Hear me now, believe me later: as inconsequential as the Stormy Daniels story is, it could be very damaging for Trump.
I’m told that in her 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper Daniels suggests that Trump, how to say this, likes it when women aren’t nice to him, treat him in perhaps denigrating ways.
In the meantime, try to hit 50K sometime soon for the Balloon Juice fund that is split equally among all eventual Democratic challengers in Republican House districts.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
anyone going to watch the tapes or view the pics
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I say P! You say TAPE!
Gump Trump.
Corner Stone
Nunberg has the worst sartorial choices I may have ever seen.
On the GOP House Ballwashing. Via Wapo.
This isn’t even a fig leaf. They’re not even trying at this point.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Smiling Mortician
Ew. And ick. And who’s that quote from, anyway?
Pee tape time! ?????
Just a little light treason.
Corner Stone
I hope there is a pic of a ball gag.
Alain the site fixer
I believe that there’ve been some rumors circulating for a year or more about tapes of him being dominated being in the hands of folks in the intelligence world. I assumed it was just nasty rumors, but hmm. Maybe it’s not just smoke!
@TenguPhule: i.e….
1) we never thought you would notice that we were taking Russian Money
2) We never thought you would care that we were getting intel from the Russians
3) We never suspected that seeking out help from the Russians would bite us on the ass
4) so we’ll throw together 150 pages of easily refutable lies and tell all of you gullible SOB’s to “move along, nothing to see here”
Phil Mudd on CNN: If House Intel Committee Republican Majority report were written on toilet paper, he wouldn’t wipe his ass with it.
Kudos to Mudd
@Smiling Mortician: Josh Marshall
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.)
Jeez, you just had to know it would be something like that. He’s such a creepy, perverted guy, it would have to have been diapers or some other weird fetish. Though I’d have pegged his thing as more likely to be necrophilia or bestiality or something along those lines…
@TenguPhule: House Republicans say “to-may-to”, Mueller says conspiracy and obstruction of justice. He’s not calling the whole thing off.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Considering I am pervert with an active fantasy life and would like it to remain that way. No.
I do disagree with you about Stormy being inconsequential.
In the regular scheme of ‘ Affair and morals killing a candidate ‘ – you are right.
But, it’s the money, and the questions about the money that make this story linger.
Because, this money relates to other money.
And, Stormy gives credibility to the woman paid off by the Enquirer…and to Wolf’s book that there are others. …
This Twitter reaction to the DeVos “60 Minutes” interview made me chuckle.
The upcoming Stormy Daniels interview, and Trump’s furious reaction, should be a hoot.
Mike in DC
There will be a HPSCI minority report, of course, which will come to a very different set of conclusions. And there’s enough left unexplored to guarantee a fresh investigation should control switch hands next year.
Has anyone opened an investigation into Russian money funding the NRA?
@MJS: Its not Mueller I’m worried about.
? Martin
@Alain the site fixer: Well, his book might have had something to do with that.
Yes, ghostwritten by someone else, but that’s true of every other book Trump has taken credit for.
Patricia Kayden
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Nope but I’ll listen to all the juicy details. I hope it shames and damages Trump even if just a little.
If Stormy releases videos and text messages, it will put Trump supporters on the defense and turn off some of the White women who voted for him. Or so I hope.
BREAKING: It turns out that Donald Trump was conspiring with an *active* FBI informant while he was secretly leveraging his presidential run in 2015 and 2016 to get a business deal with Russian nationals.
Do I need to point out how *hard* that’s going to come back to bite him? https://t.co/yTbZgP1gp3
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 12, 2018
“Greed is my go-to weapon. I knew how to tap into that emotion. I would convince them that they’re going to make a lot of money with me.” Deep dive on Felix Sater from @a_cormier_ and @JasonLeopold https://t.co/nGtcEGSli4
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) March 12, 2018
Patricia Kayden
@debbie: Good question. Perhaps Democrats in Congress are exhausted but I haven’t really heard them pushing this. If they take over Congress in November, such an investigation should be a priority along with impeaching the White House Occupant.
