My good buddy Wiley Cash, whose book is going to blow up the moment it comes out (I’ve read it, it really is that damned good), just posted a new picture of himself:
The moment I saw that, I knew precisely what had to be done:
It’s amazing I have any friends whatsoever.
Mark S.
All right, Cole’s into the hooch tonight.
He’s probably still giggling about this.
Corner Stone
Well, if you have only one friend, but his name is “Wiley Cash”…then I’m pretty sure you’re fucking solid.
Corner Stone
@Mark S.: I would’ve paid money to beat you to the first post on this one. Cash money.
Good fuckin lord, KU, how many ulcers can you give me? Another close-but-shant-be game. A win izza win, natch, but come on….gimmie a blowout now and then….
Mark S.
@Corner Stone:
I’ll request to have it deleted if you want to send me money.
Omnes Omnibus
Yeah, finger painting would not have gotten your desired result.
Short Bus Bully
Cole has friends like I have friends. I think that’s why I like it so much here.
That and all the pie that gets thrown around…
That pic is WIN.
He looks like a fucking mermaid with one leg and one tail.
Should offer that for the book cover.
dead existentialist
@Punchy: No shit. This team doesn’t run away and hide.
eta: Of course they don’t let anybody put 102 on them, so there’s that.
Little Boots
I wish him every success in his artistic endeavors.
that is all.
Well done, sir. Well done.
Omnes Omnibus
Those shoes really are not appropriate for the venue. The heels should be taller to keep more of the foot dry.
ETA: Perhaps a platform sole as well, but that is a bit too 70s retro for fishing.
Drunk trolling your own blog. How sad.
Your friends has nice leg
OK, that cracked me up. And it does reflect a very strange yet juvenile sense of humor. Not sure how that reflects on me generally.
@amk: Agreed. Cole’s drunken Photoshop ninjitsu ain’t so good.
Skippy the Wondermule
You are innocent of any crime, he was clearly asking for it, consciously or subconsciously.
This may be why this is my favorite “lefty” blog. As my favorite whore used to say, “You can never show too much leg.”
I made that up, you’re my second favorite blog :-)
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Sheeeeit, he trolls the blog when he is sober. Why bring drunkenness into it?
dead existentialist
@Satanicpanic: Tee hee. I see what you did there.
Akso, too John, here’s a good tutorial for your next endeavor. It’s been around for a while.
You Suck at Photoshop.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
people come here sober?
Since I’m into the hooch, can i bring up something about this picture that will never cease to bother me about guys like this. I can’t grow facial hair. It doesn’t happen. I can not shave for a month and I look like a 13 year old kid trying to look cool with a pencil thin stache. I so want a beard like this. Stop rubbing it in my face people. I’m 27.
I don’t want to say this ain’t John’s gay lover..
You do, but we’re all here, and we’ve never actually met you.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: Dude, I basically shave every day to hide the fact that couldn’t grow a decent beard, neck beard, goatee, mustache, or any combination of them if my life depended upon it. I am 20 years older than you.
Dr. Loveless
What that picture needs now is the Pepper Spray Cop.
@Bnut: Don’t lose hope man, I couldn’t grow a decent one until I was well into my 30’s. It kept coming in all patchy and gross. Actually, I still think they’re gross, but I could grow one now if I wanted to.
all blonde kidnap gang.
who said blondes are dumb?
Little Boots
embrace the inner twink.
Corner Stone
@Bnut: Facial hair isn’t the true marker of manhood. Don’t worry bout it bro. Being able to grow facial hair really doesn’t indicate anything. It doesn’t mean a thing. Not really relevant in any way. Probably not really even useful, actually. Certainly not significant, in any event. Not much of anything.
@Bnut: Get over it. I’m 39 and the best I can do is shaggy. And that takes at least a week.
Omnes Omnibus
@Satanicpanic: Bastard.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: I prefer to think of myself as more evolved.
Grass is always green on the other side. My 17 year old looks like a hippie now, just missing two weeks of his shaving due to his school final exams.
Be careful about what you wish for.
Wee Bey
I shaved my legs for this?
I take solace in the fact that I have the thickest hair ever, and all my grandparents never went bald. But it’s not about manliness. I just want some chops. They look so sweet.
Little Boots
@Wee Bey:
be honest. half way?
@Omnes Omnibus: There’s a Wisconsinite joke in there. But I’m too fucking exhausted to bring it forth.
Little Boots
no, no they really don’t.
@Omnes Omnibus: Shit there’s a hell of a lot more hair I wish I could get rid of
Corner Stone
@Bnut: Gov Blagojevich?
Thought you were done for!
@Little Boots: Can I at least have sideburns? Please? Don Mattingly was my hero.
@Corner Stone: I don’t know what this means.
I’m re watching Game of Thrones S1, and my favorite scene just happened. The Dancing Masters death. So good.
Little Boots
@Corner Stone:
okay, it’s so mean, but did you hear his barber’s come forth now, and admitted he’s been dying that mop for 20 years.
Little Boots
no, smooth for you, dammit.
Warren Terra
What I know about the publishing industry would more or less fit into this blog comment, but at his site it appears that his first book has a four country / three language publishing deal. Sounds like he’s doing alright.
Little Boots
@Warren Terra:
plus, beard. (okay, that was mean, bnut.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: Dude, full head of hair and no real beard to speak of? That is my situation. Last summer, I went to my 25th college reunion and jealousy was rampant. Hair on top of your head is better than hair anywhere else on your head.
