I wonder if the current Al Qaeda #2 and #3 are thinking it is about damned time someone else took a bullet?
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I wonder if the current Al Qaeda #2 and #3 are thinking it is about damned time someone else took a bullet?
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J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Zawahiri probably crapped his pants.
Mike Kay (Team America)
Outside the White House
Memo to Khaddafyi, start packing before the Brits and French send you packing.
Chad N Freude
Maybe. But this creates an opening for a new CEO.
Not knowing who the #2 is makes Al Qaeda even more dangerous. Thanks for nothing, Obama.
Even the dyed-in-the-wool Obama hater Neal Boortz just said “I’m proud of our military and I’m proud of our President”
Couple of good photo’s! LOL!
and this one apparently on the ground outside of Bush’s gated community!
al-Zawahiri wants a fight. I doubt he’s crapping his pants. He’s probably giddy with the idea of striking targets in Egypt and elswhere.
Does no one else feel the least bit queasy at the trampling of the principle of national sovereignty? This operation makes a mockery of international law.
@AkaDad: BAhahahahah! Obama is smarter, richer, luckier, and better looking than you, and he is your president. And he is black. And there is NOTHING you can do about it except let that hate eat your soul like a cancer!
New Yorker
I wish we had gotten the #2. Zawahiri is more dangerous than bin Laden, IMHO.
It’s the al Qaeda #3 who is like Spinal Tap drummers.
New Yorker
No. Next!
@cyd: Do tell troll!
Our biggest enemy was hiding in a neighborhood of Pakistani military officers. So, no. Fuck them.
@Chad N Freude:
Yeah, for better or for worse that was one of my first thoughts. Bin Laden, dead: presumably, that means Zawahiri inherits the franchise. A man whom, interestingly, Bin Laden’s hand-picked biographer describes as “the real brains behind al-Qaeda.”
Mike Kay (Team America)
May 2, 1945: Hitler dies
May 2, 2003: Bush declares “Mission Accomplished” in a Halloween costume.
May 2, 2011: President Obama kill bin Laden.
AkaDad: You are a… I don’t know exactly what you are. I can’t say “stupid” because I don’t know you at all and it could turn out you’re a fairly bright guy in spite of the evidence. “Unthinking” might work, because it doesn’t occur to you that the people who were good enough to plan and carry out this operation already figured out the basics, which include preparing for backlashes. So… troll. Yep.
If Pakistan was complaining, you’d have a point. You don’t.
@Mike Kay (Team America):
Just perfect :)
@cyd: Fuck em.
You would have to be an idiot not to realize that a select few in the Pakistani government approved this raid.
I also seriously doubt that the average person in the street in Pakistan will mourn OBL.
I was randomly awake at 4am pacific today and turned Morning Joke on for just long enough for him to proclaim that Obama angered his base in doing this. Took about 8 seconds. what a useless jackass that guy is. Even on OBL day he can’t help but proclaim the left to be a bunch of pussies. Must really burn him that it was our president that got it done.
well lets see if Zawahiri spends his “assets” in a revengeful fashion. I kinda doubt it and I suspect he may be looking over his shoulder quite a bit while waiting for targets of opportunity. The “war” isn’t won but this is still a significant victory/achievement, Obama has cut the head off the snake. It’s like that scene from the Untouchables, it would have to make you nervous to know that the inner circle can be breached, especially with the way that Bin Laden lived the last few years and the case that if he could have been tagged in Pakistan, then just where is it safe to be?
I’ve been posting here longer than most people. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m satirizing Conservatives.
Mike Kay (Team America)
Obama on tee vee, right now.
@AkaDad: It was old the first time you did it.
@Mike Kay:
I like the progression, but, just for the record, Hitler died on April 30, 1945
Earl Butz
@Chad N Freude: It kind of doesn’t. Zawahiri – who, BTW, we KNOW is in Pakistan – is the only other guy who would acceptable and he really has no interest in the job. He’s more of a “brains behind the throne” type than a leader.
Al Qaeda is not in a good place this morning. Their superstar, their Che, is dead and they really didn’t have plans for a successor. Will we see the last of them? Hell no. But they will be small, 1-4 man cells who plants shitty little butane bombs with notes saying “love, Al-Qaeda” because the name is the only asset they have left.
