Via Paul Constant at Seattle’s Stranger, who adds (in a separate post):
… If you’ve been waiting to start donating to the Obama campaign, I don’t think you should wait much longer. Now is the time when the campaigns are preparing their infrastructure for the election, and the Obama campaign is going to need a flawless volunteer staff in swing states and states where Republicans are bragging about stacking the deck. Of course, the campaign could be doing a better job with their own fundraising, too. When the Supreme Court announces their health care decision on Thursday, Obama’s team had better be prepared to turn that into a huge moneymaking opportunity, no matter how the verdict comes down.
NYMag‘s Daily Intel has a different take:
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has President Obama leading Mitt Romney in swing states, where attitudes about Mitt Romney’s business background, which is frequently targeted in Obama ads, have become more unfavorable. On Tuesday’s Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell, New York’s own John Heilemann said the new numbers should quiet Democrats who’ve been fretting about the Obama campaign’s strategy — or, as David Plouffe memorably described them, “the bed-wetters.”…
Apart from horserace-parsing, what’s on the agenda this morning?
Bed wetting.
That’s so perfect.
Here’s the full paragraph from Plouffe’s January 2010 WaPost op ed:
— No bed-wetting. This will be a tough election for our party and for many Republican incumbents as well. Instead of fearing what may happen, let’s prove that we have more than just the brains to govern — that we have the guts to govern. Let’s fight like hell, not because we want to preserve our status, but because we sincerely believe too many everyday Americans will continue to lose if Republicans and special interests win.
boss bitch
Uhm,Duh! Pretty sure they have the fundraising e-mail and website content ready for any outcome. I mean, this is the campaign that came up with a registry.
Plouffe is dead on. This is an “All Hands on Deck” election. There will be no mulligans.
Three days 0f 105 degree temp coming right up!
Yes indeed. And those alleged “leftist progressives”, who are actually libertarian types in disguise, and whose reactionary views just rile my ass, continue to over-criticize, second-guess, and tear down this President.
He’ll prevail in Nov, but we still can’t relent and need to get the emptiness of the Rethugliscum plan to take all of us down exposed for all it’s worth.
BTW, anyone else miss this? Norquist holds court w/Rethugliscum to explain the “tax pledge” further and strategy, too, no doubt. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_CONGRESS_TAX_PLEDGE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-06-22-11-01-08
Oh boy, McCaskill coming up on Joe.
c u n d gulag
Anyone who has some problems with Obama, and I’ve had a few, only needs to look at the Supreme Court, and imagine Mitt filling in SC justices – we’ll have 6-8 Scalia’s, Alito’s, Thomas’s, and Roberts.
Kennedy will look like a feckin’ bleeding-heart Liberal in that bunch.
And that’s presuming Scalia doesn’t beat him to death for a dissenting opinion in the meantime.
Southern Beale
Quinnipiac Survey shows Obama leading in Ohio, PA and FL….
One of my sons got a summer job at a Ford supplier here. He just started Monday and they told them Sherrod Brown will be there Friday.
We have Sherrod Brown swag in the garage, we’ve had a Brown event here, and he JUST NOW put two and two together.
This is why the “youth vote” is so difficult. They’re
not the most attentive people, 18 year olds :)
@Raven: And the hubs decided this is the perfect weekend to head to Augusta for a Greenjackets game.
In the market for a new microwave. Old one is acting very strangely, after probably close to 30 years (all analog, no clock, one speed – “on”). Think the problem is in the timer dial rather than the electronic guts but, while still working, it does seem on the way to the great beyond for appliances.
What I’m after: mid-size, not compact nor the large ones. The fewer bells and whistles, the better. Looking for even heating and preferably a handle rather than push-button latch.
Popcorn is also unimportant – I use a hot air popper for that and don’t care for the packaged microwave popcorn.
Color unimportant. Also unnecessary are presets.
Anyone with opinions as to a decent value brand or model?
Also, too, anyone have experience with the inverter-type versus standard?
I want to tell you something.
For the last two days I have driven by the body of a dead cat between the two concrete barriers on the interstate. Of course, I know how it got there. Others flying by on their way to work, probably don’t give it a thought or think it just wandered onto the interstate.
I cried “oh my god!” and wanted to pull over and sob. I knew I was most likely the only person in the world who understood what really happened.
Clinton was still in office when I first moved here, very scared and traumatized by my previous experiences.
At the first law firm I worked for, one of the first things the lady said to me was “we hope you don’t like Clinton, we hate him.” I said to myself, so that’s how it’s going to be, and it’s been that way pretty much ever since.
I was still new and young at the time and scared to come up against anyone in positions of authority.