@Little Boots: No, just one leg.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
this is true. I realized I’m the same age as Andrew Sullivan tonight. did you see him on real time? yikes.
Little Boots
hot. and a little kinky.
If this is what you wanted the Photoshop person for earlier….for shame.
What am I talking about? Anyone who would do this to a photo of a friend has no shame.
@Wee Bey: Is your name a Wired reference? Also, since you have a baseball blog, lemme ask you a question. Who should be the Yankees 5th starter this year?
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Not tonight, but he isn’t aging well.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
no, once so hot, but no.
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey, what are you complaining about?
*full disclosure- not going bald either
Little Boots
love the books, actually a little worried about watching the series. is it really that good?
Little Boots
new thread, if anyone’s awake.
do you juicer’s do that new thread thing?
anyway, just come upstairs.
Wee Bey
@Little Boots:
You got me.
@Little Boots: The acting is top notch, some of the stories are compressed, but I’m very impressed. It’s been said here before, but Peter Dinklage steals his scenes. And Sean Bean. I mean, it’s Sean Bean.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: Dinklage is great, but Tyrion is also a fucking awesome character. Dude got the part of a lifetime.
Ditto. Think all my hair genes stayed on my head. Seems the balding guys are the ones with hairy chest/legs/back. Some kind of follicle migration.
Omnes Omnibus
@kdaug: I will take what I have. FWIW not going very gray either. So there.
@Omnes Omnibus: I have grays. But that’s genetic. My brother is half-silver at 32.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Seems like a chicken and egg question to me. If you have a great part and also have a great actor to play that part, it’s hard to decide where the greatness originates.
If you have any doubts about Dinklage’s acting chops, go rent The Station Agent right fucking now.
Also, too, am I the only person getting a vibe from the show that one of the underlying themes is that a major weather catastrophe is brewing but the aristocracy is fucking around playing their petty monarchy games instead of paying attention and trying to halt the catastrophe? No idea why that would appeal to a bunch of lefties.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: And if you read the books, Tyrion is utterly compelling. The actor found his part. Dinklage is a great actor who happens to be a little person.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: My dad and my brother got the Puritan English early gray. I got the Frog-Canuck dark (Thanks, Mom).
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know they keep talking about making movies out of Lois McMaster Bujold’s Miles Vorkosigan books, and I hope they do it before Dinklage is too old to play him. (Technically, he’s probably too old now since he’s my age, but Miles is a young man who looks 20 years older than he really is, and I think Dinklage is a good enough actor to pull it off.) That’s another part that I can’t think of anyone but Dinklage managing to pull off.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: I am unfamiliar with these. Should I remedy this?
In a few years, 20-30 maybe, you would probably just hate to shave, like the rest of us.
So I don’t do it. OK once a week or two. I have a full beard, not just stubble. I hate shaving so much that I kept a beard for an entire 18 yr relationship, sometimes going a month without trimming or shaving. Last time I shaved it off I made 3 days before I started growing it back. Hate it so much that I’ve had a full beard for over 90% of my adult life.
Embrace it, revel in it, thank whatever deity you believe in(or not), this no shaving luxury. You are blessed, not cursed.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Reading the rest of the comments after my reply to Bnut, I have to give you a hearty no shit. Have a full beard and close cropped head because I’m going fucking bald. For oh, the last 15 years or so.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: I am the opposite. I can go no more than 3 days before I must rush to the sink with a razor. I don’t feel like my face is fully clean if I go longer.
It’s gravity I tell ya.
Men and women, gravity hits us all.
Some Buscem-eyes would round things out nicely.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes. Start with The Warrior’s Apprentice. Baen Books keeps frickin’ repackaging everything, but I think that their current package Young Miles should get you the first two Miles books and a short story all in one volume. You used to be able to download pretty much the entire saga for free at the Baen website, but I don’t know if that’s still the case.
(The series actually starts slightly earlier with two books about Miles’ parents, Shards of Honor and Barrayar, but you can circle back to those after The Warrior’s Apprentice.)
@Omnes Omnibus:
It takes me about 5 days to get over that. After that I usually forget I’ve got the beard.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: We are clearly different people. I am guessing that the ability to grow a good beard does play a part in the willingness to remain unshaven for more than a day or so.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I didn’t say it was good, just long. Not even close to ZZ Top long but still.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: Correction graciously accepted.
opie jeanne
when, When, WHEN??? does the book come out? I’ve been waiting for it ever since you first mentioned it? I’ve noted the title in my iPhone so I won’t forget to pick it up.
@opie jeanne:
The link says April 17 is publication day.
Added to my B&N wish list.
BTW, B&N’s site sucks. They have no idea how to run a wish list.
The sweater under the jacket gives me an idea. Can you do that to a pic of Santorum? It would be so fitting.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Is this what you needed help with photoshop for?
Amir Khalid
It could be worse. Suppose you were a devout Sikh, and required to keep a beard …
Didn’t see this until Saturday morning, and it gave me a sweet start-the-day laugh.
It’s a damn near perfect manip: did you go to the pros?
Oh, and have you heard from Wiley yet??
John has photoshop skills. Cool.
Hey John, you have anything to do with Obama’s birth certificate?
@Mnemosyne: Yes, that would be best. But he shouldn’t skip the first two altogether; there are references to Cordelia Vorkosigan’s “shopping trip” in some of the later books that don’t make sense if you haven’t read at least Barrayar.