The Secret Service is sounding more and more like a drunken fraternity every day:
As scandal continues to envelop the Secret Service, InsideSources has learned of a security failure leading up to the 2012 election. Multiple sources inside the Romney presidential campaign confirm that a Secret Service agent provided details of President Obama’s schedule several days prior to the President’s campaign stops becoming public.
While sources involved in other presidential campaigns tell InsideSources that Secret Service detail assigned to each campaign will sometimes disclose private and personal information about those they are assigned to protect to opposing campaign staff, this instance in particular is very revealing of failures inside the Secret Service.
In the closing weeks of the 2012 campaign, a Secret Service agent was on the ground in a key swing state to coordinate security ahead of several campaign stops by the President. The agent, who was married, made advances towards a Romney campaign staff member.
InsideSources spoke with two staffers who witnessed the events in question. Each spoke on condition of anonymity and independently confirmed the details.
In one particular incident at a bar in late October 2012, the Secret Service agent, who had a number of drinks during the meeting, unprompted and in an apparent attempt to impress one of the staffers, began providing details of President Obama’s schedule. The information included times and locations of the President’s events in the final days of the election. The President’s campaign would not release these details of the President’s schedule publicly until several days later.
The sources state that the same agent on a separate occasion provided joy rides in a Secret Service vehicle with the lights flashing.
The leaked schedule was later passed on within the campaign. Others inside the campaign recall seeing the schedule, but the source of the information was not revealed. The schedule, therefore, was met only with skepticism. The details of the President’s schedule later proved to be accurate.
This is just wrong on so many levels. And why the hell didn’t the Romney campaign tell the administration? What the hell is wrong with them?
HI kids this is the bear!
@efgoldman: WE changed it now no one will know.
Bobby B.
We are The Corporation, we can take care of our own.
@raven: How long before Roswell High School scraps AP History. I’m still listening so I’ll be prepared.
…For the same reason the Reagan campaign didn’t tell the Carter administration that George Will had improperly purloined Carter’s debate brief book ahead of their one debate.
Otto Defey
When I worked in the Minneapolis area I had a colleague who used to fly model airplanes as a hobby. A few of his pals were police officers who got some overtime with Mondale’s Secret Service detail during the 84 campaign. They told him that the SS’s code name for the 84 Democratic ticket was “Wally and the Beaver”. During the primaries their code name for Jesse Jackson had been “Pontiac”, which some will recognize as a slur. This organization has been a bunch of jackasses for longer than most know.
@JPL: Yall’s on your own up there.
schrodinger's cat
What can I say austerity has been hard on the SS kitteh .
? Martin
Ok, it’s just dawned on me that we are now all dependent on the State of Texas, which has unilaterally banned fire codes, to protect us from ebola.
We are so colossally fucked.
@? Martin:
No, that’s good. Fire kills ebola.
schrodinger's cat
BTW why is all this BS about SS coming out just now? Is this a way to threaten Obama? Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.
ETA: I am sure SS were not boy scouts in the Bush years either but it was never in the news.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Because everyone is looking for stories about it right now.
Mike in NC
Republicans can only win when they’re cheating. But we already knew that.
@schrodinger’s cat: It’s bullshit, it’ll blow over and there will be something else. Think Roseann Roseanna Danna.
Omnes Omnibus
Damn it, where the hell is Temp. Max McGee tonight?
@Omnes Omnibus: Hahahaha, of course the Vikes kicked the shit out of the Falcons this weekend.
eta He was working during the shellacking of the Bears wasn’t he?
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
They are torching the Vikes.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: GB’s defense is playing lights out so far.
@Steeplejack (tablet): If it was a fight they’d stop it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Come on, Ponder is helpless.
@? Martin: Maybe it’s time to “build that dang fence.” But just change the location a little…
? Martin
@schrodinger’s cat:
Because we trusted the SS then. We don’t trust them now and so nobody is willing to cover for them any longer.
