of self-worth. lol
But most importantly, what does this mean to America?
Villago Delenda Est
Everyone knows that the only real, authentic, honest reporting is done over a DSL link from your mom’s basement.
Especially overseas reporting, especially war correspondence.
This pic made me think that even though not enough Americans pay attention to international news or stories, the international community is surely listening and paying attention to us.
(Muburak) No You Can’t!
Meh. It’s not courage, it’s desperation for air time, and the maintenance of their egos that drives these million dollar bobble heads into the fray.
Good background reporting, local stringers and strategically placed roof top cameras can tell us a lot more than camera whore Anderson Cooper, wandering through the crowds with his entourage; as if he had no idea he would draw attention with his foxy white mane. Please.
As for his “courage:”
Quote: “I’m a bit scared.” waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
Also, too, and furthermore: For someone who has been severely beaten around the head and shoulders by raging government thugs, Anderson, as far as I can tell from his new, dimly lit spots from a dingy and undisclosed location, is remarkably free of lacerations or bruising. His silver/white mane IS stylishly mussed, though. And the alleged beatings are great attention-getters.
My point is that the big dollar talking heads always make it about THEM personally when doing on location shoots. Anderson did the same thing when he was in New Orleans.
anna missed
The Foxmuse’s shoulda’ sent in a real man/reporter like they did when they sent Joe the Plumber to report on the Gaza dust up.
Anderson Cooper is old hat at this. He was taking fire in Bosnia reporting for a kid’s news channel, fer chrissakes. Guy’s got some serious stones.
I’ve been avoiding the US media primadonnas by catching the Al Jazeera English live feed. If you have a Roku box, you can get it from the Roku Newscaster channel, free, and watch it on TV instead of ‘puter.
Ash Can
Hats off to these guys especially for sticking around when it was becoming apparent that the regime was turning on journalists. When Al Jazeera started to get harassed, these guys could have turned tail and run, with their organizations giving some cover to the effect of “In the interest of their safety, station administration has removed our crew to a safer locale” etc. But they didn’t. Credit where credit is due, to be sure.
@Tim: I’m very sorry to hear that apparently at some point in the past, Anderson Cooper pissed in your Cheerios.
Jeez dude. Whatever you might think of him and the others, what they’re doing IS dangerous and something the vast vast majority of us wouldn’t do for all the fucking tea in China. I’d bet you’re included in that group, so how about STFU with your insults?
Hey, Alison, how about you go pleasure yourself with Anderson’s spittle-lubed microphone? I’m sure he’d be happy to loan it to you for a small fee. Go to his web site and find a link.
If your dear, brave Anderson is so courageously devoted to newsgathering, why is he hiding out now? Why doesn’t he dye those silver locks black and get back out there where the news is happening, and as only he can report it?
I am sorry for you that you are so naive and stupid.
You probably think Brian Williams does appearances on 30 Rock for their news value.
A Humble Lurker
Show us on the doll where Anderson Cooper touched you.