This happened in Georgia last night:
During the first local commercial break of last night’s Super Bowl broadcast, residents of Savannah, Ga., were treated to something truly incredible. Personal injury lawyer Jamie Cxxxxo bought the entire two-minute block of local advertising and aired the masterpiece you see above.
In the 70’s there was a guy who did all these zany commercials for his car dealership, Huebner Chevrolet in Carrollton, Ohio.
John Cole
John Cole
Yeah, seriously, FYWP. It’s the guy’s name in the title that means we can’t comment. Can’t use that “cas1no” word.
But the commercial. The commercial is awesome. Love it.
Someone more experienced in familial gravestone smashing will have to explain that tidbit.
Cole, I know this is OT, but I hope you’ll forgive me.
Here’s a link to Wiley Cash on Weekend Edition (Sunday).
It’s called Gothic Thriller Takes Two Young Girls Down A ‘Dark Road To Mercy’
Roger Moore
It looks cool. Don’t expect it to mean anything.
Jamie Cxxxxo is one badass Esq.
Innocent victim Chris Christie should hire that guy.
It’s Cal Worthington and his dog Spot!
When we were kids, I convinced my brother that the song wasn’t saying “Go see Cal” and instead it was saying “pussy cow”.
@srv: Savannah can be a really tough city, they led the nation in murders at one point. Dude want to represent people there. . .for a fee!
The GOP needs to announce that they’ll do a Super Bowl ad next year with Americans singing the National Anthem in American. With fire and sledgehammers and all that.
And where is Bruno Mars’ birth certificate?
Just Some Fuckhead
Awesome commercial if yer thirteen.
this is a crazy ass ad..
I would definitely see the movie.
OT, except that the thread’s tag applies…
A bit off topic, but this story about progressive linguist George Lakoff shows why we’re losing the media war to the right.
Key quote:
Rob in CT
I, for one, don’t argue naked self-interest. I sometimes argue for what I consider a broad self-interest (nobody benefits if the whole thing falls apart), but mostly I argue fairness. I certainly bolster my argument with facts and figures, but at its core, it’s fairness. And that’s morality. Emotionality, even.
Suffern ACE
I wonder if Kay has a similar justice vigilante attorney video that she just won’t share with us.
Coming to the CW this Spring.
Mr. Longform
A true Republican! I am fully on board with doing some deeply immoral shit until I have some personal tragedy/experience of some kind that makes me convert to the opposite! All of you schmucks who saw the deeply immoral shit for what it was without necessarily experiencing it personally aren’t as authentic as I am. Besides which, since I have no inherent principles, I am probably doing all kinds of other, different deeply immoral shit anyway. Freedom!
@Mandalay: A trooper would not have to steal ammunition if Obama wasn’t buying up all the ammo for FEMA.
? Martin
Anyone else surprised that it wasn’t Florida?
dr. bloor
Uh-huh. I wonder if Ozzy Osbourne, Esq., entertained committing his talents to one of the countless social and legal aide societies out there instead of focusing his righteous anger on chasing ambulances.
You got that exactly right!
@Arclite: Yep, hindbrain rules forebrain for a large percentage of homo sapiens.
I can do a righteous rant due to my upbringing in the Bible Belt, even if I’m the “wrong” religion. But I’d rather spend my time raising my athiest six-year-old in “godless” Massachusetts — where we have fewer divorces, pregnant teens (outside of Gloucester) and more money than the idiots I grew up among. Arguing with them is like, as Barney said, arguing with the dining room table.
Twaddle. Conservatives appeal to voters’ fears.
That was written by Danny McBride, right? I don’t know about y’all, but I fully expected a brotastic, high-fiving with Kenny Powers scene at the very end.
Amir Khalid
Looks like a trailer for a kick-ass TV show. But I am unfamiliar with Mr Kasino’s legal speciality. Does he inflict personal injury on people his clients are unhappy with?
Bobby Thomson
Don’t trust your soul to no backwoods southern lawyer.
I lived in Savannah back in 1993-1995 when I was stationed at Hunter AAF. Great city, and I loved it, especially Kevin Barry’s pub down on River Street. It can be a really, really rough town, though. One of those places where random, fucked up murders for no apparent reason just seem to crop up.
TaMara (BHF)
I’m with the rest of you, I’d watch that movie.
Money can buy some shit.
Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing. Authentic moral positions and voters values? Really? Tell me more about those moral positions and values.
Does he bring the hammer to court with him? I mean, I doubt there’s a law that expressly forbids attorneys to bring sledge hammers into a court room.
Can definitely see a crossover between Mr. uh…Place at which one surrenders one’s cash in contests of chance and “Better Call Saul.”
Sorry, no. Conservatives speak from a consistent view of Our tribe is the best! and appeal to voters’ basest instincts to keep Those Others away. It is not a “moral position” to deny food to children, or healthcare to anyone.