Also worth noting that the gun in the elevator incident – that was at the CDC in Atlanta, the state where everyone can take a gun everywhere and can’t ask if the person has a permit. And we’re now shocked that everyone has a gun everywhere.
Steeplejack (tablet)
I didn’t think MN was that awful.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: I’ll take 28-0 at half time any way I can get it.
Karen in GA
Has Violet checked in since this morning?
Omnes Omnibus
@Karen in GA: I was wondering the same thing.
Villago Delenda Est
They are ethical voids. Every last one of them.
@Karen in GA: I don’t think so but I hope that is because Violet is receiving hugs and help.
to be fair the report claims the Romney people did not believe the leaked schedule. by the time they realized it was accurate it was probably too late to do anything about it and so they just let it slide.
But this is horrifying. If a Secret Service agent were to leak a schedule for a candidate to someone with connections to a radical violent group like the KKK…
@Steeplejack (tablet):
They’re not playing Bridgewater at QB tonight.
Also, Thursday Night games are turning out to be blowout disaster games for the visiting teams. Just look at the Bucs getting creamed by Atlanta two weeks ago.
This is why Thursday nighters outside of Thanksgiving ought to be banned.
Information has value, and if there’s anything Rmoney knows about, it’s hanging on to valuables — irrespective of how they were obtained. Laws and morals and principles are for the little people — you know, the 99%. Us moochers.
Omnes Omnibus
Like the GOP?
@schrodinger’s cat:
these stories are coming out now because there was an egregious breach of security that could not get swept under the rug. Now that the agency is under investigation a lot of the rumors and whispers about the Service’s failings are coming to light with reporters and other officials willing to believe them.
Besides, for all the Right Wing wailing that “Obama is letting the Secret Service run amok”, I’d like to think most Americans know that the one at risk here IS Obama and his family…
Joseph Nobles
Republicans are panicked that the President might be assassinated. Not only is such a thing rightly abhorred, but it will take their six years of patient work making Obama the black Jimmy Carter and turn him into the black Abraham Lincoln overnight.
This cannot be allowed to happen.
Ron Kessler would disagree with that last statement. I tried to paraphrase his statement and just couldn’t because it was so bad.
@Karen in GA:
I haven’t seen her, but I hope she checks in.
The Dangerman
@Villago Delenda Est:
Psychopaths in search of power.
Eh, toMAto, tomato
Mike J
@? Martin:
I read one person who suggested they move the patient to the stadium the Cowboys play in, since nothing gets caught there.
Mike in NC
@PaulW: Impeachment proceedings will begin in the middle of November. Bank on it.
I hope that you are doing better. I hope that some of our words helped. Please reach out and get help.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in NC: Why? Even if they take the Senate, they won’t have the numbers to remove Obama from office.
BD of MN
seems to me the easy solution to this is to play the previous bye week teams on Thursdays. works for most weeks, doesn’t it?
@Omnes Omnibus: cuz
@Omnes Omnibus: The Senate can introduce laws such as save the country from default law. That law of course cuts the top income tax rate by ten percent but when the President vetoes it, that part won’t be mentioned.
Mitt was on the grassy knoll with a Mannlicher-Carcano, but the rifle jammed.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: Sure, but my comment was related solely to the idea of impeachment in November.
schrodinger's cat
I don’t get this defeatist mentality, behaving like the Dems have already lost the Senate? Its not over till its over. The Republicans have said a giant fuck you to many portions of the electorate, it is time to make them pay the price.
Why didn’t Romney’s people tell? Ha! The Republican Party is little more than a legal criminal organization. Obama’s lucky he didn’t wake up with one of his dog’s head in bed with him if you know what I mean.
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus: they’ve tripled down on the “lawless administration” “dictator ” with the baboons. If they want to hold the senate, they need to do something.
@schrodinger’s cat:
It’s been SOP for a while now. I don’t understand it either. I’m just not built that way.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Agreed.
