We have a straight pride parade, it’s called the Rose Bowl.
— Molotov Frappuccino Thrower (@agraybee) June 4, 2019
That’s not a numeral in the title, it’s an infinity symbol, representing the boundless stupidity / cupidity of these Very Normal Dudes. Our self-styled Hub of the Universe offers a rare opportunity for these “jokers”, since there are significant power blocs of both quasi-intellectual ‘independent thinkers’ and troglodyte pre-VaticanII Catholic revanchists, who occasionally manage to overcome their natural antipathy in the hopes of putting “those people” (everyone not a member of their musty little hate groups) in our place. Believe me, eyes are being rolled. Per the Boston Globe:
A small group of organizers say they’re gearing up to host what they’ve dubbed the “Straight Pride Parade” through Boston this summer, a claim that has set off a visceral reaction nationwide and drawn criticism on social media from the likes of Chris Evans and many others as Pride Month gets underway.
But as reports made the rounds on social media Tuesday, landing the “Straight Pride Parade” among the top trends on Twitter, the city clarified that the proposal isn’t exactly set in stone…
According to the screenshot of the Facebook announcement, the so-called Straight Pride Parade would tentatively take place on Aug. 31 — a prime move-in day for returning students, mind you — and follow the same route of the city’s annual LGBTQ Pride Parade that’s happening in Boston this weekend…
One of the lead organizers pushing for the parade is Mark Sahady. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because he’s the same person from the controversial Resist Marxism group, which hosted the Rally for the Republic on Boston Common in 2017 that attracted swarms of counterprotesters.
Sahady posted last week on Facebook that it looks like the proposed parade “will happen,” but his announcement didn’t get much traction on social media until Tuesday.
[Anybody surprised that a NYTimes reporter was the first to fall for this stunt?]
A group called Super Happy Fun America — of which Sahady is apparently the vice president — is taking ownership of the parade plans…
According to officials from Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s office, the group planning the “Straight Pride Parade” has been in contact with the city.Despite some people claiming online that it’s “official,” organizers have yet to receive the necessary permits to hold a parade, the city said. Like any other group, they need to go through the permitting process.
As for Walsh, at first he didn’t directly address the parade, and instead issued a statement Tuesday about the city’s annual Pride Parade and Pride Week celebrations…
Walsh said he was at a lighting ceremony in the South End Tuesday, for Pride, when he told people “‘don’t even worry about it, there will probably be 10 people at the parade, if he has one.’”…
For his part, Hugo, one of the main organizers, said he thought it was “really funny” that Hollywood actors have been attacking him and his organization, adding that one of the members of his group is gay…
I’ll bet he has a Black friend, too — although that ‘friend’ may not know it. Click the link for a variety of tasty twotter ripostes.
Given the response to Sahad’s last ‘public provocation’ rally, I suspect he’s not gonna have a lot of followers show up…
A handful of white supremacists surrounded by people who think they are terrible … sounds like America to me! https://t.co/OoTjPC9ZzT
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) August 19, 2017
Also, the brilliant Alexandra Petri, at the Washington Post:
And here come the floats!
The first float is a hot tub with two bros sitting in it, five feet apart, because they are not gay! They throw Charleston Chews to the assembled crowd. At one point their hands brush in the bucket of Charleston Chews and they both apologize, and then although there is more candy to throw, they stop throwing the candy and cease to make eye contact…
The next float is a dad being disappointed at a gender reveal party, firing a pink cannon into the air and saying, “Darn.”
Seth Rogen is the marshal, even though he does not want to be.
Next comes a polka band.
Behind the music comes a battalion of women with matching haircuts demanding that a manager, somewhere, turn the music down.
The next float is Adam blaming Eve for being cast out of paradise. Many people follow this float handing out pamphlets, and only some of them look happy…
Omnes Omnibus
Why is she bringing Silverman into this?
You know Adam ate that damned apple and blamed it on Eve.
John Revolta
“We were gonna have some bagpipers, but, those costumes, you know………………ya know?”
Omnes Omnibus
@John Revolta: They could wear trews. OTOH, they keep putting long, hard, black things in their mouths if you know what I mean.
