Good to see Breitbart’s networks have been left in such capable hands. And poor Jesse Lee for having to deal with these morons on a daily basis.
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by John Cole| 21 Comments
This post is in: Clown Shoes, Teabagger Stupidity
Good to see Breitbart’s networks have been left in such capable hands. And poor Jesse Lee for having to deal with these morons on a daily basis.
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They haz competition.
Just sayin’.
You may recall that after Andrew Breitbart was assassinated by an elite squad of Black Panther Alinskyite Invisible Shaolin Warriors Of The Shadows, Local 138…
There’s the right way, the wrong way and the Dana loesch way–which is the wrong way, just louder and dumber.
pseudonymous in nc
We all knew that the proprietor of TBogg’s Filthy Yet Provocative House of Snark and Bassets (In Association With Shakira’s Ass) was a man of culture, but for me, that Marat/David caption won the internets for the day.
David Koch
BREAKING NEWS: Colts Release Peyton Manning
You know it always comes in threes: first Breitbart, then Kucinich, and now Manning.
Odie Hugh Manatee
We need to get a White House petition drive going to get Obama to declare that the Republican party likes to blow goats.
I’m sure he’ll sign it if we let him know we support it!
OT: Erickkk, Son of Erickkk, pushed for Perry to drop out and support Gingrich as the Anti_Romney. After pissing off the RS Perry (and other candidate) supporters with that request, today in a post titled “I voted for Rick Perry”, EE iz depressed:
Awww, EE haz a sad that too many people vote and when they don’t show up for the Republican primary in Georgia, he haz another sad. He ends his post with:
His side sucks so much that all he can do now is wait for the circular firing squad on the right to kill everyone but one candidate, then he will finally get to beat up on Obama and the Democrats without distraction. He wishes. At the rate that they are falling apart, this spring, summer and fall are going to be brutal for Republicans.
The Teahadists and Evangelicals haven’t even gotten started yet.
@trollhattan: Second Amendment, mofos.
That’s just an incredibly sad story. How you do live with yourself knowing that you accidentally killed your spouse? How do you explain that to your four-year-old?
@Mnemosyne: And why the hell is the thing pointing at the trailer? First rule of weapons, don’t point them at people unless you might need to kill them.
New Yorker
I’m tempted to help Dan Loesch’s petition out with names like “Dick Leakey”, “Harry Sachs”, and “Heywood Jablowme”.
@Gex: Shit gets weird in east San Diego county.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@New Yorker:
Our TF2 server uses a script that changes the bot names to ones we select. I have a few names I could contribute to that petition…lol!
One of my favorites to laugh at is “Pairof Titz”. Nothing like someone getting their ass kicked by a pair of tits!
Suffern ACE
@gex- well the first rule of artillery ownership is always assume that it is loaded.
Suffern ACE
@Mnemosyne-it reminds me of my very short golf career. Told not to ever hit the ball towards the house. But I couldn’t drive the ball for crap. Took me six shots to get it down the driveway, but sadly for a bay window, only one shot to get it all the way back. Lost the window. Lost the clubs. I can see how this would happen and surprised it doesnt happen more often, especially amongst the pumpkin chunkin / trebuchet building hobbyists.
Supposedly the cannon exploded, and shrapnel hit the trailer. It could have been pointed anywhere.
@Steeplejack: Ah.
And it really isn’t as though we need to sort through the evidence to decide if he’s done something stupid or not.
From the story, it doesn’t sound like it was pointing at the trailer — it sounds like the cannon exploded and shrapnel hit the trailer. Extremely poor engineering, but it at least sounds like he wasn’t intending to shoot it in that direction.
Given the time of night that it happened and the fact that there were other people there, I’m assuming drinking was involved, which always seems to be at the base of these kinds of stories.
That’s a sad story, but wtf is this paragraph:
If they wanted to make the point that they were a ‘striking’ couple because he was white and she was brown, or because he was ugly and she was beautiful, they should have said so. Or just shut up about their appearance.
A few months back Mythbusters had a problem with a wayward cannon, but were fortunate enough not to kill anyone. I should add that it was plain dumb luck that they didn’t off somebody.
Cannonz iz dangerous. Not toyz for rednecks. Or anybody else, really.
Hey y’all, watch this!
Apparently, some dude is married to it.