I’m assuming this agent has been fired. The article doesn’t say.
@Joseph Nobles:
Yup. They’d be looking at 8 + years of Uncle Joe
@Omnes Omnibus: Because they can try, if only to appease their people.
@kindness: Oh no.. not BO. they would though, wouldn’t they. (can’t believe I just typed that)
@schrodinger’s cat:
There are so many people that are MORE than willing to vote against their own interest that it will not matter how much the GOP’s policies will hurt them.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE:
If they take the senate (a premise I don’t really accept) and impeach Obama, they will lose big in 2016 at every level.
Suffern ACE
I read this story and I can only think “men-phooey”. I wonder though how I would act if i had the type of job they made movies about along with a car with a flashing light. I’d probably end up a middle aged fool too. I guess I’m lucky no one finds market research and big 4 accounting sexy, or my pants might be flying off.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: So, it is time to get the coalition that elected Obama to the polls and not give up without even putting up a fight.
Maybe the agent thought one of Romney’s 53% would take the hint and he’d get a promotion for it.
Do the Mormon’s have hit teams?
@Omnes Omnibus: You have to admit they attach nice names to their bills that screw the American public.
Mike in NC
I arrived in the DC area in 1989 when my company offered to pay for my relocation from RI. Decided to play the field and meet available single women. One turned out to be a Secret Service officer. She was hoping to get sent to California to work at Ronnie’s Ranch. Seemed like a nice enough person but I never bothered to ask for a third date.
Being a manure salesman is tough business. It’s still shit but if you can name it to not sound as bad people will buy it. Conservatives know the bills are shit, they just think because the name doesn’t say shit, it’s different and little acorns will grow. But that’s a different kind of shit.
You’ve never been to Simi Valley have you?
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: As my father is wont to say, I don’t have to admit anything.
@Ruckus: MSM buys into that shit too and the gop knows it. Privatizing medicare under the Ryan plan is the biggest pile that MSM let pass.
Mike in NC
@schrodinger’s cat: Read today that approximately 17% of eligible NC voters between the ages of 18 and 28 bothered to show up at the polls in 2010. That goes a long way in explaining how the Tea Party tidal wave took over our state government, and will continue to control it for years to come.
People really do get the fucking government they vote for.
Omnes Omnibus
Oh well, there goes the shutout.
Howard Beale IV
Latest on the infant accidentally hit by the bullet is that he will survive but be blind.
Mike in NC
@kindness: Didn’t you read the other day here that one of Willard’s advisors was named Vinny? Like he naturally assumed he was going to work for a racketeer.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think you’re right, but I think conservatives are gambling that they’ll be able to re-create 2000 and steal the election again. I think it’s a dumbass thing to gamble on, but I think that’s their assumption.
I hope she is OK.
@Mnemosyne: My first visit to BJ today. What’s the story with Violet?
@dww44: Tom’s thread down below.
Violet was depressed. :-(
I hope she’s doing Ok and finds someone to talk with.
Villago Delenda Est
Steeplejack (tablet)
Start here.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: Now you know how I felt back in February when the hapless Broncos managed to put some points on the board.
Get ready folks.
If my FB feed is any indication – and it is – the wingnuts are gonna claim Obama is trying to get what he wants through exposing all of us to the ebola virus.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: If they take the senate and go for it, African-Americans will first lose their collective shit and and then drag every person they they have ever met to register to vote and to the polls from now until Underverse come.
Too late.
@Howard Beale IV: You’ve just managed to make my day even worse than it already was. That poor child having to experience something like this just because of stupid people. If only he were a fetus instead of a newborn, there would be more of an outcry.
And, oddly enough, that and two recent incidents weren’t the only security breaches within the Secret Service.
On a more serious note, we just suddenly got our SNAP benefits cut off with no explanation given and at the worst time. Details are here.
Omnes Omnibus
@beltane: I went for the silver lining; the child will have a life.
