Dictating this to the Spousal Unit; they’re holding me in the hospital after twelve hours in the emergency room and subsequent minor hand surgery (more irritating than dangerous). Since I don’t have Cole’s stamina, there will be no NIXONLAND discussion this Sunday. Also, expect light posting for a couple of days.
Reader Interactions
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Sorry to hear that. Hope it’s nothing serious and you recover quickly.
I hope you’re feeling better after you get some rest. I spent time in an ER back in November and I know it can be tiring just from the waiting to be helped.
Best wishes for recovery.
Hope your recovery goes well. In other Nixon news, The Doctor referred to him as “Tricky Dick” last night. The 18 minute gap was not addressed.
Get better soon…
Hope you heal quickly. I will miss it if you don’t post.
Here’s wishing for a fast recovery, AL.
Feel better, Anne Laurie.
@gnomedad: No, but he did suggest Dick record everything that occurred in the Oval Office from then on.
Speedy recovery AL.
Jay C
What a bummer, Anne: hope your hand – especially the typing parts – heals quickly and painlessly (as possible).
Don’t worry about Tricky Dick: he isn’t going anywhere, and neither are we!
Triassic Sands
I hope you recover quickly with no lasting effects.
Shame on you PurpleGirl, this is the United States of America. There is no waiting in our health care system. They wait in other countries; not in America. In Canada, for example, it would have taken at least six months for Anne to receive emergency treatment and the doctor would have been so incompetent that he or she would have probably amputated Anne’s hand. — Signed Any Truth-loving Republican
@Triassic Sands: LOL
I hope you have a quick recovery, and that you’re back posting soon.
Hey hey hey, gnome dad, SPOILERS (imagine River’s voice.). Some of us havent watchedthat yet!
AL feel better, heal quickly.
Villago Delenda Est
Get better very soon, AL. But don’t push it. These things take time to heal up, and pushing it only prolongs the process in the end.
TaMara (BHF)
What a lousy way to spend a Saturday night. I wish you a quick recovery and hope you are not just being stoic and it truly was minor surgery.
The ER? My god, whatever weird cosmic karma Cole has that causes him to visit an ER every six months after another random accident (dislocating his shoulder while walking his dog, accidentally disemboweling himself with a paper cut while reading the Sunday paper, etc.) is apparently contagious and has spread to the other front-pagers!
Hope you get better soon.
Ow! Heal quickly, Anne Laurie.
Annie: plz get better soon.
You Canadian? Nice to hear about the health care.
Linda Featheringill
Hope you get better soon.
Give the hand plenty of time to heal. You really don’t want to rush it and then have permanently diminished function.
Of course, you are welcome to lurk at any time. :-)
Oh, bummer. Fast healing to you- hands are nothing to mess with. Maybe we Whovians will take over an open thread (after leinie has had a chance to watch). It was nice of DW to give us the REAL reason Nixon started taping everything. ;)
ditto to everything everyone else has said and let me add my wishes for your speedy recovery.
Damn, girl, hope it all goes well!
Liberal Sandlapper
Get better soon!!
AL – get better. And we need a May Day thread.
Best wishes for a complete recovery, AL.
Best wishes & rest up.
Oh my. Sorry to hear about this mishap and adding my good wishes for a speedy recovery to the Greek chorus.
A tax cut should help speed recovery.
Seriously, I hope you are on the mend.
Get better soon, it *sounds* minor, I hope it is.
What’s up with that 12 hour wait? I blame Mitt.
Good luck for a full and quick recovery!
Hillary Rettig
pups and pup-lovers all over blogland wish you a speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear you were hurt, happy to hear you are recovering.
Rest the hand, but maybe consider getting voice recognition software. Go for one that’s really incompetent – imagine the comedy possibilities!
Oh, and WTH happens to make hand surgery an emergency, the possibilities are so gruesome.
M. Bouffant
Gardening accident?
I had a hand injury as a result of punk-rocking fun many yrs. ago. The doctor was poking around looking for damage when he severed one of the ligaments. Not sure how much my insurance covered (May have met the deductible already that yr.) but I was never charged a penny for anything, including the physical therapy sessions at the doc’s office.
Anyway, I hope you heal up real quick.
mai naem
SO Ssrah Palin was right liberal bloggers aren’t to face death panels under Obamacare and the liberal lamestream media doesn’t report it.
Hurry up and get well soon.