In short, they will be the Eric Robert Rudolphs of the Muslim world. Living out of dumpsters and in people’s basements.
The reporting has changed since early this morning, and this is likely the location of the compound, not here. The new location is still quite close to the various military bases, but doesn’t have as many other buildings in the immediate vicinity.
Eighty Percent Of Al-Qaeda No. 2s Now Dead
George W Bush
This thing about . . . let’s put 100,000 of our special forces stomping through Pakistan in order to find bin Laden is just simply not the strategy that will work.
@Chris: Next in line and the focus of all those freed up intelligence analysts. If I were him I would be laying low for the next…errum….rest of his soon to be made even shorter life!
I’m invoking Poe’s Law. Getting tough to tell the snark from the genuine crazy without a cheat sheet.
Last night Fox was speculating that taking out OBL would embolden AQ to carry out reprisal attacks and show their strength. Like they had been hanging back with a chip on their shoulder waiting to be provoked.
Two things to remember:
In 2008 when the economy collapsed and the government bailed out the filthy banksters only Obama was responsible.
In 2011 when a covert strike in Pakistan killed enemy of America Osama Bin Laden only George Bush was responsible.
Don’t let anyone tell you any different…
Yep. They used to have this super-rich, super-influential head guy who did a big thing and then evaded justice… until now.
Now… they are failures.
@Earl Butz:
Check out Al Jazeera: http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/20115272712668919.html. The op-ed writer makes the interesting point that Bin Laden had already “died” in a sense years ago, and that the Arab Spring uprising was a big nail in his coffin by putting the lie to his claim that only through him and his revolution could the Muslims of the world free themselves.
It is a fact that al-Qaeda’s name has been mud among most Muslims for several years now. Not that they were ever as revered as they claim, but it’s far worse now.
That Bin Laden was living in a rather palatial estate seems to also fly in the face about him being an ascetic lving off the land too.
I imagine some young men are burning their Qaeda draft cards and deciding on a new line of work.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@cyd: No, because international law allows actions inside a sovereign country in cases just like this. That’s one of the reasons Iran is in a hurry to get nukes.
@Earl Butz: I read “Eric Robert Rudolphs” as “Eric Roberts.” In the name being the only asset, it still made sense.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned, or even if it’s true, but read on da ‘nets that May 1, 1945 was the date Hitler was announced dead. And now OBL on May 1 as well. Again, can’t verify, but interesting if true.
Rush is saying we got this info from a detainee at Gitmo who may have been waterboarded. Obama deserves credit for following Bush’s policies.
“Come join al Qaeda, we have mansions!”
OBL may not have been the planner behind AQ’s terror attacks but he was the charismatic leader and figurehead. Taking him out of the picture may not interrupt their operations in the short term but it’s a blow to their recruiting and image. That does a lot of damage in the long term.
Mike Kay (Team America)
remember when then candidate Barack Obama said if he had actionable intelligence on Bin Laden’s location he would authorize a cross border raid into Pakistan, and the republican candidates, including McCain, rebuked him for proposing to violate Pakistan’s sovereignty.
I wish media matters/Rachel Maddow would dig up those clips.
New Yorker
Yes. In a way, I’m actually glad the cockroach lived to see his bete noir, the Egyptian government, overthrown….by a peaceful mass movement of liberal students and workers and intellectuals. That must’ve really burned him after all his propaganda about how jihad was the only way to fight against the Mubaraks of the world.
@GregB: The compound might be big by the standards of most al Qaeda members’ homes, but it’s not exactly a modern palace.
Mike Kay (Team America)
Obot Alert
The President and First Lady will be appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show today, check local listings.
@Chad N Freude: Job creation.
You do an obvious spoof, people say it’s too obvious. You do a clever, subtle spoof, and people think it’s for real.
You can’t win on this blog. Ain’t no use in trying.
Very similar to the ill-fated Son-Tay Raid that tried to rescue President McCain.
@New Yorker:
They got boned even earlier than that, by Hamas in 2005. They’d been criticizing it for years for participating in democratic elections, saying that it was silly and blasphemous and that only by restoring the Caliphate could Islam come to power as the Prophet intended because democracy was a Satanic Western invention and all that…
Then Hamas won the Gaza elections and left them with egg on their faces.