Let’s not forget this guy.
@Mike in NC:
Actually they get the government they didn’t vote for, but your point is correct, the ones that voted got what they wanted. Everyone else just fucked themselves.
@Patrick: That’s why I’m phone banking and canvassing for the next 3 days and every other day after that. Gotta get the Dem votes to the polls. In my state that translates to the AA votes. Tell everybody what’s at stake. I am NOT giving up.
@Mike J: LOL. A bit of black humor never hurts.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes. Perhaps with some as of yet undeveloped stem cell treatment, he may even be able to see again one day. As someone who lives in a rural area, I’m always live with a bit of low-level anxiety during hunting season. While most hunters are responsible, of at least average intelligence, and not under the influence of intoxicating substances, a sizable minority are either drunk, stoned, or just plain dumb. During this spring’s turkey season, a young child was killed in a hunting accident just down the road from me. Such a waste.
Omnes Omnibus
@dww44: Best bit of black humor I ever witnessed was in Airborne School. An instructor was talking about the ways to deal with a parachute malfunction. He described all the options in order. Someone asked what happened if those don’t work. The response was “You have about 30 seconds to be all you can be.”*
*”Be All You Can Be” was the recruiting slogan at the time.
@Villago Delenda Est: bwa ha ha, you went there. I was just about to.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Thanks.
How about if we just jettison the Secret Service and use U.S Marines. If you want someone to have your back, who ya gonna call? The Secret Service or a Marine?
Mike J
Strictly speaking, half of them aren’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@namekarB: In my experience, Marines are a bit, shall we say, overenthusiastic. Discretion and subtlety are not their thing. You want military to do it? Use the “Old Guard.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: The fact that I am ex-army and had a great uncle who served in the old guard have, of course, nothing to do with with my opinion. Seriously though, I think that the military should not be the President’s primary bodyguards. There are bad historical precedents.
@namekarB: My experience is decidedly anecdotal, but 10 of the 12 Marines I know are experiencing various degrees and types of mental illness, and at least half of them are active drunks. Perhaps not so very different from the SS, in other words.
@Omnes Omnibus: Praetorian Guards?
Omnes Omnibus
@beltane: One example. It also worked out poorly in the Byzantine Empire.
ETA: How are the kids dealing?
@rikyrah: Oh no. What happened to Voilet? I really, really like her.
M. Bouffant
As if Romney has ever had any respect for the functions of the police or law enforcement in general.
Amir Khalid
She said the world sucks. People went “Uh-oh”, asked her if she was OK, and offered virtual comfort/moral support. She said thanks but hasn’t commented since.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anya: Everyone does. Few people can manage that. There were some scarily depressed posts from her overnight. And I don’t believe that she has posted here since then. So, no one actually knows. But we are concerned.
Im sorry. Yesterday on BJ I was “told” that I was being hysterical and that there really wasnt a subtext to this whole thing beyond constrained budgets and the increased demands of a black president. I do not believe that anymore. This is purposeful to continue to erode the confidence in this President (“See even the Secret Service won’t protect him — we NEVAH had this problem with our other Presidents!). Its made to make this President less confident of his immediate protectors and worry him about the safety of his family. It is as low down as you can get and I truly believe is not an accident at all.
I am infuriated and sputtering with frustration that anyone could see this as anything else but purposeful. The Romney involvement in this latest “rumor” is a clear sign cause these people would be stupid enough to “play along” and think it would help them and damage this guy who beat their man in some small way. Pieces of shit
Omnes Omnibus
@Elie: I am still calling BS on your view. The SS is dealing with 3x the threats that previous presidents have had and don’t have 3x the budget. That, in and of itself, is an adequate explanation of what has happened.
@Amir Khalid: @Omnes Omnibus: thanks guys. I hope it’s nothing serious and she was just having a bad time.
Voilet, I am sending you lots of postive energy.
