By request.
Schedule, if I understand correctly, here.
These are the moments you'll treasure forever. These precious hours with friends, reading my basketball shit:
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) March 19, 2017
This post is in: Open Threads, Readership Capture, Sports
By request.
Schedule, if I understand correctly, here.
These are the moments you'll treasure forever. These precious hours with friends, reading my basketball shit:
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) March 19, 2017
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J R in WV
WVU plays Gonzaga next Thursday, if I understand the BB schedule correctly.
I used to like basketball a lot, but then I worked in TV for a couple of years, and we did the state HS basketball championships, which were 3 days, 4 games a day, twice. I burned my BB-liking part right out of my brain. I think it was the middle of the first day, the second year that it happened. Went from kind of fun to OMG stop the bouncing balls!!
But I watched much of the WVU Notre Dame game and enjoyed it. Of course, our guys won going away, which was part of enjoying it. But I’ll try some more basketball and see how it works out. Let’s GO ‘EERS!!
Anne Laurie, you do my heart good. At last, I’ve found someone on the planet who apparently knows and/or cares even less about basketball than I do.
ETA: But you are a good person for putting up a fresh thread. I don’t knock NCAA/NBA at all. It just doesn’t speak to me, any more than most of my own interests speak to other folks. Makes the world go round and keeps it interesting.
Mike J
@J R in WV: I board op’ed a shitload of Memphis State games. Unlike shows we took from the bird, you actually had to listen to games to get the breaks. Annoying.
Steve in the ATL
@Mike J: fuck Dana Kirk and fuck John Calipari!
Jesus, what is this?
Mike J
@Steve in the ATL: All I cared about was waiting to hear Jack Eaton say, “we’ll be back after this [30|60|90] second break.”
Sparty is my last shot at a wad of $$$ in the calcutta.
UCONN women!
Great article. I remember when Princeton almost beat Georgetown and I was in a bar full of people and I was the only one watching the game! 25 years of sobriety have taken me out of the bar scene bit every game is on now so it doesn’t matter.
@karensky: They have done for women’s hoop what Bama has done for SEC football.
Mike J
@raven: They call Uconn the husky dogs, call me deacon blue.
Which one of you mugs requested this?
Go Jayhawks!
Back to lurking.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: I may have mentioned something in one of the long threads this morning, but then I gave up and was off-line for a while.
@Gin & Tonic: Not much interest ’round here anymore.
Trump tax return from 2005 was very misleading.
$25 million of his great year he had to pay back for defrauding Trump University suckers.
Yes in 2005 Trump U was defrauding it’s students.
@jharp: Wring thread there bucky.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Yeah, what can you do?
Gin & Tonic
@raven: You need Mich St, right?
Steve in the ATL
@Mike J: Jack Eaton was the best! Boy, it was scary how old and decrepit he looked when I would go back to Memphis and catch him on the news.
@Gin & Tonic: Yea, gotta punchers chance with Izzo.
@raven: I hope they are not just teasing us. My bracket has Kansas winning it all, but I don’t care. I want MSU to win.
jake the antisoshul soshulist
UConn is great for ESPN, but terrible for the other 341 teams.
@japa21: Funny shit happens.
jake the antisoshul soshulist
I agree, go home, Jayhawks!
Rock! Choke! Jayhawk! Pee ewww!
@raven: Now it is going to have to be real funny shit.
@japa21: Still time.
The mens’ first round had upsets by (3) 11-seeds and (1) 12-seed. (Also a ten-seed, but it’s anyone’s call if that’s an upset).
The womens’ first round had (1) 12-seed and (1) 10-seed win.
The “sum of seeds” for the Sweet Sixteen has been a pretty good metric to show how upset-laden any tournament is. I’ll crunch some numbers later if I have the time.
@raven: Sorry about that. The last 10 minutes it was like a pro team against a HS team.
If Arkansas hangs on against NC, that would leave Duke as the only possible ACC team in the Sweet 16.
Boiler Up! Don’t know if Purdue has much of a chance against Kansas, though.
Carolina Dave
Dook loses, the tournament wins!
U…C…L…A……fight, fight, fight! Go Bruins.