What liberals do need to get better at is couching their own views as “moral positions.” I don’t see why we find this so hard — it’s not just bad economic policy to cut food stamps, it’s fucking immoral to take food out of people’s mouths. Are we still so afraid of the “bleeding heart liberal” label that we aren’t willing to frame our moral positions as moral positions?
The two are intimately connected. To a conservative, the definition of “immoral” is “anything that frightens me.”
“If it please the court, I’d like to present plantiff’s Exhibit #1, who I’ve named Mjölnir. Say ‘Hello’ to the court, Mjölnir.”
I don’t think “authentic” means what he belives it means.
A big part of the reason Dr. Jeffrey McDonald is in prison from being found guilty in 1979 for the 1970 murder of his wife and children in Ft. Bragg, NC (rather than being found not guilty and walking free), was that he designated hot-dog Philadephia lawyer Bernie Segal his lead counsel, instead of the courtley-mannered, but immensely talented local Raleigh lawyer Wade Smith (who served as local/assistant counsel). NOTE: I’m not here arguing whether McDonald should or should not have been found guilty on the courtroom evidence, nor whether he is or is not in fact guilty. I’m simply making the point that flashy isn’t always better in courtroom presentations by lawyers, though being a convincingly good storyteller of the way you want the jury to understand the case obviously is. Which is what Wade Smith could have done much better, in less “sledgehammer” fashion, before a local southern jury than Siegal did (his arrogance came through to the jury and probably rubbed off on his client).
People should know their station, for one, and defer to the wealthy and “people in charge” at all times.
And people of color ought not to mix with other colors, for another. Those are conservative “values” you can take to the bank.
Lakoff is I’m sorry full of it to the gills. Modern conservatives have succeeded because they are fucking sociopathic liars, period. Not because they’ve articulated a superior moral agenda, but because they lie their balls off and drive their constituents crazy with fear.
Oh, and they cheat, rig elections, and use gerrymandering to stay in power. The modern GOP is such a diseased, dysfunctional party. If it were not for the huge truckloads of 1% cash propping it up, it would vanish overnight, instantly.
” Does he bring the hammer to court with him? I mean, I doubt there’s a law that expressly forbids attorneys to bring sledge hammers into a court room. ”
Probably a loophole for sledgehammers that are effing on fire and ready to spit molten steel all over corrupt big shots.
So true. And conservatives also have a well-oiled propaganda machine behind them to stir up those fears. I’ve started pointing out that cable news is Fear TV to anyone I see watching cable news in general, but Fox News in particular: “Why do you watch that? They just want you to be afraid so they can keep you glued to the TV to find out about that thing you’re now afraid of. Why are you letting those people on TV influence how you feel? There’s a lot of great stuff happening in the world. Do you see them talking about any of it? No, it’s all bad stuff and things aimed at making you afraid. Do you like being afraid?”
Anne Laurie
@Mandalay: I was gonna post that story before your comment, but Cole beat me to the front page!
And rounding out my dispute with this lame-ass argument, liberals don’t get a voice in the discussion because the power brokers behind Conservatism have bought out those outlets and filled them with garbage. When we DO get through to people over the tremendous din of right-wing propaganda, it is because the truth is either inescapable, or the lie has become so silly that only the fucking fruitcake cultists believe it.
Fuck, this simpering pile of shivering shit argument gets me madder by the second.
Wow, it’s like Machete fucked the “November Rain” video and they had a baby.
@Violet: The whole “they want you to be afraid” thing is why I never watched those one-hour shows that used to be on in the evenings. You know the ones, the promo would say something like “Are you feeding your kids something that could kill them? Find out next week”.
I’m sorry, but if your goal is to frighten me, you do not have my best interests in mind.
Also, they spend all their time talking about “framing” and “Overton windows” and other rhetorical analysis bullshit instead of doing the hard work of talking to voters and winning elections.
@slippytoad: Some of Lakoff”s points regarding the psychology of effective persuasion are useful to remember, but I can’t see them as fool proof guides to the underlying cause of all of liberalism’s ills in the U.S.
As you mentioned, having multi billionaire sugar daddies, multi billion dollar corporations all working a committed core of terrified and ruthless racists who believe they are fighting for their survival plays a big role, and I don’t see how Lakoff’s recommendations will change things there.
Self interest is a very powerful force. And a lot of the white conservative impulse is out of self interest. The ‘keep the government out of my Medicare’ slogan is absurd logically, but the motive of keeping the current Medicare system intact is the source of that foolish logic, and keeping the status quo at all costs (to others in society if need be) is very important to frail and sick oldsters. And behind that apparent stupidity lies a shrewd intuition for when they will lose their benefits. That is why they will vote for GOPers who are trying to take Medicare and Social Security benefits away from them, but block those very GOPers’ plans for the heist.
I can see why the reactionary GOP wing, and the financiers are frustrated, since they can win some elections, but cannot close the deal. They run around trying to storm the citadel of their designated marks from different angles, and different plans of attack, but the marks push back whenever the GOP gets definite about what it wants to do.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mr. Longform: This.