Scamp Dog
@Anya: She made some worrying comments about being depressed; lots of people made supportive comments, as you can see in Tom Levenson’s open thread here.
@Omnes Omnibus: The younger ones are handling it better. The 19 year old is feeling the brunt of it. A lot of responsibility is about to be placed on his shoulders though I will do everything I can to help him. As distressing as this is, it could have been far worse. I’ve found out that the ex started experiencing stroke symptoms while he was driving with the 14 year old. What is now a health crisis could easily have turned out to be something I don’t even want to think about.
@Omnes Omnibus:
As I said…not a hair on his head…
I am sorry. You actually think this is some benign staffing issue for an elite service that traditionally goes above and beyond? That belonging to it should be a source of great pride and intense self and colleague review and judgement? And you say its more like being short at the checker line at Walmart?
Sorry. I have a relative who was in the SS. HE is appalled and points to less benign bureaucratic reasons. Being black and knowing this country — I tend to agree.
Tenar Darell
The news is off the hook fear mongering with a scattering of serious news. So, have a cute pitbull and other doggies video. It really helped.
I wish Violet the best… seriously, I have had better days myself…though I am not clinically depressed – at least not yet.
Things are bad out there…
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m hoping JC does a reverse search like he did when we all became concerned with General Stuck. However I want the results to be in our favour over the last time.
Omnes Omnibus
@beltane: I am an elder son. The “perceived” responsibility of that position comes into play. Even as an adult. When my dad had his appendix burst and I was over 600 miles away, I was upset that I was being fed information second hand because as the elder, I was supposed be able to handle things – it was my job in my mind. I would suggest that you suggest to your eldest a job. Something that he needs to done for his dad or for his siblings. I bet it will make a difference.
@beltane: Ack, I’m late to the party. Everyone OK? You OK?
I hope Violet is okay. She’s one of my favorite commenters here. I know we all have bad days, but when there’s a lot of bad days in a row, it can hurt.
Omnes Omnibus
I did not say that. And you know that I did not. We can disagree, but don’t mischaracterize what I said. I think that the organization is overwhelmed by the sheer number of threats on this president. Like I said. 3x the threats, but not 3x the budget.
And fuck you for suggesting that I said it was “some benign staffing issue.”
Is that supposed to be a question?
@Omnes Omnibus: Thank you for that advice. He has off from school next week so he will be available to pick his little brother up from soccer games and practices. I am also going to use this as an occasion to teach him about the administrative details of life, something he has so far shown zero interest in.
@suzanne: We’re OK over here. My ex-husband had a stroke this afternoon but his condition seems to have stabilized. I am so done with living 70 miles from the nearest real hospital though.
I am also worried about Violet. Several people I know are also in that situation right now. There just seems to be a lot of raw despair floating around at the moment.
I gotta agree. My nephew was accepted into the Marines a year ago & I was frankly, shocked. He’s got sad, major issues due to his mother dumping him & telling him she only really wanted his sister. My brother did his best, but he works 12 hour shifts & is not a textbook parent.
The kid is a violent, borderline sociopath who lies. A lot. To the point where I’m not sure he really can tell what is true or not.
The thought of him being sent overseas with a weapon is just terrifying.
@Yatsuno: and where the hell have you been? You’re the best reason to poke one’s head in here late at night.
@Ruckus: Mountains above Santa Barbara, not Slimi Valley.
I grew up about 5 miles or so from St. Ronnie’s library.
Omnes Omnibus
@beltane: I would not be surprised if he steps up if and does what is necessary. Elder/eldest children really do tend to take the implied responsibility seriously.
Ouch, beltane — do take care. All the best.
A person can do a lot of growing up in the Marines. Sorry to say that not all do but it can be a stepping stone to better things for many. All of the services can but I think the Marines seem to be able to bring around people that otherwise would have a real hard time. At least that’s what I’ve seen from friends. Sort of a wake up call if you will.