@AkaDad: You’re just embarrassing yourself now.
Alex S.
I’m torn between getting out of Afghanistan right now, and trying to kill Al-Zawahiri and Mullah Omar, not that I have to do it myself…
@piratedan: The other “unsettling” thing for al-Zawahiri was the high degree of secrecy for this operation and the use of detainees for information. He obviously has to assume he is a target and now he knows what the current admin is capable of besides just blowing up gatherings from drones. Coupled to his really bad year that started with the Egyptian uprisings — he’s got to be tweaked.
Bobby Thomson
@PeakVT: Wrong link.
Try this.
Jay C
Is that more, less, or an equal level of mockery-of-international-law than a “sovereign nation” allowing an internationally-wanted terrorist criminal to live in ease in one their cities for five years – the site of the Pakistani West Point, no less?
Please let us know where that falls on the mockery-scale.
I knew he wouldn’t let us down. When you’re not obsessed with reality everything is clear.
@cyd: My understanding per the reporting at ThinkProgress.org was that Pakistani assistance was involved.
No. Sorry, there was no choice.
I know what you’re saying, but I still enjoy doing it.
Endless supply of right wing fail on the innertubez today.
For sale, used Teabagger bumper sticker!
“obamadiary” sounds like a type of camel.
@gelfling545: The helicopters apparently were based in Pakistan and Pakistan had to, at the very least, been notified about US Helicopters in their airspace.
I wondered what Rush would claim.
Thanks for posting it.
@GregB: The pics at ABC news don’t look palatial. The complex looks to be as much a prison as a safe house. Bet he’s been there since it was built.
I’m waiting for deathers to emerge from Wingnutosphere – people claiming that OBL’s death was faked.
I can’t imagine any elected or “serious candidate” Republican jumping on this bandwagon but you never know. After all is it wrong just to bring up “unanswered questions”.
I kind of figured that was how he was going to spin it.
After 9/11 everyone rallied around Bush, but the Republicans can’t do the same for Obama. It’s disgusting and pathetic.
Prez Obama on BinLaden from Jan 09:
Today POTUS got to award a posthumous Medal of Honor to a citizen of Hawaii who served bravely in the Korean War. http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/hawaiinews/20110414_Medal_of_Honor_lauds_Maui_man.html
Yes, today is a good day.
I would be willing to bet there is a parallel investigation and ongoing planning for an operation to take out Zawahiri as well. Our president and his security people can walk and chew gum at the same time.
@MonkeyBoy: As am I, MonkeyBoy.
So let me get this straight
Leftists now APPROVE of waterboarding brown people at a military detention center outside of US legal jurisdiction to gain information for clandestine raids into countries with which the USA is not at war to kill people without trial?
Do I have this right? Because it seems that the same people who wanted to string Bush/Cheney up for “war crimes” not even three years ago, are now claiming victory or something.
@cyd: National sovereignty only exists for those states that can actually enforce it. It has ever been thus. The whole purpose of a state is to maintain the security of the nation and its territory.
Since the nation and state of Pakistan was harboring this guy, one can safely assume that somebody in the Pakistani state thought that doing so was advantageous to Pakistan’s interests, and that it was further worth whatever blowback they might suffer if it were discovered.
Just read this at politicususa, , and it is said pretty well (also gives BJ a shout-out). Here’s a sample:
edited for typo
No problem. I normally don’t listen to him, but today was kind of special.
Nah. They should just take a page from the Blackwater/Xe playbook and just rebrand themselves.
Hmmm. “The Republicans” seems to be available.
Earl Butz
@cyd: No. Next question.
Very smart of Obama to bury Osama at sea. Since there is no grave site, it can never be turned into a shrine. Next step should be to raze the compound where Osama has been living and turn it into a McDonald’s
Villago Delenda Est
Actually, I doubt very much if we ever killed a REAL #2 or #3. After all, you could just invent a name, put it in a press release, and say you did, and no one would ever know the difference because it’s all so ridiculously inside baseball in the first place. Not likely that anyone in the MSM would ever question it, after all.
Just you wait for that backlash, when dozens of outraged B-Team AQers start blowing their underwear up in airports all over the world….