The lawyer I worked for was telling a story one day about going down the highway with some friends and one guy threw a cat out of the window. He was LAUGHING about it. Everyone else were such fucking wimps, they said nothing. Not that this was particularly brave, but I called him out with disgust, “That’s not funny” I said.
Wish I had had the guts to say and react more, but I was new to the place, young and scared. At least I had more guts than my co-workers who remained silent though probably horrifed. He immediately tried to backtrack by saying what a horrible thing it was. But that, of course, was a lie.
When his secretary decided to leave because she couldn’t take the torture anymore, I knew I had to get the fuck out of there because I knew he would want me to be his secretary. In the end, he lost his license, because he could not stay away from the blow.
Such people exist. Why? How can this be? The Canadian killer tortured cats before setting sights on a human.
I don’t understand these levels of cruelty to animals and man.
People did not understand why I panicked, I was terrified about the war because I knew this is what war really is and this is what it does to you. Desensitization to cruelty and brutality to children, innnocents, animals. And I knew how this would affect our soldiers as well. No one else could seem to put themselves in that place and see what I already saw in my mind. Horrible things, unspeakable things.
Present company excepted, of course, people in general suck a load. I wonder how such cruelty exists.
I don’t know sometimes how I expect to live in a world filled with such cruelty and not cry every day of my life. Sometimes I just want to end, I don’t care how, just let it end. I don’t understand other people.
Sometimes, it hurts so much I just want it to end because I can’t bear it. I cried this morning in the shower thinking about whether the carcass would be removed by this morning.
@Southern Beale:
Those Quinnipac numbers are really good news for Obama. Especially Romney’s scores on favorability and handling of the economy in Ohio, which obviously suggest the Bain attacks are working. I’m not sure how heavily those ads are playing in Pennsylvania, but it’s probably worth increasing the ad buy there. I was also glad to see Obama get favorable reviews on immigration in Ohio, as I wasn’t sure how popular his do-it-himself Dream-lite move would be in rust belt states. Not to make too much out of one poll, but its good news. My favorite part from the Ohio poll though:
No measurable support.
The bed wetters piss me off but I share their lack of faith in the bulk of the American voting public. Probably because for what ever reason the folks that would benefit the most by Democratic ideals tend to vote less. I have never understood that one.
Of course, the bed wetters are a picnic compared to the shit the bedders like Claire (the new Blanche) McCaskill.
To ease your mind about PA, I’m here to tell you that the Obama Bain ads have been running non-stop for a couple of months now. Several different ones. They are pounding away at Rmoney and haven’t let up for a second. No Rmoney ads at all, just the Rove outfit with their hilarious ad taking Obama out of context. The ad is so bad you can tell even Rove doesn’t really believe it.
It’s just so hard to get people to pay attention. My son is a smart person, he lives in this house, which would make me think he would recognize Sherrod Brown’s name, yet he tells me “someone named ‘Sherrod Brown’ is coming to work, maybe..?”
It’s just not on his radar, politics.
It’s just so hard to get people to pay attention. My son is a smart person, he lives in this house, which would make me think he would recognize Sherrod Brown’s name, yet he tells me “someone named ‘Sherrod Brown’ is coming to work, maybe..?”
It’s just not on his radar, politics.
if such innate inhumaity exists within human beings under normal, everday circumstances, what then when we go to war? and what then is the fate of our victims?
you don’t get stuck between two concrete barriers by accident.
There are stupid and evil people who do unspeakable things. I’m so sorry you’ve had to interact with so many of them. The link between abusing animals and doing violence to humans is a powerful one and needs to be broken.
But there are good and compassionate people too, and they are helping to break that link. Not just the vast majority of Balloon Juice commenters, but people like Evelyn at Charlie’s Angels and jeffreyw’s Mrs J, who devote themselves to rescuing abused and abandoned animals. These people by far outnumber the vile assholes you’ve had the misfortune to meet.
I hope the poor cat’s body has been disposed of too. Hugs to you.
Linda Featheringill
Poor baby.
Soonergrunt is also baking, with several 100+ days in a row.
[The company I work for is in OKC and sometimes their weather affects me, so I keep an eye on it.]
But I think that 105 is exceptionally hot. Is that usual in your location?
If such inhumanity exists under normal, everyday circumstances, what then when go to war.
you don’t get stuck between two concrete barriers by accident.
i just thought of the irony of these comments under a post about Romney, a rather cruel bastard himself. that we would even consider allowing him to lead this country is a pretty good incidation of our sickness and pathology as a nation.
apologies for typos, typing w/o glass this morning
Patricia Kayden
@Southern Beale: Absolutely great news — especially from Ohio. Will be interesting to see how the Romneybot PACs go after Obama in those states.