Royals winning, bichez. Gunna take this from the Angels.
Beg to differ. Rayguns place is in Simi Valley. Have driven by there in the last 4 months. Didn’t stop, no use, they won’t let you pee on the grave.
@Ruckus: I do hope so. He’s lived most of the country away from me for 12 of his 20 years, but what I’ve seen of him lately doesn’t reassure me. I know the Marines & other services can do wonders, but most of his issues don’t seem the sort they can deal with.
I saw him last month, and he is so angry, the right-wing vitriol & the lying are scary.
@cckids: not only won’t they deal with a lot of that; they actively encourage some of it. Sorry to sound negative, but I fear they will harden a lot of those attitudes.
@Ruckus: silly, you can’t ASK. You bring friends along to create a fake disturbance and distract security while you pee.
Not to be too much of a downer but be prepared that it won’t work and hope that it does. They aren’t miracle workers but they have a long history of polishing off the rough spots. DI’s are trained to observe and find problems with recruits so they can be “adjusted”. That’s my word, adjusted. It really is a thing to watch, not so sure I’d want to go through Marine boot camp. Did Navy and while the process is similar the work load is not. The military needs positive teamwork, not angry individuals and they do their best to get that to happen.
I don’t have that many friends.
@Ruckus: His library is in Simi Valley, I grew up in 1000 Oaks. The ranch is NOT at the location of the library, the ranch is in the mountains northwest of Santa Barbara.
@Elie: I expect that when we have a white male GOP president (I repeat myself) that Secret Service funding will somehow become a priority.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Ruckus, here’s the Wiki:
Look at the link above. Or right here. That is about the Library, which is where his grave is.
Sure if she was going to work there when he was alive. Be a lot quieter now.
Bad day all around I guess. Had to ring the alarms with a cousin’s kid – never met him that I know, but he’d friended me a year back. Posted a goodbye worldish comment tonight. Had to call a cousin in NY to figure out whose kid he was. Said he’d take care of it. Post taken down, so here’s hoping.
In other news, 30-ish daughter visiting parental unit’s neighbor in retirement hood lost it with a golf cart on a hill and hit one of those stupid giant cinderblock/brick mailboxes, thrown into ditch, mailbox fell on her. Old folks around couldn’t get it off, took four VFD’s – who are crazy fast and good, but not fast enough this time.
Ruckus is right — Ronnie’s tomb is at the presidential library in Simi Valley. I saw it myself, though the big signs warning of security cameras and the fact that I was with co-workers prevented me from spitting on it.
ETA: My comment is solely on the tomb issue — not sure which part they considered the “ranch.” I’m pretty sure he spent most of his latter days in Simi Valley, though, since there are better hospitals close by.
My bad, the original comment was about someone working at the ranch.
Timing is everything.
So Bill is correct, the ranch is/was near Santa Barbara. But if you want to pee on him now you have to go to Simi Valley.
Because someone at Balloon-Juice always knows someone relevant, one of my co-workers started his career at the Reagan Library and met him several times. I think he was pretty far into Alzheimer’s at that point, but still had some charisma.
@Mnemosyne: St. Ronnie never lived in Simi Valley, he had a ranch in Santa Monica mountains while Gov. Their primary residence was(is for Nancy) in Bell Aire, next door to the Beverly Hillbilly’s house. They bought the ranch in the San Yenz mountians before his Presidential term.
Charisma. He wouldn’t have been real deep into Alzheimers then. I’ve seen it up close and personal and charisma? Not a word I’d use for someone far into it. Friends parents, my parents had Alzheimers. They lived in homes with others in various stages so I’ve seen a lot of it. Maybe about half way through sure I could see it, not far into it. Probably my greatest fear is getting it. Shoot me(ETA, close but no cigar there as well), run me down with a car(done that been there), have my house fall down on me in an earthquake(not quite but close), etc, etc. You want to see torture, see someone in the late stages. Assisted suicide? Can’t do that in the late stages, so just shoot me with a massive overdose of morphine if I end up there.