What gives you any confidence that CBS has the intestinal fortitude to air the 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels?
? Martin
So, I could give zero shits about Trump or anyone else’s sex life, but a lot of people have dirt on Trump and Trump will do anything to keep that from getting out, and everyone should care about that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike in DC: I want televised hearing. Fredo, the Princess and Jared answering questions from Schiff and the other ex-prosecutors
@Patricia Kayden:
Announcing that you’re targeting an enemy political group right before elections isn’t sound strategy.
Kneel to your Sinclair masters, slaves!
I’ve always thought that the only thing that could hurt Dolt45 with his base was if he appeared weak. And oddly enough I wondered if perhaps he was somebody who liked to be mistreated.
This would explain why he paid Stormy to be quiet.
Betty Cracker
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it comes out that Trump has a thing for being flogged, shat upon, peed on, etc. His seemingly boundless self-regard masks a bottomless pit of need for affirmation because, at his core, he knows he’s a worthless piece of shit. Classic narcissism.
@Patricia Kayden:
The males of the tribe want to be him, the females to be under him.
@Patricia Kayden:
I don’t need for them to be turned off. Could care less. Do want the capability of throwing it in their faces.
@Patricia Kayden:
It would be fun, if only to watch LaPierre’s head explode.
it’s there. the money is being followed.
Jay S
@Smiling Mortician:The quote is from here: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/is-the-stormy-story-more-damaging-than-we-thought
@Alain the site fixer: I feel bad for those IC folks who had to watch it.
@rikyrah: Ha. I think the most effort will be the GOP wondering how to spin it to their benefit.
It will come back to you
It will come back to you…
FFS, this is beyond parody.
“All that work Russia invested into attacking Hillary and promoting Donald really doesn’t prove that Russia was actually attacking Hillary and helping Donald.”
Time to pack it up, Onion.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Kay always says it’s important to the conservatives/Republicans she knows to feel like they are good people compared to liberals/Democrats. I hope Stormy damages that sense.
Totally forgot that was her nom de plume here
Way too much goddamned information. I want him for treason not sex.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.):
Daniels originally claimed that sex with Trump was fairly vanilla. Juicing up the story for 60 Minutes may hurt her credibility.
Also, in the scheme of themes, dominance play and diapers are next door to vanilla for a lot of people.
OTOH, anything that makes Trump nervous is a good thing.
GOP-led House investigation concludes no Trump-Russia collusion
MoCA Ace
@Corner Stone:
GOD DAM IT!!!! i was going to complain about a trigger warning but I should have known better than to wade into the comments on this one.
fuck the brain bleach… I’m thinking rubbing alcohol and a match!
? Martin
@hilts: They may not, but it’d be such a dumb move on their part. The story will still come out, and then everyone will ask why CBS didn’t air what they had, and why the sucked up to Trump instead of reporting the news. You’d think they’d have learned from the last time 60 Minutes was in this situation. They ended up getting scooped by the WSJ on a story they had months before. They gained nothing, and lost a huge amount of credibility in the process.
And what’s the risk – that Trump will sue them? The president can’t do that. I doubt the NDA that Stormy signed would stand up if what she says implicates Trump in any kind of illegal act, no matter how minor.
? Martin
Apparently neither is not announcing it.
Corner Stone
@MoCA Ace: You thought this thread was going to go somewhere else? Really?
I can’t wait for the ball gag / pig oinker photoshops to own the interwebs.
Corner Stone
@? Martin: CBS will air it.
@TenguPhule: you expected differently?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You can’t see it but I just did a cheer and jumped into an almost side split (I’m a little rusty).
Roger Moore
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.):
There are some strong indications he’s interested in underage girls.
Ah, well that certainly explains a lot about his behavior towards women — he’s ensuring he gets what he wants.
@Roger Moore:
And that they don’t have to be willing or conscious.
Betty Cracker
@Emma: Al Capone, tax evasion, etc. But a sex scandal won’t take out Pence (that we know of! ?), so yeah, good point.
@Betty Cracker:
Under his eye Pence is the one I want to see humiliated and perp walked. He is dangerous and I think a terrifying creature.