@Raven: Waiting for an update. You watch morning joe so we don’t have to.
It is so nice outside now but I know by afternoon that will change. It was 59 when I woke. We are only suppose to reach highs of 100.
ugh.another duplicate..
Omnes Omnibus
College football is getting a playoff? This is the first I heard of it.
If things are that frustrating for you, maybe take some time off and relax. Or find something to distract you, when you start feeling really down.
Ending it isn’t a good place to be. Getting to that point is basically the worst day of your life.
Things will get better from there.
I can understand not wanting to vote. You got 99 problems, but the government ain’t got one solution that’s gonna help you.
You live in an area, where you see corrupt cops and other government officials not doing their jobs and only looking out for themselves.
What gets me are the little old ladies and grumpy old men, who keep voting Republican because of Republican politicians professed faith in baby Jesus. They aren’t happy, when their kids lose their job because the company sent the department’s work overseas and didn’t love their employer either because they knew they didn’t always get a great deal, but they sure as hell aren’t going to vote for Democrats.
Democrats are the devil worshipers because of their support for teh gays, teh abortion, teh illegal immigrants and other things that make baby Jesus cry.
What Falwell, Robertson and others did in the 1980’s was wed many a conservative church goer to the Republican party by having Republican ideas flow from the church goers pastor, those ideas gain a level of legitimacy for the church goer that is hard to contradict, without making baby Jesus cry.
Linda Featheringill
@harlana: #12
@Linda Featheringill: They are saying the worst heat wave in 5 years. We’re fine but there are a shitload of people who may not be.
Linda Featheringill
@harlana: #12
I gotta go. You going to be all right?
Come back this evening and tell us how your day went.
c u n d gulag
Hang in there.
The world’s full of @$$holes and feckin’ idjits.
They’re called Conservatives.
But I’ve generally found, they’re outnumbered by the nice people.
We’re called Liberals.
It’s just that in the past 30+ years, the @$$holes and feckin’ idjits in this country feel empowered.
That’s called Republicanism.
I also extend my (hugs).
Record high temperatures here in Colorado, and raging wildfires both to the north and the south of us, about 75 miles off in either direction. Fire near Co Springs blew up last night and swept into town. They don’t even know how many houses burned yet.
Even in my neighborhood the air smells of smoke.
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
It makes them feel powerful.
(Or, rather, gives them the brief illusion of power).
Because they are miserable and empty and their soul torments them and they are not happy people and rarely regret and reform. They do come to bad ends.
And that is why I try to remember that they are always, constantly, more miserable than I would have the heart to make them.
@geg6: I donated to the Obama campaign on Saturday. I wish I was in a position to be a four or five-figure donor (heck, I can’t even afford to be a three-figure donor), but I’m glad to hear he’s running enough ads to make an impact. I don’t watch TV so the only ads I see are the ones that blogs link to.
edit: Actually, I was a three-figure donor. I divied it up between Obama’s direct site, the Obama PAC that’s running those Bain ads, and MNUnited, the group that’s working to defeat the same-sex marriage constitutional ammendment that will be on the ballot in MN this fall.
General Stuck
Republicans are cycling through their wingnut creature comforts for scaremongering.
Red baiting isn’t getting the job done, cause the Kenyan Islamososhulist is still doing okay in polls. So out with the golden oldie islamophobian. “Long tentacles” reach into, oh noes!, Teh US Government.
And from big brain wingnut’s wingnut Louie Gohmert.
The Lee Atwater variations march on. End sweep to run those ‘others’ out of office. Obama and Holder. And since you can’t holler nigger any more. What you do is target documents that by law cannot be released, or are deliberative communications within the government that no president releases via separation of powers. Something we heard daily, when Bush wouldn’t give a dem led congress the time of day. .
Sherrod Brown seems like he’s really attentive to the nuts and bolts part of it all.
I don’t think there is a contradiction between the two posts. One says donate, the other one says stop freaking out about the Bain message.
Sending a hug. Look forward to chatting with you tonight.
hope your day went better today. we’re all here looking forward to talking tonight.
Jay in Oregon
A friend on Facebook pointed out that Focus on the Family has a large set of facilities in Colorado Springs, but there seems to be no mention of whether FOTF has opened the campus up to refugees who are fleeing the fire.
I did some poking and I saw a message that referred to FOTF students and faculty being safe from the fire, and that they are playing host to “several displaced businesses”. But nothing about opening their doors to the people of the community in general.
There was also some screed at a Christian website about “despicable liberals” wanting the FOTF offices to burn down. Gotta keep the persecution complex going…