My daughter says this video is what the Internet is for. I can’t disagree. Here’s another open thread.
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My daughter says this video is what the Internet is for. I can’t disagree. Here’s another open thread.
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Well, I guess Colbert proved that is indeed his favorite song.
I think it goes nicely with Flogging Molly’s Worst Day Since Yesterday.
J R in WV
Stephan Colbert is quite a performer, in so many ways!
“I’m going to live through this year, if it kills me!”
A theme song for our modern era!
Another Scott
I have more followers than that.
The counter shows 144 at the moment, after being above 360 earlier (after being above 600 before that, after being several million before the latest banning). Something weird is going on in Twitter land.
it’s for watching CBS when DirecTV is having another of its semi-yearly blackouts of your favorite channels.
I’m not so sure about next year, though.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
trump has enlisted Rand Paul as an intermediary in his quest to rename the JCPOA “the Trump-Iran Deal”
@Another Scott:
356 just now. Maybe most were bots and trolls?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Maybe his diminutiveness reminds them of tiny Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: makes you wonder if Rand was making fun of Lindsey when the three of them played golf the other day and so won the hawk v isolationist fight
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
If so, then Lindsey didn’t stand a chance!
Patricia Kayden
Huge sigh! I’m going to be optimistic based on the midterms and hope that we’re working on overcoming the electoral college advantage that Trump may have.
Major Major Major Major
Love, love The Mountain Goats. Glad Colbert is having fun.
Good lord though, John Darnielle has really turned into a… dad. NTTAWWT
@Patricia Kayden:
How does he have an Electoral College Advantage, when the main questionable states that he won in 2016, flipped HARD in 2018.
@rikyrah: They are trying to create a narrative to enable T
Major Major Major Major
@rikyrah: he has a structural advantage in the electoral college because unlike a democrat, there are feasible scenarios where he again loses the popular vote by millions and still wins the election. 2018’s results don’t change that.
ETA just like how republicans still have a structural advantage in the house, even though we won in 2018.
A must-read. The ad for Trump’s NC klanklave is really something.
Ohio Mom
Never heard of this Mountain Goat group — I have never been able to keep up with pop culture.
It’s a fabulous song and the line “Next year there will be feasting and dancing in Jerusalem” gave me shivers. And (as a Jew) it’s not like I haven’t heard and said that line a gazillion times before but always rotely.
Also very fun to see Stephen Colbert living his best life ever. We all need more joy to fuel us
to keep going, thanks very much for this lovely interlude, mistermix.
Ohio Mom
@Major Major Major Major: Yes, I was momentarily confused by there being a suburban dad fronting things but decided to just roll with it. The other guys in the group looked sufficiently rouche and that reassured me.
Now I am going to google other Mountain Goats video.
zhena gogolia
The Cats trailer is out. Weird, but I’ll just have to go see it:
@Major Major Major Major: I read his “analysis”. He has every fucking thing breaking T’s way including Orange winning one of Maine’s congressional districts and splitting the EC vote for the state.
Went and listened to that and on the up next list was 2 videos – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly by The Danish National Symphony Orchestra, and even better – Man with a harmonica (Once upon a time in the West) by Nederlands Concertkoor. Live performances of music you wouldn’t expect from national orchestras. Amazing.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
But happening twice in as little as 4 years? That’s never happened before and would be incredibly destabilizing. I can’t imagine people would stand for that.
And really why doesn’t 2018 matter? The GOP tried race-baiting that year and it failed. It failed in Virginia in 2017 as well and the Virginia electorate reflects the rest of the United States very well
Major Major Major Major
@Ohio Mom: they’re not really a video group…
Their most famous song is called No Children, but it’s from a pretty screwed-up album. The song up top is from The Sunset Tree and almost all the songs on that are great, and less screwed-up. Though lots of their stuff is pretty screwed-up, less so lately.
Hard to navigate their 35-album discography though.
ETA newest album is fun, check out The Sunset Tree though.
@Another Scott:
Like his style.
Sort of a fuck you to most of his followers. I like that in a god.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: lots of things have never happened before!
@Major Major Major Major:
Day after tomorrow for example.
Chyron HR
@Major Major Major Major:
I don’t know if that’s a great rebuttal when the Trump Wins projections all boil down to, “when an incumbent has economic growth above x he must be re-elected.”
So, not unlike John Cole then?
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Popular vote loser has won the EC 5 times, last being Bush in 2000. Could happen easier now, with population growth in the cities and losses in the rural states.