Anne Laurie
AKA, the Sweeps Months Specials. If you watch network TV, you can always tell when February/May/November starts, because suddenly there’s a rash of “Is Your Bra Safe? Find out tonite!” pseudo-investigations being aggressively advertised. As I understand it, those months are when every local station’s advertising rates are set, so the “lifestyle danger” specials are carefully hoarded (to go with the special-guest-star/high-dollar-CGI episodes every series will run in those months).
I somehow suddenly wonder if Herr Doktor Lakoff can recognize an authentic moral position more accurately than he can distinguish an authentic sheep from a self-justifying wolf garbed in authenic fleece.
@Amir Khalid:
Does he inflict personal injury on people his clients are unhappy with?
If only.
Corner Stone
Hmmm. Wonder how it happened, then?
Which is pretty much exactly what Lakoff’s point was, only you phrased it in more viscerally direct language. In fact, you expressed it in exactly the kind of emotionally charged language that appeals to progressives.
BTW: Lakoff didn’t say ANYTHING in the quote about whether right-wingers were being truthful, only that their weapon was emotionally-charged language rather than logical self-interest.
@Anne Laurie:
Post it anyway. Be fun to see the comments from BJers.
EDIT: Never mind, I guess you already did!
Bill Arnold
He was born in Hawaii.
(really)(Or is this already a joke?)
A Humble Lurker
@Corner Stone:
Corner Stone
@A Humble Lurker: Try again, douchebag.
and savannah can still be a place to watch your step.
back in the 80s and early 90s, you didn’t wanna be too far away from the downtown tourista district after dark. could be worth your life if you strayed…and sometimes during the days of the ricky jiven’s gang where an initiate had to kill someone to get in the gang, you didn’t have to stray at all to get executed.
the quote i remember from one of the wanna be gang members, supposedly right before killing the manager of the famous Pink House restaurant was “I’m gonna go get me a cracker”.
and proceeded to do so.
IIRC, one evening, in one of the squares, the gang member walked up to the manager and the manager’s girlfriend. the gang member pulled a gun and demanded the manager’s wallet. when the manager pulled out his wallet, the gangster shot him in the face and ran, leaving the wallet for all he wanted was the “scalp”, not the wallet.
ah, yes. the good old days. thankfully, arrests and convictions of the jiven’s gang and a much increased police patrol has knocked most of the violent stuff back to the edges of town.
but now always:
that occurred while i was working downtown and i used to walk through Orleans Square after dark some evenings after working late. that was kind freaky knowing what had happened there….
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks for the tip that Wiley Cash was going to be on Weekend Edition on Sunday. It took me 5 tries to post the link above – it kept crashing as I tried to post a comment, and I was trying to recall how to spell your name, finally just said fuck it.
Masterpiece? This is where someone says, “YMMV.” I thought it was an idiotic ad. To think he could have spent the money wasted on making that silly nonsense and done some good with it.
Since people’s tastes vary widely, there’s no point arguing about the merits of this particular ad. I just thought I’d post a dissenting comment to JCole’s gushing commentary in the hope that it will help prevent Jamie Casion’s gigantic ego from crowding out the other eight planets (seven, if you hate Pluto) and leaving the solar system with nothing but the Earth and Casino’s delusional image of himself.
Can anyone from upstate new york speak to whether Jim “The Hammer” Shapiro got a super bowl ad in as well?
KS in MA
@Trollhattan: LOL!
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@Corner Stone: It just happened by itself?
@WaterGirl: Just listened to the interview with Wiley Cash. Loved his reading of the first paragraph of his book and the interview really makes me want to read the book.
Great voice. I just checked, but he is not the narrator for his first novel. And here I had my hopes up!
Happy ad.
I am not a winter sports guy but I feel down so many times in my life. Mom picked me up. Said rub some dirt on it and get back in the game ….so I did.
A PI attorney here in Las Vegas bought a local spot during the first half as well. A friend of mine who runs a local Nissan dealership paid $50,000 for a 30-second spot during the pregame show, but very early into it (as in maybe 11 AM local time, 4 1/2 hours before the game), so I can’t imagine what the attorney’s local spot cost him.
@cmorenc: Wade Smith is a gentleman through and through. A dying breed.
The commercial makes me wistful for the days of commercials for Ralph Spoilsport Motors, although they were on radio, not TV.
So Jamie Cah-see-kn0w is an anti-gun crusader? If not, STFU.
i’m thinking he’s angling for a reality show
van down by the rivercar in a field Cole could get excited about a fuking personal injury lawyers commercial. I don’t care if there are fuking cgi lightning bolts coming out of his arse. It’s still just another fuking ambulance chaser commercial.The Other Bob
I think I saw that movie in 1986. I think The Rock recently remade it.
Does Cxxxno drive a big custom truck with grenade launchers?