You have GREEN pie? How odd.
@Sanka: No, we just want to waterboard YOU.
@Sanka: You have zero proof that waterboarded detainees provided this info. Its all speculation and rw noise machine stuff .
Once again, more than 12 hours and numerous posts have elapsed since this momentous news was reported, and I STILL have not been informed what Andrew Sullivan has to say about it.
WTF, Cole?
Omnes Omnibus
@Sanka: Link? Reputable source? Or crap you pulled from your ass?
Wow, I’m so glad that Osama Bin Laden is dead. We can finally bring all our troops home and end these three wars.
Wait, what?
They already did—his name is Donald Trump.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Anybody here know “Les Guignols De L’Info,” the French version of the Daily Show starring animated puppet versions of real people?
Osama Bin Laden was one of their better puppets, and there was one episode years ago when he was being “interviewed” by a French TV anchor asking him what he was going to do.
“Your organization’s on the run! The Americans are getting to the top of your organization, and you’ll be finished!”
“What organization? What top? You think we have a corporate headquarters?”
“Well, I mean, they just caught the number three in al-Qaeda. They’ve never been closer to you. Doesn’t that bother you?”
“A bit, but I’ve taken care of it: everybody’s rotated and I became Number 5,720.”
We won’t really know until we’ve checked the countertops. I’m guessing they’re overly nice (for a lair).
Omnes Omnibus
@cathyx: Since neither Iraq nor Libya have ever had anything to do with bin Laden, your logic falls a bit short. FWIW I would like to see Obama use this as a declare victory moment and step up the drawdowns from both iraq and Afghanistan.
Steve Coll, in the New Yorker, says that Al-Zawahiri is not as good a leader. OBL knew how to calm folks down but #2 tends to rub people the wrong way. Oh, and Pakistan had to know he was there.
And one of the commenters to Coll’s piece writes:
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2011/05/notes-on-the-death-of-osama-bin-laden.html#ixzz1LDOsTNmV
James Hare
Hey, we tried to get him to come along peacefully. He declined the invitation apparently.
We don’t know how the intelligence that led to his capture was developed. If it was produced through torture that is very distressing; however, that doesn’t make it a bad thing he’s dead. Kind of like it’s not a bad thing Saddam Hussein is dead even if the Iraq war was a bad idea.
We do have the right to capture and try guys like OBL, right? He resisted arrest. I won’t shed a tear for his passing. I hope we can find out that it was a result of good intelligence work free of torture. That we have to ask the question is really sad.
Checking out one story, Will killing Osama kill the movement he inspired? with reader comments from Colorado Springs (which is full of Obama deranged wingnuts), I already find comments:
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m voting Ass, 1, Ginormous Storage Capacity.
He/she/it hasn’t been around for awhile. Gosh, another void in my life refilled.
Mike in NC
It would appear that Sully has momentarily shaken off his Paul Ryan man-crush:
New Yorker
Rush Limbaugh is a leftist? Who knew!
-Barney Frank
Feh. No hollowed out volcanos, no tropical island hideaway, no French château, no stealth ship, no floating island. NOOB.
@kt: ZOMG! Are you kidding!?!?!? Now they have an opportunity to worship OBL over something like 70% of the earth! FAIL!
OTOH, now we know what those Muslims are doing when they go to the beach this summer.
stolen from one of the football boards I frequent…..
With the 255th pick in his year’s NFL Draft, Hell selects, Osama Bin Ladin, Terrorist, Al-Qaida.
@MonkeyBoy: My favorite on the Colorado Springs board is the woman who expresses disbelief based on a January 2002 article in which Musharraf speculated that he could be dead from kidney disease. Sigh.
@eemom: @Mike in NC: Finally! I was wondering when Mr. Cole’s obsession would come up.
@Omnes Omnibus: Reports are that the source of all of the operation goes back several years to KSM, who was captured and remains in detention at Gitmo. KSM you will recall,
got some water up the shnozwas waterboarded over 100 times. I remember because this blog was full of pearl-clutching, hand-wringing milquetoasts, who were decrying the evils of the previous administration for ordering said tactics and demanded “justice” for war crimes and how they just wanted to round up brown people for shitts and giggles.And oh yeah, the whiners were also crying about how the waterboarded would only “tell interrogators what they wanted to hear”.