@Omnes Omnibus: He knows what he did.
John Revolta
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, I think I do.
i mean no disrespect to Annie Laurie or anyone else but we need to stop falling for this shit—are we trying to make the cracker running this thing famous? Because we are.
Why is every fucking newspaper giving this shitgibbon so much free advertising? He’ll use this attention to raise money from wingnut welfare. This parade is just a troll. The media would never shower a tiny parade for a good cause with this much attention.
Nobody has learned ANYTHING from 2016. I’ve never been to J school, but let me explain how this shit should be handled: the MSM should’ve ignored it even if it trended on fascist twitter and Faux; then after 5 people showed up at the damn thing MSM could/should write articles about what a fucking failure it was.
Now the so-called liberal media has given this shitbag standing in the wingnut community—better watch your back, James O’Keefe. You might have some competition for those oligarch hate dollars.
Pardon my rant, but my rage at the media is incandescent lately—if photographed from space my loathing would look like a neon middle finger.
@hervevillechaizelounge: On the other hand it does rather inhibit the dude from slithering into more consequential discourses as if he might have a contribution, if his name is recognizable. (Not that I can’t see your point also.)
@hervevillechaizelounge: I think you’re right, and that the publicity matters more to them than whether the march happens.
Still, here’s some information that I didn’t know yesterday when the humor was ascendant. (Apologies)
The H. Fun group page sounded more like a spoof to me when I read it earlier.
@Aleta: That was from the Daily Beast.
Elizabeth Warren at town hall, Q about Hyde Amendment.
@Aleta: E. Warren is gonna make Uncle Joe wish he’d stayed retired during the debates.
The idiot asshole can’t even grift properly.
Sister Golden Bear
Entries for the H8 Pride parade:
1. Giant AXE body spray float
2. Bag of Doritos float
3. A gendered single-person bathroom
4. Big Mountain Dew float
5. A tiny unwashed dick float
6. Tomi Lahren rising a swastika
7. Jacob Wohl, waving on a Twinkie
8. Charlie Kirk in a diaper
9. The curly haired gun girl in a beige leotard, riding an AK-47
10. Giant-sized parent’s basement
@Sister Golden Bear: What, no Cheetos?
@Sister Golden Bear:
Don’t be hatin’ on Axe. Apparently, they’ve been mocking these guys on Twitter, too. Axe is woke, even if it’s a cliche and stinks.
Straight Pride – No grifting opportunity left unmolested!
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Sister Golden Bear: https://twitter.com/AXE/status/1136260381645639680 I was impressed by the company’s reply. Obviously/
That was exactly the right response for AXE to take. The product may be g*dawful, but the company is on the right path, I think.
Chip Daniels
Where are the cop, the Indian, the construction worker the sailor and the biker?
Tenar Arha
@hervevillechaizelounge: & @Aleta: Dead thread but maybe you’ll check back….I’ve been trying to work this out since yesterday. It’s really been bugging me too.
Yesterday, when there was a story about how even when we had gatekeepers Orange Julius used to spread rumors to get picked up by the NYPost, the NYTimes, & then the AP, that British royals/Diana were buying a condo in his building or joining one of his clubs. Periodically Buckingham Palace would have to issue multiple statements debunking this nonsense. But by then there’d been plenty of buzz & probably sales.
And so it is clear to me that what just happened in like the past ~3 days isn’t really a completely new phenomenon. However it’s significantly sped up. Because all possibility of reporters fact checking, even for uncorroborated events, goes by the wayside if it’s a good target for a knowing laugh, & if you’re good at getting noticed it’s now available to anyone on a massive scale bc of social media platforms.
Unfortunately, in this world without gatekeepers, where even reporters & editors who should know better spread bullsh*t via their social media on the regular, I’m not sure it’s possible to stop these blatant ploys for free PR by white supremacist thugs. And I’m now wondering if there’s any way to use the connectedness of social media to spread the debunking &/ correction as far & wide as the original ploy—and I just don’t know.
@Tenar Arha: that would require the journalists and others eager to jump on the latest outrage to be just as eager to voceriferously spread the fact check….something that hasn’t happened to date.