Well, what you’re doing is apparently “non-data-driven politics,” and Brad deLong earlier this week proudly linked to an Ezra Klein column that takes great delight in beating Tom Franks’ head in for saying exaclty what you’re saying. Franks says we can’t let the polls stop us from trying to take back the country for progressivism, and so on.
Ezra Klein just has an orgasm sneering and jeering at this viewpoint. To Klein and deLong and the other technocrats, you live and die by the polls and it’s all just equations and trends, and if the equations and trends are against you, then you’re fucked and learn to like it.
But I agree with you guys. I have been around long enough in American politics now to see lots of things that the polls proclaimed impossible turn around and happen. Things like the country turning against the Vietnam war. Things like Nixon going from winning by a landslide to getting impeached and slithering out of office like a reptile in a sewer. Things like Reagan going from godhood in the early 80s to a rightly despised senile thug today. Things like Karl Rove proclaiming a Republican ascendancy for a generation or more, to Rove and company getting their asses spanked in 2012.
People made the same kind of poll-driven arguments that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was impossible and could never pass and blah blah blah. This is the politics of defeat and despair. Nothng can ever change, we’re helpless, it’s all just fucking learned helplessness like a dog that’s been whipped so many times it just cowers and cringes in the corner even when the door is open and the dog’s owner leaves the house.
I don’t buy that crap. I think we have to redouble our efforts. It’s even more important now that progressives take back the senate *and* the house, and I think history is on our side. And I don’t see why saying that makes you worthy of contempt.
If by “charisma” you mean “the reflexive rictus of hate typical of a slow-witted poisonous lizard,” then, yeah, sure. Ronald Reagan made his career as the Great Hater of American politics. He was always ready to denounce some helpless victim — ACLU members in Hollywood denounced as Commies, students deomnstrating for free speech in Berkeley denounced as radical reds, antiwar activists during the Vietnam years denounced as treasonous punks, counterculture kids denounced as “looking like Tarzan, with hair like Jane, and smelled like Cheetah,” impoverished inner city blacks denounced as welfare queens driving Cadillacs, and so on.
How on earth anyone ever got “charisma” coming off that vicious stupid hateful man, I can’t fathom.
All the SS fuck ups should have been kept in house. Let the heads roll and kick tushies hard but spreading the meme that SS is weak and inept just creates temptation for the crazies. There is a reason it’s called the “Secret Service”.
I’ve done some appointed work as a guardian ad litem in guardianship proceedings in elder cases. One of the most interesting people I ever spoke with was a gentleman who had been a top tier engineer, and whose time in the army was spent as an officer on Eisenhower’s staff during the war. He could tell you meeting topics, names, dates and battlefield results in
Regarding his life in 1944, but had no idea as to current year, what he had for breakfast or the names of people in the room (one of whom was one of his children).
What I’ve always heard from, among other people, my dad (not military or ex-military, but he did teach a bunch of them), is that of the four service branches, Marines are by far the most tolerant of outside the box thinking and behavior.
I suppose that could be both good and bad.
I remember reading about what happened when the FBI was brought in to investigate the Aldrich Ames mess at CIA. Golden opportunity for interservice rivalry to go wild – and the cherry on the cake is that it didn’t even protect anything from the Russians, since everything the FBI had access to at Langley, Robert Hanssen duly passed on.
(Also, as silly as this sounds, am I the only one who’s creeped out by the use of the initials “SS?” I’ve read it rendered as “USSS,” I stick with that because I simply can’t bring myself to use the other abreviation).
I wish the Republicans would stop trying to hold the Secret Service accountable for jeopardizing Obama’s safety. Those bastards! They’ll politicize anything.
First and foremost, the Secret Service are cops and will act like cops. That means a hard blue line towards anyone asking questions, and a culture of zero accountability.
John M. Burt
Male or female?