But I guess its all good now, eh? Move along, nothing to see here…
@Chris: or sharks with frickin laser beams!
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Yes, we’ve heard this talking point hours ago.
You must be a proud little parrot. Sanka want a cracker?
Alex S.
Eh, show me this report. I’ve heard that the crucial information had been acquired last August – one and half year after the end of torture at Gitmo.
@Sanka: WTF are you babbling on about? Do you honestly not think that we KNOW you are quoting winger BS? Maybe you should wake up and smell the coffee sweetpea.
@BOSS BITCH: Mike Luckovich borrowed the banner.. link
Alex S.
Also, I wonder if we assumed that Bin Laden was in a cave in the mountains only because that’s what people ‘confessed’ under torture, knowing that it would be impossible to confirm or refute.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sanka: I asked for a link. From a reliable source. Your unsupported assertion, unfortunately, does not qualify as either one.
@Bobby Thomson: No, that’s the link I wanted to post there. I already posted a link to the compound here.
@trollhattan: You can play countertop inspector at home these days. (No countertops, actually, but what they show is pretty mundane.)
lol…here’s that 27% again
fucking mayor bloomberg just gave 90% of the credit to fucking george bush. gushing about how he stood there on ground zero and announced that he would bring osama to justice and all that we see today is due to his leadership. Only time he said Obama’s name was to refer to him as “commander in chief” and to say how Obama himself mentioned bush in his late night announcement.
the guy who took the microphone after bloomberg, however, did thank Obama and used his full title.
@Omnes Omnibus: Not to mention that it has been repeatedly noted by intelligence folks that KSM had given everything up that was useful BEFORE he was waterboarded.
Sanka, Rush is not a reputable source, just so you know.
@BOSS BITCH: Ah yes, Mayor Bloomberg — wasn’t he one of the pearl-clutchers who was AFRAID to have KSM tried down in Manhattan?
gypsy howell
Is Barney Frank so completely bamboozled about why we’re in Iraq that he thinks that Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” stunt was about Bin Laden?
Alex S.
Earl Butz
@Sanka: Rush Limbaugh
ratfucksreports, you repeat.Haven’t seen you around in a while.
@Sanka: Your claims are as fake as the product for which you named yourself.
Appropriate, that.
I realize your a fucking idiot, so I’ll go slow.
No. We (okay, at least I)do not approve of waterboarding people to obtain information or evidence. The point of fact that the courier’s name may have come from that sort of interrogation (currently only supposition)is irrelevant at this point. That (potential) damage was done under the prior administration. The fact that this administration sought to see if that information might be useful is what’s known as “making lemonade from lemons”. That they were able to actually make use of this information is nothing short of spectacular. And for yor little Fail Bomb about not bringing ObL in for trial, I submit the information that his surrender was solicited, and he refused, leading to his death in the subsequent firefight.
But hey, thanks for playing Wingtard Concern Troll Theater!
Then declare war.
People were complaining, rightly, when Israel assassinated that Palestinian leader in Dubai, but this helicopter-and-commandos operation is way more blatant. Imagine if China was hunting down a political dissident living in New York, and sent in a team of commandos (or, as Obamba originally planned, bombed the apartment building). They would have no right. I’m not drawing a moral equivalence between political dissidents and OBL (who deserved everything he had coming to him), just pointing out that the concept of sovereignty exists for a reason.
Ash Can
@Sanka: You mean the information the FBI says it got without resorting to the torture you falsely claim was effective? And which the Bush Administration gave up on anyway when it shut down the operation tasked with finding OBL in 2006, and W claimed he’d stopped caring about OBL altogether?
Seriously, I feel sorry for you. This is all you have — you’re grasping at straws, hoping that the smoke and mirrors of the threadbare spin you’re desperately clinging to will be enough to make people forget or ignore the facts of the previous ten years. Anything but admitting that you were wrong about this, that the truth really is the truth.
You poor thing.
Omnes Omnibus
@cyd: Evidence for your assertion that this was done without the, at least tacit, approval of Pakistan? Were the Israelis wrong to grab Eichmann?
Dad: My apologies. These days the snarkmeter is confused by the real crazy.