She did say he liked her to spank him with a rolled up magazine with Ivanka on the cover. Or maybe that was another girlfriend? Is there worse?
PA DEMOCRATS: Firm up your plans NOW for voting tomorrow
Check your polling place, open 7am – 8pmhttps://t.co/cDhtu3NCQk
Make sure you bring proper ID if necessary
Please give rides to those who need them
— meta (@metaquest) March 12, 2018
Mary G
Schiff is having none of Devin’s nonsense:
Daily Mail:
@Mary G:
I hope they get Nunes et al for obstruction and more
George Spiggott
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.):
More likely “Donna” being “pegged”…
@TenguPhule: I think this is the actual sexual kompromat. Stormy dominating him is pretty vanilla.
The young woman who dropped her case in the summer before the election because of death threats, seemed to be suggesting that victims were disappeared.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.):
If his sexual kink is submission, it makes even more sense now that his stance in the public area is one of swaggering, tough-guy, domineering manly manliness. PROJECTION!!
@rikyrah: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: I agree, also pretty much everyone remembers John Edwards.
@MomSense: And underage. These murders by Russia are definitely so public, they’re more of “don’t think we can’t touch you” statement than fucking wearing that as a t-shirt.
@ruemara:Eastern Promises. IRL.
That would be my first choice, too, but as long as they get him on something I’m not particular as to the details. If they have tape of him stealing pennies from Barron’s piggy bank to buy a box of XXXL Depends, that works for me.
Interesting. The OSS dug a lot into the Austrian paper hangers proclivities in order to get ‘inside his head”. One this that the very few women he had relationships with said was that he liked to be humiliated and abused.
Doug R
I dunno, I heard about her spanking him with a Forbes magazine in just the first revelation.
Link please? Not that I don’t believe it, I’d just like more information
And to the dossier.
Here’s one where the accuser says when and her family were threatened. I’ll keep looking for the one where she alleges he said something about doing to her what he did to another girl.
teump threatened to kill
Trump is all about Trump. His self-regard – oh, what a towering genius He is. And those other guys (losers) must see what a stud he is, right? Women are just p*ssies to be grabbed (only if they’re hot enuf).
Same with “President” Trump: His towering ego comes First. America is an afterthought.
It’s a pathetic state of affairs. Anyone who voted for this slime-bag is an idiot.
@TenguPhule: That “inappropriate” word will break under the strain from all the lifting.
The Lodger
@SiubhanDuinne: So if Trump is the sub, who’s the UnSub? There are so many possibilities…
@MomSense: I had missed that, Horrifying.
zhena gogolia
We’re watching the “lost JFK inaugural gala” on PBS. I thought they were going to just let us watch it. But they keep interrupting with Todd Purdum or Doris Kearns Goodwin. I want to hear Nat King Col’s kickass rendition of “Surrey with the Fringe on Top,” not Doris Kearns frickin Goodwin!
Chip Daniels
So that’s why Trump ran.
He was hoping Hillary would spank him in the general election, but these are not bright people, and things got out of hand…
@Chip Daniels: hahaha
@germy: just a little light treason”
And they weren’t even looking….
@? Martin: forget the sex….who and where is the body?
Diapers, golden showers, and strap-ones. Guaranteed at least one is involved.
I’ll bet he called her “Mommy” too.
@brendancalling: a close look at the fine print on Ms. Daniels non nondisclosure reveals that any materials including photos, audio recordings and video must be turned over….
It’s very possible that Drumpf wanted to “relive” his Stormy adventures at a later date…
The Midnight Lurker
@? Martin: A screenwriter buddy of mine got hired to write a pilot starring Trump as the Devil years ago. It was about an NY cop who accidentally discovers that the Trump character(?) is actually the Devil. Hilarity ensues… I assume. Never read it. My buddy did tell me that the Devil lived at 666 Park Ave. I did laugh at that.
Miss Bianca
@TenguPhule: this is my throwing-up face.
@Corner Stone:
“Thank you, ma’am, may I have another?”
@delk: …it’s your favorite foreign movie?