Here’s the thing, I don’t disagree with Chris Matthews. Sen. Ted Cruz is a problem. Between his nonsensical not-a-filibuster, ignorance about how birth control works, and weird allusions to kidnapping, Ted Cruz has Democrats AND Republicans alike telling him to have a seat. But Chris Matthews, come on man! To cry racism at this comment, I call shenanigans. Racist dog-whistle terms are low-hanging fruit amongst the Tea Party Republicans, why climb the tree for an unripe piece?
Also on today’s #TWiBRadio, #TeamBlackness discussed astrology and Zoroastrianism (no, really) and Black folks are not allowed to shop at Barney’s or get blond highlights.
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This morning on #amTWiB, The Morning Crew discussed poisoned dog treats, ObamaCare is installing microchips in America, and boobs are the fastest aging body parts.
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I knew it!
Betty Cracker
O/T: I hope someone posts a World Series thread before I have to break down and attempt it on this iPhone! The WP interface is unbelievably poor. It’s dial-up bad.
@YellowJournalism: My mother must have missed that. She is still quite pert at 63. But no one in my family looks their age.
Omnes Omnibus
@YellowJournalism: On certain women they are easily the youngest body part.
Betty Cracker
Betty Cracker
FYWP! Regarding Matthews, he’s such a buffoon I can no longer bear to watch. I don’t care that he’s nominally OUR buffoon.
@Betty Cracker:
Mathews is a buffoon.
That may be the reason that he is on the air.
Lurking Canadian
@Omnes Omnibus: well, sure. After-market upgrades for other parts are much harder to find.
I agree Elon that it’s not racism. But it is the same “real America” bullshit that Palin was saying.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Fun fact: Freddie Mercury was a Zoroastrian — his family was Parsi, aka Zoroastrians from India.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Freddie attended boarding school in India when he was growing up.
The problem I have with Matthews is that he has too much time to fill and not enough to say. Although that’s a problem for most of the talking heads on TV. It’s just that some of them are less irritating than others.
It’s ALSO why UP with Chris Hayes was so good. One show a week for two hours on the weekend gave the show much more focus and much better discussions. “Story of the week” is more interesting than “story of the day” as far as talking heads go, and yet most of the weekend shows still screw that up.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@schrodinger’s cat:
Yep — he was born in what’s now Tanzania, but his family was Indian and had moved there for his father’s job. He went to school in India and didn’t arrive in the UK until he was 17.
(My mom made me watch a whole documentary about him while I was visiting her. She’s still a fan of that whole era of rock at age 70.)
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@schrodinger’s cat:
Also, two famous Hollywood (half-) Indians: Merle Oberon and Boris Karloff. Both were Indian on their mother’s side (though unrelated to each other, of course).
boobs are the fastest aging body parts
But they’re not exposed to the sun!
Well, very rarely …
Huh. Based on personal experience I figured it was knees.
Ted Cruz has the GW Bush problem: he’s ignorant AND he’s arrogant. A combination which TeaPublicans find compelling for some reason, but which liberals like myself find repellant and depressing.
heh, I love this metaphor.