Oh the pride we sometimes feel watching out government taxpayer dollars at work. The most recent example is the GOP-controlled House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on Planned Parenthood which took place yesterday. Titled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider” the hearing is a great fact-finding mission, especially because there will be no one there testifying from Planned Parenthood:
Planned Parenthood responded to not being invited to their own hanging in two ways: they released a report detailing the years of failed smear attempts against the non-profit, dating back to 2000, the last time they were falsely accused of “selling baby parts” or fetal tissue. And Dawn Laguens, the vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, released a statement politely calling the witnesses “extremists” and the House Judiciary members a bunch of frothing time-wasters with a vendetta and evidently, no more pressing business to attend to.
Good to know that our own government conducts its due diligence just like Fox News.
Team Blackness also discussed the latest good deed by LeBrown James and more hateful things about Black Lives Matter, this time from Sarah Palin and The Trump.
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In Star Trek (TNG), the Cardassians (I think it was) would have trials, not unlike what the Rethugs are doing: declare the defendant Guilty, then find the “evidence” to support the verdict.
Banana Republic – it’s not just a line of clothing any more.
Another Holocene Human
Sarah Palin’s channel died. She was supposed to go away. Why can’t she quit us, she quit everything else? Isn’t there some disability pension she could apply for and some amusement parts she could sue and represent herself?
So how many democrats showed up to this hearing? Or was it a GOP only crowd?
Another Holocene Human
@SFAW: Sounds like a witch trial or an ecclesiastical heresy trial.
They should have just made the title “Planned Parenthood Abortions: Aborting Abortions for the Nation’s Aborting Aborters.”
For some reason, this PP shit has me angrier than anything Kim Davis or Trump has done. Is it because of the thousands of women who depend on PP for basic medical care who are the ones about to get screwed? Or that all it takes to give these assholes a chance to hurt as many women as they can is a few crappy-looking and obviously BS videos? I loathe these fuckers, every one of them, and our elite media betters who are treating women’s health like a pawn in an oh-go-clever gotcha game.
Mike in NC
Republicans in Congress following Stalin’s playbook for a show trial. Too bad they lack the authority to shoot anybody.
@benw: Maybe it’s that the GOTea Congresscritters all seem to think that they’re one part SBC hellfire-and-brimstone preachers and one part Gun-Totin’ Capitalist Jeebus’ Enforcers of
MiseryMorality. Kim Davis is the county-official version: steadfastly misinterpreting the job, and swearing on the Constitution to uphold the Bible. In her way Davis is no different: I’m less upset at her due to the scale (how many SSM licenses does someplace as small as Rowan County still have to grant at this point?), but just as peeved at both the intent and the (spurious) justifications employed.boatboy_srq
@Mike in NC: They have the Oafbreakers to take care of the shooting for them. Who needs Congressional authority when you have commandments handed down from Gun-Totin’ Capitalist Jeebus and the Holy Reverend Founding Fathers?
@Another Holocene Human:
Yeah, all they’re missing is a duck
J R in WV
When the name of the meeting is “Let’s Us Kill Us Some Abortionists, Rite Now!!!” it’s hard to think of it as a judicious, honest, open meeting of ideas.
Oh, wait, I spelled everything correctly in that name… doubtful they could do that!
ETA: Fixd that speling stuf.
I’m with you