Ben Cisco
Today’s observations:
– Been rewatching Babylon 5 on Comet. It still works, but was much more enjoyable as science fiction than as a allegory for current events.
– Trying to have the patience to be still (not knowing when/if the resolution you’re waiting on will come to pass, let alone in your favor or not) is a sub-optimal way to learn to be patient.
– Sometimes, it’s not about everything, or even most things. Sometimes, it’s about the one thing.
Another Scott
@Ruckus: More:
(145 followers at the moment.)
Was wondering who would make that connection.
John Cole is god? Or is it John Cole is GOD?
In the book he seems a bit more sedate. Real life must piss him off. Or maybe it’s us……
Ohio Mom
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Left you a birthday greeting and some advice on the bottom of the Atrios/minimum wage thread.
@Another Scott:
I think twitter is fucking with god.
It seems that has not gone all that well in history. God may be funny but I’m not sure he has a sense of humor.
@Ruckus: The book of Cole is required reading, didn’t ya know
If Steeplejack is around, the answer to his question is west Alexandria.
Major Major Major Major
A personal favorite by The Mountain Goats, “Up The Wolves”:
Already on it, every day, just like you.
Ohio Mom
@Major Major Major Major: Thsnks!
@Ben Cisco:
Sounds like something Josh might say. ;)
Yes!! Forever FLOTUS Michelle Obama!
And I tell you what…that Orange mofo better just keep it moving and betta keep Michelle O’s name out of his mofo mouf!
zhena gogolia
Check out the link at my comment #21 — Idris Elba in Cats.
He’s only in the trailer for a nanosecond, though.
I recently saw the Good, Bad, Ugly performance video. Fun stuff.
@zhena gogolia: saw it yesterday. I posted about it in one of the open thread last night.
Too creepy looking for me…and I’ve seen the live traveling show production of CATS and I liked it, but yeah it was weird even LIVE…so…nah…I’ma have to pass on this one, and to be quite honest, I was suprised when I first heard Idris was part of the cast.
A few years back the Mountain Goats released an album where every song was pro wrestling themed. Good stuff. Drummer is John Wurster from Superchunk. He also drums for Bob Mould and is part of a comedy duo. Check him out in Aimee Mann’s “Labrador” video, which is hilarious…and a good song:
@zhena gogolia:
It certainly looks…odd. intriguing, but odd.
Very interesting cast. National Treasure Dame Judi Dench and Taylor Swift?
ETA. I note that I have not seen a live theater production of Cats. There are some musicals I know and love from the cast recordings or movie versions.
@zhena gogolia: used to think that nothing could stunt Idris Elba’s sexiness in my eyes. But then I saw this trailer, and I swear, even if I never see the film (just too creepy looking for me), and it may have done what I never thought could happen.
I mean even before the trailer, when it was reported Idris was cast, I was like “oh Idris, baby…what is you doing”
I will go see it if reviews are positive.
I also note that right now I have no interest in seeing the new version of The Lion King. Disney had world class animators, spinning out beautiful fantasy. I don’t see the point of a photo-realistic movie. What’s next, a version of Finding Nemo with fish that look like…fish? Where’s the magic?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Ohio Mom:
Thank you, I did. Seriously, I don’t have OA or RA. Trust me, I’d know. It’s just my weight pressing down on my kneecaps on a hard floor that hurts.
Unfortunately, withdrawing from a class isn’t possible as that interrupt the sequence and you can’t do that. The Associate Degree program is much more strict than the BSN program
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
The sad thing is, the film didn’t have to be as bad as it is. There are plenty of films where the animals are 3D animated and photo-realistic but could emote really well
@Brachiator: Oh, I’ve already told my younger sisters I aint seein no Lion King.
My youngest sisters LOVED it as children, but I was a teenager and so I liked it, but not with the obsessiveness that they had.
Besides which, I’m still pretty darn peeved that they cut Be Prepared as a song from the film
zhena gogolia
Do you dislike cats?
I thought there was some kind of fun cat-imitation in the trailer. So it intrigues me. Plus I’m an ALW fan. (Not so much Cats, though. I’m a Jesus Christ Superstar gal.)
Ben Cisco
@Brachiator: Swap the J for a K and I’m inclined to agree.
one of my favorite songs. one of my favorite albums, actually.
Thanks, got it downstairs. Hope you like it here!
Great comment in that thread!
Thank you. I needed that video.
The Lodger
@Luthe: I’d move there just so I could get a library card.