They don’t write ’em like this anymore.
From the highly recommended 2013 Oxford American Music Sampler.
Talk about whatever.
by DougJ| 49 Comments
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They don’t write ’em like this anymore.
From the highly recommended 2013 Oxford American Music Sampler.
Talk about whatever.
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On the front page, that’s a Shakira video posted not quite 3 weeks ago.
On the comments page, it is another video entirely.
At least, that’s what’s there on my view.
Common occurrence at BJ with YouTube vids (for me, anyway), but thought I’d mention it again.
Thank you for reminding me about the music samplers. Public service, and all.
I have the same problem too, not sure what’s going on.
That issue of OA has some amazing articles about the history of music in the US. It will probably even convince you that Tennessee is (or was) a great place.
Highly recommended reading and listening.
@NotMax: That used to happen to me over at Andrew Sullivan’s place when he was at the Atlantic. Would drive me crazy. I’d have to reload the page a bunch of times to get the video I wanted to watch. I don’t have that problem here. Windows machine, Firefox.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
Coming to you from the Pacific Surfliner — brother in law and I are headed up to Ventura for the day. Amtrak wi-fi is insanely slow, but at least it’s free!
Dee Loralei
I highly recommend The Oxford American as an absolutely well written magazine. Yes, it’s mostly about the South, but my god some of their long pieces are amazing. And every year they do a music issue and if you’re a subscriber you get a CD of well over 30 songs, most of them great, most of them by lesser known local artists, or by well known artists lesser known songs. And they sample music from pretty much every era.
I can’t recommend the magazine or their music section enough. Been a subscriber since their second or third year of publication.
My wife generally doesn’t like classic films (except for Casablanca and, more oddly, It’s a Wonderful Life). So I’m left sneaking them as if they’re blue movies when she’s asleep and I’m up.
I watched Gilda last night. All I gotta say is, holy smokes. There has never, ever been a hotter actress than Rita Hayworth. And if you say differently, you’re wrong.
NC Governor McCrory hears it from a worker while grocery shopping. Gets that worker fired.
Uh uh ah ah ah ah ah ah.
Thread needs more Greg Kihn.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
Hayworth’s career was made with that movie, but she was always a little rueful about how iconic the role was, because, “Men go to bed with Gilda, but they wake up with me.”
If “Put the Blame On Mame” doesn’t quicken one’s pulse rate, nothing will.
I didn’t write this, but it sums up my feelings perfectly.
From the TPM comments:
I can’t imagine Obama, the Clintons, or even some Republicans such as former Indiana Governor Bob Orr bitching about being ‘disrespected’ over politics.
I can see Chris Christie storming into the manager’s office, though.
@Mnemosyne (iPad Mini):
Pacific Surfliner to Ventura!
You lucky puppies.
FoxNews World-Net-Daily EXCLUSIVE! Former campaign volunteer says Hitlery singlehandily instigated all of the investigations/smearing of the bimbo eruptions.
What is it called when you think you’re trying to use triangulation from the Single-Dimension Wingularity?
@Glocksman: Yup. Spot on.
Horrible optics to take away a man’s livelihood. Also, too and as well, if the guv had a (D) after his name, there would be some garment rending about ZOMG 1st amendment! The worker took it pretty well.
@Glocksman: If the President reacted this way, Fox news would be all over it.
Orson Welles waxes floridly complimentary on Rita Hayworth in his last TV appearance (topic begins about 3:15 in).
Yes, McCrory is an asshat, but how can the store owner allow employees to treat customers like that? I think I would have suspended the employee for a week, and apologized to the governor/asshat customer.
Message sent that this shop respects civility, even to corrupt one-term governors.
And McCrory’s staff pointing out the employee wanted to burn the governor in effigy, making that into a “physical threat”?
Isn’t that an own goal? I’d laugh my ass off if I was a North Carolinian. Don’t think of an elephant!
Class. This governor don’t got it.
@DougJ: refresh browser? I mean, close it out entirely and start anew? I’m not having that problem, but when I have (and I have), it’s worked.
Whoops, forgot the link.
@Elizabelle: I completely see your point re: the store manager.
As always, IOKIYAR to not take the high road but demand that others take it.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
Amtrak won’t let me stream videos. :-( But it does seem that, to the extent that any woman could be, Hayworth was the love of Welles’ life. But both of their insecurities ran too deep for the marriage to work out. (Plus there was Hayworth’s deep dark secret of having been sexually abused by her father, which wasn’t something that psychiatrists or psychologists of the time were equipped to treat.)
From the Charlotte Observer:
Read more here:
And under McCrory’s picture: link to this story:
Early – really early – poll finds NC governor’s race a toss-up
Amir Khalid
McCrory didn’t have to do that, even if he was within his rights to complain. It smacks of the arrogant big man smacking a little guy around.