@Omnes Omnibus: Latest RW talking point. The troll is test-driving it. It’s funny.
If the host country is apparently fully in cahoots with said international criminal in defiance of international law, whatch gonna do?
Steve Benen has an interesting take on this: al-Qaeda has been losing power for years, and this could potentially be the death blow to them.
They spent years trying to convince their fellow Muslims that the only way to get out from under their repressive governments was violence, and now events in places like Tunisia and Egypt have put the lie to that.
yep. for it before he was against it.
And once again, the FBI guy who actually interrogated KSM came out after the fact and said that everything he said either was extracted without torture or could have been. That’s a point in our favor, not yours.
But sure, go on grasping as many straws as you can to avoid facing the simple fact that the current hand-wringing milquetoast pussy-ass liberal president accomplished in just a little over two years what your phony cowboy-wannabe deserter in chief couldn’t do for his entire administration.
@Sanka: As always, you’re nothing if not well-named. Weak joe, man. Come back when you’ve got something better.
@gypsy howell:
I seriously doubt Frank is bamboozled by anything.
@Omnes Omnibus: According to the NYT article from this morning, Obama informed Pakistani President Ali Zardari about the operation only after it was underway. No doubt it was a offer Zardari couldn’t refuse.
At the end of the day, OBL might well end up taking the Pakistani state out with him, which means hello loose nukes.
Well, since he got over, using his shtick, seems like he got what he wanted. What else would a spoof want?
So you’re saying that the Bush Administration knew exactly where bin Laden was all this time and didn’t bother to go after him? Because that’s the only way you can claim this all happened thanks to torture.
Omnes Omnibus
@cyd: If the Pakistani state collapses over this, its collapse was simply inevitable anyway. It is not as though we this was the first cross-border incursion by US forces. Moreover, in response to complaints regarding infringement of sovereignty, the US can simply point to the fact that the world’s most wanted man was apparently in Pakistan in conditions that make it rather unlikely that he was hidden from the government. If they were hiding him, they are not in a position to complain. If one faction in the government was hiding him, Zardari should understand why he wasn’t informed ahead of time. I am not all that worried about this.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
sure that is good news for the fundamentalist evangelical terrorist muslims, their shrine is as close as the nearest beach….
but its great news for the next season of jersey shore.
the sitch,snookie, the rest of the crew are getting some new roommates, fundie islamic jihadists, hilarity and drama ensue.
Actually, you are.
And, so?
A lot of stuff might happen. Might not.
How do you reconcile your conviction that the Pakistani government was completely ignorant of the operation with the crash of the Pakistan army’s helicopter during the operation? I would think that having members of Pakistan’s army participating in the raid would preclude your notion that the US just barged over the border uninvited.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Maybe I missed something, but that article does not appear to indicate that the helicopter was Pakistani.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hmm. I’m seeing different reports in different places. This is what MSNBC is saying today:
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Let’s also consider that, with no disrespect intended to the Pakistani military pilots, US special ops folk are going to want to use their people on a mission like this. I still don’t really see an issue with what happened here. Hell, the legal justification is the same one that was used, and accepted throughout the world, as justification for the invasion of Afghanistan. The country was providing shelter for, and refusing to turn over to US forces, OBL.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I must have missed the UN resolution authorizing US military action in Pakistan.
Omnes Omnibus
@cyd: Justification, not authority. Different concepts.
@Omnes Omnibus: So I hope you agree that this operation appears to be blatantly illegal.
Omnes Omnibus
@cyd: I don’t exactly see how you get this from what I said.
@Omnes Omnibus: The US may have had justification, but lacked authorization. Its troops went into Pakistan with no apparent legal basis, relying instead on the basis of “might makes right”—the same one employed for all those drone strikes, which were rightly condemned here on this site during more clear-eyed times.
Omnes Omnibus
@cyd: I am going to guess that you lack a background in international law, and I am going leave to your opinion now.
@New Yorker: Heh. Who wants to be “a small, green globule on the drum riser?”
@Strandedvandal: …or a big, fluffy white kitty.
@gypsy howell: No, dear, that was snark. Barney Frank is nothing if not a smartass.
@AkaDad: You were born this idiotic or did pox news turn you that way ? The stupidity burns.