@Elizabelle: Yeah, I agree. The guy posts on some Facebook group and his contribution is saying they should kick the effigy of the Governor in the nuts:
A Facebook comment. About kicking an effigy in the nuts. Yep, that’s threatening personal bodily harm to the Governor himself if I’ve ever seen it. Good lord, can you see this Governor’s veins and internal organs through his thin skin?
I can see the Koch Brothers and Art Pope dollars in his pocket.
Otherwise, not too interested in the contents of this governor’s trousers.
Will leave that for tarheel state residents.
@Mnemosyne (iPad Mini): it was crazy unstable, for me. Have a great trip.
Paul in KY
@EconWatcher: Merle Oberon was pretty damn hot.
schrodinger's cat
More snow predicted this afternoon, Ceiling Cat, please make it stop.
Ben Cisco
@Glocksman: It’s not enough for them to be assholes, they have to be WORSHIPPED for it.
Contrast this episode with what President Obama has been subjected to.
Now substitute PBO for McCrory and imagine the firestorm that would have erupted when the worker bee got FIRED for…
Sorry, I just can’t say that with a straight face.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
It seems to work best when we stop at the stations. Out on the track, not so well.
Funniest conversation overheard so far, the conductor to a couple of limited-English young women traveling together: “Are you asking for the restaurant or the restroom? Restaurant or restroom? (Sigh.) Okay, to eat or to poop?”
(They just came back with food, so I assume they found the right place.)
@schrodinger’s cat: But that kitty looks so happy and well equipped
for snowy weather.
schrodinger's cat
@catclub: Most kittehs no wants to get wet, or may be he is a Viking Cat
Read Cole’s late night post on a diabetic diet ( and preventing it).
I’m just curious though. Banning pasta, all breads. Aren’t they part of the so-called Mediteranian Diet? Italians have pasta with almost every meal, and no Frenchmen would be without his baguette. And the Chinese and Japanese have white rice with every meal, but we don’t hear abou† diabetic and obesity epidemics over there. So I always wonder about demonizing individual foods. Processed and fast food, yes.
I love the annual OA music sampler. Have missed a couple of years here and there, though.
Southern Beale
This cracked me up. The Bill of Rights For Dumbasses.
schrodinger's cat
@shelly: Gluten free is the magic incantation these days, although AFAIK rice has no gluten. Atkins+Gluten free then we live forever, or something.
In Other News, Newton Leroy has been hitting the Oompa-Loompa’s whiskey again.
@schrodinger’s cat: Floofy Norwegian Forest Cat iz Floofy!
Don’t know whether this has been mentioned already, but NY Mag’s Kevin Roose crashed a secret Wall Street fraternity party and verified they’re the very out-of-touch paranoid douchnozzles we always presumed. While this is the equivalent of “water discovered to be wet” it makes me suspect things are actually worse than I’d imagined.
schrodinger's cat
@Yatsuno: Berry Floofy!
@schrodinger’s cat:
Without rice gluten we would have no mochi, and then I would be sad.
Southern Beale
Isn’t it long past time we did away with these ridiculous secret fraternities that the 1%ers so enjoy? Skull & Bones and all of that nonsense? Surely we can get some secret video of a ridiculous initiation or something and shame them out of existence?
It’s so fucking lame. “Chad and Skip go to college and get to bond with their fellow elites” and all that.
@Trollhattan: Roose shoulda used the “Jump You Fuckers!” picture.
Southern Beale
The mediterranean diet isn’t nearly as bread and pasta heavy as Americans think. It’s mostly simply cooked foods: lean meats and fish, vegetables, etc. And it’s not true that Italians have pasta at every meal. That’s some BS made up by Chef Boyardee or Barillo Pasta.
It’s easy to hear that the song was produced by Willie Mitchell around the same time he was producing Al Green’s biggest hits. Wright’s Mitchell-produced records weren’t on the Hi label, but on Don Robey’s Back Beat label in Houston, which is a whole ‘nother story..
My favorite O.V. Wright songs:
Ace Of Spades
A Nickel And A Nail
Baron Elmo
Amen, Plantsmantx. O.V. Wright was one of the greats, and those are two stunning examples of Down Home soul at its finest. (You forgot the chill-inducing “Eight Men, Four Women, though.) The CD pictured in this video clip is a must-own set that’ll run ya about five bucks used. Go buy it, folks.
I also have to agree with you about Willie Mitchell’s production. You can detect his taut strings and hard-hitting kick drum sound from a mile away. Best known for producing Al Green’s classic Hi recordings, but Willie had quite a few other champs in his stable.
Seconded on “A Nickel and a Nail.” You saved me the trouble of looking it up again.